CFH Training Days 12/01/2015 – 18/01/2015
Posted 11th January 2015 by Josh Schouten
WEEK 2/12
Week 1 of the first 2015 phase went smoothly. You will be glad to know Josh and Mark are back this week and you won’t need to put up with grump StreTch all week (thanks Sarah.B). It was an interesting experiance to coach every day this week and talk to you all about the programming and your DOMS. Its no suprise that we are all a little sore after time off, or simple because we are starting a new phase. Week 2 will not be as bad, so keep up the commitment and get to the box as much as possible in week 2.
The same format will continue over the weeks 1-4 and you might ask why we do this? Most, not all, CrossFit affiliates (and even the main sight) publish what seems to be a very random programme. For most newbies a random programme will produce results. Getting someone off their backside and into the gym will always see initial results. After a while these results will start to slow down and this is where a well structured trainig programme in needed. Random cookie cutter training programmes just wont cut it in the long term hunt for continual success. A well structured periodized training programme is a crutial part of the training stimuli need for continual adaptation to take place (in english, GAINZ)!!
This week I asked a couple of the classes if they know why the different CrossFit Hackney Levels (Performance, Sport, Functional and Movement) are programmed to do a different sets, reps, and even exercise selection? For example if you take a look at Thursdays programming:
Performance & Sport: Front Squat 5 Rounds of: [5,5,5,4,4] reps = 23reps in total
Functional: Front Squat 5 Rounds of: [6,6,6,6,6] reps = 30reps in total
Movemement: Front Squat 4 Rounds of: [8,8,8,8] reps = 32reps in total
Why would it be different? Its all about your training ages. Not how old you are, but how many years you have been in the gym lifting serious weights (not doing body pump and spin classes). The athletes in the Performance and Sports levels will be the athletes that have been training for 2+ years squatting, deadling, overhead pressing, doing pull-ups and pick up heavy shit on a regular basis! For these athletes to continue to make improvements they need to be lifting relativly heavy weights 75%+ on a regular basis.
The Functional level athletes should have been lifting weights for 12+months and have a good understanding of how to perform the movements. Their bodies are still adapting to both the volume and the intensity (weight) of training. They need more volume than the Performance and Sports athletes, but they also need to be lifting more weight than the Movement athletes. This is why the programming is designed to add more repetitions and slightly less weight than the levels above. We want you to get stronger and fitter by being exposed to the training stimuli and frequency that best suits your body and its traing age.
The Movement athletes are those that have been lifting weights for less than 12months. These athletes need to spend more time under the bar perfecting the movements and not chasing the weights. They say it takes 10,000 repetitions to become efficient at movement, and this is why new athletes need more volume. This is why the Movement group will always perform more repetitions than the levels above them.
Its important you understand this, as following the wrong programme will not lead to the best results. The athletes in the levels above you have been lifting weights for a lot longer than you and this is why they are above you. Strength takes years to build and a well structured training programme designed for your individual training ability is always going to be more superior than a cookie cutter programme. Make sure you are folowing the level that best suits your training age and ability. If you are unsure of the level you should be following, please chat to our coaches.
There are some athletes that have been training in the gym for years (either at another gym or by solo) and to be honest they should still be in the Movement group. We I say “training age” I mean the number of years you have been in the gym CORRECTLY lifting weights.
Keep up the hard work team and most of all enjoy your training.
MONDAY 12/01/2015
Get Warm |
AS a group, work through:
8 Strict Press
8 Dip and Stand (no press), focus on dip form with weight on heels
8 Push-Press
8 Push-Jerk
Coach Choice: Shoulder mobility drill to improve overhead position
Sport and Performance: Warm-up the sequence in A.
Functional and Movement: Warm-up the sequence in A.
