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CrossFit Engineering 31/3/2015 – 27/4/2015

Posted 30th March 2015 by Josh Schouten

CrossFit Engineering classes for the next phase are here:

CrossFit Engineering (CF-Endurance)
  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4

Skill POSE Rowing POSE Rowing
Strength DE: 12 EMOM
x 5 @65%Aux:
B1: BB/DB Back Step 3 x 12 @ 22×0
B2: FLR 3 x 40-60 sec
4 x 8Aux:
B1: BB/DB Back Step 3 x 12 @ 22×0
B2: FLR 3 x 40-60 sec
4 xThrusters @ 70%Aux:
B1: BB/DB Back Step 3 x 12 @ 22×0
B2: FLR 3 x 40-60 sec
Back Squats
3,2,1,3,2,1Aux: B1: BB/DB Back Step 3 x 12 @ 22×0
B2: FLR 3 x 40-60 sec
W.O.D 5 Rounds
10 x Deadlift 70/45
Rest 2:00min
1000m TT
Rest 3 mins
Thruster 42.5 / 30
Sit Ups
3 x 1000m TT
3 x 20-25 Standing Calve Raises
In teams of 2:
18 Min Time Cap
Row 2 min
Every 2 min person on the rower completes 10 Burpees and rest remainder of 2 mins.
Rower is always moving.



Tuesday CrossFit Engineering (Deadlift and Pressings)
Skill / Mobility Air Squat
Bottom of the Squat Mobility – Heels elevated, Lateral movments
Kb Swing
Couch Stretch
KB Squat
Bottom of the Squat Mobility – Heels elevated, Lateral movmentsArm KB Swing
KB Clean
Kb Snatch
Kb Thruster
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A1 – Deadlifts 5×5 41X1 60
Wk 1&2 Press ups
Wk 3&4 Dips (scaled)
5x 12
5 x6-10
B KB Skills (squat cleans – rack position) 3x5ea
Date 31/03/15 07/04/15 14/04/15 21/04/15
W.O.D 2-4-6-8-10reps KB Squat cleans 2ea     burpees 2        KB Squat cleans 4ea     burpees 4             etc 3 Rounds:
30 KB swings           20 press ups           10 KB cleanss          5 ring dips
Runnnig clock for 10 mins 30sec rounds
30sec burpees 30sec deadlifts  max reps
100 deadlifts         50 Press ups        100 KB swings



Wednesday CrossFit Engineering (Wall Ball / Thursters / T2B)
Skill / Mobility Wrist Mobility –
Scapular Pull Ups
Ring Rows
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Paused Thrusters @ bottom 2sec , top 2sec (Positioning) 6×6 75
B -2 T2B / K2E 4×6-8 :60
Date 01/04/15 08/04/15 15/04/15 22/04/15
W.O.D EMOM  16min   Odd 5 thrusters 42.5 / 30
Even 5 T2B
Wall ball burpee ladder  1-10 5 rounds for time   10 ring rows   10 air squats 10 T2b 10 press ups 3×3 min with 1 min rest between roundes  AMRAP
7 Thrusters            24 star jumps



Friday CrossFit Engineering (Squats /Pull ups)
Skill / Mobility Trainers choice Banded hip stretch
Thoracic roller
Banded lat stretch3 rounds x5 wall squats, 5x goblet squats, 10 air squats
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Front  / Back Squat – Paused 4 x 2/4 3010 :90
B.  pull ups 4 x 4-8 30×0 :90
C. Double Unders 5-10 min Practice
Date 03/04/15 10/04/15 17/04/15 24/04/15
5 rounds
20 air squats
10 pull ups
10 mins AFAP      200 DU
100 Goblet Squats  50 Pull ups 25 Burpee
Trhusters 42.5 /30
pull ups
With a running clock 4x 1min work 1min rest x 3 rounds
Box jumps
Press ups
Deadlifts 42.5 / 30
STOH 42.5 / 30



Saturday CrossFit Engineering (Olympic)
Skill / Mobility 5 Rounds of: Alt week snatch / cleans
5 Tall muscle clean – upper body movement of the clean
5 front squats – Position – depth
5 Mid-hand clean pull – touch, pull, jump,drop
5 Mid-hang clean – linking it all together
5 cleans – full range
Given limitations trainers choice of fixes
Strength Exercise Set & Reps Tempo Rest
B: Complex alt weeks clean / snatch
1 x Power Snatch
1 x Hang Power Snatch
1 x Hang Snatch / OHS
10 x 1 x 01:30-02:00
Date 04/04/15 11/04/15 18/04/15 25/04/15
W.O.D 5 rounds                   5 power cleans  60/40
5 box jumps             5 burpees
12 mins AMRAP
18 KB swings 24/16
9 Thrusters 42.5 / 30
6 T2B
 10 Rounds               3 deadlifts 55/35               3 power cleans       3 front squats         3 push press        This is a lite workout with form 6 rounds
3 power cleans 70/50 (heavy)
30 DU