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CFH Training Days 02/03/2015 – 08/03/2015

Posted 1st March 2015 by Josh Schouten

WEEK 9/12


While on break I’ve had the chance to stick my head into a book about sports psychology; Mind Gym, an athletes guide to inner excellence.  Part of being a coach is being a motivator and helping athletes improve.  An athletes mindset has a huge role to play in his/her success.

A mindset for success –  Learn from the past. Prepare for the future. Perform in the present. 

It doesn’t take talent to hustle and work hard.  If you take the time to invest in a positive attitude and “can-do” thinking, you can achieve your goals.

If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think that your dare not, you don’t
If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost
For out in the world you’ll find
Success begins with a fellow’s will.
It’s all in the state of mind.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later then man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Like our beliefs and attitudes, out thinking can be a powerful ally.  How you think affects how you feel, and how you feel affects how you perform. Your mindset when you enter the gym is important. Be aware of how it can effect your performance and hence you results in the gym.



  Common mistakes CrossFitters mark.  Maximum strength V’s Strength Endurance, Training Energy systems, Volume, Load and Recovery.
To Beet or not to Beet?  Athletes who down beet juice before exercising to increase blood flow and improve performance may be surprised at the results of a recent study. While beetroot juice rich in nitrates did not enhance muscle blood flow or vascular dilation during exercise, researchers found that it did ‘de-stiffen’ blood vessels under resting conditions, potentially easing the workload of the heart.
Boost Performance with Box Breathing and Meditation Master your breath with box breathing – breathing can make us better people and better athletes
Magnesium Depletion and Chronic Disease Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body, it is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions. It is involved in supporting proper nerve function and a healthy immune system. It helps keep heart rhythm steady and bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.
 CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

MONDAY 02/03/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

6 Stricy Press

6 Jerk Dips (i.e no pressing overhead)


6 Push-Jerk

without the bar, practice the split jerk foot work

with the bar 6 Tall Jerks (land in spli jerk stance)


Each athlete will perfome 2-3 rounds of the complex in A..





A. PE(21): 7 Rounds of:

2 Push-Jerk

+1 Split Jerk

wk1: work up to 75% of Push-Jerk

wk2: work up to 80% of  Push-Jerk

B. 10min EMOM of:

even min: :30 TnG Push-Press 45/35kg

odd min: :30 Strict Wide Grip Pull-ups



100 Burpee pull-ups -OR- 30 Burpee Pull-ups

Post time:

GOAL: P<7, S<8,F<9,M<10min


A. Same as Performance

B. Push-Press 40/30kg


Same as Performance


A. 6 Rounds of:

1 Push-Press

+1 Push-Jerk

+1 Split Jerk

B. 10min AMRAP of:

even min: :30 TnG Push-Press 30/20kg

odd min: :30 Strict Wide Grip Pull-ups


pre-WOD test: Strict Pull-ups: m:10, f:5, if not you MUST Scale

Either same as performance


10 Rounds of:

10 Ring Rows

10 Burpees


A. Same as Functional

B. Same as Funtional, Push-Press, load as technique allows


Same as Functional

TUESDAY 03/03/2015

Get Warm

All Athletes:

Choose your weapon (empty bar or stick)


5 Snatch Balance

5 Tall Muscle Snatch

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-hang Snatch (aim to hit the scarecrow position)





A. 8 Rounds of:

[2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1] Snatch

wk1: 75-85% of Snatch

wk2: 80-90% of Snatch

B. 6 Rounds of:

[2,2,2,1,1,1]  Back Squat

wk9-10: 70%,75%,80%,85%,87.5%,90%


You can Choose to do individual WOD or Partner WOD today:

Individual WOD: “Amanda”

9-7-5 of:


Snatch (full) 62.5/45kg


Partner WOD: Take it in turns to complete a round.  P1 does 1 Pull-up and 1 OHS, P2 then does 1 Pull-up and 1 OHS, then 2 each, 3,4,…

10min AMRAP increasing ladder of:


C2B Pull-ups

OHS 62.5/42.5kg

Post Amanda time, or total rounds and reps for partner wod.

