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CFH Training Days 29/12/2014 – 04/01/2015

Posted 28th December 2014 by Josh Schouten


Game over 2014, hello 2015!!  Lasts weeks programming, and this weeks programming has been used as a small filler between the last phase of 2014 and the beginning of 2015.  Don’t be fooled into thinking this is going to be an easy week kids!  For those of you who are in London for the new year we are going to be offering some cheeky CrossFit sessions.

This week we are also going to try something a little different on Sunday.  There will be no WOD… WHAT NO WOD?  Yes, we are going to try a pure gymnastics skills session this week and get some feedback from the participants.  Just like Olympic lifting, gymnastics requires practice.

Stay tuned or a number of changes in the CrossFit Hackney programming for 2015.


What to Expect from the 2015 Open

Statistical view of the CrossFit Open WODS between 2011-2014, and the type of workouts we should expect in the 2015 CrossFit Open.

Kipping Pull-ups: The Truth   Should you be doing them?
5 Movement and Mobility Tips for Crossfitters  Flexibility and mobility is often a forgotten part of training
When Carbs Fight Back  Should athletes eat a low carb diet?
5 Mistakes you Learn on the Internet  CrossFit and Olympic lifting quarrels
 CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

MONDAY 29/12/2014

Get Warm Clean Drills:

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Mid Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Segmented Power Cleans (pause above knee 3sec)





20mins to complete 7 Rounds of:

3 Power Cleans (touch and go)

3 Front Squat

Rest as needed between rounds

*Do not let go of the bar during the round. *Work up to the heaviest weight possible.

– then –

3 Rounds of:

ME Strict Pull-ups, :90sec rest

ME Strict HeSPU, :90sec rest


“Running Jackie”

Complete for time:

1000 meter Run

50 Thrusters  20/15kg

30 Pull Ups


Same as Performance


Same as Performance


20mins to complete 7 Rounds of:

3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans

3 Front Squat Rest as needed between rounds

*Do not let go of the bar during the round. *Work up to the heaviest weight possible.

– then –

3 Rounds of:

1 ME Eccentric Pull-up (lower yourself as slow as possible), :90sec rest

ME Strict OHP @m:50% bodyweight, f: 40% bodyweight, :90sec rest


“Ring Row Running Jackie”

Complete for time:

1000 meter run

50 Thrusters –  20/15kg 30 Ring Rows


Same as Functional

Mid-hang Power Cleans & Front Squats

3 Rounds of:

1 ME Eccentric Pull-up (lower yourself as slow as possible)**, :90sec rest

ME Strict OHP, load as technique allows (5-10reps), :90sec rest

**Note: if you struggle to lower under control, perform eccentric ring rows.


Same as Functionl, load as technique allows

TUESDAY 30/12/2014

Get Warm

Work in partners YGIG:

3 Rounds each of:

10 Ring Push-ups

10 Ring Rows





8min to build to 75% on Bench Press


5 Rounds of:

5 Close Grip Bench Press, 30×0 @75% 1RM, :90

5 Rope Pull-ups, 30×1, :90


In partners YGIG, 4 Rounds each of:

8 Double KB Push-Press 24/16kg

ME Wall Facing Handstand Holds


12min AMRAP of:

25 DU

20 Wallballs 9/7kg 10/9ft

10 HR-Push-ups


Same as Performance 5 Rounds


In partners YGIG, 4 Rounds each of:

8 Double KB Push-Press 20/12kg

ME Wall Facing Handstand Holds


Same as Performance


8min to build build to a challanging weight for 5reps Bench Press


5 Rounds of:

5 Close Grip Bench Press, 30×0, :90

5 Rope Pull-ups, 30×1, :90


In partners YGIG, 4 Rounds each of:

8 Double KB Push-Press, load as technique allows

ME Wall Facing Handstand Holds [Scale: feet on box]


Use 7/6kg Wall Ball 10/9ft


Same as Functional.


Wall Ball, load and height as technique allows

WEDNESDAY 31/12/2014

Get Warm Clean Drills:

5 Tall Muscle Snatch


5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Tall Snatch

5 Mid Hang Snatch

Jumping Technique:

5 Vertical Jumps

5 Forward Bounds





3 attempts to establish MAX distance broad jumps

5 Broad Jumps


6 Rounds of:

3 Snatch, :90-:120

10min EMOM

2 Back Squats @85% of 1RM


5x 2min AMRAP:

3 Snatch 60/45kg

6 Pull-ups


Rest :60 between rounds, continue from where you left off


Same as Performance


Snatch 50/35kg


Same as Performance on Broad Jumps


6 Rounds of:

3 Mid-hang Snatch, :90-:120

10min EMOM

2 Back Squats @80% of 1RM

Functional: pre-WOD Test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5pre-WOD Test: Strict TTB: m:10, f:5if you fail the test you MUST scale!

