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CrossFit Hackney Weekly WOD’s 11/08/2014 – 17/08/2014

Posted 10th August 2014 by Josh Schouten

Week 6/12

The macrocycle continues with new percentages and the introduction of a 7 week improve you leg strength day (Thursday).


Day  Focus
Monday  Snatch & Squats
Tuesday  Power Clean & Fran Capacity
Wednesday  Gymnastics – Handstand Focus
Thursday  Weeks 1/7: Improve leg strength (prep for a ME Back Squat)
Friday  Beach muscle Friday, Fight Gone Bad practice.
Saturday  CFA = Power Snatch and Clean & JerkAll other Athletes = Deadlift,  Cleans & Press
Sunday  Gymnastics Ring Work – Muscle ups and regression


Monday 11/08/2014

Warm-up (10min)

Warm-up with a light KB

15 KBS

10 Push-ups

* This should take no longer than 10minutes!


Strength (25min)
CrossFit Athlete Speed Under the Bar


5 OHS – position

5 Pressing Snatch – pressing under the bar

5 Drop Snatch – movement of the feet and speed under the bar

5 Heaving Snatch – Change in direction (feet stay in recieving position)

5  Snatch Balance – Bringing it all together


A. Snatch 7sets:

set1: 60%x3

set2: 65%x3

set3: 70%x2

set4: 75×2

set5-7: 80%x2

CrossFit Second Pull


5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Vertical Jumps –straight legs

5 Snatch pulls – jump hard not high

5 Snatch high pulls – keep the bar close, elbows up and out

5 Mid-hang power snatches – jump hard no heigh


A. Mid-Hang Power Snatch 3 x7sets

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. Mid Hang Power Snatch + OHS (2+1) x 7sets


Capacity (10min)
CrossFit Athlete Work in partners complete EMOM:


4 Rounds of (8min):even minute:3 Back Squat @80%

odd minute:

21 UB Wall Balls

CrossFit even min:

4 Back Squats (heavier than last week)


odd: min:

16 UB Wall Balls 9/7kg

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie even min:

4 Back Squats (comfortable weight)


odd min:

10 UB Wall Balls


CrossFit Athlete 40-30-20-10reps for time:



KBS 24/16kg*

Box Jump up and Step Down 24/20′


* Is you have shoulder issues, please only perform Russian swings

CrossFit KBS = 20/12kgPress-ups -> Incline Press-ups
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie KBS = Comfortable weight and heightPress-ups -> Incline Press-upsBox Jump = Comfortable height


Tuesday 12/08/2014

10 Breathing Air Squat


5 Front Squats

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Tall Cleans

5 Vertical Jumps (no bar), drive the legs straght

5 Mid-Hang Power Cleans


* This should take no longer than 10minutes


CrossFit Athlete A. Power Clean 6sets:set1: 70%x3

set2: 75%x3

set3&4: 80%x2

set 5&6:85%x2

CrossFit Either Power Clean




A. Mid-Hang Power Clean 3 x6sets

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. Mid-Hang Power Clean 5 x 5sets


Capacity (15min)
CrossFit Athlete Choose a weight that allows you to complete ALL repetitions.  The goal is to MOVE FAST WITH GOOD FORM.‘5min EMOM:

B. 12 Thruster (MAX WEIGHT 42.5/30kg)


rest 2min


5min EMOM:

C. :30sec Kipping Pull-ups – can you get 15reps each minute?


* Please write your scores on the whiteboard for the thrusters and pull-ups

CrossFit ‘B. Thrusters (use a weight that allows you to complete all reps)


C. [Scale: :30sec Ring Rows]

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie B. Thrusters (empty bar, work on quality reps)

C. :30sec Ring Rows


WOD (15min)
CrossFit Athlete 21-15-9


OHS 45/30kg

Over the bar burpees


CrossFit OHS 40/25kg – can you hold this weight in the bottom of an OHS for 10sec?  If not scale the weight, or perform front squats. 

The aim of the WOD if to have a safe and effective workout.  If your OHS is poor, you will get more benefit from performing a front squat.

