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CrossFit Hackney Weekly WOD’s 25/08/2014 – 31/08/2014

Posted 24th August 2014 by Josh Schouten

Week 8/12

The majority of  week 8 will be a deload in preparation for the final macrocycle of the 12 weeks.  On Thursday this week we will continue with the focus of increasing your back squat PR.  On Saturday we will also aim to set a new PR on your power snatch, clean and jerk.

Some fun WODS this week include:

– the CrossFit Games Masters Down and Back Chipper (Friday)

– the re-test of the Fight Gone Bad WOM (Saturday)

Day  Focus
Monday  Snatch & Squats
Tuesday  Power Clean & Fran Capacity
Wednesday  Gymnastics – Handstand Focus
Thursday  Weeks 3/7: Improve leg strength (prep for a DE Back Squat)
Friday  Beach muscle Friday, CrossFit Games Masters WOD – Down & Back Chipper
Saturday  CFA = ME Power Snatch and ME Clean & JerkAll other Athletes = Deadlift,  Cleans & Press
Sunday Gymnastics Ring Work- Muscle ups and regression


Monday 25/08/2014

Warm-up (10min)

:60sec Single skips

:60sec 1 DU + 1 Single Skip

:60sec Max DU

Burpee Tekkers


Strength (25min)
CrossFit Athlete Speed Under the Bar 

5 OHS – position

5 Pressing Snatch – pressing under the bar

5 Drop Snatch – movement of the feet and speed under the bar

5 Heaving Snatch – Change in direction (feet stay in receiving position)

5  Snatch Balance – Bringing it all together


A. Snatch 7sets:

60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x3

CrossFit Second Pull 

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Vertical Jumps –straight legs

5 Snatch pulls – jump hard not high

5 Snatch high pulls – keep the bar close, elbows up and out

5 Mid-hang power snatches – jump hard no heigh


A. Mid-Hang Snatch 2 x7sets

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. Mid Hang Power Snatch + OHS (2+1) x7sets


Capacity (10min)
CrossFit Athlete Working in partners;  P1 Completes ALL reps as quickly as possible while P2 rests. 

Work in partners YGIG.


3 Back Squat @70%-80%

10 Box Jumps 30/24′


CrossFit Scale: Box Jumps 24/20′
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Back Squat a comfortable weight

Box jump a comfortable height


CrossFit Athlete 10 Rounds of:30 DU

Burpee Pull-ups (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)

CrossFit If you fail to get your chin above the bar SCALE to ring rows! 

30 DU or 90 Singles

10-1 Ring Rows

10-1 Burpees

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie 3 x Single skip = 1 DU


Tuesday 26/08/2014

5 Rack Delivery

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 High Hang Power Cleans

5 Mid-hang Power Cleans

5 Segmented Cleans (pause at mid-hand)

* This should take no longer than 10minutes


Strength (20min)
CrossFit Athlete A. Power Clean 5sets 

set1: 70%x2

set2: 75%x2

set3-5: 80%x1


CrossFit A. Mid-Hang Power Clean 3 x7sets (go heavy)
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. Mid-Hanf Power Clean 5x5sets


Capacity (15min)
CrossFit Athlete Choose a weight that allows you to move fast (the stronger athletes should be doing a weight heavier than Fran weights).ITS NOT ABOUT THE WEIGHT, ITS ALL ABOUT MOVE FAST WITH GOOD FORM. Working in teams of 2, which team of 2 can get the highest?’10min YGIG Ladder

1 Thruster each

1 Pull-up each

2 Thrusters each

2 Pull-ups


CrossFit Thrusters should be a weight that you can move for 12 UB reps 

Scale: Pull-ups to Ring Rows

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Thrusters (empty bar, work on quality reps):30secRing Rows


WOD (15min)
CrossFit Athlete Work in partners to coplete YGIG 1 rep each until all reps completed: 

50 Box Jump Up and Step Down 24/20′

50 Push-ups*

50 Partner Wall Balls 9/7kg

50 Bottom-to-Bottom Burpees**


* P1 does a press-up while P2 holds the top of the press-up position.  Then P2 does the press-up while P1 holds the top position.


