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CFH Training Days 16/02/2015 – 22/02/2015

Posted 15th February 2015 by Josh Schouten

WEEK 7/12

Gone fishing in Australia.. be back in March… enjoy the weeks ahead =)


Why It’s Not All About the Weight You Are Lifting Load as technique allows and never hold a shitty position.  Quality repetitions performed at sub-maximal will lead to better GAINZ than shitty repetitions performed at close to maximal percentages.  This is shy CrossFit Hackney programs suggested percentages for the major lifts.
How Much Recovery Do You Need? 7 Factors to Add Up

Less is sometimes more.  It often takes a while before new trainee’s discover the importance of recovery in training. GAINZ are not made in the gym, they come for our bodies ability to adapt to the training stimuli.  This happens when we eat, sleep and rest!

5 Reasons women shouldn’t be intimidated by powerlifting

The age old argument that “lifting heavy will make you big,” yawn!!!  If only gettung big was that easy….

Start the day right: Lime and Salt Water  Improve body composition and performance by balacing your PH levels and increasing your electrolytes
 CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

MONDAY 16/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

8 Stricy Press

8 Jerk Dips (i.e no pressing overhead)

8 Push-Press

Tall Jerks (land in Push-Jerk stance, not split jerk stance)

8 Push-Jerks


Each athlete will perfome 1-2 rounds of the complex in A.





A. 6 Rounds of:

2 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

+1 Split Jerk

wk3: 80% of  Push-press

wk4: 85% of  Push-press

B. 6min Increasing Partner Ladder YGIG

Part A. 2,4,6,8,10…max

Strict CTB chin-ups

Strict Ring Dips

-rest 2min-

6min Decreasing Partner Ladder YGIG

Part B. Reps start at where you finished part A.  Partner YGIG work back down ..10,8,6,4,2

Strict CTB chin-ups

Strict Ring Dips


12min AMRAP of:

[10.20,30,40,50…] DU

[5,…] Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. 6 Rounds of:

1 Push-Press

+2 Push-Jerk

wk3: 70-80% of  Push-press

wk4: 80%+ of  Push-press

B. 6min Increasing Partner Ladder YGIG

Part A. 2,4,6,8,10…max

Strict CTB chin-ups / Chin-ups / Ring Rows

Strict Ring Dips / Box Dips / Feet on Ground Dips

-rest 2min-

6min Decreasing Partner Ladder YGIG

Part B. Reps start at where you finished part A.  Partner YGIG work back down ..10,8,6,4,2

Strict CTB chin-ups / Chin-ups / Ring Rows

Strict Ring Dips / Box Dips / Feet on Ground Dips


3 x Single skip = 1 DU


A. Same as Functional

B. Same as Funtional


Same as Functional

Wall Ball, load and height as technique allows

TUESDAY 17/02/2015

Get Warm

All Athletes:

Choose your weapon (empty bar or stick)


5 Drop Snatch

5 Snatch Balance

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-hang Snatch (aim to hit the scarecrow position)

5 Halting Snatch Deadlifts

5 Segmented Snatch





A. PE(12): 6 Rounds of:

[2,2,2,2,2,2] Segmented Snatch, pause at mid-hang, pause in the catch (bottom of OHS)

wk3: 77.5-85% of Snatch

wk4: 80-85% of Snatch

Slow and deliberate pull first pull, accelerate the second pull, then speed under the bar! Weights should not exceed what can be done with proper positions and movement, as it then defeats the purpose of the exercise. 

B. PE(12):6 Rounds of:

[2,2,2,2,2,2] Back Squat, 20×0, :100

wk3: 80%+

wk4: 80%+

C. Back Squat Voleme Retest:

2min AMRAP Back Squats @70% 1RM (Use the same weight you used on 6/01/2015)


2 Rounds of 5min AMRAP:

3 Power Snatch 60/45kg

6  Box Jump Overs 24/20″

-rest 2:00 between rounds-


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance

C. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Power Snatch 50/35kg


A. PE(12): 6 Rounds of:

[2,2,2,2,2,2] Segmented Power Snatch

wk3: 75-80% of Snatch

wk4: 75-80% of Snatch

B. PE(21):6 Rounds of:

[4,4,4,3,3,3] Back Squat, 20×0, :100

wk3: 67.5-75% 1RM Back Squat

wk4: 70%-80% 1RM Back Squat

C. Same as Performance


2 Rounds of 5min AMRAP:

3 Mid-Hang Power Snatch 40/25kg

6  Box Jump Overs 24/20″

-rest 2:00 between rounds-


A. 5 Rounds of:

(3+1) Mid-hang Power Snatch + Segmented Power Snatch

B. PE(30):5 Rounds of:

[6,6,6,6,6] Back Squat, 20×0, :100


Same as Functional

Mid-Hang Power Snatch, load as techique allows

WEDNESDAY 18/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

3min DU Practice


5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 High Hang Power Cleans –  work on feet position