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Front Squats a comfortable weight


Wednesday 13/08/2014

You CAN do handstands without being strong, but I advise you to get strong first to make it a whole lot easier.In particular, you must have strong triceps, shoulders and wrists- Mobalise Wrists

– Hollow Rocks

– Candle Stick Rolls

– Know the escape route, forward rolls in tuck position

– Get upside down with headstand

– Put it together

– Headstand to forward roll, handstand to forward roll.  – think about tucking your chin first, and then rolling out of the headstand


Gymnastics Conditioning
CrossFit Athlete Conditioning 40/20 (3rounds, 9min)- Back Hold on Boxes


– Front Hold on Boxes

– Wall facing handstand holds – nose and toes should touch the wall. – as you walk up the wall look at you feet.  This will help to keep your body in a hollow position.


CrossFit [Scale: Back Hold on Boxes, Reverse Plank][Scale: Front Hold on box, Inch worm, pause in the hollow shape]


[Scale: Wall Walks, decrease angle]

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


Gymnastic Strength


A-1 Deficit Kipping HeSPU  4 x ME, 20×0, :60

A-2 Wide Grip Chin-ups  (weighted) 4x 3-5 20×0 :60

* this should take no longer than 15min

CrossFit ‘EitherA-1 Kipping HeSPU 4 x ME



A-1 Head-stand Kick to wall 65deg 4 x3-4reps

A-2 Wide Grip Chin-ups 4 x4-5reps 20×0


A-2 Chin-up negative 4x 1reps 80×0 (or as slow as possible.  Do not go to complete failure)

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A-1 [Scale: Headstand kick out to press-up]


A-2[Scale: Ring Rows 4 x 10-12reps]


WOD (15min)
CrossFit Athlete 12min for total reps:3 Rounds of:(30sec Work/30sec “Rest”)

V-Sit Kickout (double crunch)

“Rest” is in V-Sit position

(30sec Work/30sec “Rest”) Press-ups

“Rest” is in FLR position

(30sec Work/30sec “Rest”) Burpee

“Rest” is in FLR position

(30sec Work/30sec “Rest”) Squat

“Rest” is in parallel position

CrossFit Press-ups -> Incline press-ups – “Rest” with chest on box
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


Thursday 14/08/2014

Warm-up (10min)
Warm-up  your squatIn Partners take it in turns to perform:3 Rounds:

5 Wall Squats

5 BB Front Squats

5 BB Thrusters


Strength (30min)
CrossFit Athlete

wk1 of 7: Improve leg strength

A. EMOM Back Squat 10 x 3reps, 30×0 @65% – the aim is controlled quality repetitions. Be patient the weight will increase in the weeks ahead.


B-1 BB FFE Split Squat 3 x 10-12 (ea leg), 31×0, :60 – The hamstring of the front leg should cover the calf in the bottom position of the spit squat.  DO NOT CHASE weight, chase full range of motion (ROM)


B-2 Heels Elevated Hack Squat 3 x 10-12, 30×0, :60

hardest: use barbell behind back

moderate: hold 2x DB to your side w/ palms facing forward

easy: KB in a goblet position

easyest: with hands behind you back



CrossFit A. Back Squat (medium weight, think 6/10 effort)B-1 KB/DB FFE Split Squat 3 x 10-12 (ea leg) 31×0, :60

B-2 .. (if the exercise is too hard with simple use your body weight and place you hands behind your back)

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. Back Squat a comfortable weight


B-1: Body weight FFE Split Squats

B-2 Body weight Hack Squats


WOD (20min)
CrossFit Athlete Heavy Fran (15min time limit):


15-12-9 reps of:

Thrusters 60/45kg

Muscle-ups [Scale: C2B pull-ups/ Pull-ups]

CrossFit Thruster 45/35kg


Muscle-up -> C2B Pull-ups -> Pull-ups -> Ring Rows

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Thruster comfortable weight

Ring Rows and Push-ups (12-15-9)



Friday 15/08/2014

Ring Row Complex:

In Partners, take it in turns to complete:


8 supinated ring rows

8 semi-supinated ring rows

8 pronated ring rows

8 Left hand supinated, right hand pronated ring rows

8 left hand pronated, right hand supinated

8 Prontated ring rows on one ring (close grip)

8 Supinated wide grip ring rows


CrossFit Athlete A-1 45* Incline DB Bench Press  5 x 6-8, 31×0, :60secA-2 Kneeling BB Reverse Curl, pause for 3sec @ 30* on eccentric 5 x 6-8, 40×0, :60sec
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A-1 4 x 8-10A-2 4 x 8-10 (no pause) 30×0, :60sec


CrossFit Athlete We will spend time teaching and perfecting the movement before we start.

