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CFH Training Days 17/11/2014 – 23/11/2014

Posted 16th November 2014 by Josh Schouten

Week 8/12
Where have the weeks gone? The current phase is flying past and there are so many things going on this month. The Team Thorium qualification WODS are taking place and the Athletes Games has just released there qulificaiton rounds.  Loads to keep us busy in the lead up to Christams…. Stay tuned for an inhouse competition for December… Its all about the GIRLS!!!

Get Your Name On The Board

A lot of members are forgetting to post their scores on the whiteboard of late.  Putting your scores on the baord are all a part of the CrossFit Experiance.

1. The whiteboard is not there to compare yourself to everyone else. – CrossFit is as much about the community of like-minded people you get to interact with as it is about being the fittest on earth, or whatever. So the notion that the whiteboard exists mainly for you to compare yourself to the other athletes is a little contradictory.  Recording your results is a great way to see if your fitness levels are improving.

2. Your “inability to count right” does no justify cheating – Be honest with yourself and your fellow athletes and put up your real score. Nobody likes a cheater, and sooner or later — whether it be in competition or just being called out in a WOD — your buddies are going to realize what you’re up to. It’s much better to be honest than to be embarrassed when competition time comes and everyone is shocked that you couldn’t really do 140 burpees in seven minutes. Be real.

3. Josh did Rx weight, so obviously that means you have to too. – Obviously nothing. Josh might have 10kg on you, or he might have started training five years before you’d even heard of CrossFit. Disregard Josh and his superhuman abilities for a minute and focus on you. The CrossFit Hackney levels have been designed to help you train smart and make progress. Leave your ego at the door!  Rx is a huge achievement and something to work towards, its not worth breaking yourself over.

4. Last time we did deadlift I did MORE than I did this time! I’m obviously a failure and am losing all my GAINZ. – Oh, please. The whiteboard is an inanimate thing. It can’t judge whether or not you’re getting better — only you can do that. Maybe the last time you did deadlifts you had eaten perfectly all day, plenty of fats and good carbs to help give you the explosive power to lift some heavy shit. Maybe you had more sleep and work was less stressful. You can not hit a PB every single day you step in the gym.

5. I have something to prove and I’m going to use the whiteboard to do that. – No you’re not. Prove yourself out there on the floor. Prove yourself in the final moments of a crushing WOD. Prove yourself when you really do lose count of your reps and you start over to preserve the integrity of your workout. Prove it by no repping yourself when you know you didn’t get low enough or get your chin over the bar, even if no one else is watching you and calling you out.

At the end of the day you are only competing agains yourself.  Your results come from the hard work you put in.  Be proud of every single achievement you make.

Day  Description

Strength: 1 1/4 Back Squats

Gymnastics: Pistol Squat Progressions & RLDs

CrossFit Engine Work: Row, KBS and DU


Strength: Behind the head Push-press & Strict Pull-ups

Movement Quality: Russian Dips, Ring Pull-ups

WOD: “Push’n Pistols”


Olympic: EMOM Cleans & Jerk

Strength & Power: Clean Pulls & Forward Bounds

WOD: “2014 Regionals Event 4”


Strength: Bench 1 1/4 & DB Rows

WOD:”Team Thorium WOD 4: Termal Expansion”


Olympic: 2-Position Power Snatch

Olympic: Pressing Snatch & OHS

WOD: “CrossFit Games 12.5”


Strength: Deadlifts

Strength: Front Foot Step-ups

Gymnastics: Ball-ups

Partner WOD: “Running on Air”


Lines and Locomotions

Fundimental Gymnastic Positions: L-sit, Back Leaver, Planch, Front Leavers

Gymnastics: Kipping HeSPU practice

WOD: “Perfect TTB”

Full details of the CrossFit Hackney Levels 

Monday 17/11/2014


3 Rounds of:

15 KBS


Session Equipment: Barebell, Squat Rack, Box, Kettlebell, Skipping Rope




A.  Back Squat 1 1/4, 5 x 4-6, 31×0, :60

suggest: start at 75% of 1RM


A.  Back Squat 1 1/4, 5 x5-7, 31×0, :60

suggest: focus on good form for all reps


A. Back Squat 1 1/4, 4 x 7-9, 31×0, :60

suggest: focus on good form for all reps




B-1 Pistol Squats 3 x 8-10ea leg, 20×0, :60

B-2 BB Pause RDL 3 x 8-10, 21×0, :60


B-1 Pistol on box / Lateral Step-up, 3 x 6-8ea leg, 20×0. :60

B-2 BB Pause RDL 3 x 10-12, 21×0, :60



CrossFit Engine Work


In groups of 3:

These are all out 100% efforts, do not put the KB down or rest between exercises.