A. PE(24): 6 Rounds of:
1 Strict Press
+1 Push-Press
+1 Push-Jerk
+1 Split Jerk
wk1: 60% of strict press
wk2: 65% of strict press
wk3: 70% of strict press
wk4: 75% of strict press
B. In groups of 3, complete 4 rounds each.
12min EMOM:
min one: :40sec AMRAP Push-ups on KB (increase depth)
min two: :40sec AMRAP Neutral Grip Chin-ups
min three: :60sec rest
5 RFT of:
9 K2E
15 Ring Dips
21 DU
GOAL: P<10min, S<12min, F<13min, M<14min
Same as Performance
Pre-WOD Test: Strict Ring Dips; m:10, f:5; If not you MUST scale
5 RFT of:
9 K2E
15 Ring Dips / Box Dips / Feet on Floor Dips
21 DU
A. PE(24): 6 Rounds of:
2 Strict Press
+2 Push-Press
+1 Push-Jerk
In groups of 3, complete 4 rounds each.
B. 12min EMOM:
min one: :40sec Push-ups on KB (increase depth) / Incline push-ups
min two: :40sec Neutral Grip Ring Rows
min three: :60sec rest
5 RFT of:
9 K2E / Hanging Knee Raises
15 Ring Dips / Box Dips / Feet on Floor Dips
21 DU / (3 x Single Skip = 1 DU)
Same as Functional
Same as Functional
TUESDAY 13/01/2015
Get Warm |
Sport and Performance to use a bar.
Functional and Movement to use a stick
5 Pressing Snatch
5 Drop Snatch
5 Snatch Balance
5 Scarecrow Snatch
5 Mid-hang Snatch (hit the scarecrow position and get under the bar)
A. PE(17): 5 Rounds of:
[4,4,3,3,3] Hang Snatch, :90-:120
@ 60%,70%,75%x3
Looking for speed under the bar!
B. PE(15): 5 rounds of:
[4,4,4,3,3] Back Squat, 40×0, :90
wk1: 60%,70%,75%,80%x2
wk2: 65%,75%,80%,85%x2
wk3: 67.5%,77.5%,87.5%x3
wk4: 70%,80%,90%x3
In Teams of 3:
5 Rounds each of decending row ladder:
station 1: [500m-400m-300m-200m-100m] Row
station 2: AMRAP Push-ups
station 3: AMRAP AKBS 32/24kg
P1 Rows 500m, P2 AMRAP push-ups, P3 AMRAP AKBS
The AMRAP time is determined by the person on the rower. As soon as P1 finishes rowing, swap stations. As soon as you get to the station you can start your reps, you do not need to wait for the person to start rowing.
Record: Row Distance, Total Push-ups, Total AKBS
Same as Performance
Same as Performance
AKBS 24/16kg
A. PE(17): 5 Rounds of:
[2+1+1] Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Snatch , :90-:120
B. PE(15): 5 rounds of:
[6,6,6,5,5] Back Squat, 40×0, :90
Suggest: Start at 6/10 effort and increase the weight each set.
Same as Performance
AKBS 20/12kg
A. Snatch complex the same as Functional
B. PE(15): 4 rounds of:
[8,8,8,8] Back Squat, 40×0, :90
Same as Performance
AKBS, load as technique allows
WEDNESDAY 14/01/2015
Get Warm |
2 Rounds of:
5 Rack Delivery
5 Tall Muscle Cleans
5 High Hang Power Cleans
5 Mid Hang Power Cleans
5 Segmented Clean Deadlift
A. PE(15): 5 Rounds of: (15min to complete)
3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, :90-:120
wk1: 50%, 60%, 65%, 70%x2
wk2: 55%, 65%, 75%, 80%x2
wk3: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%x2
wk4: 55%, 65%, 75%, 80%x2
B. Olympic Complex: DE (27) EMOM for 9min
min 1: 3 Clean High-Pull
min 2: 3 Power Clean
min 3: 3 Push-Jerks
Suggest: Use 70% weight established in A.
