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CFH Training Days 02/02/2015 – 08/02/2015

Posted 1st February 2015 by Josh Schouten

WEEK 5/12


It’s going to be another busy month at Momentum training.  Shipload on the calendar this month, including the start of the 2015 CrossFit Open.  This worldwide CrossFit competition commences in the last week of February and runs for 5weeks. For the first time CrossFit HQ will be running a scaled version of the CrossFit Open.  This allows athletes of all abilities to take part in the CF Open and pick and choose the WODS that they need to scale.  Yes, athletes can choose to do some WODs scaled and other WODs Rx.  A clever way to allow anybody to take part, have some fun and compare their efforts with friends, family, and other gym members.  This also gives you the chance to compare your 2015 efforts with future endeavours.  Personally, I think this is a fantastic idea as there are loads of athletes who enjoy the competition side of CrossFit, and lets be honest the majority of us are not shooting for the Regionals.

Everybody is capable of entering the CF Open, no matter your experience or ability. The first time I took part in the CrossFit Open was in 2012, unfortunately there was no scaled back in my day (getting old).  I’d only been doing CrossFit for about 1 year, and I recall the WODS went something like this:

WOD 12.1: 7min AMRAP Burpess

Burpees have never been so tough as the movement standards required athletes to jump and reach for target 2inchs above standing reachheight.   I think I scores 115reps, and I remember being sore for the 3 days after this WOD!

WOD 12.2: 10min AMRAP:
35kg Snatch, 30 reps
62.5kg Snatch, 30 reps
75kgpound Snatch, 30 reps
97.5kg pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

At the time 60kg was my PB snatch.  During this WOD I managed to PB my snatch and complete 4reps at 62.5kg.  A total of 34reps completed in 10min of work, not a great score, but who cares, I’d PB my snatch!

WOD 12.3: 18min AMRAP:

15 Box jumps, 24″ box
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar

I wish I could remember this WOD.  I love a box jump and my TTB are solid these days.  I have no idea what I score on this WOD, but it must have been awesome. 😉

WOD 12.4: 12min AMRAP:

150 Wall balls 9kg 10ft
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

The total number of muscles up’s I’d ever done was less than 10, and I’d never done them in a WOD before (under fatigue) and mu DU were ugly at best. Somehow I managed to get 3reps on the MU station?  Again, I was very happy with this result.

WOD 12.5: 7min AMRAP:

Thrusters 47.5kg
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

This was a heavy Thruster for me at the time, my Fran time was not worth mentioning.  Again I managed to battle through this WOD and I recall making it into the round of 15 Pull-ups.

I would not be able to tell you where I finished in the 2012 CF Open, to be honest I didn’t really care. I was simply happy survive and put a score on the board.  I look back at this now and think how far I have come.  Just the other week I did a 10min EMOM of 3 Snatches @ 65kg and only failed 1/30reps. I can now do strict muscle-up and only last week I did 10min EMOM 3 Muscle-ups (30reps) without fail.

One of the best reason to take part in the CF Open is being able to look back and see how far you have come.  CrossFit is hard work and ever single improvement is worth the acknowledgement.  The other main reason to take part is the fact that its a chance to put your training to the test and have some fun.  Most of us have not played a competitive sport since we were teenagers.  If you thinking of entering and you have and questions please feel free to speak with one of the coaches.  Registrations are now open, and you can sign up here.

NOTE: The CrossFit Open runs for 5 weeks and a new workout is published each Thursday.  The scaled version of the WODS will be added to the CrossFit Hackney programming on the Saturday after the publication date.  The CrossFit Open (non-scaled) version of the WODS will take place in the CrossFit Weapons classes on Sunday.  We are also planning to run a Friday night-lights event each week where members can some and complete the WODs either scaled or Rx, with the high probability of a meal and some drinks at the pub after.  Loads of chances to get involved!!


Year-to-Year improvements in the CrossFit Open The growth of the open seems to be pushing most athletes down the scoreboard.  Overall rankings often drop, but percentile rankings improve.

