You think you’re busy… Wait until you read this – Meet Annie
I’m not quite Annie Thorisdottir, but I’m aiming to get pretty close this year. I have set out to complete 52 sporting challenges in 52 weeks.
Having picked up Crossfit in September 2014, I am still a newbie, but am definitely a convert to the benefits. I stumbled across Crossfit, and specifically Momentum, when looking for ways to prevent the injuries I suffered every time I ramped up cycling and running training. I knew my fundamental lack of strength was the root of the issue but I have an aversion to gyms and had no experience whatsoever of weights or bodyweight strengthening.
The last few months have been a steep learning curve. Starting with Josh’s taster session, Jenna’s Foundations course, and then the whole team’s crossfit, met con and engineering sessions, I have surprised myself. I really was rubbish – so when my lunge technique was complemented, I knew I’d made it (haha).
The strength gained and renewed confidence in my fitness was a key catalyst to my conviction that #challenge52 was the best idea I had had in a long time. Not only can I prioritise active adventures in my life, but I hope to also open the door for others to get moving too.
Please feel free to check out the challenges. Perhaps, put together a Team Momentum set of challenges? Check out Exerk yourself for more info on this.
Any suggestions also more than welcome. Please contact me with any ideas.