Hackney Hustle 7.0
CrossFit Hackney are running the seventh Hackney Hustle on Friday 28th November. Last one before Xmas.
All you need to know:
Any CrossFitter from anywhere is welcome to come and join the fun, ALL WODS are scalable to include anyone who would wish to participate. We will be rewarding effort and hard work.
The evening will include 2 WODs (announced upon arrival), Maybe 3 😉
Turn up from 6.30pm for 7.00pm start, max duration 2hrs.
Cost £10 to enter (pay on the night)
Inov-8Â are the kind donors of a pair of shoes for the male and female winners. Free entry to the next event for the winner.
This will be the last one before Xmas and we will start up again in the new year.
If you have any further questions please email: [email protected]