CFH Training Days 08/09/2014 – 14/09/2014
Week 10/12
The weeks continue to roll on and the GAINZ in the gym are slowly creeping up. A number of members have made some very honest improvements in their Olympic lifting ability. Its also going to be interesting to see how the back squat leg strenght improvements will go in the final few weeks.
The new CrossFit Engine Work was also impressive in week 9. The objective is not to “game” these workouts and to simply give 100%. The objective it to push your fitness levles to new highs and to realise just how hard you can work.
The training days this week will be:
Day | Focus |
Monday |
Snatch WOD: Snatch focus |
Tuesday |
Vertical press and Pull. CFEW: Maximum Aerobic Power (Oxidative) |
Wednesday |
Gymnastics – Handstand Focus WOD: Inspired by CrossFit Games Masters WOD “Down and Back” |
Thursday |
Weeks 5/7: Improve leg strength CFE: Maximum Aerobic Power (Oxidative) |
Friday |
Horizontal Push and Pull CFEW: WOM:Jack Maximum Aerobic Power (Phoshahen) |
Saturday |
Power Snatch, Clean and Jerks WOD: 15min time cap |
Sunday |
Gymnastics Ring Work- Muscle up skills WOD: 5 Rounds for time |
Monday 08/09/2014
Warm-up |
Performance and Sport:
3 Pressing Snatch 5 OHS 5 Drop Snatch 5 Snath Balance 5 Mid-hang Snatch High Pulls (triple extension) 5 Mid-hang Snatch Warm-up your snatch before you start the workign sets. Functional and Movement: (with a wooden stick) 3 Rounds of: 5 Tall Muscle Snatch 5 Mid-hang Snatch High Pulls 5 Mid-hang Power Snatch 5 OHS
Olympic |
Performance |
A. Snatch 9 singles: set 1,4,7: 90%x1 set 2,5,8: 95%x1 set 3,6,9: Heavy Single * record HS for next week |
Sport |
Gradually build towards your PB snatch. In the 8-9th set aim to set a new PB Record your PB for next week. |
Functional |
A-1 Mid-Hang Power Snatch + OHS, 5 x (3+1), :60 A-2 Vertical Jump*, 5 x 3reps, XXXX, :60 * From a 1/4 Squat aim to jump as high as you can. Think of pushing the ground away and straightening your legs as you jump. It’s a good idea to land with soft knees. |
Movement | A-1. Mid Hang Power Snatch, 6 x 2-3A-2 Vertical Jump*, 5 x 3, XXXX, :60sec |
Performance |
Performance and Sports athletes will work near the rig. Movement and Functional work in availible space. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 3 Squat Snatches 60/40kg 6 Burpees Over the Barbell 9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . . Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 3 Squat Snatches 60/40kg 6 Burpees Over the Barbell 9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups |
Sport |
Squat Snatch 50/35kg C2B -> Chin-over-bar |
Functional |
Same format with the following movements: 3 Front Squats @ 50/35kg* 6 Burpees over the barbell 9 KBS 20/16kg * Bar starts on the floor |
Movement |
Same format as Functional: Front Squat to comfortable weight KBS comfortable weight |
Tuesday 09/09/2014
Warm-up |
3 Rounds: 10 Wall Balls 5 Burpees -then- Dip-Pause Push-press Tekkers! – Don’t be a T-Rex, Grip the bar outside your shoulder width – Weight to the front edge of the heel – Slow dip and pause – Torso upright, pull your chin in – Drive with the knees – head through the hole |
Strength |
Performance |
A. Dip-pause Push-press, 6 x 5,4,4,3,3,3, 11×0, :90The athlete performs a push press with a one-second pause in the bottom of the dip B-1 Mixed Grip Chins (weighted), * 4 x 6-8, 20×0, :60B-2 Behind the neck, Snatch Press, 4 x 6-8, 20×0, :60
* One hand pronated one hand supinated, switch each set. |
Sport | |
Functional |
A. Dip-pause Push-press, 5 x 5-6, 11X0, :90 B-1 Mixed-Grip Chins (with bands), 3x 8-10, 30×0, :60 B-2 Standing Military KB/DB Press 3 x 8-10, 30×0, :60 |
Movement |
A. Dip-pause Push-press 4 x 8, 11×0, :90 B-1 Mixed Grip Inverse Rows*, 3 x 10-12, 30×0, :60 B-2 Seated DB/KB Military Press, 3 x 10-12, 30×0, :60 * Set a barbell at hip height in the freestanding (not on the rig) squat racks. |
CrossFit Engine WorkMaximum Aerobic Power (Oxidative) |
Performance |
Split the class into teams of 3. (MAX of 7 teams as we have 7 rowers). AMRAP 16minutes Row 250m 15 American KBS 24/16kg 10 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′ Each team gets 1 Rower, 1 KB and 1 WallBall. The row must be done in order P1, P2, P3. As soon as P1 finishing the row P2 will start their row. P1 will immediatly move onto the KBS and Wall Balls. Contimue to cycle through the rounds, only rest if you are waiting for the equipment, otherwise GO 100% The score is the total distance rowed by the team |
Sport | |
Functional | Same format as Sport and Performance:
250m Row 15 KBS 20/12kg 10 Wall Balls 7/5kg 10/9′ |
Movement | Same format as Sport and Performance:
250m Row 15 Russian KBS (comfortable weight) 10 Wall Balls (comfortable weight) |
Wednesday 10/09/2014
Gymnastics Warm-up |
Hollow Rocks – 10 tuck position – 10 single leg straight – 10 with arms overhead – 10 both legs straight – rock back onto shoulders as high as possible (toes point to the ceiling) Using your fingers to controll the handstand – Kick-up to tuck position handstand – Kick up to handstand On the foam matts – handstand to fwd roll practice
Gymnastics Skills |
Performance |
Gymnastics Circuit: 45/30 3 Rounds (18minutes) Half the class will start on station 1 and the other half on station 2. Nobody starts on station 3 or 4 as this will interupt the flow. Everyone will move through the stations in order 1-4.