The courage to be great 

 “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  There is always a chance we may fail, it will never be because we didn’t work hard enough.  It doesn’t take a special talent to work hard.
Fat loss and high protein breakfast Early morning members at Momentum will ofter hear the coaches saying “go home and eat some protein for braekfast.”  All of this boils down to breakfast skippers having an increased risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome from hyperglycemia and elevated fat storage, along with a 27% higher risk of coronary heart disease.
The Scapular and Thoracic Spine: A Classic Love Story To Improve Your Overhead Position

The range of motion in you overhead position is affected by more than shoulder mobility.  T-spine mobility and how you breath can impact your overhead position.

 CrossFit Skills Don’t Just Happen   Stop taking the easy option and start improving your crossfit ability.  Your double under, pull-ups, handstands and muscle-ups will not magically appear.
 CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

MONDAY 02/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

8 Stricy Press

8 Jerk Dips (i.e no pressing overhead)

8 Push-Press

Tall Jerks (land in Push-Jerk stance, not split jerk stance)

8 Push-Jerks


Each athlete will perfome 1-2 rounds of the complex in A.





A. 6 Rounds of:

2 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

+1 Split Jerk

wk1: 70% of Push-press

wk2: 75% of  Push-press

wk3: 80% of  Push-press

wk4: 85% of  Push-press

B. 5min EMOM of:

[12,10,8,6,4]  Ring Dips 21×0


5min EMOM of:

[12,10,8,6,4] Wide-Grip Pull-ups, 20×1


3 RFT:

30 Push-ups

30 Box Jumps 24/20Inch

30 KB SDHP 32/24kg

GOAL: P<8mn, S<10min, F<12min, M<14min


A. Same as Performance

B. 5min EMOM of:

[10,8,6,4,2]  Ring Dips 21×0


5min EMOM of:

[10,8,6,4,2]  Wide-Grip Pull-ups, 20×1


Same as Performance

KB SDHP 24/16kg


A. 6 Rounds of:

2 Push-Press

+2 Push-Jerk

wk1: 60-70% of Push-press

wk2: 65-75% of  Push-press

wk3: 70-80% of  Push-press

wk4: 80%+ of  Push-press

B. 5min EMOM of:

:30sec ME Ring Dips / Box Dips / Feet on floor Box Dips


5min EMOM of:

:30sec ME Wide-Grip Pull-ups / Ring Rows


3 RFT:

30 Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

30 Box Jumps 24/20Inch

30 KB SDHP 20/12kg


A. 6 Rounds of:

3 Push-Press

+2 Push-Jerk

* load as technique allows

B. Same as Funtional


Same as Functional

Box Jump height as technique allows

KB SDHP, load as technique allows

TUESDAY 03/02/2015

Get Warm

All Athletes:

Choose your weapon (empty bar or stick)


5 Drop Snatch

5 Snatch Balance

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-hang Snatch (aim to hit the scarecrow position)

5 Halting Snatch Deadlifts

5 Segmented Snatch





A. PE(18): 6 Rounds of:

[3,3,3,3,3,3] Segmented Snatch, pause at mid-hang, pause in the catch (bottom of OHS)

wk1: 70-75% of Snatch

wk2: 75-80% of Snatch

wk3: [6×2] 77.5-85% of Snatch

wk4: [6×2] 80-85% of Snatch

Slow and deliberate pull first pull, accelerate the second pull, then speed under the bar! Weights should not exceed what can be done with proper positions and movement, as it then defeats the purpose of the exercise. 

B. PE(15):6 Rounds of:

[3,3,3,2,2,2] Back Squat, 20×0, :100

wk1: 75%,80%,85%,87.5,90%x2

wk2: [3,3,2,2,2,2] 75%,80%,87.5%,90%,92.5%x2

wk3&4: [7×2] 80%+


6min to complete 3 rounds of each PART (18min total).  If you finish before 6min, you rest the remainder of the 6min. If you fail to complete the 3 rounds move onto the next part.