GAOL: AMANDA P<5, S<6, F<7, M<8

PARTNER WOD: P>10Rounds, S>9, F>8, M>7


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Snatch/OHS weight 52.5/35kg


A. 6 Rounds of:

[2-3] Snatch*

*if you stuggle taking the bar from the floor you should perform mid-hang snatchs

B. PE(21):6 Rounds of:

[3,3,3,2,2,2] Back Squat, 20×0, :100

wk9-10: 70-85% 1RM


Individual WOD: “Scaled Amanda”

9-7-5 of:

Strict Pull-ups / (Double the number of reps Ring Rows 18-14-10)

Hang Snatch 40/25kg

Partner WOD: Take it in turns to complete a round.  P1 does 1 Pull-up and 1 OHS, P2 then does 1 Pull-up and 1 OHS, then 2 each, 3,4,…

10min AMRAP increasing ladder of:


Pull-ups / Jumping Ring Pull-ups

OHS/Front Squat 40/25kg



A. 5 Rounds of:

(2+2) Mid-hang Power Snatch + OHS

B. PE(30):5 Rounds of:

[5,5,5,5,5] Back Squat, 20×0, :100


Same as Functional

Snatch/OHS/Front Squat, load as technique allows

WEDNESDAY 04/03/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

6 Tall Muscle Cleans

6 High Hang Power Cleans

6 Mid-hang Power Cleans

6 Segmented Power Cleans

mid shin – flat back, shoulders over the bar, weight in the ball of the foot

knee height – driving the knees back, maintain flat back, shoulders remain over the bar, weight still in the ball of the foot

mid-hang – shoulders remain over the bar, torso angle is more upright, knees remain bent

complete the power clean


Perform 2-3 reps of A. increasing the weight before starting the working sets.





A. 6 Rounds of:

 [3,3,3,2,2,2] Power Clean


wk2: [3,3,2,2,2,1] 77.5-87.5%

wk3: [3,2,2,2,1,1] 80-90%

wk4: [2,2,2,1,1,1] 82.5%+

B.10min  E2MOM 

3-4 Clean Pulls @ +10% of weight in A


11min AMRAP Ladder

3 Power Cleans @ 75/50kg

3 Box Jumps 24/20inch

6 Power Cleans

6 Box Jumps

9 Power Cleans

9 Box Jumps


Post Rounds and Reps

GAOL: P>The round of 15, S>15, F>12, M<12


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

Power Clean 65/40kg


A. 5 Rounds of:

 [3-4] Mid-Hang Power Clean

B. Same as Performance

Functional: You have the option of mid-hang power cleans or deadlifts

12min AMRAP Ladder

3 Mid-hang Power Clean 45/25kg / Deadlift 75/50kg

3 Box Jumps 24/20inch

6 Mid-hang Power Cleans / Deadlift

6 Box Jumps

9 Mid-hang Power Cleans / Deadlift

9 Box Jumps



A. Same as Functional

B. Same as Performance


Same as Functional

Mid-hang Power Clean  / Deadlift ,load as technique allows

THURSDAY 05/03/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:

2 Rounds of:

:30sec Dish holds

:30sec RKBS

:30sec Goblet Squats

:30sec rest

2 Rounds of:

:30sec Hollow Rock

:30sec AKBS

:30sec Goblet Squats

:30sec rest





A. 6 Rounds of:

[3,3,2,2,1,1] Front Squat

wk9: 75-90%

wk10: 80%-95%

wk11: 1RM attempt

wk12: [5×3], deaload 65-75%

B. 3 Rounds of:

6-8 DB/KB Bulgarian Split Squat (ea leg), 31×0, :60

6-8 Nordic Raises, 30×0, :60



Part A:  12:00 AMRAP  of:

50 AKBS 32/24kg

50 Thrusters 40/30kg

– rest: 3min – 

Part B: 5:00 AMRAP of:

20 AKBS 32/24kg

20 Thrusters 45/35kg

Post Total Reps:

GAOL: P>250, S>220, F<190, M<150


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

AKBS 24/16kg

Thruster Same as Performance


A. 5 Rounds of:

[5,5,4,4,3] Front Squat

wk9: 70-80%

wk10: 75%-85%

wk11: 3RM attempt

wk12: [5×3], deaload 60-70%

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance

AKBS 20/12kg

15min AMRAP Thruster 30/20kg

5min AMRAP Thruster 35/25kg



A. 5 Rounds of:

[4-5] Front Squat

B. Same as Performance, (suggest body weight only on B1)


Same as Functional

AKBS, load as technique allows

Thruster, load as technique allows

FRIDAY 06/03/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:





A. 6 Rounds of:

[3-4] 45* Incline Bench, :60-:90

wk1: 70-80%

wk2: 75-85%

 B.  6 Rounds of:

Chin-ups (weighted), :60

wk1: [4,4,3,3,3,2]

wk2: [4,3,3,3,2,2]

wk3: [3,3,3,2,2,1]

wk4: [3,3,2,2,1,1]