** Bottom to Bottom Burpee starts and ends on the floor.

CrossFit Scale: Push-up – > incline push-ups
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Scale: Wall ball to comfortable weight and height 

Scale: Box Jump to comfortable height


Wednesday 27/08/2014

You CAN do handstands without being strong, but I advise you to get strong first to make it a whole lot easier.In particular, you must have strong triceps, shoulders and wrists 

– Mobalise Wrists

– Hollow Rocks

– Candle Stick Rolls

– Know the escape route, forward rolls in tuck position

– Get upside down with headstand

– Put it together

– Headstand to forward roll, handstand to forward roll.  – think about tucking your chin first, and then rolling out of the headstand


Gymnastics Conditioning
CrossFit Athlete ‘Conditioning 30/30 (4rounds, 12min) 

station 1: Descent Straight Body Lever from Floor


station 2: 180* Back Extensions / Supermans


station 3: Handstand Shoulder Shrugs, nose and toes on the wall


station 4: Hanging shoulder shrugs (maintain hollow rock shape while hanging from the pull-up bar)

CrossFit Station 1: Scale leaver’s (the same way we scale hollow rocks) 

Stations 2: Supermans on floor


Station 3: 65* wall walks (DO NOT PERFORM SHRUGS HERE)


Station 4: As is

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


Gymnastic Strength

A-1 Deficit Kipping HeSPU  4 xME, 20×0, :60

A-2 Wide Grip Chin-ups  4x 4,3,2,2 (weighted, what can you do for 2reps?) 20×0 :60


* this should take no longer than 15min

CrossFit A-1 Kipping HeSPU 4 x-8reps 


A-1 Head-stand Kick to wall 65deg+ 4 x3-4reps

A-2 Chin-ups 4 x 3-4reps 20×0



A-2 Chin-up negative 5x 1reps 80×0 (or as slow as possible.  Do not go to complete failure)

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A-1 [Scale: Headstand kick out to press-up] 

A-2[Scale: Wide supinated grip Ring Rows 4 x 10-12reps]


CrossFit Athlete 12 minute AMRAP of: 


10 TTB

15 Wall Balls

CrossFit Scale: HeSPU -> Persian Press-up -> Press-up – > Incline Press-upScale: TTB -> K2E -> Hanging Knee Raises -> V-ups -> Double Crunch
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


Thursday 28/08/2014

Warm-up (10min)
 20 Air SquatsHip Mob – ready for squats


Warm-up you Back Squat to 70%


Strength (30min)
CrossFit Athlete

wk3 of 7: Improve leg strength

A. EMOM Back Squat 10 x3reps, 30×0 @70%


B-1 BB FFE Split Squat 4 x 10-12 (ea leg), 31×0, :60

– The hamstring of the front leg should cover the calf in the bottom position of the spit squat.  DO NOT CHASE weight, chase full range of motion (ROM)


B-2 Heels Elevated Hack Squat 4 x 10-12, 30×0, :60 – hold a KB or weight plate in goblet position

– hardest: use barbell behind back

moderate: hold 2x DB to your side w/ palms facing forward

easy: KB in a goblet position

– easiest: with hands behind you back

CrossFit All movements to be performed with a comfortable weight focusing on good form and fast contraction (go heavier than last week)
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


WOD (20min)
CrossFit Athlete 3 Rounds of: 

10 Deadlifts 100/70kg

20 KBS 32/24kg

30 Walking Lunges

Run 400m

CrossFit Scale: Deadlift 80/50kgScale: KBS 20/26kg
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Scale: Deadlift to comfortable weightScale: KBS to comfortable weight

Friday 29/08/2014

Go Over the Tekkers of each and select the correct movement for the WOD 

10 Box Jumps

10 TTB -> K2E -> Hanging Knee Raises -> V-ups -> Sit-ups

10 Ring Dips -> Feet on ground

10 Wall Balls


CrossFit Athlete A-1 45* incline DB Bench Press  5 x 5-7, 31×0, :60sec 

A-2 Kneeling BB Reverse Curls (no pause this week) 5 x 5-7, 40×0, :60sec

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A-1 4 x 8-10A-2 4 x 8-10 (no pause) 30×0, :60sec


WOD (21min)
CrossFit Athlete CF Games Masters WOD – Down & Back Chipper” 

50 box jumps 24/20′
25 toes-to-bars
50 wall-ball shots 9/7kg 10/9′
25 ring dips
50 wall-ball shots
25 toes-to-bars
50 box jumps


note: You only have 3min max to complete each station.  Box Jumps must be finished before the clock reaches 3min.  TTB must be finished before the clock reaches 6min, wall balls before 9min, ring dips before 12min, etc…  If you fail to complete the reps in time you MUST move onto the next station.  You have 21min to complete the WOD.

