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CrossFit Engineering 3/2/2015 – 2/3/2015

Posted 2nd February 2015 by Josh Schouten


Engineering is all about still getting a workout while also slowing down and focusing on those tekkers. Below is what each day this month will focus on and what are are aiming to achieve. Be sure to record your results to keep you on track.
The team will help with any questions you may have about this programming. Look forward to seeing some solid improvements yet again this month.

CrossFit Engineering (CF-Endurance)
  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4

Skill POSE Rowing POSE Rowing
Strength DE:
EMOM 12 Min
1 x Clean
1 x Front Squat
1 x ThrusterAux:
B1: Walking Lunges 3 x 20-24 steps
B2: Frizbee Curls
3 x 15-20
B1: Walking Lunges 3 x 20-24 steps
B2: Frizbee Curls
3 x 15-20
Snatch Grip High Pulls
12 Min Emom
5 repsAux:
B1: Walking Lunges 3 x 20-24 steps
B2: Frizbee Curls
3 x 15-20
Back Squats
B1: Walking Lunges 3 x 20-24 steps
B2: Frizbee Curls
3 x 15-20
Date 09/02/15 16/02/15 23/02/15 02/03/15
W.O.D Buy in: 30 Alternating Turkish Get Ups then30-20-10

Run (times number by 10)

Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

5 Rounds500m row5 HSPU5 Power Clean (70/45) 6min AMRAP
Rest 2 min
2 Rounds20 Kb Snatches40 DU200m Run
30 Cal Row
15 Man Makers
1 Handstand walk
Tuesday CrossFit Engineering (Deadlift and Dips)
Skill / Mobility Forward Roll
Hollow Rocks
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A-1 Snatch grip deadlift 4 x 6-8 50×0 60
A-2 Wall Walks 4 x 3-4 nil 60
B-1 KB Snatch 3x 8-10ea arm nil :60
B-2 Prone Trap3 Raise 3x 6-8 ea arm 13×6 :60
Date 03/02/15 10/02/15 17/02/15 24/02/15
W.O.D Partner WOD:
10min AMRAP
P1: Hold handstand against wall
P2: Compleres a round of:
5 Deadlifts
10 BurpeesP2 can only be lifting while P1 is holding the handstand.
Partner WOD:
Together you must complete all reps:
12 Wall Walks
24 Deadlifts
48 KBS
24 Deadlifts
12 Wall Walks
7 Rounds of:
[7-6-5-4-3-2-1] Deadlifts
10 KB Snatch (5ea arm)
for time:
[10-1] Wall Walks
[1-10] Deadlifts
 Wednesday CrossFit Engineering (Wall Ball / Thursters / T2B)
Skill / Mobility 3 rounds x5 wall squats, 5x goblet squats, 10 air squatsHSPU
(instructors Choice)
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A1 BB   Thrusters 5 x 5-10 xxxx :60
A2  T2B / K2E 5x 5-10 xxxx :60
B Wall balls Tempo 3×6-10 xxxx :75
Date 04/02/15 11/02/15 18/02/15 25/02/15
W.O.D Week1:
10 mins Thruster / T2B ladder 1 to ?
Week 2:
12,9,7,5,3 Wall ball burpees Ab matt sit ups
Week 3:15 mins 1 min work 30sec  rest Thrusters @42.5 /30  Burpees KB swings Week4:
21-15-9 Goblet squats / T2B
 Friday CrossFit Engineering (Squats /Pull ups)
Skill / Mobility Trainers choice Banded hip stretch
Thoracic roller
Banded lat stretch3 rounds x5 wall squats, 5x goblet squats, 10 air squats
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A Back squats 5×5-7 4100 75
B Pull ups 8×3 (add weight) 5010 75
C DU skills 5 mins work Nil
Date 05/02/15 12/02/15 19/02/15 26/02/15
W.O.D Week 1:
20min Amrap with partner alt  20 air squats 10 ring rows 5 press ups
Week 2:
Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters / Pull ups
Week 3:
5 rounds 20 DU 10 wall balls
12 min AMRAP 12 pull, 12 box jumps, 12 burpees
 Saturday CrossFit Engineering (Olympic)
Skill / Mobility 5 Rounds of:
5 Tall muscle clean – upper body movement of the clean
5 front squats – Position – depth
5 Mid-hand clean pull – touch, pull, jump,drop
5 Mid-hang clean – linking it all together
5 cleans – full range
Given limitations trainers choice of fixes
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A Cleans, Power clean, front squat. 10 x 1 x 90
Date 06/02/15 13/02/15 20/02/15 27/02/15
W.O.D Week1:
10 rounds 3 power cleans 6 over bar burpees
Week 2:
12min AMRAP of:
20 wall balls 10 press ups
Week 3:
8×1 min work with 30sec rest 6 Cleans mx reps air squats in remaining time
3 rounds 20 box jumps 10 wall balls 5 air squats