CFH Training Plan 06/04/2015 – 12/04/2015
Week 2 of 16 Juggernaut
BOOM!!! Juggernaut has arrived and the CrossFit classes are buzzing with members keen to increase their strength. Very impressed to see the number of member who have downloaded the Juggernaut spread sheet and are using it to calculate their numbers. TRUST ME, in week 5 when we commence the next wave (8’s) you are going to wish you had used the spread sheet, its a complicated process to calculate the strength improvements without it. Those of you who are unsure of your 1RM’s don’t stress. After performing the AMRAP in week 3 the numbers will balance out and the spread sheet will determine how strong you really are. Be ready for week 5! On the other hand, those who have overestimated their strength, you will be in for a shock come week 3. If you fail to perform 10+ repetitions in the AMRAP your recommended weight will go DOWN in the next wave. Yes, the weights will go down as you have not estimated your 1RM correctly. The spread sheet don’t lie!!!
The Science of Rest
It’s a difficult concept for most CrossFitters to comprehend… REST!! The rest periods refers to the length of rest between sets and exercises. The length of the rest interval dictates both the training response (hypertropy, strength gains, metabolic change, etc..) and the hormonal response to a given workout. The shorter the rest interval the greater the metabolic demand, hence why our Met-con classes are a great way to improve your body composition. Generally, if you want to maximise the impact on the nervous system (strength training), full recovery is recommended between sets. Longer rest periods are more likely to promote strength gains than shorter ones because near-maximal recovery of force generation parallels restoration of the energy substrates in the muscles.
Aim to take a minimum of: 90sec rest between your Juggernaut sets. Allow the muscles and the nervous system to recover so you can maximise your output in the final AMRAP. Strength is the objective here, not 3,2,1… GO!!
For the Love of Toe’s-to-Bar – P2 Mobility | Are you flexible enough to get your toe’s to the bar? Here are some excellent Yoga stretches to help you improve your range of motion and your TTB efficiency. |
The Spine – How it Works, What Can Go Wrong, and How to Make it Stronger | Carrying, lifting, pushing, pulling, etc., can only happen with a flexible and strong spine. Strength and mobility is important to all of us. |
You’re Only As Strong As Your Strongest Link | Juggernaut is a great programme for training both physical and mental strength. The AMRAP will test your willpower and you physical strength all in one. The major lifts are all associated to CrossFit movements and improving your overall strength is going to create a positive impact on your CrossFit scores. |
Double-Under Tips | Ahhhhhhh… the whipping of the rope is only part of the frustration. You need to spend time practicing double under if you are ever going to master them. |
CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet CrossFit Hackney Juggernaut Spreadsheet |
MONDAY 06/04/2015
15min Glute Activation (Glutes are fucking great): 20/side Sidelying Clam :60sec/side Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 10 Inch-Worms for QUALITY – Pausing to stretch hamstrings in Pike – Pausing in Hollow Hold Position 20 Hip Bridges Teach FLR Position:
– Squeeze the glutes to set the pelvis in a slight prosterior tilt. If you had a tail, you would be tucking it in between your legs – Hands are cubit width apart, shoulders are actively pushing into the ground. Think about rounding your upper back and spreading your shoulder blades – Hollow dish shape Push-up Tekkers (maintain FLR position throught the movement) L4: Push-up L3: Band around elbows push-ups L2: Incline on weight plates L1: Incline on box |
CONDITIONING(Level Specific) |
30mins to complete both A. and B. Working in groups of 2 with similar strength. You have 15min on each A&B to get the sets done. A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut: [5,5,10,10, AMRAP] Deadlift 55%, 62.5%, 67.5%, 67.5%, 67.5% of working weight for all sets *No straps and no mixed grip. This is raw strength and you need to work on your grip now.. While the bar is light. |
