The London Box Battles 2015 – Round 1: Movement Standards
WOD 15.1 Part A
3 Hang Cleans (any version)
6 Over the Bar Burpees
9 Wall Balls
Hang Cleans (any version)
The bar must be deadlifted from the floor and taken to the full lockout position, hips and knees extended. The athlete can then take the bar to the hang position. At the bottom of the hang position the bar must not pass below the knees. The athlete may choose to mid-hang power clean or mid-hang squat clean the bar. The hip and knees must be fully extended with the feet in line and the elbows in front of the bar at the top of the movement for the rep to count.
Note: Cleaning the bar from the floor or from below the knees is a NO-REP. If the athlete drops the bar before completing the 3 hang cleans they will need to deadlift to full lockout position before performing the next repetition.
Over The Bar Burpees
At the bottom position, the Athlete’s chest and hips must touch the ground. Athletes must then jump, two-foot take-off and two-foot landing, over the bar. Athletes are not allowed to step-over the bar. Please note that the athlete is not required to open the hips (stand tall) at the top of the burpee.
Note: If athletes step-over the bar this will be counted as a NO-REP. Athletes must perform the full movement again, including the burpee.
Wall Ball
In the wall-ball shot, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target.
The centre of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits lower or does not hit the wall, it is a no rep. Athletes may squat clean the first repetition. Failing to perform the squat on the first repetition will be a NO-REP along with any squats not meeting the above criteria.
WOD 15.1 Part B
Athletes have 6 minutes to establish a 3rep max Deadlift.
Only the athlete is allowed to touch the bar and the weight plates, nobody else is allowed to load the bar. After completing part A. of this workout athletes may simply continue to add weight to the bar, there is no need to empty the bar. Each repetition must start from the floor and athletes are not allowed to bounce the bar (i.e. the arms must remain locked out during the movement). The 3RM needs to be a touch-and-go, there is no resting in the bottom position. Athletes are not allowed to drop the bar on the first 2 repetitons, athletes may drop the 3rd and final repetition.
At the top of the movement the hips and knees must be fully extended and the shoulder must finishe behind the line of the bar. Athletes must perform the deadlift with hands placed outside their feet placement (no sumo stance allowed) and not straps or lifting aids are allowed. An alternate grip is fine.
This WOD is a timed workout with a 10min time cap.
Buy in 100DU (group C = 100 Single skips)
3 Rounds of:
10 Thrusters
10 C2B/Pull-ups/AKBS A/B/C
Cash out 100 DU (group C = 100 Single skips)
Double Unders (Group C: Single skip)
This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts.
Group C will perform single skips.
This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. The bar starts on the ground. A full squat clean into a thruster will count as a repetition. At the bottom of the movement the athletes hip crease must break parallel (below the line of the knees). At the top of the movement the barbell must come to a full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. At the top of the movement the athletes ears should be clearly in front of the arms to show full overhead lockout.
Group A C2B, Group B Pull-ups
This is a standard C2B or pull-up. Starting from a dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom.
C2B – at the top of the movement the athletes chest must touch the bar
Pull-up – At the top of the movement the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
Group C: Kettlebell Swings
At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell over the handle), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight. At the bottom, the wrists must touch the thighs and the bell must pass behind the heels. There is no requirement for flexing the knees.
WOD 15.3
Teams of 6 (1 guy and 1 girl from each group A/B/C). Each person must complete 1 round each and only 1 person working at a time
In the following order:
Girl C -> Guy C -> Girl B -> Guy B -> Girl A -> Guy A
1 Round each of:
20 Box Jumps
250m Row
Note: If teams do not have the right number of athletes from each group and gender they can:
Solution 1
Choose another athlete from a different group and same gender to fill the spot. This athlete must Rx the workout according to the spot that they are filling. In round 1 of the LBB the only difference between each group in 15.3 will be the height of the box jump and the weight of the KB. Please note athletes are allowed to do step-ups if they can not jump on the box.
Choosing this option is a fair substitution and all points will be rewarded to the winning team.
Solution 2
Another possible way to work around this would be for both teams to scale the height/weight as needed. The points for the 15.3 Final WOD are not compared across all competing boxes. This WOD is designed to be a final battle between the local competition (Box A v Box B). The winner of this WOD is allocated 1 point to on the overall table.
Hence, if one box can not supply a Group A female, or a substitute that can box jump the Rx height and/or KBS the Rx weight the battling boxes can agree to scale. For example the Group A female (and substitute) can choose to lower the box jump height and/or the KB weight so that they are both doing the same. This will make the battle fair and the points can be awarded to the winning team.
The battling boxes will need to decide on the day if this is a suitable compromise and if the point can be awarded either way.
Box Jumps
Every rep must begin with both feet on the floor. The rep finishes with the hips and knees fully extended while in control on top of the box. The athlete may jump or step up and/or down as long as both feet start on the ground and both feet end on the box in control.
Kettlebell Swings
At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell over the handle), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight. At the bottom, the wrists must touch the thighs and the bell must pass behind the heels. There is no requirement for flexing the knees.
Each athlete must reset the monitor at the beginning of each round. Any rowing technique can be used to achieve the distance required.