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CFH Training Days 15/09/2014 – 21/09/2014

Posted 14th September 2014 by Josh Schouten

Week 11/12

Tne weeks are flying by and the feedback from members over the last 12 weeks has been very positive.  Here are some of the comments:

“I’ve PB my snatch more than once in this 12 week phase”

“I’ve PB my snatch and my clean in this 2 week phase”

“I’ve deadlifted 20kg over my body weight and done my first ever handstand!! Gainz”

“I got my first ever muscle-up”

“My back squat weights are feeling light, I’m looking forward to week 7 testing”

“My mid-hang snatch and clean is a lot better and I understand the movement now.  I’m ready to start Olympic lifting form the floor”

“The CrossFit Engine Work is a killer, my lungs burning hot and tasting blood for hours afterwards”

Thanks for all the feedback.  Keep up the hard work, give credit to every single improvement and enjoy your training.

Day  Focus

Testing Snatch Day

Movement Quality: Cleans and Box Jumps

WOD: Battle of the Beasts WOD2


Vertical Press and Pull.

CFEW: Maximum Aerobic Power (Oxidative)


Gymnastics – Handstand Focus

Movement Quality: Ido Portel Hanging Skills

CFE: Maximum Aerobic Power (Glycolytic)


Weeks 6/7: Improve leg strength

CFE: 800m Test

WOD: 10min AMRAP


Horizontal Push and Pull – 1RM Bench Test

CFEW: WOM: Jack Maximum Aerobic Power (Glycolytic)


Power Snatch, Clean and Jerks

WOD: Battle of the Beast WOD 3


Gymnastics Ring Work- Muscle up skills

Gymnastics Conditioning

WOD: Pull-up Annie

Monday 15/09/2014


Performance and Sport:

3 Pressing Snatch


5 Drop Snatch

5 Snath Balance

5 Mid-hang Snatch High Pulls (triple extension)

5 Mid-hang Snatch

Warm-up your snatch before you start the workign sets.

Functional and Movement:

(with a wooden stick)

3 Rounds of:

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Mid-hang Snatch High Pulls

5 Mid-hang Power Snatch






Testing Day:

‘A. Snatch 6sets:

set1: 90% of HS

set2: 95% of HS

set3: 100% of HS

set4-6: 90%x2

*HS from last week


Gradually build towards your PB snatch in the first 4 sets.  Then drop back to 85% and oerform 3 set of 2reps


A-1 Mid-Hang Power Snatch + OHS, 5 x (3+1), :60

A-2 Vertical Jump*, 5 x 3reps, XXXX, :60

* From a 1/4 Squat aim to jump as high as you can.  Think of pushing the ground away and straightening your legs as you jump.  It’s a good idea to land with soft knees.

Movement A-1. Mid Hang Power Snatch, 6 x 2-3A-2 Vertical Jump*, 5 x 3, XXXX, :60sec


Movement Quality


EMOM x 10min

even min: 3 Power Cleans 70%

odd min: 3 Box Jumps, step down 30/24′

Focus on speed and quality movement!!


Box Jump 24/20′


even min: Mid-Hang Power Clean

odd min: Box Jump 24/20


even min: Mid-Hang Power Clean

odd min: Box Jump 24/20




WOD 2 for the upcomming Battle of the Beast (Alison Blease is representing CrossFit Hackney, make sure you give her some support on facebook and in person)

For time: 21-15-9

Thrusters 60/40kg


Time cap = 10min


Pre-WOD Test: Can you do 10UB “high-quality” TTB repititions?  If not you MUST scale to K2E/Knee Raises

Thruster 50/35kg


21-15-9 for time:

Thruster 45/35kg

Down and Ups (chest to the floor)


Same format as Functional:

Thruster a comfortable weight


Tuesday 16/09/2014


 Hollow Rocks – midline stability

Push-Press Tekkers – The Pressing Edge (part 3)




A. Push-Press 6 x 4,4,3,3,2,1, :90

– remember the position from the dip-pause press over the last 2 weeks

B-1 Mixed Grip Chins* 4 x 5-7, 20×0, :60

B-2 Behind the neck, Snatch Press 4 x 5-7, 20×0, :60


* One hand pronated one hand supinated, switch each set.


A Push-Press 5×5

B-1 Mixed-Grip Chins (with bands) 3x 6-8

B-2 Standing Military KB/DB Press 3 x 6-8, 20×0, :60


A. Push-press 4 x 6-8, 20×0, :90

B-1 Mixed Grip Inverse Rows*, 3 x 10-12, 30×0, :60

B-2 Seated DB/KB Military Press, 3 x 10-12, 30×0, :60

* Set a barbell at hip height in the freestanding (not on the rig) squat racks.