Deadlift, load as tehnique allows Push-ups / Incline Push-ups** **Try to challenge yourself by using the lowest incline possible. Don’t just go to the 20inch box by default. Stack weight plates if needed |
Deadlift 80/55kg |
15min to establish B. Wendler Bench [5,5,3,3,AMRAP] 50%,60%,65%,75%,85%* *NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 3 reps |
Deadlift 90/65kg |
12min AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 100/75kg 7 Push Ups 9 Over the Bar Burpees
TUESDAY 31/03/2015
WEDNESDAY 08/04/2015
15min Swing, Jumping and Clean Tekkers: Single Arm KB Swings 10x 2-Handed KB Deadlift 5/arm Single Arm KB Deadlift – hand placement – twist of the torso – free hand used for stabilisation 10/arm Single Arm Swing – Change hands at the top of the swing without putting the Kettlebell down! Box Jumping Tekkers All athletes use a height that they can rebound onto, suggest weight plates for Movement and Functional Pause at the top of every box jump and fully extend the hips. Beside being the movement standards this is a very important part of hip stability in the box jump. A. BLOCKING MOVEMENT: 5 Box Jumps with feet together B. 5 Box Jumps – feet together on the ground, feet in squat stance on top of the box C. 5 Box Jumps – feet in squat stance on the floor and on the box* * can you do a big toe click as you jump down to the floor? Clean Tekkers 5 Tall Muscle Clean 5 High Hang Power Clean (from the power position) 5 Mid-Hang to High Hang transitions 5 Mid-hang Power Cleans 5 Below the Knee to High Hang Transitions 5 Below the Knee Power Cleans |
CONDITIONING(Level Specific) |
A. E2MOM for 10min (5sets) 3-position Clean (1 rep from each position, a total of 3 reps every 2min) 65-80% of Power Clean Performance and Sport: (mid-hang, below knee, floor) Function and Movement: (high hang, mid-hang, below the knee) |
KBS, load as technique allows Box Jump, height as rebound technique allows |
KBS 20/12kg |
20min to complete: 5 Round of: B1. Wendler [5,5,3,3,AMRAP] Front Squat / OHS 50%, 60%, 65%,75%,85% *NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 3 reps (not to failure) B2. [3,3,3,3,3] Bounding Box Jumps* of increasing height *Jump Over 20inch, then 24inch, then 30inch. All jumps should be a rebound jump, athletes need to perform a small forward bound before jumping on the first box. ** use heights that are challenging but achievable |
Same as Performance |
10min Time Cap: 5RFT of: 10 Box Jumps 24/20′ (a hight you can rebound onto) 15 AKBS 24/16kg 20 (10/arm) SA KB Swings 24/16kg rest :30sec between rounds. * Aim is to do the rounds UNBROKEN, aim not to put the KB down |
THURSDAY 09/04/2015
10min Warm-up Push-up Tekkers – Cubit hand position – FLR position – Midline tight / trunk stability with tight glutes core engaged and active shoulder – Forearm stays vertical and elbows stay in – Scale using incline (weight plates stacked on top of each other) – NEVER HOLD A SHITTY POSITION – CrossFit Gymnastics Cert.. |
CONDITIONING(Level Specific) |
25min to complete: A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut: [5,5,10,10, AMRAP] Flat BB Bench 55%, 62.5%, 67.5%, 67.5%, 67.5% of working max A2. 5 Rounds of: [8-10] Pendlay Row, 21×0 * work on torso position being over the bar. It is NOT an upright row, load as technique allows |
Push-Press, load as technique allows 100 Single Skips. |
Push-Press 40/25kg 3 x Single Skips = 1 DU |
B. 10min AMRAP of: Work in pairs and take it in turns to complete 3 Rounds each of: odd min: [8-12] Sheena Push-ups, 31×1, even min: [8-12] Vertical Ring Rows (see levels) **, 30×1 * Push-ups – STRICT TEMPO with full lockout at the top. (scale: use incline that allows you to maintain a tight midline and PERFECT push-up mechanics) ** Ring Rows – STRICT TEMPO and tight form L3: Feet on box, straps vertical L2: Feet on floor straps vertical L1: Feet on floor, change the strap angle |
Same as Performance |
For time: Buy in 100 DU -then- [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] Burpees Push-Press 50/35kg -then- Cash Out 100 DU
FRIDAY 10/04/2015
10min Squat Mobility
Ido Portel Squat 2.0 Routine |
CONDITIONING(Level Specific) |
15min to complete A and B: A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut: [5,5,10,10, AMRAP] Back Squat 55%, 62.5%, 67.5%, 67.5%, 67.5% of working max (Athletes are allowed only one full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – if more rest is taken at the top, the set is over!) |