5 Mid-hang Power Cleans – work on keeping the bar close, elbow up and out!

5 Strict OHP

5 Dip & Stands (no press, keep torso upright and focus on using the knees for the dip and drive)

5 Push-Press

Tall Jerks (land in Push-Jerk stance, not split jerk stance)

5 Push-Jerks





A. PE(18): 6 Rounds of:

(2+1) Power Clean + Push-Jerk

wk3: 70-85%

wk4: 75-90%+


Teams of 2 (20mins to complete)

While P1 runs 400m, P2 will AMRAP the exercise in each part. When P1 complets the run, they will AMRAP the exercise while P2 runs 400m.  You score is the total number of reps performed in all 4 parts

Part A: AMRAP Clean* + Jerks 70/50kg

*Any clean accepted, recommend power clean.


Part B: AMRAP Deadlifts 70/50kg


Part C: AMRAP 6″ Target Burpees

* Perform a wall ball rep, catch the ball and then jump down to a burpee with your hands on the ball. Chest must touch the wall ball in the burpee


Part D: AMRAP Double Unders*

*10 Double Unders = 1point, round down.


A. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

C&J 60/40kg

Deadlift 60/40kg


A. PE(20): 5 Rounds of:

(2+1) Mid-hang Power Clean + Push-Jerk/Press


Same as Performance

Mid-hang Clean and Jerk 50/30kg

Deadlift 50/30kg

3 x single skips = 1 DU (30single skips = 1point)


Same as Functional


Same as Functional

C&J, load as technique allows

Deadlift, same weight as C&J

THURSDAY 19/02/2015

Get Warm   Work in Partners:

3 Rounds of:

5 Wall Facing Squats

5 Front Squats






A. PE(18): 5 Rounds of:

[4,4,4,3,3]  1 1/4 Front Squats

wk7-8: 75-85%

B. 4 Round of: 

5-7 BB Split Squat, 20×0, :15

30m Duck Walks, :90


Work in Partners:

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible, work together to complete the reps (only 1 person working at a time, must share 1 barbell):

From 0:00-3:00

   2 rounds of:

   10 OHS 42.5/30kg

   10 C2B-Pull-ups

From 3:00-6:00

   2 rounds of:

   12 OHS

   12 C2B-Pull-ups

From 6:00-9:00

   2 rounds of:

   14 OHS

   14 C2B-Pull-ups


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

C2B Pull-ups / Pull-ups


A. PE(22): 5 Rounds of:

[5,5,5,4,4] 1 1/4 Front Squats

wk3: 65-75% of 1RM Front Squat

B. 4 Round of: 

7-9 BB Split Squat, 20×0, :15

30m Duck Walks, :90


pre-WOD test: OHS: Can you comfortable perform 10reps at Rx weight?  If not perform front squats instead

pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5, if not you MUST scale

Same as Performance

OHS 30/25kg Or Front Squat 42.5/30kg

C2B Pull-ups / Pull-ups / Ring Rows


A. PE(22): 4 Rounds of:

[6,6,6,6] 1 1/4 Front Squats, 31×0

B. 3 Round of: 

8-10 DB/KB Split Squat, 20×0, :15

30m Duck Walks, :90


Same as Functional

FRIDAY 20/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes togather:

Kipping Tekkers

– hollow rocks

– supermans

– beat swings, feet MUST stay together

Push-up Tekkers

– Cubit width hand placement

– Active midline, squeeze your butt

– Keep elbows close to your body

– Forarms should remain vertical throughout the movement





A. PE(30): 6 Rounds of:

 [4-5]  65* Incline Bench

wk3: 65%, 70%,72.5%,75%,77.5%,80%

wk4: 70%x2,75%x2,80%x2

B. PE(30): 6 Rounds of:

[4-5] Mixed Grip Strict Chin-ups (weighted), change grip each set

C. 10min EMOM:

even min: 12 HR-Push-ups

odd min: 15 AKBS 32/24kg


“Tabata Something Else”

16min AMRAP:

Tabata Pull-ups

Tabata Push-ups

Tabata Sit-ups

Tabata Squats

Tabata intervals (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 8 rounds) for each exercise, with no rest between exercises.

Score is the total reps from all four stations (32 intervals).


