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CFH Training Days 05/01/2015 – 11/01/2015

Posted 4th January 2015 by Josh Schouten

WEEK 1/12



Christmas is over and the new year has kicked into full swing, its time to get back into the gym and make some GAINZ!  The next 12 weeks have been difficult to program from a coaches perspective.  As you would expect there is going to be a lot of new faces around the box in January and February (Bloody new years resolutions!!) .  Not to forget that we also have a very solid base of existing members who need to be pushed harder with their training goals.  “Programming nightmare”!!!  This is exactly where the levels have made the programming job a little easier. Leave your BIG HEAD (ego) at the door and make sure you are following the correct programme in 2015.  We have given you the tools (CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet) to help choose the appropriate level for your ability.  The rest my friends is up to you.   Those who follow the correct programme will achive the best results. #justsaying

On another note, many of us like to go to the gym and hang our with the people we know.  CrossFit Hackney has a awesome community that supports and motivates all of us to get to the box and push ourselve.  So when was the last time you introduced yourself to a new face?  How many people at the box do you know?  Now is the perfect time to help the community at CrossFit Hackney become even better.  A little effort can go a long way in helping the new members feel like part of the gang, and existing members to make new training partners…. or rivals. If you would like to know more about the next 12 weeks, the break down can be found here.


Snatch and Clean Extension: Be Patient A common CrossFit lifting issue is athletes not being paitient enough to pull the bar into the hips before exploding up.
Why Fat is our Friend Yes, modern day nutrition advice to eat a low fat diet has caused many of the heal issues we have today.  Healthy fats are essential to health and life.

4 Reasons why CrossFit Really Works

4 Easy reasons.  There are plently more reasons out there, but the article is on the right track.

Setting Up For a Huge Squat

Over the next 12 weeks we will be working on some heavy squats. Get your lifting shoes ready and prep yourself to lift some HUGE weights

Optimal Training: The Death of Over and Under Training 

The “hardcore mentality” or the “less is more mentality”?

 CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

MONDAY 05/01/2015

Get Warm  AS a group, work through:

8 Strict Press

8 Dip and Stand (no press), focus on dip form with weight on heels

8 Push-Press

8 Push-Jerk

Coach Choice: Shoulder mobility drill to improve overhead position

Sport and Performance: Warm-up the sequence in A.

Functional and Movement: Warm-up the sequence in A.





A. PE(24): 6 Rounds of:

1 Strict Press

+1 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

+1 Split Jerk

wk1: 60% of strict press

wk2: 65% of strict press

wk3: 70% of strict press

wk4: 75% of strict press

B. In groups of 3, complete 3 rounds each.

10min EMOM:

min one: :40sec AMRAP Push-ups on KB (increase depth)

min two: :40sec AMRAP Neutral Grip Chin-ups

min three:  :60sec rest


C. 6 RFT:

21 DU

15 RKBS 32/24kg


GOAL: P<7min, S<8min, F&M<10min


Same as Performance


RKBS 24/20kg


A. PE(24): 6 Rounds of:

2 Strict Press

+2 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

In groups of 3, complete 3 rounds each.

B. 10min EMOM:

 min one: :40sec Push-ups on KB (increase depth) / Incline push-ups

min two: :40sec Neutral Grip Ring Rows

min three:  :60sec rest


pre-WOD Test: Strict TTB: m:10, f:5; If not you MUST scale

C. 6 RFT:

21 DU (3x Single Skip = 2 DU)

15 RKBS 20/16kg

9 TTB / K2E / Hanging Knee Raises


Same as Functional


Same as functional, load as technique allows

TUESDAY 06/01/2015

Get Warm

Sport and Performance to use a bar.

Functional and Movement to use a stick


5 Pressing Snatch

5 Drop Snatch

5 Snatch Balance

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-hang Snatch (hit the scarecrow position and get under the bar)





A. PE(17): 5 Rounds of:

[4,4,3,3,3] Hang Snatch, :90-:120

@ 60%,70%,75%x3

Looking for speed under the bar!

B. PE(15): 5 rounds of:

[4,4,4,3,3] Back Squat, 40×0, :90

wk1: 60%,70%,75%,80%x2

wk2: 65%,75%,80%,85%x2

wk3: 67.5%,77.5%,87.5%x3

wk4: 70%,80%,90%x3

Weekly Benchmark WODPerformance:

C. Back Squat Voleme Test Part 1: 

2min AMRAP Back Squats @70% 1RM

*Record weight/reps on board. We are going to be testing this again at the end of this 12 week phase.