Same as Functional Mid-Hang Clean, load as technique allows |
Working in Partners of equal strength. Work together to complete the following reps each minute: 14min Clean-DownUp-Challenge min 1: 2 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans 45/25kg + 12 Down-Ups min 2: 4 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 10 Down-Ups min 3: 6 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 8 Down-Ups min 4: 8 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans+ 6 Down-Ups min 5: 10 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 4 Down-Ups min 6: 12 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Down-Ups min 7: REST FOR THE FULL MINUTE min 8: 12 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Down-Ups min 9: 10 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 4 Down-Ups min 10: 8 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 6 Down-Ups min 11: 6 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 8 Down-Ups min 12: 4 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 10 Down-Ups min 13: 2 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans + 12 Down-Ups ** If you fail to complete the round in :60sec you MUST rest the next minute and then repeat the round you failed. Continue from that point. |
B. EMOM for 10min (5 Rounds): In pairs, both working at the same time on alternate exercises. The partner performing the lunges will first place the weight plate onto their partner before they start. odd: [10-12] DB/KB Alternating Fwd Lunges* – you are aiming to have the hamstring on the front leg cover the top of the calf of the front leg at the end range. You back knee should softly touch the floor with each step even: :45sec Weighted Plank (weight plate) * Movement and Functional hold one KB in Goblet position * Sport and Performance hold 2xKB in front rack position C. Warm-up Squat Clean – 5 Muscle Cleans – 5 Frount Squats – 5 High Hang (power position) cleans – 5 Scarecrow Cleans – 5 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans – Take some time to build up to working WOD weights. |
Same as Performance Squat Clean 60/40kg |
Working in Partners of equal strength. Work together to complete the following reps each minute: 14min Clean-Chin-Challenge min 1: 2 Squat Clean 70/50kg + 12 Strict Chin-up min 2: 4 Squat Clean + 10 Strict Chin-up min 3: 6 Squat Clean + 8 Strict Chin-up min 4: 8 Squat Clean + 6 Strict Chin-up min 5: 10 Squat Clean + 4 Strict Chin-up min 6: 12 Squat Clean + 2 Strict Chin-up min 7: REST FOR THE FULL MINUTE min 8: 12 Squat Clean + 2 Strict Chin-up min 9: 10 Squat Clean + 4 Strict Chin-up min 10: 8 Squat Clean + 6 Strict Chin-up min 11: 6 Squat Clean + 8 Strict Chin-up min 12: 4 Squat Clean + 10 Strict Chin-up min 13: 2 Squat Clean + 12 Strict Chin-up Your scores is the total number of successful reps (168reps in total). |
SATURDAY 11/04/2015
Shoulder Activation 3 Rounds of: A-1 Standing B/O Y/T/W’s 10,10,10 A-2 Round 1: Wide Hand Placement Scapular Push-ups Round 2: Normal Hand Placement Scapular Push-ups Round 3: Diamond (hands together) Scapular Push-ups Snatch Skillz 6 Tall Muscle Snatch 6 Power Snatch from Power Position (high hang) 6 Power Snatch from mid-hang 6 OHS 6 Pressing Snatch 6 Drop Snatch 6 Snatch Balance Working in pairs of equal snatch ability. Take it in turns to complete A. P1 starts on 00:00 and P2 starts on 01:00 |
CONDITIONING(Level Specific) |
E2MOM for 16minutes (8sets): Performance and Sport: 1 Power Snatch 1 Mid-hang Snatch (squat) 1 Snatch Balance *Start at 60% of 1RM Power Snatch and aim to increase weight each set Functional and Movement: 1 High Hang Power Snatch 1 Mid-Hang Power Snatch 1 OHS (work depth to best ability) |
Same as Functional
HeSPU/ Feet on Box/ Pike Push-up/ Push-up/ Incline Push-up Pistol Squat / Band, Ring or Box Support / Lateral Step-ups ** If you have bad knees do the box step-up! |
B. 15min to complete: 5 Rounds of Wendler (ME): [5,5,3,3,AMRAP] Sumo Deadlifts (increase weight each round) 50%, 60%, 65%,75%,85% 1RM *NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 3 reps (not to failure) |
Same as Performance |
10min EMOM: 2 Deadlifts @80% of best weight in B. 3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 4 Alternating Pistols
SUNDAY 12/04/2015