* TTB is a difficult movement to perform correctly.  If you can not perform TTB correctly do NOT swing pointlessly from the bar. SCALE THE MOVEMENT!

CrossFit Scale: TTB -> K2E -> Hanging Knee Raises -> V-ups -> Sit-upsScale: Ring Dips – > Feet on ground
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie Scale: Pull-ups -> Ring Rows

Saturday 30/08/2014

CrossFit Athletes may use a bar to warm-up, everyone else should use a PVC 

5 Behind the neck press

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Mid-Hang Snatch pulls

5 Mid-Hang Snatch high pulls

5 Mid-Hang Power Snatch




Warm-up Power Snatch, building to 70%


CrossFit Athlete


A. Power Snatch 5sets:

set1: 70%x3

set2: 75%x3

set3: 80%x2

set4: 85%x2

set5: 2RM


B. Clean & Jerk 7sets:

set1: 65%x2+1

set2: 70%x2+1

set3: 75%x1+1

set4: 2x 80%x1+1

set5: 85%x1+1

set6: 90%x1+1

set7: heavy single

CrossFit A. DE: Deadlift 3reps EMOM for 10min 75% of last weeks 3RM (moderate weight)B. . Mid-Hang Clean & Press 6 x 1+1(work up to hevey weight), :60-:90sec
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A. DE: Deadlift 3reps EMOM for 10min (comfortable weight)B. Mid-Hang Power Clean and Press 6sets of  (2+1)


CrossFit Athlete ‘”Fight Gone Bad!”Three rounds of:


Wall-ball 9/7kg 10/9’ (Reps)

Sumo deadlift high-pull, 35/25kg(Reps)

Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)

Push-press*, 35/25kg (Reps)

Row (Calories)


* Bar starts on the floor

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie

Sunday 31/08/2014

Warm-up (12min)
3 Rounds of


5 Target Burpees

5 Strict Pull-ups

5 Press-ups



CrossFit Athlete A-1 Muscle-up negatives 5 x 3-4 (slow and controled) :60sec  

A-2 Strict Ring Dips 5 x ME (all reps with good form) :60sec

CrossFit A-1 Eccentric ring pull-ups 5 x3-5, 50×0, :60sec 

A-2 Eccentric Jumping Dips with pause 5 x 3-5, 5200, :60sec  (boxes or rings)

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie A-1 [Scale: Ring Rows] 4 x 5, 50×0, :60sec 

A-2 [Scale: :20sec straight arm support holds on the rings]


Capacity (15min)
CrossFit Athlete 3 Rounds of each (12min)30/30B-1 Hangining L-Sit on Rings/Pull-up bar 

B-2 Gymnastics Press-up – progression towards muscle up transition skills


C-1  Back Extensions (supermans) on floor C-2 V-Sit-ups

CrossFit Scale: L-Sit, One leg straight, Both legs bent 

Scale: Russian Press-up, Forarm Press-up

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


WOD (12min)
CrossFit Athlete In teams of 3


12 min to row as far as possible as a combined effort.

10 Target Burpees (touch pull-up bar with 2 hands)

9 Pull-ups

8 Press-ups

Row 1min (max distance)

P1 Starts.  As soon as P1 finishes the Press-ups, P2 can start the burpees. As soon as P2 finishes the press-ups P3 can start the burpees. When P1 comes off the rower they must wait until P3 has finished the press-ups befor they start their next round.    CHECK THE TIME ON THE ROWER WHEN YOU START TO ROW!  DO NOT RESET THE DISTANCE COUNTER,


If you catch the partner in front of you, you can rest slightly before its your turn to row.  GOOD LUCK!!

CrossFit Scale: Pull-ups -> 12 Ring RowsScale: Press-ups -> Incline Press-ups
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie