CFH Training Days 09/03/2015 – 15/03/2015
WEEK 10/12
The last few weeks of the current lifting focused phase are in full swing. In the next couple of weeks we will be testing some 1RM efforts on the split jerk, snatch, power clean, front squat, back squat, and incline bench. This is chance for you to RECORD YOUR NUMBERS. What can you squat? What can bench? Are your numbers adding up? Can you spell GAINZ, or are you simply taking the easy path in your training and not seeing RESULTS?
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men, true nobility is being superior to your former self.”~ Lao Tzu
If your not recording your numbers, the coming 16weeks are going to be difficult. What the plan for the next phase I hear you ask? We are going to switch to a 16-week GET STRONG phase. We will be following a combination of The Juggernaut Method and Jim Wendler 5/3/1 (how to build pure strength). The focus will be deadlifts, strict overhead pressing, squats, pull-up strength and some bench. Now is the time to start preparing yourself for the work ahead, you need to know your numbers. CrossFit is observable, measurable and repeatable, and what is measured can be improved.
You should know all of your lifts and be able to calculate the prescribed percentages of each lift. You all know I love a spread sheet, expect big things for the next phase).
There are loads of WOD logger applications for your phones, purchase a log book, get a tattoo, whatever it takes to keep an up-to-date log.
Stay tuned for future blog posts over the next couple of weeks details the next 16-week phase.
Eat Well, Train Smart, and Get Plenty of Rest,
10 Reasons for eating breakfast | You will be leaner, Leaner, Lower risk of diabetes and insulin resistance, variety of food, more protein and more vitamins and minerals, You’ll be smarter, Less liklet to smoke, drink or die, heathier and have more friends, less likey to develope eating disorders, you will have healthier kids, and you will be happier! |
Eat breakfast to lose weight. | “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” We hear this statment all the time, so why do so many people still skip breakfast? Far too often the excuse is either “I don’t have time” , or “I’m not hungry in the mornings.” Breakfast skippers have been found to have poorer glucose control throught the day when compared to a high-protein breakfast eater. It you can not manage your sugars, you can not manage your body composition. |
Are Your Bowelse Elite? | “There are a lot of people out there who are full of crap, and then there are those who are constipated.” Optimal posture & breathing for the elite poop |
How to get a better rack? | A lot of CrossFitters struggle to get a solid from rack position. Often you hear athletes complaining about wrists pain after performing front squats or overhead pressing movemnets. More often than not, these pople have limited internal rotation of the shoulder joint. Continue mobility work on shoulder internal rotations will delived improvements in the rack position. Take the time to prep your shoulders before you get your rack out in the CrossFit class. |
CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet |
MONDAY 09/03/2015
Get Warm | All Athletes:
6 Stricy Press 6 Jerk Dips (i.e no pressing overhead) 6 Push-Jerk without the bar, practice the split jerk foot work with the bar 6 Tall Jerks (land in spli jerk stance) -then- Each athlete will perfome 2-3 rounds of the complex in A.. |
TUESDAY 10/03/2015
Get Warm |
All Athletes: Choose your weapon (empty bar or stick) 5 OHS 5 Snatch Balance 5 Tall Muscle Snatch 5 Scarecrow Snatch 5 Mid-hang Snatch (aim to hit the scarecrow position) |
WEDNESDAY 11/03/2015
Get Warm | All Athletes:
6 Tall Muscle Cleans 6 High Hang Power Cleans 6 Mid-hang Power Cleans 6 Segmented Power Cleans mid shin – flat back, shoulders over the bar, weight in the ball of the foot knee height – driving the knees back, maintain flat back, shoulders remain over the bar, weight still in the ball of the foot mid-hang – shoulders remain over the bar, torso angle is more upright, knees remain bent complete the power clean -then- Perform 2-3 reps of A. increasing the weight before starting the working sets. |
THURSDAY 12/03/2015
Get Warm | All Athletes:
2 Rounds of: :30sec Dish holds :30sec RKBS :30sec Goblet Squats :30sec rest 2 Rounds of: :30sec Hollow Rock :30sec AKBS :30sec Goblet Squats :30sec rest |
FRIDAY 13/03/2015
Get Warm | All Athletes:
Burpee Tekkers: -then- 3 Rounds of :40sec Hollow Dish Holds :20sec rest :40sec AKBS* :20 rest * Dont be a broken athlete, as the KB goes above your head maintain the hollow position, squeeze your butt and keep your bottom rib down |
SATURDAY 14/03/2015
Get Warm | All Athletes:
prepare for 15.3 CrossFit Open Workout |
SUNDAY 15/03/2015