The CrossFit Hackney Training Ethos (part 1)
A good small business is constantly growing and learning every step of the way. At Momentum Training we are always looking at ways to improve what we do and keep our member motivated (Its all about the GAINZ). In part 2 we will talk about why we are introducing the new levels.
Over the last few moths the coaches at CFH have been busy designing ways to improve our already awesome classes. In September we will be introducing a new design in to our CrossFit classes. The CFH training ethos will soon be improved to include:
New CrossFit Engineering Classes– prepare to take it to the next level. These new classes will replace the “CrossFit Skills” and the “CrossFit Rookie” classes – we will introcude a new and improved skills classes to help members master the movements, improve their strength, skills and WOD until their hearts content
New CrossFit Hackney Levels – don’t stress, we are not dividing the classes. We are simply replacing “CrossFit Athlete, General CrossFit, CrossFit Endurance, and CrossFit Rookie” with a new and improved leveling system that will help all of us become stronger, leaner and meaner.
New CrossFit Class Elements:
As you know, the CFH classes are very different to most other CrossFit boxes. Our focus has always been on results and making sure everyone has a safe and effective workout. Our coached spend a lot of time designing and testing the training program.
The CrossFit class structure is about to be upgraded to include:
Part A
CrossFit Strength – this is the dedicated time to work on increasing our strength in functional movements like squats, deadlifts, pressing and pulling. All levels will perform the strength elements of the class. Each level will however have its very own sets, repetitions, tempos, and rest periods.
CrossFit Gymnastic Skills – this will be the time to learn and master the skills required to perform movements like muscle-ups, toes to bar (TTB), kipping pull-ups, handstands, burpees, pistol squats and more. The progressions of each movement will be taught and all levels will get have a chance to practice the steps required to achieve these movements.
Olympic Lifting – this is when everybody will get the chance to learn, practice and challenge their Olympic lifting ability. Olympic lifting is a very complex set of movement patterns, and the best way to learn the movements of the snatch, the clean and the jerk is to shorten the range of motion. The training experience and the ability of each member will dictate the exercise prescription during this element of the class. The coaches will be on hand to help everyone master these complex lifts.
Part B
Movement Quality – “high-quality” movement standards, that are both functional and transferable, will be practiced in a work capacity setting. Movement quality is important, as perfect practice makes perfect. Practicing movements in a capacity setting allows us to perform more “high-quality” repetitions before fatigue sets in. The work-to-rest ratio during the movement quality elements will encourage members to practice each movement and build and awareness of individual ability. Members will need to scale the movements to match their strength and skill level if progress is to be made towards the end goal of mastering the movement.
CrossFit Engine Work (CFEW) – the new money maker! Anaerobic and aerobic power, endurance and capacity will all be put to the test in this element of the class. Be prepared to work at very high percentages of your ability in this element of the class. There is no time to “game” CFEW; this will be an ALL OUT EFFORT. Expect to see sprints, rowing intervals, unbroken repetitions and motivations milestones to make you push the boundaries of you fitness levels.
Part C
Workout of the Day (WOD) – You all know the deal here.
Note: CFH classes will always contain an element of part A. The classes may contain additional elements of part B and/or part C. Yes, sometimes there will not be a WOD, but after completing the CFEW you will be glad that there is no WOD as your heart and lungs already be burning.