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CFH Training Plan 11/05/2015 – 17/05/2015

Posted 10th May 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 7 of 16 Juggernaut


Starting and maintaining an exercise program can be difficult. We’ve all been there… But once we get past the first few weeks and get into the routine, we enjoy the challenge, especially because gains and improvements happen pretty much every time you workout (in the beginning). Eventually, no matter who we are, we will hit a bad training session or two, but we push through it and do our best to stay focused. But the next time it goes south, it’s not as easy to always bounce back. We sometime consider giving up on the program, or starting again, or even just stopping altogether. We start to think “Shouldn’t I be getting better every time I workout?”

Well, not really.

The greater your training age (more experience you have in the gym), the longer it takes to see small improvements. This doesn’t mean you aren’t getting better in the big picture, but it’s sure as hell difficult to see from up close. As a beginner, we can see gains every single week; our deadlift can increase from 40kg to 100kg in a couple of months. If we’ve been training in the gym for years and lifting weights regularly the increase from deadlifting 180kg to 190kg can take 12 months or more.

Not every training session is going to be great, but what’s less obvious is that the great (and/or bad) day is harder to predict than you might think, so you’ve got to base your training on something more reliable. This is why working with percentages or rate of perceived exertion is very important to continue success.

There are a number of contributing factors that can impact our performance. So if you feel that an exercise is suddenly more difficult and your form is breaking down, take that as a cue that you aren’t likely to be breaking any personal records today, and it might be a good idea to chill the f&*( out.

“When in doubt, do less.”

Here’s the thing: you cannot expect to make improvements every day. There are no exceptions to this rule. And no, you shouldn’t “fight through it.” It’s not a matter of will power or “wanting it more.”

This is antithetical to a lot of trainers that want you to push your limits everyday and yell at you to go harder and “dig deeper” and all that other crap. If you push through on bad days often enough you are not just going to burn out, you are more likely to injure yourself.

“We’re not here to punish ourselves; we’re here to improve ourselves.”

There are a lot of very good programs (like Juggernaut) out there that are designed to bring you towards your peak performance over the course of several weeks. Train correctly and you’ll see the improvements, even if you have a bad day here and there. Remember it is impossible to continually create a peak every week in training it’s not realistic.

“This doesn’t mean that you should be lazy, it means that you should be smart.”

Week 3 (realization phase) of the Juggernaut 8’ wave is here. This week we will be attempting to AMRAP 80% of your working weight in the deadlift, OHP, bench and squat. This shit is going to be heavy; most of you may not have even lifted this weight before. It is time to be brave, time to step under the bar and test the waters. If you’re having a good day you might be able to squeeze our 8-10 repetitions. If you’re having a bad day you might struggle to get 5. No matter the result, stop and think about how much weight you were lifting in the month before we started Juggernaut. Chances are you are already seeing positive results and you are getting stronger.
Practical Lessons:

• Always start a program easy, stick to the percentages and leave room to improve
• Wait and see how you feel when you get under the bar before you make judgement on how this session is going to unfold.
• Reflect on the positive lifts you have performed in the weeks building towards this session. Training is a journey and every small improvement is a step in the right direction.
• Take advantage of the days where you feel strong, go ahead and push harder. On those “blah” days, do the minimum, don’t force it, listen to your body and don’t let one bad session impact the entire training programme.

Best of luck this week with your AMRAPS team. If its good day, go to town on those repetitions. If it’s a bad day, do what you can and reflect on the hard work you have already done to make it this far. Next week will be a deload and then we hit the 5’s wave and another chance to make new gains.


GMB: 6 Flexibility Tips to loosen Tight Hamstrings – 1. Never force a stretch. Ever. 2. It’s okay to bend your knees if you have to. 3. Sometimes, working on other areas first will loosen up your hamstrings. 4. Hold stretches for shorter periods. 5. Use it or lose it. 6. Work on one technique at a time.