Station 1: Shoulder taps agains wall + forward roll out Station 2: L-Seated Ring Support Hold, active shoulders and chest up (accumulate as much time under tension as possible) Station 3: Either Chin to Toes Handstand on wall* or practice freestanding handstand Station 4: Hollow Rocks (scale to appropriate level)
*Start to gently bounce your toes away from the wall so that you are holding a freestanding handstand right up against the wall as much as possible and using your toes to balance for the rest of the time. |
Sport | |
Functional | Station 1: Handstand weight shifts (nose and toes on the wall)
If you can not get nose and toes to the wall simply perform shoulder taps in a press-up position on the floor. Station 2: Scale the same way we scale hollow rocks (bent legs), or simply hold a straight arm ring support Station 3: If you can not get nose and toes to the wall simply hold a hollow shape at the highest angle possible Station 4: Hollow Rocks and scales |
Movement |
Movement Quality |
Performance |
EMOM x 10min even min: 5 Active Arch Hangs (hold arch 3sec at top) odd min: 3 Tempo Strict HeSPU 52×1 (deficit if you can) For the arch active hangs the emphasis should be on control and coordination. Do not try to add momentum to the movement. Learning how to engage the shoulders to draw the torso up and back. The HeSPU work is a tempo with a 5 ct down, 2 in the bottom, explode up, 1 count between reps. |
Sport | Strict HeSPU if you can. If not, you may kip and work on eccentric strength. |
Functional |
EMOM x 10min even min: Arch Active Hangs -> Active hang without the arch odd min: 4 Tempo Deficit Push-up on KB 52×1 |
Movement |
Same as Functionl. If you struggle tp press-up simply focus on the eccentric movement. Lower yourself in a nice hollow body position for the count of 5. Pause and hold the bottom position for 2sec. Drop to your knees to press-up and then restet to hollow for the next repitition. |
Performance |
Inspired by CrossFit Games Masters WOD “Down and Back” body weight version for time: 50 Air Squats 50 Burpees 50 Sit-ups 50 Ring Dips 50 Sit-ups 50 Burpees 50 Air Squats |
Sport | Same as Performance except the dips will be push-ups |
Functional |
Same as Sport Push-ups can be scaled to incline push-ups if needed. |
Movement | Same as Functional except:..30 Burpess..30 Push-ups..