C.PE(16): 4 Rounds of: On the 2min (10min)
4 Clean Segmented Deadlifts (Pause 3sec: 2inch off the ground, above knee, high hang, + finish the pull) @+10% on best weight in A.
“Death by Wall Ball”
10min EMOM:
min1: 4 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft
min2: 8 Wall Balls
min3: 12 Wall Balls
GOAL: P:All 10 rounds, S>8, F>7,M>6
Same as Performance
Same as Performance
A. PE(15): 5 Rounds of:
4-5 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, :90-:120
Aim: To increase weight each set
B. Olympic Complex: DE (27) EMOM for 9min
min 1: 3 Mid-Hang Clean High-Pull
min 2: 3 Mid-Hang Power Clean
min 3: 3 Push-Press
C. PE(16): 4 Rounds of:
4 Clean Segmented Deadlifts (Pause 3sec: 2inch off the ground, above knee, high hang, + finish the pull) @ best weight lifted in A.
Functional:Wall Balls 7/6kg
Same as Functional
Wall Balls, load and height as technique allows
THURSDAY 15/01/2015
Get Warm |
:30sec Air Squats
:30sec Walking Lunges
:30sec Backward Walking Lunges
Rack position:
– hands outside shoulders
– bar sitting on shoulders
– elbows inside wrists
5 Frankenstein Squat, teaches the correct location of the bar on the shoulders for the front squat (and clean)
5 Front Squats
5 Front Squats with 33×0 Tempo
Spend 2-3 sets building to working weights for A.
A. PE(23): 5 Rounds of:
[5,5,5,4,4] 3sec-Pause Front Squat 33×0, :90
wk1: 50%,55%,60%,65%,70%
wk2: 55%,60%,65%,70%,75%
wk3: 57.5%,67.5%,72.5%,77.5%x2
wk4: 60%,70%,75%, 80%x2
Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.
B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:
8-10 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60
8-10 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60
10min AMRAP:
5 Strict HeSPU
10 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
200m Run
GOAL: P>5, S>4,F&M >3
Same as Performance
10min AMRAP:
10 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
200m Run
GOAL: P>5, S>4,F&M >3
A. PE(30): 5 Rounds of:
[6,6,6,6,6] 3sec-Pause Front Squat 33×0, :90
Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.
B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:
10-12 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60
8-10 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60
pre-WOD test: Strict HeSPU: m:5, f:3; if not you MUST scale:
10min AMRAP:
5 Strict HeSPU / Feet on Box / Persian Push-up /Push-ups / Incline Push-ups
10 Thrusters 40/25kg
200m Run
GOAL: P>5, S>4,F&M >3
A. PE(32): 4 Rounds of:
[8,8,8,8] 1sec-Pause Front Squat 31×0, :90
Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.
B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:
10-12 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60
8-10 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60
Same as Functional
Thruster, load as technique allows
FRIDAY 16/01/2015
Get Warm |
10min to complete:
2 Rounds:
:30sec Hollow Holds
:30sec Superman Holds
:30sec Hollow Rocks
:30sec Superman Rocks
Push-up Tekkers
– maintain hollow position
– squeeze you butt, brace you midline
– cubit width hand position
– keep the forarms vertical throughout the press
A. 10min to complete: PE(40): 5 Rounds of:
6-8 BB Floor Press, 22×0, :60
@60-70% of 1RM Bench Press
B. 10min to complete: PE(40): 5 Rounds of:
6-8 Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 20×1, :60
C. DE(60): 6min EMOM:
even min: 4 Eccentric HeSPU on p-bars 5000
odd min: 6-8 Rope Pull-ups
20min Partner AMRAP:
Only 1 Kettlebell per team.
Part 1: 10min YGIG AMRAP
12 RKBS 32/24kg
12 Over the KB Burpees
P1 completes a full round before P2 does a round
GOAL: P>8, S>7,F>6, M>5
Part 2: 10min YGIG Partner AMRAP
10 KB-SDHP 32/24kg
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
P1 completes a full round before P2 does a round
GOAL: P>8, S>7,F>6, M>5
Same as Performance
Same as Performance
RKBS 24/16kg
KB-SDHP 24/16kg
Alt Pistols / Heel elevated / Ring Support
A. PE(40): 4 Rounds of:
8-10 BB Floor Press, 22×0, :60
B. PE(32): 4 Rounds of:
6-8 Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 20×1, :60
Or if you can not do pull-ups
1-2 Eccentric Pull-ups 20,0,0,0, :60sec
C. DE(60): 10min EMOM:
even min: 4 Eccentric Push-press 51×0
odd min: 6 Rope Pull-ups
4 Rope Climbs with feet on the ground
Same as Sport
RKBS 20/12kg
KB-SDHP 20/12kg
* If you have bad knees, or past knee injury you can perform 20 Air Squats instead of Pistols
Same as Functional
If unable to perform Eccentric Pull-up
10-12 Ring Rows, 30×0, :60
Same as Functional
KB, load as technique allows
SATURDAY 17/01/2015
Get Warm |
5 Frankenstein Squat, teaches the location of the bar should be on the shoulders
5 Muscle Cleans
5 Scarecrow Cleans
5 Mid Hang Cleans
A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:
(2+2) Clean & Push-Jerk
wk1-2: 60%,70%,75%,80%x3
wk3-4: 65%,75%,80%, 85%x3
B.Back Squat Volume Builder Part 2
In Partners YGIG 3 rounds each of :60/:90
:60sec ME Back Squats @70% 1RM, :90 rest
With a running clock:
00:00-01:00 – P1 peforms :60sec of squats
01:15-02:15 – P2 performs :60sec of squats
02:30-03:30 – P1 squats
03:45-04:45 – P2 squats
05:00-06:00 – P1 squats
06:15-07:15 – P2 squats
Compare with scores on 06/01/2015. PLEASE WRITE RESULT ON THE BOARD
C. CrossFit Open 14.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg
10 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 OHS
12 C2B Pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 OHS
14 C2B Pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
GOAL: P>12min, S>9min ,F&M>9min
Same as Performance
Same as Performance
C2B / Pull-ups
A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:
(1+1+1+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Mid-hang Clean + Push-Press
B. Same as Performance
pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5; if not you MUST scale.
pre-WOD test: 10UB OHS at WOD weight; If not you MUST perform Front Squats
OHS 30/20kg / Front Squat 42.5/30kg
C2B / Pull-ups / Ring Rows
A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:
(3+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Push-Press
B. Back Squat Volume Test, load as technique allows
Same as Functional
OHS / Front Squat , load as technique allows
Ring Rows
SUNDAY 18/01/2015
Get Warm |
Ido Portel Scapula Mobilization Routine
2 Rounds of:
10 Shoulder Dislocations with Band
10 Overhead Straight Arm Pull-downs :
10 The Whippet
10 Scapluar Push-ups
All Athletes: Warm-up: Lines and Locomotions (loads of wrist work)
A. 3 Rounds of
:30sec Hollow Holds
:30sec Superman Holds
:30sec rest
B. ‘Straight Arm-Scapular Strength‘. (SASS) read more here
3 Rounds of:
Work in partners YGIG to complete:
:30sec Front Support Hold
:30sec Back Support Hold
C. Practice Planch Progressions:
– hand position (slightly turned out)
– press-up position, load the shoulder by rocking forward
– teeter between headstand and frog stance
– frog stance
– band assisted tuck planche – effort should be made to maintain full scapulae protraction throughout the planche hold.
D. Bent Arm Isometric Strength:
3 Rounds:
:30sec Chin-up Sternum Hold
:30sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
E. Core Conditioning
3 Rounds of:
8-10 Garhammer Raises,
Gymnastics Bridge Ups, rest :30sec