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CFH Training Days 08/12/2014 – 14/12/2014

Posted 7th December 2014 by Josh Schouten

Week 11/12
dear-santa Testing day has arrived in the form of a 5RM deadlift this week.  Its time to see if your training programme has helped improve your pulling strength.  Don’t worry if you’ve not been doing regular deadlifts, if you;ve been doing a fair share of Olly lifting there is still a significant chance that your deadlift weights will increase.  Only one way to find out, get to the box on Saturday.

The 12-CrossFit-Benchmark WOD’s of Christmas continue this week with “Helen”, “Elizabeth”,  “Angie”, and “Annie.”


Day  Description

Strength: Back Squats Wave Loading

EMOM: Pistol Squat and KBS

Benchmark WOD: “Helen”


Strength: Behind the head Push-Jerk & ME: Strict Pull-ups

Gymnastics: Kipping Handstand Practice

WOD: “The Unbroken 15”


Movement Qualift: Clean and Jerk Complex

Benchmark WOD: “Elizabeth”


Strength: Biacromial Bench & Benct Over Rows

WOD: “Linda Preperation”


Olympic: Snatch 1RM

Movement Quality: Snatch Complex

Benchmark WOD: “Angie”


Strength: 5RM Deadlifts attempt

EMOM: Sumo Deadlifts & Push-ups

WOD: “Partner Thrusting”


Lines and Locomotions

Gymnastics: Handstand Practice

Gymnastic Circuit: L-sit progressions, skin the cat and handstands

Benchmark WOD: “Annie”

Full details of the CrossFit Hackney Levels 

Monday 08/12/2014


3 Rounds:

5 Wall Facing Squats

5 KB Goblet Squats

10 KBS

Session Equipment: Barebell, Squat Rack, Kettlebell, Pull-ups station / Ring Rows




A.  Back Squat 5 x 5,3,1,5,3,1, 20×0, :100

suggest: wk3: 80%,85%,90%, 85%,90%, 95%

Note: If your following this program your 1RM squat should be:

m: 1.75* Body Weight

w: 1.5* Body Weight


A.  Back Squat 5 x 6,4,2,6,4,2, 30×0, :100

suggest: wk3: 75%, 80%, 85%, 80%, 85%, 90%

Note: If your following this program your 1RM squat should be:

m: 1.2* Body Weight

w: 1* Body Weight


A. Back Squat 5x 7,5,3,7,5,3, 30×0

Suggest: Comfortable weight. As the reps go down the weight goes up!


Movement Quality


10min EMOM:

even min: 12 Alternating Pistol Squats

odd min: 12 Heavy Russian KB Swings


Same as Sports and Performance:

– Pistol with counter weight, heel elevated, or using a band






3 RFT:

400m Run

21 KBS 24/16kg

12 Pull-ups

Functional pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups; m:10, f:5; if not you MUST scaleKBS 20/12kgPull-ups/Ring-Rows
Movement  Same as Functional:KBS a comfortable weight


Tuesday 09/12/2014


TTB Tekkers

1. Kipping – using the shoulders to pull back from the bar

2. Knees to chest – kip and then raise your knees to your chest

3. The breaks – kip, raise knees to chest, then on the downward swing point your toes to the ground and pull your head through the hole to control the motion.   Repeat knees to chest reps.

4. Kick the legs to the bar – kip, knees to chest and then kick your feet towards the bar

In partners share a bar:

2 Rounds each:

1 Behind the neck strict press

3 Behind the neck push-press

5 Behind the neck push-jerk

* Dip and drive with the weight on your heels.

** Practice lowering the bar and catching it with a slight bend in the knee’s to cusion the landing

Session Equipment: Barbell, Squat Rack, Pull-up Station, Handstand Borad, 6″ target




A-1 Behing the neck Push-Jerk 6x 3,3,3,2,2,2, 21×0, :90

A-2 ME: Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 6x 4,3,3,2,1,1 20×0, :60


A-1 Behing the neck Push-Jerk 5 x 4-5

If you have strict pull-ups perform:

A-2 Strict Pull-ups (weighted) 5x 4-5, 20×0, :90

-if not-

A-2 Iso hold Pull-ups (:10sec top, 10sec eccentric), 5x 1-3,  10,0,0,10, :60

* NO BANDS ALLOWED.  If you can not support body weight you must perform iso ring rows





Skill Practice: Kipping Handstands

 1. Tripod holds (knees on elbows)

 2. Tripod Holds (kicking out to a push-up position)*

 3. Take it to the wall.  Setup for a wall walk and perfor a tripod  where you hands are.  Then kick up to the wall 45* (keep you eyes on your toes throughout the movement to maintain hollow position)*

 4. Move closer to the wall*

 5. Spin around to face away from the wall and practice

  – Kipping HeSPU knees to chest*

  – Kipping HeSPU frog kick*

Be paitient!!  Wait for the legs to extend and the hips to open before pushing with the hands.