D. CrossFit Open 14.1

10min AMRAP

30 DU

15 Power snatches – 35/25kg

GOAL: P:7+  S: =6+ F: 5+, M :4+


Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. PE(17): 5 Rounds of:

[2+1+1] Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Snatch , :90-:120

B. PE(15): 5 rounds of:

[6,6,6,5,5] Back Squat, 40×0, :90

Suggest: Start at 6/10 effort and increase the weight each set.


C. Back squat a weight that is 7/10

D. CrossFit Open 14.1

10min AMRAP

30 DU (3 Single Skips = 1 DU)

15 Power Snatches – 30/20kg (15kg bar + wooden disks)

Suggest: Mid-hang Power Snatch is recommended for Functional athletes.



A. Snatch complex the same as Functional

B. PE(15): 4 rounds of:

[8,8,8,8] Back Squat, 40×0, :90


Same as Functional, load as technique allows

WEDNESDAY 07/01/2015

Get Warm

2 Rounds of:

5 Rack Delivery

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 High Hang Power Cleans

5 Mid Hang Power Cleans

5 Segmented Clean Deadlift





A. PE(15): 5 Rounds of: (15min to complete)

3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, :90-:120

wk1: 50%, 60%, 65%, 70%x2

wk2: 55%, 65%, 75%, 80%x2

wk3: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%x2

wk4: 55%, 65%, 75%, 80%x2

B.PE(16):  4 Rounds of: On the :90sec (6min)

4 Clean Segmented Deadlifts (Pause 3sec: 2inch off the ground, above knee, high hang, + finish the pull) @+10% on best weight in A.


C. 30min CrossFit Engine Work 

4 x 5min AMRAP

Buy in:

:60 MAX Distance Row

4min AMRAP :

3 Power Cleans 70/50kg

6 Box Jump Step Downs 24/20″

ROWING GOAL: P>275m, S>250m, F>225m, M>200

AMRAP GOAL: P>5, S>4,F>3,M>2 per :90sec

Rest :90sec Between rounds.

Record row distance and total reps for each round on the board please!

Coaches note: If the class is busy divide into groups of 3.

P1 starts at 00:00, 6:30, 13:00, 19:30

P2 starts at 02:00, 8:30, 15:00, 21:30

p3 starts at 04:00, 10:30, 17:00, 23:30


Same as Performance


C. Power Clean 60/40kg


A. PE(15): 5 Rounds of:

4-5 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, :90-:120

Aim: To increase weight each set

B.PE(16): 4 Rounds of:

Clean Segmented Deadlifts (Pause 3sec: 2inch off the ground, above knee, high hang, + finish the pull) @ best weight lifted in A.


C. Power Clean 50/30kg

Suggest: Mid-hang Power Cleans


Same as Functional


C. Power Clean, load as technique alllows

Box Jump to comfortable height

THURSDAY 08/01/2015

Get Warm

:30sec Air Squats

:30sec Bottom of squat hold

5 Frankenstein Squat, teaches the correct location of the bar on the shoulders for the front squat (and clean)

5 Front Squats

Hip Mobility: Coach to choose

Spend 2-3 sets building to working weights for A.





A. PE(23): 5 Rounds of:

[5,5,5,4,4]  3sec-Pause Front Squat 33×0, :90

wk1: 50%,55%,60%,65%

wk2: 55%,60%,65%,70%x2

wk3: 57.5%,67.5%,72.5%,77.5%x2

wk4: 60%,70%,75%, 80%x2

Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.

B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:

8-10 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60

8-10 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60


C. 5 RFT:

3 Thrusters 60/45kg

5 Front Squats 60/45kg

7 Ring Dips

GOAL: P<5min, S<6min, F<8min, M<10min


Same as Performance


Thruster & Front Squat 50/35kg


A. PE(30): 5 Rounds of:

[6,6,6,6,6]  3sec-Pause Front Squat 33×0, :90

Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.

B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:

10-12 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60

8-10 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60


Pre-WOD test: Strict Ring Dips: m: 10, f:5; If not you MUST scale

C. 5 RFT:

3 Thrusters 42.5/30kg

5 Front Squats 42.5/30kg

7 Ring Dips / Box Dips / Feet on ground dips


A. PE(32): 4 Rounds of:

[8,8,8,8]  1sec-Pause Front Squat 31×0, :90

Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.