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance

C. Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. PE(36): 5 Rounds of:

[5-7] 65* Incline BB Bench, 30×0, :60-:90

wk3: 60-70% of 1RM 65* Incline Bench

B. PE(25): 5 Rounds of:

[3-5] Mixed Grip Strict Chin-ups (weighted), 30×0,  :60-:90


[2-3] Eccentric Mixed Grip Chin-ups, as slow as possible, :60-:90

C. 10min EMOM:

even min: 10 HR-Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

odd min: 15UB AKBS 24/16kg


Same as Performance

pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5, if not you MUST scale

Tabata Pull-ups / Ring Rows

Tabata Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

Tabata Sit-ups

Tabata Squats


A. PE(36): 4 Rounds of:

[6-8] 65* Incline BB Bench, 30×0, :60-:90

B. PE(25): 5 Rounds of:

[3-5] Mixed Grip Strict Chin-ups (weighted), 30×0,  :60-:90


[2-3] Eccentric Mixed Grip Chin-ups, as slow as possible, :60-:90


[10-12] Ring Rows

C. 10min EMOM:

even min: HR Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

odd min: 15UB AKBS, load as technique allows


Same as Functional

SATURDAY 21/02/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes together:

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Scarecrow Cleans

5 Mid-hang Cleans

5 Strict Press

5 Push-Press

5 Push-Jerk

With no Bar Practice the Split Jerk Position

– think about pushing under the bar

– land with feet wide, not narrow (we want a good base of support)

– front toe slightly turned inward, rear foot also slightly turned inward

– recover with the front foot first

With the bar, 5 Split Jerks





A. 10min to  build to a tough weight 75-85%

Clean & Jerk

B. 12min EMOM:

even min: 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk @ best weight in A.

odd min: 1 Clean + 2 Jerks @ best weight in A.


24min AMRAP of:

Part A. 6 minute AMRAP:

21 Box Jumps 24/20inch

15 TTB

9 Thrusters 60/45kg

– Rest 3 minutes –

Part B. 6 minute AMRAP:

21 TTB

15 Thrusters 50/35kg

9 Box Jumps 24/20inch

– Rest 3 minutes –

Part C.  6 minute AMRAP:

21 Thruster 40/30kg

15 TTB

9 Pull-ups 24/20inch


Same as Performance


Same as Performance



f: 40/30/20kg


A. 10min to build to a challanging weight for:

(1+1+1) Hang Power Clean + Hang-Clean + Push-Jerk

B. 12min EMOM:

even min:  (1+1+1) Hang Power Clean + Hang-Clean + Push-Jerk

odd min: (1+2) Hang Power Clean + Push-Jerk


Same as Performance

pre-WOD Test: Strict Pull-ups / Strict TTB: m:10, f:5, if not you MUST scale



f: 35/25/15kg

TTB / K2E / Hangining Knee Raises / V-Ups / Sit-ups

Pull-ups / Ring Rows


A. 10min to practice:

(2+1+1) Hang Power Cleans + Front Squat + Push-press

B. 12min EMOM:

even min: 2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push-press

odd min: 1 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Push-press


Same as Functional

Thruster, load as technique allows

SUNDAY 22/02/2015




A. Lines and Locomotions (10min)

– Walk on toes pointed

– Walk on heels

– Front Crawl (keep knees low to the floor)

– Duck Walks

– Kangaroo hops

– Hand Jump Overs (right and left)

– Testing the water (sideways walking squats, stay low)

– Spiderman crawl

– Forward rolls

B. 15min Planche Practice and Sholder stability

Aim to do 3 x :15-30sec Planche holds with a band

Inbetween each set, perform

Y,T,W’s on 45* Incline Bench. 10,10,10 of each.

C. BASS and SASS work (3rounds, 18min of work)

C-1 :15-30sec Ring Push-ups, external rotation, feet on box or scale: perform ring press-ups with feet on floor

rest :60sec

C-2 :15-30sec Static Straight arm hold on Rings, external rotation lock out

rest :60sec

C-3 :15-30sec Hollow Holds in handstand shape! (scale as needed)

rest :60sec

C-4 :15-30sec Wall Facing Handstand Holds / Handstand holds with feet on box

rest :60sec

D. Headstand Tekkers

Get to head stand with a spotter.

3 Rounds of:

In groups of 3:

D-1 5x Straddle to headstand, with a spotter, rest :30 (if can not do a headstand practice your frog stance, or hold a plank)

D-2 5x Dynamic Straddle Stretch, rest 30* (first :30sec of this video)

** Use a box if you can not achieve the flexibility on the floor