5x 2min AMRAP:

3 Snatch 40/25kg

6 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

9 TTB / K2E / Knee Raises

Rest :60 between rounds, continue from where you left off


Same as Performance on Broad Jumps


6 Rounds of:

(2+1) Mid-hang Power Snatch + OHS, :90-:120

10min EMOM

2 Back Squats, load as technique allows


Same as Functional

Snatch, load as technique will allow

THURSDAY 01/01/2015


FRIDAY 02/01/2015

Get Warm Squat Mobility Coach to leadJumping Tekkers





8min to establish a 1RM Box Jumps (max height) from a standing start.


8min to build to 85% 1RM Deadlift

EMOM 10min:

2 Deadlifts @ 85%


3 Rounds of:

ME: Strict Chin-ups

Rest :60sec between rounds


5 RFT:

5 Power Cleans 70/50kg

10 Pull-ups

15 Box Jumps 24/20″

Sport:Same as Performance Sport:Power Clean 60/45kg
Functional:Deadlift, load as technique allows (think 8/10 effort)


3 Rounds of:

ME: Strict Chin-ups / 1 Eccentrict Chin-up (as slow as possible)

Rest :60sec between rounds

Functional:pre-WOD Test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5if you fail the test you MUST scale!

5 RFT:

5 Power Cleans 50/35kg

10 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

15 Box Jumps 24/20″

Movement:Same as Functional Movement:

5 RFT:

5 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, load as technique allows

10 Ring Rows

15 Box Jumps, comfortable height

SATURDAY 03/01/2015

Get Warm Work in Partners YGIG on each exercise:

3 Rounds each:

4 Burpees

6 KB Goblet Squats

12 KB Swings





A. Overhead Squat 7x 3, 30×0, :90


 B. Push Press 5 x 3, 20×0, :90


12min EMOM of:

even min: 7 Ring Dips

odd min: 5 OHS 60/40kg


10 RFT of:

4 Burpess over the KB

8 KB Goblet Squats 32/24kg

12 KBS 32/24kg

Sport:Same as Performance

EMOM: OHS 50/30kg


Same as Performance: KB 24/20kg

Functional:If not full ROM in OHS, perform Front Squats

A. OHS/Front Squat 7x 3, 30×0, :90


 B. Push Press 5 x 3, 20×0, :90


12min EMOM of:

even min: Dips on Boxes / Feet on Ground

odd min: 5 OHS 40/30kg or Front Squat 50/40kg


Same as Performance: KB 20/16kg

Movement:Same as Functional

12min EMOM of:

even min: 5 Dips on Boxes / Feet on Ground / Reverse Dips

odd min: 5 Front Squat, load as technique allows


Same as Performance: KB load as technique allows

SUNDAY 04/01/2015

Get Warm  Ido Portel Scapula Mobilization Routine

2 Rounds of:

10 Scapluar Push-ups

10 Overhead Straight Arm Pull-downs :

10 The Whippet

10 Shoulder Dislocations with Band

Planche progressions

– hand position (slightly turned out)

– press-up position, load the shoulder by rocking forward

– teeter between headstand and frog stance

band assisted tuck planche – effort should be made to maintain full scapulae protraction throughout the planche hold. 




All Athletes (30min):Split the class into groups A,B and C.  Each group will start on a different superset.  Complete 3 rounds and then switch.Straight Arm-Scapular Strength‘. (SASS) + Bent Arm Push/Pull Isometrics 

3 Rounds of each:

A1 Back Support Hold 15-30sec, rest 30sec

A2 Planche Hold (scales in warm-up) 15-30sec, rest 60sec

B1 Front Support Hold 15-30sec, rest 30sec

B2 Bent Arm Sternum Chin-up Hold 15-30sec, rest 60sec

C1 Bent Arm Bottom of Ring Dip Hold 15-30sec, rest 30sec

C2 Straight Arm Arch Hang from Pull-up Bar 15-30sec, rest 60sec

All Athletes (15min):

3 Rounds of each:

8-10 Garhammer Raises, rest :30sec

:60 Soreson hold, rest :30sec

15-20 Hollow Rocks, rest :30sec

Gymnastics Bridge Ups, rest :30sec