I recommend reading the “master the movements” section of the blog post here

FGB Capacity rounds :30/:30 (18min)


3 Rounds of each station:


MAX Sumo DL High Pull 35/25kg

MAX REP Box Jumps 20′

MAX REPS Push-Press 35/25kg


MAX Wall Balls

Rest :60


* These are ALL OUT EFFORTS for :30sec

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Scale all movements to comfortable weight and height



Saturday 16/08/2014

CrossFit Athletes may use a bar to warm-up, everyone else should use a PVC5 Behind the neck press

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Mid-Hang Snatch pulls

5 Mid-Hang Snatch high pulls

5 Mid-Hang Power Snatch



Warm-up Power Snatch, building to 70%


CrossFit Athlete A. Power Snatch 5x 2 @70%



strip the bar and warm-up your clean and jerk

B. Clean & Jerk:

set1: 65%x2+1

set2, &3: 70%x2+1

set4, &5: 75%x1+1

set6: 80%x1+1

set7: 85%x1+1

set8: 90%x1+1

CrossFit Chase good form, NOT THE WEIGHTA. Deadlift 6 x3reps @ 80%+

B. Mid-Hand Power Clean and Press 6 x 2+1

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. Deadlift 4 x 8-10repsB. Mid-Hand Power Clean and Press 6 x 2+1


CrossFit Athlete 16min AMRAP partner WOD.  Both partners must before all reps.

P1 does 3 Power cleans and then P2 does 3 Power cleans.


3 Power Cleans 60/40kg

6 Over the Box Jumps 24′

9 Down and Ups (chest must touch the floor)

Your score is your combine total reps.



3 Deadlifts @ 75% of best weight lifted in the strength section.

6 Over the Box Jumps 24/20′

9 Down and Ups (chest must touch the floor)


CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: All movements to comfortable weight and height]



Sunday 17/08/2014

Warm-up (12min)
Learn hollow rock.  Bracing you midline in global flexion.Learn the weight plate GTOH movement:

5 Weight Plate Deadlift – maintain a flat back and touch the round edge of the weight plate to the floor

5 Weight Plate Cleans – use you hips to drive the plate to your chest

5 Weight Plate Strict presses – whenever we put a weight over head we squeeze our butt muscles and brace our midline (pull you bottom rib down towards the top of you pelvic).  Think like a hollow rock

5 Weight Plate GTOH – ground to hips, hips to chest, chest to overhead with butt and belly tight.  Then reverse the movement to safely return the weight to the floor


CrossFit Athlete A-1 Muscle-up negatives 4 x 2-3 (slow and controlled) :60sec
A-2 Strict Ring Dips 4 x ME (all reps with good form) :60sec
CrossFit A-1 Eccentric ring pull-ups 4 x3-4, 50×0, :60secA-2 Eccentric Jumping Dips with pause 4 x 3-4, 5200, :60sec
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A-1 [Scale: Ring Rows] 4 x 5, 50×0, :60secA-2 [Scale: :20sec straight arm support holds on the rings]


Capacity (15min)
CrossFit Athlete 3 Rounds of each (12min)30/30B-1 Hanging L-Sit Holds on pull-up bar (aim to hold for 10sec, rest 10sec and then hold for a further :10sec)

B-2 Gymnastics Press-up  – progression towards muscle up transition skills

C-1 Back Extensions on GHD or Floor (supermans)

C-2 Ab-Wheel Roll-outs with knees on Ab-mat

CrossFit [Scale: L-Sit, One leg straight, Both legs bent][Scale: Gymnastic Press-up, Forearm Press-up]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


WOD (12min)
CrossFit Athlete 10min AMRAP:


30 Double Unders

30 Ring Press-ups

30 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

30 Weight Plate GTOH 20/15kg

30 Walking lunges w/ Weight Plate OH 20/15kg

CrossFit 3 x Single = 1 DURing-Press-ups -> FLR Press-ups -> Incline press-ups

GTOH = 15/10kg

OH Walking Lunges  = 15/10kg

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie