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CFH Training Days 19/01/2015 – 25/01/2015

Posted 18th January 2015 by Josh Schouten

WEEK 3/12


suckitupWHAT A WEEK!! There is loads of cool things going on at Momentum right now.  The Whole Life Challenge (WLC) commenced on Saturday and we had 48 members drop into Ozone Coffee Roasters for the first “Momentum Brunch.” Hopefully we can make this a regular monthly event at Ozone.  The first CrossFit Hackney Foundations course started this week and we had 20 new members take part.  Giles Greenwood started his first 6week beginner weightlifting course at Momentum.  And we have a team of CrossFitters working hard to qualify for the 2015 Box Battles competition.  The atmosphere and the community in the box is fantastic.  What a great environment to welcome our new member too.

In week 3 of the current phase we are gradually increasing the percentages on the lifts.  The weights are moderate at this stage and the speed and technique of the movements continue to be the priority.  Be patient, move the bar with intent and take this time to perfect your movements.  The heavy loads are coming!!

The strength gains at Momentum have been flying up over the months, so lets change gears and hit the aerobic energy system for a while. You may have noticed that we have been increasing the number of long WODs and testing your stamina and endurance lately.   The current phase switches between 2 days of shorter WODs followed by 1 day of a longer WOD.  These longer gassy WODS typically contain movements that are not heavy and allow you to keep moving.  Guess what?  Its time to build an engine and your going to need to SUCK IT UP!!! 


 10 Steps to Great Squatting Technique  Elbows inside the hands, elbows oulled in and then pushed forward, breath into your back, 3-steps to unrack, breath again, 3 points of contact under the foot, get down, commit to the descent, knees inline with the toes, drive the back of your head and shoulders up, and accelerate the bar up
 Supplemental Work for the olympic Lifts 

Its not all about the full clean, jerk and snatch.  Partial movements and ancillary work are essential for GAINZ.

Herschel Walker and Bodyweight beast building 

World class strength with bodyweight exercises

Zen and the Art of the Double Under 

“Stay calm, focus on your breathing.  Get into a good position, not a broken one. Maximise your 85%”

Post-Workout Nutrition Tips for Fat Loss & Muscle Development

Increase your protein intake to burn fat and build lean muscle

 CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

MONDAY 19/01/2015

Get Warm  AS a group, work through:

8 Strict Press

8 Dip and Stand (no press), focus on dip form with weight on heels

8 Push-Press

8 Push-Jerk

Coach Choice: Shoulder mobility drill to improve overhead position

Sport and Performance: Warm-up the sequence in A.

Functional and Movement: Warm-up the sequence in A.





A. PE(24): 6 Rounds of:

1 Strict Press

+1 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

+1 Split Jerk

wk1: 60% of strict press

wk2: 65% of strict press

wk3: 70% of strict press

wk4: 75% of strict press

B. 6min EMOM of:

6 Strict Netral Grip Chin-ups


23min running clock:

Part 1: 6min AMRAP:

7 Push Press 50/35kg*

7 CTB Pull-ups

GOAL: P>8, S>7, F>6, M>5

Rest 3min

 Part 2: 6min AMRAP:

7 Thrusters 50/35kg*

7 Wall-ball Shots 9/7kg 10/9ft

GOAL: P>8, S>7, F>6, M>5

3min rest

Part 3: 6min AMRAP

10 Box Jumps 24/20′

10 RKBS 32/24kg

GOAL: P>8, S>7, F>6, M>5



Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Push-Press 45/30kg

C2B or normal pull-ups

Thruster 45/30kg

KBS 24/20kg


A. PE(24): 6 Rounds of:

2 Strict Press

+2 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

B. 6min EMOM of:

8-10 Netral Grip Ring-rows


pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5 or you MUST scale

Part 1: 6min AMRAP:

7 Push Press 40/30kg*

7 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

GOAL: P>8, S>7, F>6, M>5

Rest 3min

 Part 2: 6min AMRAP:

7 Thrusters 40/30kg*

7 Wall-ball Shots 9/7kg 10/9ft

GOAL: P>8, S>7, F>6, M>5

3min rest

Part 3: 6min AMRAP

10 Box Jumps 24/20′

10 RKBS 20/16kg

GOAL: P>8, S>7, F>6, M>5



Same as Functional


Same as Functional

Push-Press, load as technique allows

Ring Rows

Thruster, load as technique allows

KBS, load as technique allows

TUESDAY 20/01/2015

Get Warm

Sport and Performance to use a bar.

Functional and Movement to use a stick


5 Pressing Snatch

5 Drop Snatch

5 Snatch Balance

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-hang Snatch (hit the scarecrow position and get under the bar)





A. PE(17): 5 Rounds of:

[4,4,3,3,3] Hang Snatch, :90-:120

@ 60%,70%,75%x3

Looking for speed under the bar!

B. PE(15): 5 rounds of:

[4,4,4,3,3] Back Squat, 40×0, :90

wk1: 60%,70%,75%,80%x2

wk2: 65%,75%,80%,85%x2

wk3: 67.5%,77.5%,87.5%x3

wk4: 70%,80%,90%x3

C. DE(60): 8min EMOM

even min: 5 K2E    (we are woking on technique to improve TTB, THIS IS K2E)

odd min: 10 Tuck Jumps / Box Jumps

*If you can not do tuck jumps, do box jumps


In teams of 2:

12min AMRAP:

7 Mid-Hang Snatch 50/35kg


Take it in turns to complete a round.

GOAL: P>11, S>10, F>8, M>6


Same as Performance


Same as Performacne 42.5/30kg


A. PE(17): 5 Rounds of:

[2+1+1] Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Snatch , :90-:120

B. PE(15): 5 rounds of:

[6,6,6,5,5] Back Squat, 40×0, :90

Suggest: Start at 6/10 effort and increase the weight each set.

C. DE(60): 8min EMOM

even min: 5 K2E / Hangining Knee Raises

odd min: 10 Tuck Jumps / box Jumps

Functional:pre-WOD test: strict TTB: m:10, f:5, if not you MUST scale

In teams of 2:

12min AMRAP:

7 Mid-Hang Power Snatch 35/25kg

7 K2E / Hangining Knee Rasies

Take it in turns to complete a round.

GOAL: P>11, S>10, F>8, M>6



A. Snatch complex the same as Functional

B. PE(15): 4 rounds of:

[8,8,8,8] Back Squat, 40×0, :90

C. Same as Functional


Same as Functional

Mid-hang power snatch. load as technique allows

WEDNESDAY 21/01/2015

Get Warm

2 Rounds of:

5 Rack Delivery

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 High Hang Power Cleans

5 Mid Hang Power Cleans

5 Segmented Clean Deadlift





A. PE(15): 5 Rounds of: (15min to complete)

3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, :90-:120

wk1: 50%, 60%, 65%, 70%x2

wk2: 55%, 65%, 75%, 80%x2

wk3: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%x2

wk4: 55%, 65%, 75%, 80%x2

B.PE(16):  4 Rounds of: On the 2min (10min)

4 Clean Segmented Deadlifts (Pause 3sec: 2inch off the ground, above knee, high hang, + finish the pull) @+10% on best weight in A.


Part A. For time 15-10-5 of:

Power Clean 70/50kg


rest 2min

Part B. For time:

50 DU

40 Push-ups

30 DU

20 Push-ups

10 DU


Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Power Clean 60/40kg


A. PE(15): 5 Rounds of:

4-5 Mid-Hang Power Cleans, :90-:120

Aim: To increase weight each set

B. PE(16): 4 Rounds of:

Clean Segmented Deadlifts (Pause 3sec: 2inch off the ground, above knee, high hang, + finish the pull) @ best weight lifted in A.



Part A. For time 15-10-5 of:

Power Clean 50/30kg

HeSPU / Push-Press 50/30kg

rest 2min

Part B. For time:

DU (3x single sips = 1 DU)

Push-ups / Incline push-ups


Same as Functional


Same as Functional

Power Clean and Push-Press, load as technique allows

THURSDAY 22/01/2015

Get Warm

:30sec Air Squats

:30sec Walking Lunges

:30sec Backward Walking Lunges

Rack position:

– hands outside shoulders

– bar sitting on shoulders

– elbows inside wrists

5 Frankenstein Squat, teaches the correct location of the bar on the shoulders for the front squat (and clean)

5 Front Squats

5 Front Squats with 33×0 Tempo

Spend 2-3 sets building to working weights for A.





A. PE(23): 5 Rounds of:

[5,5,5,4,4]  3sec-Pause Front Squat 33×0, :90

wk1: 50%,55%,60%,65%,70%

wk2: 55%,60%,65%,70%,75%

wk3: 57.5%,67.5%,72.5%,77.5%x2

wk4: 60%,70%,75%, 80%x2

Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.

B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:

7-9 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60

7-9 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60


C. 18min Team Row:

As a team of 3 how far can you Row in 18min

6 Front Squats 80/55kg

250m intervals

Share 1 bar and 1 rower. 2 people can be working at the same time.


Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Front Squat 65/45kg


A. PE(30): 5 Rounds of:

[6,6,6,6,6]  3sec-Pause Front Squat 33×0, :90

Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.

B. DE(88): 4 Rounds of:

8-10 DB/KB FFE Split Squats (ea leg), 30×0, :60

6-8 BB Standing Goodmorning, 21×0, :60


Same as Performance

Front Squat 55/35


A. PE(32): 4 Rounds of:

[8,8,8,8]  1sec-Pause Front Squat 31×0, :90

Note: ROM and tecnique is paramount, don’t chase weight.

B. Same as Functional


Same as Performance

Front Squat, load as technique allows

FRIDAY 23/01/2015

Get Warm

10min to complete:

2 Rounds:

:30sec Hollow Holds

:30sec Superman Holds

:30sec Hollow Rocks

:30sec Superman Rocks

Push-up Tekkers

– maintain hollow position

– squeeze you butt, brace you midline

– cubit width hand position

– keep the forarms vertical throughout the press





A. 10min to complete: PE(35): 5 Rounds of:

5-7 BB Floor Press, 22×0, :60

@65-75% of 1RM Bench Press

B. 10min to complete: PE(35): 5 Rounds of:

5-7 Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 20×1, :60

C. DE(44): 8min EMOM:

even min: 3 Pause HeSPU on p-bars, hold 3sec @90deg and 3sec as close to the ground as possible

odd min: 6-8 Rope Pull-ups


8min AMRAP of an ascending ladder – 2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8…

Hand Release Over-Bar Burpees*


  *Athlete must lie down (chest to floor), touch their head at the bottom of the rep, before getting up and over the bar any how.


Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. PE(36): 4 Rounds of:

7-9 BB Floor Press, 22×0, :60

B. PE(40): 4 Rounds of:

5-7 Strict Pull-ups (weighted), 20×1, :60

Or if you can not do pull-ups

2-3 Eccentric Pull-ups 10,0,0,0, :60sec

C. DE(44): 8min EMOM:

even min: 4 Pause Push-press, 3sec hold at 90deg elbow bend 33×1

odd min: 6 Rope Pull-ups


4 Rope Climbs with feet on the ground


pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups; m:10, f:5, if not you MUST scale

8min AMRAP of an ascending ladder – 2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8…

Hand Release Over-Bar Burpees*

Pull-Ups / Ring Rows


Same as Functional

If unable to perform Eccentric Pull-up

10-12 Ring Rows, 30×0, :60


Same as Functional

SATURDAY 24/01/2015

Get Warm

5 Frankenstein Squat, teaches the location of the bar should be on the shoulders

5 Muscle Cleans

5 Scarecrow Cleans

5 Mid Hang Cleans





A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:

(2+2) Clean & Push-Jerk

wk1-2: 60%,70%,75%,80%x3

wk3-4: 65%,75%,80%, 85%x3

B. 5 Rounds of:

[5,5,3,3,3] Conventional Deadlift, 20×0, :90


Inspired by CrossFit Open 14.3

Partner 11min AMRAP.

Work together to complete the reps

10 deadlifts 100/70kg

30 box jumps, 24/20″

15 deadlifts

30 box jumps,24/20″

20 deadlifts

30 box jumps, 24/20″

25 deadlifts

30 box jumps,24/20″

30 deadlifts

30 box jumps,24/20″

35 deadlifts 165/102.5kg

30 box jumps, 24/20″


Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Deadlift 90/60kg


A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:

(1+1+1+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Mid-hang Clean + Push-Press

B. 5 Rounds of:

[6,6,6,6,6] Deadlift, 20×0, :90


Same as Performance

Deadlift 70/50kg


A. PE(24) 6 Rounds of:

(3+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Push-Press

B. 4 Rounds of:

[8,8,8,8] Deadlifts, 20×0, :90


Szme as Performanca

Deadlifts, load as technique allows

SUNDAY 25/01/2015

Get Warm  Ido Portel Scapula Mobilization Routine

2 Rounds of:

10 Shoulder Dislocations with Band

10 Overhead Straight Arm Pull-downs :

10 The Whippet

10 Scapluar Push-ups



All Athletes: Warm-up: Lines and Locomotions (loads of wrist work)

A. 3 Rounds of

:30sec Hollow Holds

:30sec Superman Holds

:30sec rest

B.  ‘Straight Arm-Scapular Strength‘. (SASS) read more here

3 Rounds of:

Work in partners YGIG to complete:

:30sec  Front Support Hold 

:30sec Back Support Hold 

C. Practice Planch Progressions:

– hand position (slightly turned out)

– press-up position, load the shoulder by rocking forward

– teeter between headstand and frog stance

– frog stance

band assisted tuck planche – effort should be made to maintain full scapulae protraction throughout the planche hold.

D. Bent Arm Isometric Strength:

3 Rounds:

:30sec Chin-up Sternum Hold

:30sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

E. Core Conditioning

3 Rounds of:

8-10 Garhammer Raises,

Gymnastics Bridge Ups, rest :30sec