30 Burpees .. |
Thursday 11/09/2014
Warm-up |
Work in partners and complete 3 Rounds each of:
5 Deadlifts (light bar, focus on form) 10 R-Leg Split Squats 10 L-Leg Split Squats20 KBS
Warm-up you back squat ready for the working sets |
Strength |
Performance |
wk5 of 7: Improve leg strength: A. Back Squat 6 x4reps 20×0 @85% (up wt on last set if you can – no failed reps) B-1 KB/DB Walking Lunges 4 x 15-20 steps, 2010, :60 B-2 BB RDL, 4 x 3-5, 31×0 @ 65% (of back squat), :60 |
Sport | |
Functional |
A. Back Squat 5 x 5, 30×0, (increase weight each set), :60 B-1 Walking Lunges w/ DB/KB, 3x 15-20 B-2 BB RDL (heavier than last week), 3x 6-8, 31×0, :60 |
Movement |
CrossFit Engine WorkMaximum Aerobic Power (Oxidative) |
Performance |
Work in partner YGIG to complete 4 rounds each (16minutes in total) of: 2minute rounds: 10 Deadlift* AMRAP Box Jumps 24/20′ in remaining time. rest: 2min between each round. As soon as P1 finishes, P2 will commence their deadlifts. Work with a partner of the same level. Your score is the total number of box jump Round 1 Deadlift: 80/60kg Round 2 Deadlift: 100/70kg Round 3: Deadlift 120/80kg |
Sport | Same as Performance:
Round 1 Deadlift: 70/50kg Round 2 Deadlift: 80/60kg Round 3: Deadlift 90/70kg |
Functional | Same as Sport:
Round 1 Deadlift: 60/40kg Round 2 Deadlift: 70/50kg Round 3: Deadlift 80/60kg Scale weights to your ability. |
Movement | Same as Functional:
Deadlift a comfortable weight. Do not change the weight between rounds. |
Friday 12/09/2014
Warm-up |
3 Rounds: 10 reps of each: Push Press KBS Box Jumps |
Strength |
Performance |
A-1 BB Flat Bench Press, 5×5, 30×0, :75 A-2 Bent Over BB Row, Supinated Grip, 5×5, 30×0, :75 |
Sport | |
Functional |
A-1 4 x 6-8 A-2 4 x 6-8 |
Movement |
A-1 3 x 8-10 A-2 3 x 8-10 |
CrossFit Engine WorkMaximum Aerobic Power (Phoshahen) |
Performance |
For 21minutes you will work and rest: Work in partners of the same level. P1 starts on PP and P2 starts on KBS. EMOM 21 minutes (7rounds): Min 1: 10 Push Press 52.5/35kg* Min 2: 10UB KBS 24/16kg Min 3: 10UB Box Jumps 24/20′ If you fail to complete the reps, you must skip the next minute of work. *Try not to put the bar down in the PP.If you must rest, try to hold the bar in an OH position. |
Sport | |
Functional |
Push Press 40/25kg KBS 20/12kg BJ 24/20′ |
Movement |
Push Press (comfortable weight) KBS (comfortable weight) BJ 24/20′ (comfortable height)
Saturday 13/09/2014
Warm-up |
Performance and Sport Warm-up for Power SnatchFunctional and Movement Warm-up for Mid-Hang Power Snatch |
Olympic |
Performance |
A. Snatch 7sets: set1: 60%x2 set2: 70%x2 set3: 80%x2 set4&5: 85%x2 set6&7: 90%x1 -then strip the bar and warm-up form clean and press- B. Power Clean + Power Jerk – 2(1+1) 5sets: set1: 60% set2: 65% set 3: 70% set4&5:75% Aim to finish all working sets by 40:00 |
Sport | |
Functional |
A. Mid-hang Power Snatch 5 x 2-3reps (work on good form), :75-90 -then strip the bar and warm-up form clean and press- B. Segmented Clean (mid thigh) + Front Squat + Push-Press 5x (1+1+1) |
Movement |
A. Mid-hang Power Snatch 5 x 5reps (work on good form, suggest bar with wooden disks), :75-90 -then strip the bar and warm-up form clean and press- B. Segmented Clean (mid thigh) + Front Squat + Push-Press 5x (1+1+1) |
Performance |
‘For time (15min time cap): 50 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′ 40 Over Head Walking Lunges w/ Wall Ball 30 Over Head Squat w/ Wall Ball 20 Pull-ups |
Sport | |
Functional |
Pre-WOD test: Can you do 10UB kipping pull-ups? If not you MUST scale to ring rows Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′
Movement |
40 Wall Balls 7/5kg 10/9′ 30 Over Head Walking Lunges w/ Wall Ball 20 Front Squat w/ Wall Ball 10 Ring Rows
Sunday 14/09/2014
Warm-up |
4mins to do as many DU as possible.-then-V-ups and TTB Tekkers |
Gymnastics Skill |
Performance |
A-1 Baby Muscle-ups w/ jump 5 x 5-6, :60sec A-2 Tuck to dip + Kipping Dip on Rings 5 x 5-6, :60sec |
Sport | |
Functional |
A-1 Baby Muscle-ups (feet stay on the ground) A-2 Tuck to dip, jump back to straight arm position, 5 x5-6, :60sec |
Movement |
Gymnastic Circuitmuscle-up skills |
Performance | 3 Rounds of each (12min)30/30
Station 1: Russian Dip on 4 x boxes (stack 2 boxes on top of each other) Station 2: GHD Sit-ups Station 3: L-Sit on paralletts Station 4: Kipping Ring Row |
Sport | |
Functional |
Station 1: Elbow press-ups Station 2: Straight leg Ab-mat Sit-up Station 3: Single leg straight, or both legs bent holds on paralletts Station 4: As is.. |
Movement |
Performance |
5 Rounds for time: 30 UB DU’s* 10 UB Pull-ups 5 UB TTB * perform 3 burpees each time you break ANY of the UB reps |
Sport | |
Functional |
5 Rounds of: 30 UB DU’s* 10 UB KBS 20/16kg 10 V-ups * perform 3 burpees each time you break skipping or KBS. You may perform 3 singles skips per DU. If you break the single skips you do burpees. |
Movement |