CrossFit Engine Work


“The Unbroken 15”

15min EMOM:

min1: – 8UB HeSPU

min2: – 8UB TTB

min3 – 8UB Burpees 6″ target

You get 1 point for each successful unbroken (UB) round. Be honest with the no-reps!  Max score is 15

Functional  pre-WOD test: Strict HeSPU: m:5, f:3; if not you must scale pre-WOD test: Strict TTB: m:10, f:5; if not you must scale

min1: – 8UB HeSPU/HeSPU on Box/Persian Push-ups/ Incline Push-ups

min2: – 8UB TTB / K2E / Hanging Knee Raises

min3 – 8UB Burpees 6″ target

Movement  Same as Functional


Wednesday 10/12/2014


Push-up Tekkers

Dip Tekkers – same principles apply


2 Rounds of:

5 Strict Press

5 Push Press (focus on controlled dip, weight on heels)

5 Push Jerk

5 Split Jerk


5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Scarecrow Cleans – elbows up and out

5 Mid-hang Cleans – try to hit the scarecrow position before dropping under the bar

5 Segmented Cleans (3sec pause at mid-hang)

Session Equipment: Barbell, Boxes, Rings


Olympic Lifting


8min to warm-up to 65-75% 1RM Clean and Jerk (ready for complex)

Clean Complex 10min EMOM:

1 Squat Clean

+ 1 Power Clean

+ 1 Push-Jerk


8min ro warm-up for clean and jerk complex

Clean Complex 10min EMOM:

1 Mid-hang Clean

+ 1 Mid-hang Power Clean

+ 1 Push-Jerk







Cleans 62.5kg/40kg

Ring Dips

Functional pre-WOD test: strict ring dips: m:10, f:5; if not you MUST scale


Hang Cleans 50/30kg

Ring Dips / Box Dips  / Box Dips (feet on ground) / Reverse Dips on Box

Movement Same as Functional:Hang Clean a comfortable weight


Thursday 11/12/2014


Deadlift Tekkers

– When the intensity increase can you maintain your form.  Make the deadlift robotic and focus on:

1. Drving the hip and knees back and having your shoulders over the bar

2. Keep pushing your knees back until the bar passes your knees, while keeping the bar close to your body

3. When the bar passes your knees bend your knees to take the bar to the floor.  Your shoulder MUST stay over the bar, do not sit back into a squat.

Bench Press Tekkers

Session Equipment: Bench, Barbells, Squat Rack




A-1 Biacromial Flat Bench Press 5x 5,3,1,5,3,1, 20×0, :90

Suggest: wk3: 80%,85%,90%, 85%, 90%, 95%

Biacromial grip: placing the hands so the index fingers are at biacromial width, which is the distance between the bony prominences on the top of the shoulders.

A-2 Bent Over Barbell Row, Supinated grip, 5x 5,4,4,3,3 20×0, :90

Suggest: these should be heavy, but only as heavy as you can maintain neutral spine.  Deadlift the bar all the way up, then perform the top half of the deadlift by pushing you hips back and loading the hamstrings and glutes.  Then commence your rows.

Note: If your following this program your 1RM bench should be:

m: 1.1* Body Weight

w: 0.95* Body Weight


A-1 Biacromial Flat Bench Press 5 x 6,4,2,6,4,2, 20×0

Suggest: wk3: 75%, 80%, 85%, 80%, 85%, 90%

A-2 Bent Over Barbell Row, Supinated grip, 5x 6,6,5,5,4 30×0

Note: If your following this program your 1RM squat should be:

m: 0.76* Body Weight

w: 0.63* Body Weight

Movement  A-1 Biacromial Flat Bench Press 5x 7,5,3,7,5,3, 20×0, :90

Suggest: Comfortable weight. As the reps go down the weight goes up!

A-2. Bent Over Barbell Row 5 x 5-6, 30×0, :90


CrossFit Engine Work


Work in teams of 3, change between stations:

20min EMOM (Linda Preperation):

min1: – 5 Power Clean 3/4 Body weight

min2: – 5 Bench @ Body weight

min3 – 5 Deadlifts @ 1.5x Body Weight


20min EMOM (Linda Preperation):

min1: – 5 Power Clean 1/2 Body weight

min2: – 5 Bench @  3/4 Body weight

min3 – 5 Deadlifts @  Body Weight

Movement  Same as Functional:use a comfortable weight on all exercises


Friday 12/12/2014


With an empty bar:

5 Tall Musle Snatch

5 Vertical Jumps for heaight (no bar, just jump)

5 Mid Hang Power Snatch

5 Segmented Power Snatch

Do a couple of sets to warm-up to working weight for A.