Exuberantanimal: How to do One Thing? –  “I’m a great mono-tasker.” Over the next few years, multi-tasking and electronic devices may well join the ranks of smoking, trans-fats and high-fructose corn syrup consumption in the pantheon of health-negative behaviors of the modern world.  When we give priority to electronic communication, we displace real, authentic human contact, in much the same way that junk food displaces real, nutritional food

Strength Sensei: A Simple Trick to Improve Your Sleep – There is no substitute for great sleep. The research is clear on this. No supplement. No food. No tricks. There are no shortcuts to great sleep. Great sleep is essential for physical and cognitive performance. That means your success in the gym and in your sport….

This is where physical movement and meditation fit into the picture. Exercise and meditation can only take place in the here and now.

BornFitness: Solving Sleep Problems: Non-Obvious Solutions to Better Rest and Recovery – While you might be trying to do everything right—not drinking alcohol before bed, avoiding late night technology, sleeping in a colder room—chances are you’re still missing out on some not-so-obvious behaviors and decisions that could be harming and disrupting your sleep.

Poliquin Group: THESE are the Best Bulletproof Ab Exercises: Squats, Deads, Chins & Olympic Lifts – Get the best-looking abs by training exercises that integrate all the key muscle groups of the trunk or “core.” Don’t waste time on endless isolation abdominal exercises or 15-minute ab programs.

CrossFit Hackney Downloads CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet CrossFit Hackney Juggernaut Spreadsheet

MONDAY 11/04/2015


Glute and Hip Activation

2 Rounds:

12 TEMPO KB Goblet Squats  52×2 – squeeze you butt muscles and your quads in the top position

10/leg KB Goblet Back Lunges – again squeeze your butt muscles as you step forward

10/leg KBSingle leg RDL – hold the KB with 2 hands and then hindge at the hip and bend forward while extending the non-supporting leg out behind you.

Hip Stretch – coaches choice


25min to complete A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut:

 [5,5,3,1 AMRAP] Deadlift 60%, 50%,60%,70%,75%,80%

B. 5 Round of Wendler:

[5,5,3,1,AMRAP] Flat Bench 70,75,80,85,90%

NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 1 reps

Note: .New Wendler Max = Week 3 Weight x Reps x .0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM 


10min AMRAP of:

15 AKBS [P=32/24kg, S=24/20kg,F=20/16kg, M= load as technique allows]

12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with KB in Goblet Hold

9 Down-Ups (chest to the floor)


TUESDAY 12/04/2015


3 Rounds of:

1A: Slow Bear Walk 15-20m

The bear walk is a great movement in order to test your pressing strength, hamstring flexibility, and stamina. The bear can immediately let a person know where they are lacking in their flexibility, as well how much control they have over using their upper and lower body together effectively. Master this movement and it will set you up for great strength gains in hand balancing holds as well as other pressing movements.

Note: Arms and legs are straight, the left leg moves at the same time as the right hand. Be mindful with this movement and get it right.

1B: [8-10] BB Cuban Rotations (no press)


25min to omplete A and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut:

 [5,5,3,1 AMRAP]  Strict OHP 60%, 50%,60%,70%,75%,80%

3-4 Rounds of:

B1.  [8-12] Ring Chin-ups, 22×0*, rest :60sec

Full extension and palms turned out at the bottom of the movement

B2. [4-6] TEMPO Dips on Dip Stations, 33×1, rest :10sec

B3.  ME: Ring Push-ups, 20×0, rest :60sec

Perform TEMPO dips on dip stations, with 3sec eccentric +3sec pause at the bottom, then continue with as many ring push-ups as possible.


8 RFT of:

5 HeSPU [Scale: Feet on Box, Pike Push-up, Incline Push-up]

15 Ab-mat sit-ups

45 DU [Scale: 3:1 Singles = 135]


WEDNESDAY 13/04/2015


Clean Drills

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Scarecrow Cleans

5 High Hang Squat Cleans (power position)

5 Mid-Hang Squat Cleans

3 Rounds of A. building to 65-70%


35min to completeboth A. and B.