3 RFT:

250 m Row

15 KBS 32/24kg

30 DU

15 KBS 32/24kg

30 DU

rest 2min

Sport  Same as Performance: KBS 24/20kg
Functional  Same as Performance: KBS 20/16kg3x Single skip – 1 DU
Movement  Same as Functional: Use a comfortable weight


Tuesday 18/11/2014


10 Reverse Lunges on each leg

10 Push-ups


Mobility: Calve stretch and hamstring stretch


Pistol Squat Tekkers and Scales

– Heel elevated

– Using a gymnastics ring for support

Session Equipment: Barbell, Squat Rack, Pull-up Station, Boxes, Rings



(If your flexibility is a limitation you will need to perform the press from the front and work on this weakness.)


A. Behing the neck Push-Press 6x 5,4,4,3,3,2, 20×0, :90

B. Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 6x 6,6,5,5,4,4 30×0, :60


A. Behing the neck Push-Press 5 x 5-7

If you have strict pull-ups perform:

B .Strict Pull-ups 5x 5-7, 30×0, :90

-if not-

B. Iso hold Pull-ups (:10sec top), 5x 2-4,  5,0,0,10, :60

* NO BANDS ALLOWED.  If you can not support body weight you must perform iso ring rows



Movement Quality


EMOM 10minutes

odd min: :30sec Russian Dips on Boxes

even min: :30 Ring Pull-ups (aim to pull to sternum)


EMOM 10min

odd min: :30sec Dips on Boxes / Feet on ground

even min: :30 Ring Pull-ups / Jumping Ring Pull-up with controlled eccentric*

* if you fail to control the eccentric switch to ring rows.      





“Push’n Pistols”

12min AMRAP:

20 Push-ups

10 Alt Pistols

Functional  Same as Performance:if you can not do Pistols, use a gymnastics ring for support
Movement  Same as Funcitonal:if you can not do Pistols, perform 20 Air Squats


Wednesday 19/11/2014


With a bar (20/15kg)

5 Rack Delivery

5 Strict Overhead Press

5 Tall Muscle Clean

5 Push-Press

5 Mid-hang Power Cleans

5 Push-Jerk

5 Power Clean from mid shin

Session Equipment: Barbell, Handstand board 


Olympic Lifting


A. EMOM 10min Power Clean and Push Jerk (2+1) @75%

B-1 Clean Pulls (controlled and deliberate) 5×3, 20×0, 1:40

– @ +50% over best clean weight in A (yes, heavy!!).

B-2 Forward Bounds for max distance, 5×5, xxxx, :60


A. EMOM 10min Mid-hang Power Cleans and Push-Jerk (2+1)

B-1 Clean Pulls 5×3, 20×0, 1:40

B-2  Forward Bounds for max distance, 5×5, xxxx, :60





“2014 Regionals Event 4”

21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Strict HSPU

Front Squats 90/57.5kg

Bar Facing Burpees

20min time cap

Sport Kipping HeSPUFS = 70/47.5kg
Functional  pre-WOD Test: Strict HeSPU: m:5 F:5, if not you MUST Scale

21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of:

STOH 50/30kg

Front Squats 50/30kg

Bar Facing Burpees

Movement  Same as Functional: Use a comfortable weight



Thursday 20/11/2014


3 Rounds with empty bar (20/15kg)

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Push-Press

5 Push-Jerks

Session Equipment: Bench, Barbell, Squat Rack




A-1 Flat Bench 1 1/4, 4 x 5-7, 31×0, :60-:90 (wk1: 70-75% 1RM)(wk2:70-75% 1RM)

A-2 B/O DB/KB Row 4 x 6-8, 30×0 :60


A1. Flat Bench 1 1/4, 4 x 6-8, 31×0, :60-:90

A-2 B/O DB/KB Row 4 x 8-10, 30×0 :60



CrossFit Engine Work


‘Team Thorium WOD 4 “Thermal Expansion”

12 Minute EMOM

5 Hang Power Cleans &

5 Shoulder to Overhead

You and your partner pick your own weight, 2 bars are to be used.

The Score is the combined weight that the 120 reps are completed with: e.g. Competitor A uses 60kg throughout, Competitor B uses 55kg throughout, the score is 115kg. You complete the EMOM at the same time. Videos must be taken from side angle on this to show elbows through on the Hang Clean and full extension, lock out. Same weight to be used throughout.

All 5 Hang Power Cleans must be completed before moving onto Shoulder to Overheads.

You can drop the bar between reps.


Friday 21/10/2014


With an empty bar:

5 Tall Musle Snatch

5 Vertical Jumps for heaight (no bar, just jump)

5 Mid Hang Power Snatch

5 Segmented Power Snatch

Do a couple of sets to warm-up to working weight for A.