C. 20min

Part A. 6min AMRAP of:

250m Rower

15 Push-ups

-rest :60sec-

Part B.  6min AMRAP of: 

10 TTB

15 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft

-rest :60sec-

Part C.  6min AMRAP of:

30 DU

15 Ab-mat Sit-ups

Post Rounds and Reps for each Part


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. 5 Rounds of:

[5-6] 45* Incline Bench, :60-:90

wk1: 65-75%

wk2: [4-5] 70-80%

 B.  6 Rounds of:

[3-5] Chin-ups*, :60

Note: If you can not perform chin-ups:

[2-3] Eccentric Chin-ups (6sec eccentric on each rep)


Same as Performance

Push-ups / Incline Push-ups

TTB / K2E / Hangining Knee Raises

3 x Single skip = 1 DU


A. 4 Rounds of:

[6-8] 45* Incline Bench, :60-:90

B. Same as Functional, 5 Rounds!

Note: if you struggle to perform eccentrics:

10-12 Ring Rows


Same as Functional

Wall Ball, load and height as technique allows

SATURDAY 07/03/2015

Get Warm  All Athletes:   Grab a stick and perform:

10 Shoulder passthroughs

5 OHS with a snatch grip on the stick

5 OHS with a shoulder width grip on the stick

5 OHS with hands together on the stick

* during 15.2 you can change the grip width each round.  Your shoulders are going to fatigue quickly and you want to do your best to mis it up.

* If you have tight shoulders a wider grip is going to be better

* If you have tight wrists a narrow grip will be better


5 C2B Pull-ups (pronated grip)

5 C2B Pull-ups (mixed grip) – try both sides

5 C2B Pull-ups (supinated grip)

* Agin changing your grip during the workout can help spare the shoulders and squeeze out more repetitions.


WOD Prep



A. 3 Rounds of:

200m Run/Row*

15 Air Squats

* each consecative Run/Row need to be faster.  We are aiming to elevate your heart rate

B. Shoulder and Ankle Mobility

Stretch Lats/Triceps

Stretch Calves

C. Activation:

10min EMOM:

even min: 2-3 Front Squats (50%,60%,70%,80%,85%)

odd min: 2-3 Strict Pull-ups (any grip) weighted!!

D. WOD prep

2 Rounds of:

6 OHS Rx weights

6 C2B Pull-ups


CrossFit Games Open Event 15.2

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:

From 0:00-3:00

2 rounds of:

10 Overhead Squats 45/30kg (95/65 lbs)

10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

From 3:00-6:00

2 rounds of:

12 Overhead Squats 45/30kg

12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

From 6:00-9:00

2 rounds of:

14 Overhead Squats 45/22.5kg 

14 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds within the 3-minute period.


A. Same as Performance


Same as Performance


A. Same as Performance

B. Same as Performance

C. 10min EMOM:

even min: 2-3 Front Squats (50%,60%,70%,80%,85%)

odd min: 2-3 Strict Pull-ups/ 6-8 Jumping Ring Pull-ups

D. WOD prep

2 Rounds of:

6 OHS Rx weights / Front Squats Rx weight

6 Chin-0ver-bar Pull-ups / Ring Rows


CrossFit Games Open Event 15.2 – Scaled Division
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:

From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:

6 overhead squats 30/22.5kg (65 / 45 lb.)

6 chin-over-bar pull-ups

From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:

8 overhead squats 30/22.5kg

8 chin-over-bar pull-ups

From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:

10 overhead squats 30/22.5kg

10 chin-over-bar pull-ups

Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds within the 3-minute period.


Same as Functional


Same as Functional

If OHS is poor, perform Front Squats

Pull-up / Ring Rows

SUNDAY 08/03/2015




Warm-up: Lines and Locomotions and Mobility

Part A. 3 Rounds of

3-4 Eccentric Ring Dips with iso hold at the bottom, 5300 (BASS), :60

:15-:30sec L-Sit on p-bars (SASS), scale as needed, :90

Part B. 3 Rounds of:

3-4 Arch Pull-ups on Rings (BASS), 51×0, :60

:15-:30sec False Grip Hang from rings (SASS), :90

Part C. 3 Rounds of:

:30-:60 Wall Handstand, facing away form wall (SASS)

:30-:60 Back Body Line Drill + 2.5kg

Part D. 3 Rounds of:

Standing Bent Over Y,T,W’s with DB or small weight plates

:20-:30 Planch Holds (SASS) (try without bands)