CrossFit Engine Work

Maximum Aerobic Power (Oxidative)


Working in Teams of 2.

4 Rounds each for time:

Sprint 200m  (not run)

15UB Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′

15UB KBS 24/16kg

Take it in turns to complete a round…  give 110%!

Functional Same format as Sport and Performance:

KBS 20/12kg

Movement Same format as Sport and Performance:

KBS comfortable weight and height


Wednesday 17/09/2014

Gymnastics Warm-up

Hollow Rocks

– 10 tuck position

– 10 single leg straight

– 10 with arms overhead

– 10 both legs straight

– rock back onto shoulders as high as possible (toes point to the ceiling)

Using your fingers to controll the handstand

– Kick-up to tuck position handstand

– Kick up to handstand

On the foam matts

– handstand to fwd roll practice



Gymnastics Skills


Gymnastics Circuit: 45/30 3 Rounds

Half the class will start on station 1 and the other half on station 2. Nobody starts on station 3 or 4 as this will interupt the flow.  Everyone will move through the stations in oder 1-4.

Station 1: Handstand walk towards the wall (2-6steps)

Station 2: L-Seated Parallet holds (accumulate as much time under tension as possible)

Station 3: Shoulder taps agains wall + forward roll out

Station 4: Dish Holds (no rock)

Functional Station 1: Handstand weight shifts (nose and toes on the wall)

If you can not get nose and toes to the wall simply perform shoulder taps in a press-up position on the floor.

Station 2: Scale the same way we scale hollow rocks (bent legs), or simply hold a straight arm ring support

Station 3:  Handsting hold agains wall, shrugs -> weight shifts -> Shoulder taps

Station 4: Dish Holds



Movement Quality


EMOM 3 Rounds (6min)

even min: 5 Active Arch Hangs (hold arch 3sec at top)

odd min: 3 Tempo Strict HeSPU 52×1 (deficit if you can)

For the arch active hangs the emphasis should be on control and coordination. Do not try to add momentum to the movement. Learning how to engage the shoulders to draw the torso up and back.

The HeSPU work is a tempo with a 5 ct down, 2 in the bottom, explode up, 1 count between reps.

Sport Strict HeSPU if you can. If not, you may kip and work on eccentric strength.

EMOM x 10min

even min: Arch Active Hangs -> Active hang without the arch

odd min: 4 Tempo  Deficit Push-up on KB  52×1


Same as Functionl.  If you struggle tp press-up simply focus on the eccentric movement.  Lower yourself in a nice hollow body position for the count of 5.  Pause and hold the bottom position for 2sec.  Drop to your knees to press-up and then restet to hollow for the next repitition.


CrossFit Engine Work

Maximum Aerobic Power (Glycolytic)


16:30min AMRAP for max reps:

Split the class into 3 groups.

2 Rounds of:

:90sec of Rowing (for max calories)

Rest :90 seconds

:90sec Burpee Box Jump-Overs 24/20

Rest :90 seconds

:90sec of Wall Ball Shots* 9/7kg 10/9′

Rest :90 seconds

Sport Same as Performance

Same as Performance

Movement BJ over to comfortable heightWB comfortable height and weight


Thursday 18/09/2014


Superhero complex:

3 Rounds of:

:30sec Spiderman static lunge on each leg

:20sec Superman hold 

:30sec Spiderman Crawl fwd and back


Warm-up your squat, build to working weights




wk6 of 7: Improve leg strength:

A. Back Squat 7 x3reps @ 85-90% (up wt on last set if you can – no failed reps)

B-1 KB/DB Walking Lunges 4 x 15-20 steps, 2010, :60

B-2 RDL 4 x5 30×0 @70% (of back squat)


A.  Back Squat 6x 4, 30×0, (increase wt each set), :60

B-1 KB/DB Walking Lunges 4x 15-20

B-2 RDL 4 x 6-8





800m Time Trial – how fast can you run it?

-once everyine finishes-

10min AMRAP

30 Walking Lunge

5 Strict Chin up

30 DU

5 Push-ups


Sport Same as Performance
Functional Chin-ups -> Ring RowsPush-ups -> Incline Push-ups30 DU attempts

Same as functions

3 x Single = 1 DU


Friday 19/09/2014


3 Rounds:

12 KBS (light weight)

 6 Burpee Box Jumps

Work on tekkers.  Snappy knee drive with the KB swings and tight midlines when KB is overhead.  Knees out, soft landings and using your arms for the box jumps.  Cubit width hand position with the burpess and using press-up mechanics to to improve shoulder position in the burpees.