Session Equipment: Barbell, Box, Pull-up Station 




A. 2-Position Power Snatch, 7 x2 , :90

rep1: from the floor

rep2: from mid-hang

Suggest: wk4: 75%

B. Pressing Snatch + OHS 5 x (1+4)*

Note: The pressing snatch will dictate the load of the OHS.  This is not about chasing weigh in your overhead squat, its about practiving the recieving position of your snatch.  DO NOT CHASE weight, think about pressing under the bar and performing the OHS repetitions with speed.  Further reading and videos here


A. Segmented Power Snatch + mid-hang Power Snatch 6 x (1+1), :90

Either Perform:

B. OHS 5x 3-4, 30×1,  :60-90 (55-65%)


B. Front Squat 5x 3-4, 30×1, :60-:90 (75-80%)

* Choose the exercie that suited to your ability





10min to warm-up Thruster and Kipping Pull-ups


10 Thrusters 20/15kg

5-10 Pull-ups

6 Thrusters (increase weight)

5-10 Pull-ups

4 Thrusters (at working weight)

5-10 Pull-ups



Performance CrossFit Games 12.5

7min AMRAP:

3,6,9,12,15….reps of:

Thruster 45/30kg

Chest to bar Pull-ups

Functional Pre-WOD Test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10 f: 5, if not you MUST scale

7min AMRAP:

3,6,9,12,15….reps of:

Thruster 40/25kg

Pull-ups / Ring Rows

Movement  Same as FunctionalThruster a comfortable weight


Saturday 22/11/2014


3 Rounds

10 Deadlifts (light weight)

10 Reverse Lunges on each leg

Session Equipment: Barbell, Reebok step, Pull-up Station, Kettlebell 




A. Deadlift from podium 2′, 6 x 4,3,2,4,3,2, 30×0, :100

Suggest: Percentages for each set should be: 80%, 82.5%, 85%, 82.5%, 85%, 87.5%

B-1 BB FF Step-ups mid-shin , 3 x 6-8, 21×0, :60

B-2 Ball-up, 3 x 8-10, 30×1, :60


A. Deadlift from podium 2′, 6 x 5,4,3,5,4,3, 30×0, :100

if you know your percentages:

wk3:  65%, 70%, 75% ,70%, 75%, 80%

* if you can not safely perform a deadlift form a podium, simply perfrom a conventinal deadlift with no podium.  NO rounded backs in the starting position please.

B-1 BB FF Step-ups mid-shin , 3 x 8-10, 21×0, :60

B-2 Ball-up, 3 x 5, 30×1, :60


B-2 Strict K2E, 3 x 5-10, :60





Partner WOD:

“Running on Air”

YGIG 4 Rounds each of:

10 Back Squats 80/60kg

20 Air Squats

200m Run

P1 completes a round and then “high-fives” P2 before they start their round

Sport Same as Performance: BS= 70/50kg
Functional Same as Performance: BS = 60/40kg
Movement Same as Performance: BS = comfortable weight

Sunday 23/11/2014


Lines and locomotions:

Flat back Crawl

Round Back Crawl

Hand Jump overs (right) – tuck handstand as slow as possible

Spiderman Crawl

Hand Jump overs (left)

Swimming Spiderman Crawl

Catapilar walk (frizbee)

Session Equipment: P-bars, Rings, Ab-mat (for head), Pull-up Station




Fundimental gymnastic positions

3 Rounds :30/30

Vertical Push: L-sit progressions: L-Sit on P-bars

Vertical Pull: Back Leaver progressions:  Straddle / Half Extended

Horizontal Push: Planch progressions: Crow Pose

Horizontal Pull: Front Leaver Tuck position on rings

CrossFit Hackney Levels: L-sit

Movement: Tuck position :15sec

Functional: m:15sec, w:10sec,

Sport: m:30sec, w:20sec

Performance:  Press to Handstand on parallettes

For leaver progressions start here:


Fundimental gymnastic positions

3 Rounds :30/30

‘L-sit progressions: L-Sit on P-bars tuck position

Back Leaver progressions:  Flat Tuck on rings (rings low to the ground)

Planch progressions: Frog Stance (titter totter) / Crow Pose

Front Leaver on Rings or Inverted hangs





“Perfect TTB”

10 Rounds of:


10 Ring Dips


 pre-WOD Test: Strict Dips: m:10, f:5; if not you MUST scale

pre-WOD Test: Strict TTB: m:10, f:5; if not you Must Scale

10 Rounds of:

5UB TTB/K2E/Hanging Knee Raises

10 Ring Dips / Box Dips / Push-ups

Functional  Same as SportIf you can not do push-ups use a box for incline
Movement  Same as Functional