B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:

10-12 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60

8-10 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60


Same as Functional

Thruster & Front Squat, load as technique allows

FRIDAY 09/01/2015

Get Warm

3 Rounds:

:30sec Hollow Holds

:30sec Superman Holds

:30sec Hollow Rocks

:30sec Superman Rocks

Push-up Tekkers

– maintain hollow position

– squeeze you butt, brace you midline

– cubit width hand position

– keep the forarms vertical throughout the press

Kipping Tekkers

 – beat swings, feet together

– can you stop swininging at any point?

– 3 beat swings + 1 pull-up

– how to puch away at the top

– kipping pull-ups





A. PE(40): 5 Rounds of:

6-8 BB Floor Press, 22×0, :60

@55-65% of 1RM Bench Press

B. PE(40): 5 Rounds of:

6-8 Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 20×1, :60 @60-70% 1RM Pull-up

C. DE(60): 10min EMOM:

even min: 4 Eccentric HeSPU on p-bars 5000

odd min: 8 Rope Pull-ups


C. “Baseline”

15min AMRAP

40 Air Squats

30 Abmat Situps

20 Push-ups

10 Pull-ups

GOAL: P:5+, S:4+, F:3+, M:2+


A. & B. Same as Performance

C. DE(60): 10min EMOM:

even min: 4 Eccentric HeSPU 5000

odd min: 8 Rope Pull-ups

Sport:Same as Performance

A. PE(40): 4 Rounds of:

8-10 BB Floor Press, 22×0, :60

B. PE(32): 4 Rounds of:

6-8 Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 20×1, :60

Or if you can not do pull-ups

1-2 Eccentric Pull-ups 20,0,0,0, :60sec

C. DE(60): 10min EMOM:

even min: 4 Eccentric Push-press 51×0

odd min: 6 Rope Pull-ups


4 Rope Climbs with feet on the ground


Pre-WOD Test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5; If not you MUST scale:

C. “Baseline”

15min AMRAP

40 Air Squats

30 Abmat Situps

20 Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

10 Pull-ups /  Ring Rows


Same as Functional

If unable to perform Eccentric Pull-up

10-12 Ring Rows, 30×0, :60

Movement:Same as Functional

SATURDAY 10/01/2015

Get Warm 5 Frankenstein Squat, teaches the location of the bar should be on the shoulders5 Muscle Cleans5 Scarecrow Cleans5 Mid Hang Cleans





A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:

(2+2) Clean & Push-Jerk

wk1-2: 60%,70%,75%,80%x3 

wk3-4: 65%,75%,80%, 85%x3


B. 2015 first round of the “MT-Fitness Test”:

Divide the class between the rowers

For time:

Row 500m

25 Burpees

15 Box Jumps

25 Burpees

15 KBS 24/16kg

25 Burpees

15 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′

25 Burpees

15 KB SDHP 24/16kg

500m Row

Group 1 Starts 00:00:00

Group 2 Starts 00:04:00

Group 3 Starts 00:08:00


Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:

(1+1+1+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Mid-hang Clean + Push-Press


KBS & KB SDHP 20/12kg

All Burpees Rounds are 20reps


A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:

(3+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Push-Press


Same as Functional

KBS & KB SDHP, load as technique allows

SUNDAY 11/01/2015

Get Warm  Ido Portel Scapula Mobilization Routine

2 Rounds of:

10 Shoulder Dislocations with Band

10 Overhead Straight Arm Pull-downs :

10 The Whippet

10 Scapluar Push-ups



All Athletes: 

Work in partners amd take it in turns to complete:

3 Rounds of:

:30sec  Front Support Hold 

:30sec Back Support Hold 

 ‘Straight Arm-Scapular Strength‘. (SASS) read more here

Practice Planch Progressions:

– hand position (slightly turned out)

– press-up position, load the shoulder by rocking forward

– teeter between headstand and frog stance

– frog stance

band assisted tuck planche – effort should be made to maintain full scapulae protraction throughout the planche hold.

Bent Arm Isometric Strength:

3 Rounds:

:30sec Chin-up Sternum Hold

:30sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

Core Conditioning

3 Rounds of:

8-10 Garhammer Raises,

Gymnastics Bridge Ups, rest :30sec