A-1 BB Flat Bench Press 6 x 3,3,2,2,2,1, 20×0, :75

find your 1RM bench today, with good form

A-2 Bent Over BB Row, Supinated Grip, 6 x 5,4,3,3,2,1, 20×0, :75

– maintain a flat back during the row.  Feel the tension in your hamstrings, not in your back.


A-1 BB Flat Bench Press 5×5, 30×0, :75

A-2 Bent Over BB Row, Supinated Grip, 5×5, 30×0, :75


A-1 BB Flat Bench Press 4 x 6-8

A-2 Bent Over BB Row, Supinated Grip, 4 x 6-8


CrossFit Engine Work

Maximum Aerobic Power (Phoshahen)


Work and Rest

Test Round: Complete 1 Round of Jack AFAP 100% effort!!!

10 Push-press 52.5/35kg*

10 KBS 24/16kg

10 Box Jumps 24/20′

– wait until everyone has finished –

Reset the clock.

15min AMRAP:

10 Push-press 52.5/35kg*

10 KBS 24/16kg

10 Box Jumps 24/20′

rest the time it took you to complete the test round!

* Bar starts on the floor


Push Press 40/25kg

KBS 20/12kg

BJ 24/20′


Push Press (comfortable weight)

KBS (comfortable weight)

BJ 24/20′ (comfortable height)


Saturday 20/09/2014


Performance and Sport Warm-up for Power Snatch

Functional and Movement Warm-up for Mid-Hang Power Snatch





A. 15minutes to establish 1RM Snatch for the day(6-7sets)

B. Power Clean & Jerk 7sets:

set1: 60% (of CJ) x 2+1

set2: 65%x2+1

set3: 70%x2+1

set4: 75%x1+1

set5-7: 80%x1+1

Aim to finish all working sets by 40:00


A. Mid-hang Power Snatch 5 x 2-3reps (work on good form), :75-90

-then strip the bar and warm-up form clean and press-

B. Segmented Clean (mid thigh 3sec) + Push-Press 5x (1+1+1)

Segmented Clean is to take the bar from the floor and pause at the mid hang position for the count of 3 seconds.  From here you will then perform a mid-hang clean, followed by a push-press or jerk.


A. Mid-hang Power Snatch 5 x 5reps (work on good form, suggest bar with wooden disks), :75-90

-then strip the bar and warm-up form clean and press-

B. Segmented Clean (mid thigh :3sec) + Front Squat + Push-Press 5x (1+1+1)




WOD 3 for the upcomming Battle of the Beast (Alison Blease is representing CrossFit Hackney, make sure you give her some support on facebook and in person)

2min WORK – 1min REST

3 Rounds

3 Squat Cleans 90/60kg

6 Over the bar burpees

Score = Lowest Round for reps…

P.S: Its Alisons fault you did this WOD 😉


Squat Clean 80/50kg


Pre-WOD test: Can you Squat clean the required weight for 3 reps with good form?  If not, you must deadlift.

Squat Clean 60/35kg*


Deadlift 80/50kg

 * Which exercise will give you the best score, will make you work harder and faster?  You need to keep moving in this WOD.  Make a smart choice.


Deadlift a comfortable weight


Sunday 21/09/2014


 4mins to do as many DU as possible.-then-V-ups and TTB Tekkers


Gymnastics Skill


Practice muscle-up progressions

A-1 Muscle-up 5 x 2-3 or Baby Muscle-ups

A-2 Russian Dips on Boxes 5 x5

A-3 GHD Sit-ups 5 x 5-6 (as fast as possible)


A-1 Baby Muscle-ups 5 x 5

A-2 Russian Dips / Elbow Press-ups 5 x 5

A-3 GHD Sit-ups / Straight leg sit-ups on floor 5 x 5-6 (fast as possible)



Gymnastic Conditioning


3 Rounds of:

Max Effort Ring Dips

Max Effort Push-ups

Max Effort Strict Chin-ups

Max Effort Ring Rows

Rest 2min between rounds


3 Rounds of:

Scale: Dips, on boxes, or ring press-ups

Scale: Press-ups, incline press-ups

Scale: Chin-ups, use band

Ring Rows





Pull-up Annie for time:

5 Rounds for time:

(50,40,30,20,10) DU

(50,40,30,20,10) Ab-mat Sit-ups

10 Pull-ups

Sport Pre-WOD test: Can you do 10UB “high-quality” pull-ups?  If not, you MUST scale and do ring rows.

Same as Performance

3 Singles = 1 DU

Ring Rows