PART A. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Power Snatch 50/35kg

Row 250m

PART B. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Muscle-ups

10 HSPU – attempt strict

PART C. 6 min to complete 3 RFT:

15 RKBS 32/24kg

12 Alt pistols


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


PART A. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Power Snatch 45/30kg

Row 250m

PART B. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Muscle-ups / (5 pull-ups + 5 Dips)

10 HSPU – attempt strict

PART C. 6 min to complete 3 RFT:

15 RKBS 24/16kg

12 Alt pistols / Heel elevated / Counter weight / Ring Support


A. PE(18): 6 Rounds of:

[3,3,3,3,3,3] Segmented Power Snatch

wk1: 70-75% of Snatch

wk2: 70-75% of Snatch

wk3: [6×2] 75-80% of Snatch

wk4: [6×2] 75-80% of Snatch

B. PE(24):6 Rounds of:

[5,5,4,4,3,3] Back Squat, 20×0, :100

wk1: 65-70% 1RM Back Squat

wk2: 65-72.5% 1RM Back Squat

wk3: 67.5-75% 1RM Back Squat

wk4: 70%-80% 1RM Back Squat


PART A. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Mid-hang Power Snatch 40/25kg

Row 250m

PART B. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Muscle-ups / (5 pull-ups + 5 Dips) / (10 Ring Rows + 10 Push-ups)

10 HSPU / Feet on Box HeSPU / Strict BB OHP 20/15kg

PART C. 6 min to complete 3 RFT:

15 RKBS 24/16kg

12 Alt pistols / Heel elevated / Counter weight / Ring Support


A. 5 Rounds of:

(3+1) Mid-hang Power Snatch + Segmented Power Snatch

B. PE(35):5 Rounds of:

[7,7,7,7,7] Back Squat, 20×0, :100


PART A. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

5 Mid-hang Power Snatch 20/15kg (or a stick)

Row 250m

PART B. 6min to complete 3 RFT:

10 Ring Rows + 10 Push-ups

10 Strict BB OHP 20/15kg

PART C. 6 min to complete 3 RFT:

15 RKBS, load as technique allows

12 Alt pistols / Heel elevated / Counter weight / Ring Support / 24 Air Squats


WEDNESDAY 04/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

5 Tall Muscle Clean

5 Strict Press

5 High Hang Power Clean

5 Push-press

5 Mid-Hand Power Clean

5 Push-Jerk


2 Rounds of A. with emptry bar





A. PE(20): 5 Rounds of:

(2+2) Power Clean + Push-Jerk

wk1: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%x2

wk2: 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%x2

B. 10min EMOM:

even min: 4 Clean Pulls @ +10% of weight in A.

odd min: 30 DU



5 RFT of:

12 Deadlift 70/50kg

9 Hang Power Cleans 70/50kg

6 Push jerk 70/50kg

GOAL: P<7min, S<9min, F<10min, M<12min


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Barbell weight 60/40kg


A. PE(20): 5 Rounds of:

(2+2) Mid-hang Power Clean + Push-Jerk/Press

B. 10min EMOM:

even min: 4 Clean Pulls

odd min: :30sec ME DU attempts



Same as Performance

Barbell Weight 45/30kg


Same as Functional


Same as Functional

Barebell weight, load as technique allows

THURSDAY 05/02/2015

Get Warm   Work in Partners:

3 Rounds of YGIG:

P1: 10 KB Goblet Squats

P2: Hold Bottom of Squat

* P1 does 10reps while P2 holds bottom of squat, P1 then passed the the KB over to P2 to do the reps.

In partner setup a squat rack.  Then perform 2 rounds of A. with an empty bar.





A. PE(22): 5 Rounds of:

[5,5,4,4,4] 1 and 1/4 Front Squats

wk1-2: 65-75% of 1RM Front Squat

B. DE(32) 4 Round of: 

6-8 BB Split Squat, 20×0, :15

30m Duck Walks, :90


15min WOD:


Front Squats 50/35kg

2min Rest


KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 24/16kg

2min Rest




A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance



Front Squats 40/30kg

2min Rest


KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 20/12kg

2min Rest





A. PE(22): 5 Rounds of:

[6,6,6,6,6] 1 and 1/4 Front Squats

wk1-2: 60-70% of 1RM Front Squat

B. DE(32) 4 Round of: 

8-10 BB Split Squat, 20×0, :15

30m Duck Walks, :90



Front Squats 35/25kg

2min Rest


KB/DB Front Rack Walking Lunges 16/8kg

2min Rest




A. PE(22): 4 Rounds of:

[7,7,7,7] Pause Front Squats, 31×0

B. DE(32) 3 Round of: 

8-10 DB/KB Split Squat, 20×0, :15

30m Duck Walks, :90


Same as Functional

Load as technique allows

FRIDAY 06/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes togather:

10 Push-ups

10 Front Squats

10 Burpees

10 Thrusters


Perform 1 Round of A. with just the bar.





