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CrossFit Engineering 27/10/2014 – 23/11/2014

Posted 26th October 2014 by Josh Schouten


Monday CrossFit Endurance Focus Learning the ins and out for Crossfit Endurance or developing your aerobic energy systems
Tuesday Deadlift / Dips / KBS / Handstand Push Up Improve Deadlifting form and the basis of pushing movements
Wednesday Squats / Box Jumps Improve Back Squat form and Jumping tekkers
Friday Wall Ball / Push Press /Thursters / Kipping The goodness of Front Squat and their transfer to the thruster and wall balls
Saturday Snatch / Clean / Snatch Balance Improve Olympic lifting tekkers

CrossFit Engineering (CF-Endurance)
  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4

Skill Thruster Rowing Clean Pose
Strength DE: ThrustersAux:
FFE Split Squat 3 x7-10 @31×0 :60
RDL (DB) 3 x 10-12 :60
ME: Front SquatsAux:
FFE Split Squat 3 x7-10 @31×0 :60
RDL (DB) 3 x 10-12 :60
DE: Power Clean / CleanAux:
FFE Split Squat 3 x 5-9 @20×0 :60
RDL (DB) 3 x 8-10 :60
ME: Sumo DeadliftAux:
FFE Split Squat 3 x 5-9 @20×0 :60
RDL (DB) 3 x 8-10 :60
Date 27/10/14 03/11/14 10/11/14 17/11/14
W.O.D 3 x 3 min Rounds
Thrusters x 5
Double Unders x 15
Rest: 2 min between Rounds
Post WOD running drills
6 x 400m 3 min recovery. 3min work 1min rest x 5 Rounds:
Power Clean x 3
Press Up x 6
Ait Squat x 9
2-3 x 1mi.



Tuesday CrossFit Engineering (Deadlift and Dips)
Skill / Mobility Hip Hindge Band Stretch (hamstring)
Frog stretch
Banded Chest Stretch
Stationary Rocking Crab Walk Stretch——-
Handstand Press Up Progressions.
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A1 -Sumo Deadlifts 4 x 8-10 41X1 60
A2 Box Dips / Ring dips 4 x 8-10 40X1 60
B KB Cleans 3x10ea 60
B2 Press ups 3x 10 3010 :60
Date 28/10/14 04/11/14 11/11/14 18/11/14
W.O.D Week1:
10 min AMRAP:
10 Sumo DL @ 100/80
10 Over the bar Burpees
1 min press up test
Week 2:
5 rounds
10 KB cleans ea @24/16
10 ring dips
20 KB swings@ 24/26
10 press ups
Week 3:
EMOM for 12 mins
5 Sumo DL @ 120/90
Max reps Push-ups
Week 4:
For time:
50 Sumo DL 50 Press ups 50 KB swings


Wednesday CrossFit Engineering (Squat, Jump and Press)
Skill / Mobility Banded hip stretch
Thoracic roller
Banded lat stretch3 rounds x5 wall squats, 5x goblet squats, 10 air squats
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A1 BB  FrontSquats/ goblet squats 4 x 6-8 31X0 :75
B1 – Box jumps 3x 8-10 11X1 :60
B2 – Pull ups / Ring rows 3x 8-10 4010 :60
C. Teaching DU 5 mins work
Date 29/10/14 05/11/14 12/11/14 19/11/14
W.O.D Week1:
15minTime cap:
60 DU buy in
20 Goblet squats
20 chin ups
20 Box jumps 10 Goblet squats 10 Chin ups 10 Box jumps 30 DU buy out
Week 2:
5 rounds 5 front squats 10 box jumps ME DU
Week 3: 1- 10 ladder
1 goblet squat
1 box jump
1 chin up
2 goblet squats
2 box jumps
2 box jumps
3×2 min rounds 1 min rest 3 front squats 6 chin ups 9 box jumps


Friday CrossFit Engineering (Wall Ball / Thursters / T2B)
Skill / Mobility Lying frog stretch
Thoracic roller
banded tricep
Kipping Progressions (Bar / Rings)
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A BB thrusters 4x 6-8 xxxx 75
B EMOM Thrusters 5×10 EMOM 1min @50% xxxx 0
C T2B /K2E / Rev crunches 5 mins work Nil
D DU skills 5 mins work Nil
Date 31/10/14 07/11/14 14/11/14 21/11/14
W.O.D Week1:WOD 1
3 min amrap 5 thrusters 10T2B /K2E/ RC
3 min amrap 10 wall balls 10 DU
Week 2:
5 Rounds
5 thrusters @45/30 10 burpees
Week 3:
For Time: 5 rounds
25 wall ball UB   25 DU if you drop ball you start that round again
10min AMRAP:
5 T2B 10 Thrusters



Saturday CrossFit Engineering (Olympic)
Skill / Mobility 2 Rounds of:
5 Tall muscle snatch – upper body movement of the snatch
5 Scare crow snatch – elbows up and out, dropping under the bar
5 Tall snatch – dropping faster under the bar
5 Mid-hand snatch pull – speed through the middle
5 Mid-hang snatch – linking it all togetherGiven limitations trainers choice of fixes
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A: Snatch: 1+1
Hang Power Snatch, Over head Squat
6 x 2-3 x 01:00-02:00
B: Clean 1+1
Hang Power Clean, Front Squat
6 x 2-3 x 01:00-02:00
C: Benhind the Neck Snatch Push Press / Snatch Balance 4x 4-5 31×0 01:00-02:00
Date 04/10/14 11/10/14 18/10/14 25/10/14
W.O.D Week1:
3 Rounds:
50 Lateral Banded Walks
50 Walking Lunges
:60 Plank
Week 2:
10min AMRAP of:
6 Clean
9 Over the Bar Burpee
Week 3:
5 x 2min Rounds of:
5 Snatch
AMRAP Wall Balls for remainder of time
rest :60 between rounds
4 Rounds of:
15 OHS
400m Run