Session Equipment: Barbell, Pull-up Station




A. 15min to establish 1RM snatch for today


A. 15min to work on Snatch

each set perform:

1 Hang Power Snatch

+ 1 Hang Snatch



Movement Quality


12min EMOM Snatch Complex (2-position snatch)

1 Power Snatch

+ 1 Mid Hang Snatch

suggest: 70% of best weight lifted in A.

This forces the lifter to produce more power/force on the second rep after having been fatigued by the first, and then having less time and space to lift the second.  The aim of this snatch complex is to improve the rate of force development, more aggressive and complete extension at the top of the pull, and more aggressive pull under the bar.  MOVE FAST.


12min EMOM Snatch Complex

1 Mid-Hang Power Snatch

+1 Mid-Hang Snatch*

* Practice getting under the bar



CrossFit Engine Work


“Angie” (20min time cap)

100 Pull-ups

100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 Air Squats

Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next.

Functional  pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups; m:10, f:5; if not you MUST scalePull-ups / Ring RowsPush-ups / Incline Push-ups
Movement  Same as Functional



Saturday 13/12/2014


Thruster Tekkers

1. Front Rack – don’t be a T-Rex, hand position is outside the shoulder by a long way

2. Elbows up for the front Squat – keep’em high, the bar should be resting above your collarbone and ontop of the shoulders

3. Front Squat with knees out and heels down

4. Explode up, let the elbows drop under to 60deg and push your chest into the bar to accelerate it overhead

5. Pause for a second with bar overhad to get stable and prepare for the next rep

6. Re-rack the bar in the foront squat position (step 1)

Perform some repititions

Deadlift Tekkers

– When the intensity increase can you maintain your form.  Make it robotic and focus on:

1. Drving the hip and knees back and having your shoulders over the bar

2. Keep pushing your knees back until the bar passes your knees

3. When the bar passes your knees bend your knees to take the bar to the floor.  Your shoulder MUST stay over the bar, do not sit back into a squat.


Session Equipment: Barbell, Box




A. ME: 15min to establish 5RM Deadlift for the day



Movement Quality


10min EMOM

even min: 3 Sumo Deadlifts @ 70% of best weight in A.

odd min: 10 Push-ups

* Strength can be increased by lifting a submaximal weight with speed.  We are working on the rate of force development (RFD), so leave your EGO at the door and follow the percentages.

Functional 10min EMOM

even min: 3 Sumo Deadlifts @ 70% of best weight in A.

odd min: 10 Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

Movement  Same as Functional: Deadlift a comfortable weight




“Partner Thrusting”

12min Partner WOD:

:30sec ME Thrusters 42.5/30kg*

:30sec ME Box Jumps 24/20′

rest :60sec

* If you drop the bar you must do 5 Burpess before starting your box jumps.  Place the bar down.

P1 works for the first minute and then P2 works for the next minute.  Take it in turns to complete as many reps as possible.

Functional  Thruster 35/25kg
Movement Thruster 20/15kgBox Jump to comfortable height

Sunday 14/12/2014


Lines and locomotions:

Trainers Choice

Session Equipment: Handstand boards, Abe-mats, Rings, Pull-up Station, Skipping rope




Skill: Handstand

1. It all starts with basic push-up mechanics (vertical-forearms)

 – perform a push-up

– whereever your face touches the ground is where the top of your head should go in releation to your hands for the Tripod.

2. Tripod headstand – Apply the same vertical-forearm concept as the push-up to establish a solid base and to share the load (body weight) between all three points of the Tripod.

3. Tripod and change points of contact – take one knee off you elbow, then put it back.  Repeat with the other knee

4. Headstand – extend you legs into a hollow body shape (keep your feet above your hands)

5. Handstand with feet on box -push your head through the hole, just like push-press

6. Handstand with only one foot on box, other leg extended overhead

7. Wall walk – as you walk up the wall keep looking at you toes, this will help you maintain a hollow position

8. Wall facing handstand  – only your toes touching the wall





3 Rounds :60/:30

L-Sit progressions: Straddle Alternating Leg raise FLR

Leavers: Skin the Cat (increase the height of the rings to make it harder)

Handstand:  Wall facing handstand holds (only toes touch the wall)


3 Rounds :60/:30

L-Sit progressions: Straddle Alternating Leg raise FLR. sit on a box if this is difficult

Leavers: Skin the Cat (tuck, feet on the ground with front and back leaver)

Handstand:  Wall facing handstand holds (only toes touch the wall)






50-40-30-20-10reps of:



Functional  3 x single = 1 DU