A. PE(36): 6 Rounds of:

[5-6] 65* Incline BB Bench, 30×0,   :60-:90

wk1-2: 60%,65%,67.5%,70%,72.5%x2 of 1RM 65* Incline Bench

B. PE(36): 6 Rounds of:

 5-6 Mixed Grip Strict Chin-ups , 20×0 (weighted), :60-:90


18min to complete CrossFit Open 14.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Thrusters 42.5/30kg


*The actual 14.5 WOD is bar facing burpess, but we will just do burpess today


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. PE(36): 5 Rounds of:

[6-8] 65* Incline BB Bench, 30×0, :60-:90

wk1-2: 55-65% of 1RM 65* Incline Bench

B. PE(25): 5 Rounds of:

3-5 Mixed Grip Strict Chin-ups (weighted), 30×0,  :60-:90


1-2 Eccentric Mixed Grip Chin-ups, as slow as possible, :60:90


18min to complete CrossFit Open 14.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Thrusters 30/20kg


* Don’t chase weight, the goal is to get the WOD done!


A. PE(36): 5 Rounds of:

[6-8] 65* Incline BB Bench

wk1-2: 55-65% of 1RM 65* Incline Bench

B. PE(25): 6 Rounds of:

3-5 Mixed Grip Strict Chin-ups (weighted), 30×0,  :60-:90


1-2 Eccentric Mixed Grip Chin-ups, as slow as possible, :60:90


10-12 Ring Rows, 30×0, :60-90


Same as Functional, load as technique allows

SATURDAY 07/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes together:

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Scarecrow Cleans

5 Mid-hang Cleans

5 Strict Press

5 Push-Press

5 Push-Jerk


2-3 Rounds of A. with just the bar





A. PE(21) 7 Rounds of:

(1+1+1) Power Clean + Clean + Split Jerk

wk1-2: 70-80%

B. DE(36): 12min EMOM:

even min: 3 Tng Power Cleans @70% of 1RM Clean

odd min: 1 Power Clean + 2 Jerks


For time:

75 KBS 24/20kg

Run 800m

 75 reps Wall Balls  9/7kg 10/9ft


Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. PE(36) 6 Rounds of:

(2+2+2) Mid-Hang Power Clean + Mid-hang Clean + Split Jerk

B. DE(36): 12min EMOM:

even min: 3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans

odd min: 1 Power Clean + 2 Push-Jerks


For time:

75 KBS 20/16kg

Run 800m

 75 reps Wall Balls  9/7kg 10/9ft


A. PE(36) 6 Rounds of:

(2+2+2) Mid-Hang Power Clean + Front Squats + Push-Jerk

B. DE(36): 12min EMOM:

even min: 3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans

odd min: 1 Power Clean + 2 Push-Jerks


Same as Functional

KBS, load as technique allows

Wall Balls, load and height as technique allows

SUNDAY 08/02/2015

Get Warm




A. Lines and Locomotions (10min)

– Walk on toes pointed

– Walk on heels

– Front Crawl (keep knees low to the floor)

– Duck Walks

– Kangaroo hops

– Hand Jump Overs (right and left)

– Testing the water (sideways walking squats, stay low)

– Spiderman crawl

– Forward rolls

B. 15min Planche Practice and Sholder stability

Aim to do 3 x :15-30sec Planche holds with a band

Inbetween each set, perform

Y,T,W’s on 45* Incline Bench. 10,10,10 of each.

C. BASS and SASS work (3rounds, 18min of work)

C-1 :15-30sec Ring Push-ups, external rotation, feet on box or scale: perform ring press-ups with feet on floor

rest :60sec

C-2 :15-30sec Static Straight arm hold on Rings, external rotation lock out

rest :60sec

C-3 :15-30sec Hollow Holds in handstand shape! (scale as needed)

rest :60sec

C-4 :15-30sec Wall Facing Handstand Holds / Handstand holds with feet on box

rest :60sec

D. Headstand Tekkers

Get to head stand with a spotter.

3 Rounds of:

In groups of 3:

D-1 5x Straddle to headstand, with a spotter, rest :30 (if can not do a headstand practice your frog stance, or hold a plank)

D-2 5x Dynamic Straddle Stretch, rest 30* (first :30sec of this video)

** Use a box if you can not achieve the flexibility on the floor