Heavy Met-con 4/02/2015
A little treat for those who love a Heavy Met-con class. StreTch will filling in for Geoff this week – February 4th. 7:30pm – to deliver judgement day! Rest up, eat well and try to have a good night sleep in preperation for:
Truster and Clean Tekkers
10min Clusters
With a continuously running clock complete the following repetitions every minute.
From 0:00-3:00: 5 Clusters at 50/35kg (light)
From 03:00-06:00: 4 Clusters at 60/45kg (medium)
From 06:00-09:00: 3 Clusters at 70/55kg (heavy)
*Cluster is a squat clean into a thruster
Split the class in 2 groups over part A and part B.
Part A. Working in Partners
16min to climb the ladder
YGIG Every 2 Minutes for 16min both partner must perform:
2 Pull-Ups
2 Back Squats 75/50kg
4 Pull-ups
4 Back Squats
6 Pull-ups
6 Back Squats
If you fail, rest for the next 2min and then try again to complete the required reps
– change groups over 2min –
Part B.
16min to climb the ladder
YGIG Every 2 Minutes for 16min both partner must perform:
2 Deadlifts 100/70kg
2 Double Kettlebell STOH 24/16kg
4 Deadlifts 100/70kg
4 Double Kettlebell STOH 24/16kg
6 Deadlifts 100/70kg
6 Double Kettlebell STOH 24/16kg
12min :30/:30 YGIG (4 Rounds of each)
Count each others reps:
00:00 – 04:00 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9inch
00:00 – 08:00 RKBS 32/24kg
00:00 – 12:00 Burpees
Lowest scoring partner runs 400m at the end of the class…. BOOM!!!