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Survey feedback

Posted 8th September 2014 by Geoff Stewart

A massive thank you to everyone who completed the survey in the summer. We read every response, and we’ve taken it all on board. There are some things we can’t do much about (like Josh’s hair), but the below is a summary of some of the common themes and the changes we’ve made or will be making in response to your feedback. There’ll be more to come. Feel a bit like Virgin Active posting this kind of touchy feely stuff, but we want you to know we do care…



  • You asked for us to clean the gym more. Our cleaner now comes twice as often and we’re keeping it under review to see if we need her more. Geoff is hiring a steam cleaner for the green track. Please help us keep the bars clean by wiping yours down at the end of each session.  We have also ordered some hand held white boards to scribble your WOD scores on and to save the chalky mess.
  • You asked us to put more coaches in busy classes and keep an eye on class sizes. We now have two coaches in all the busy peak classes and we’ll keep this under review. The Levels have been introduced to help coaches and members be aware of their CrossFit abilities, to help make everyone’s workout safe and effective.  We have also recently hired a new coach who will be starting with us in October.
  • You asked for more classes on the timetable. We have added additional weekend CrossFit classes and moved the CrossFit trial class to Monday at 8:30pm. In October we will be introducing some further CrossFit sessions. We have also recently employed the services of Calum who will be taking an Olympic weightlifting session at the weekend and Giles will be in the gym to run beginners Olympic weightlifting courses and some mid-morning Olympic lifting sessions during the week. Watch this space.
  • You asked for more mobility classes. Emerson and Stretch are planning to run a shoulder mobility seminar on Saturday 26th of October. The new October CrossFit classes will also contain mobility drills related to the skills and strength exercises being taught in the specific class.
  • You asked for more nutrition related events. There will be a free sports nutrition seminar on Saturday 20th September and we will put another date in the diary for a further event later in the year. We are also looking at a new system that will help coaches and members monitor nutrition, sleep, exercise and everything related to health and fitness.
  • You asked us to update teamup to reflect which coach is actually taking the class. We’ve done this to reflect the regular slots, although sometimes it’ll be incorrect due to holidays, coach absences etc. If you see any that are regularly wrong, please let Jane know.
  • You said the music was shit. It was shit. We opened up a public playlist and it got even shitter. So we’re ignoring your feedback and sticking to our own music. Although Geoff has downloaded some new tracks…  Feel free to make new playlists for us – just let us know where to find them and we’ll try them out.
  • You said we should look at the course/class structure and see if more options can be provided. We scruntinise the timetable constantly and are continually trying to improve it and make it work for as many people as possible. We know it’s not possible to please everyone all of the time, but please know that we’re trying our hardest. You should also know that we have considerably more classes on our timetable a week than any other CrossFit box in London.
  • You said that although in general the atmosphere is great and the gym is a really welcoming place, sometimes the banter gets a bit too close to the bone on a few topics. We’ve had a stern chat with ourselves about this. It’s really important to us that the gym is a really friendly and inclusive place. If you ever feel otherwise, then please let us know tout suite.
  • You said the showers are a bit shit. It’s true, we know. There’s not a massive amount we can do about this at the moment to be honest. When we extend our lease and we’re more established then we’ll look at improving them.  At the end of the day we are a gym box, and the priority here is training hard, seeing results and enjoying yourself. You can always pop round the corner to Josh’s if you want a post workout bath.
  • You said get more wall balls! We did.
  • You said we should create a chatting/stretching area. We’re on it! It’ll be finished in a few weeks, up on the mezzanine…  This area will also be used as a waiting area before the classes start.  We plan to add new classes to the schedule and use both the main room and the front room for these. If you arrive early for classes can you please wait upstairs, and we’d be really grateful if you could leave your bags up there too, or in the changing rooms. We’re trying to tidy up the front area a bit.
  • You asked for more socials. There’s one coming up on 4th Oct. More info to follow.

We’ve also already passed on, or will be passing on, all your feedback on individual coaches and we’re thinking about creating an FAQs area on the website to deal with your common questions like discounts (we just offer PT and couples discounts at the moment) and holiday freezes (yes they are possible, subject to a £10 charge per freeze). Anything else you feel the need to share, you know where we are.