A. Clean Complex (8sets total, 15min)

Performance and Sport:

2-3 Mid-Hang Squat Clean

Functional and Movement:

2 Mid-Hang Pwr Cleans

+1 Mid-Hang Squat Clean (If you catch in pwr position continue to perform the front squat)

Part A: 3min EMOM (3sets): 70-75% of 1RM Pwr Clean

Part B: 6min E2-MOM (3sets): 75%-80% of 1RM Pwr Clean

Part C: 6min E3-MOM (2sets): 80%+ of 1RM Pwr Clean

B1. 5 Rounds of Wendler:

[5,5,3,1,AMRAP] Front Squat/OHS 70,75,80,85,90%

– NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 1rep

Note: New Wendler Max = Week 3 Weight x Reps x .0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM 

B2 [6-8] Body Weight Vertical Ski Position Jumps for MAX height*

“The “ski jump” alignment position involves a good hip hinge and forward bend, with your butt back and knees just in front of your toes. This position aligns you for the best coordination of muscular action. With your torso hinged forward and your butt back, you prime your hip extensor muscles in a “pre-stretch” for optimal force generation.” Read more here…


London Box Battles 15.1:

Part A: 8min AMRAP of:

3 Hang Cleans (any version)

6 Over the Bar Burpees

9 Wall Balls

MALE GROUP A/B/C Clean: 70/60/40kg Wall Ball: A&B 9kg/10ft C:7kg 9ft

FEMALE GROUP A/B/C Clean: 55/45/25kg Wall Ball A&B 7kg/9ft C:5kg 8ft

THURSDAY 14/04/2015


Ido Portal: Scapular Mobilization Routine

2 RoundsL 10 reps of each

1. Banded Scapular Push-ups (Hold FLR position)

2. Overhead Straight arm lateral pulldown

3. The Whippet (banded chest fly)

4. Banded Shoulder Dislocations (passthroughs)

Efficient TTB Skillz

Tuck, Pull, Scoop!

The biggest mistake athletes make when performing this movement is allowing their legs to fall from the bar. This causes athletes to loose rhythem and swing our of control.  Once your toes have touched the bar, you’ve got to actively bring your knees toward your chest, bend your knees and pull your heels back underneath you before kicking them back and down.

As you move into the next rep, think about kicking your feet forward, tucking your knees towards your chest and then kicking your toes to the bar. One of the more challenging parts of the toes to bar movement is connecting them and finding a rhythm. Just like double-unders and pull-ups, it doesn’t happen right away. Keep practicing and you’ll get there.

Iso Holds

:20sec Hollow Dish Hold on the bar

:20sec Superman Hold on the bar

:20sec Tuck hold on the bar – tuck your knees into your chest and pull your heels towards you butt,  and hold them there.  This is the position you need to pass through on the way up and on the way down.

Add the Momentum

Kipping Knees to Chest – keep the heels close to your butt asyou bring knees to chest

Kipping toes to bar

– superman snap to hollow

– Knees to chest, heels to butt

– Extend the legs and kick towards the bar

– Tuck by pulling your heels back to your butt

– Push your heels back towards the groud, superman position


25min to complete both A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut:

[5,5,3,1 AMRAP] Flat BB Bench 60%, 50%,60%,70%,75%,80%

3-4 Rounds of:

B1.[8-10]  Lying BB Tricep Extensions* 31×0, :60

Lower the bar behind the head to focus the work on the long head of the tricep brachii.

B2. [7-9] Narrow Grip Supinated BB Curles with back against  wall, 31×0, :60

Placing the hands inside shoulder width isolates the longer head of the biceps brachii.  At the top of the movement the forarm should contact the bicep, and at the bottom of the movement you contract the triceps for the count of 1sec..  Do not allow the elbows or the shoulders to move forward during the movement.


20min Team AMRAP:

In Teams of 3, take it in turns to complete rounds:

300m Row

20 Push-ups [Scale: Incline Push-ups]

15 TTB [Scale: K2E/Hanging Knee Raises]

* As soon as the Rower is free, the next perosn starts the next round.  If the rower is not free you get to rest

FRIDAY 15/05/2015


Stretch Routine for Hip Mobility & Flexibiity (12-15min)

Test/Retest: 20 Air Squats

1. Lying Hip Rotation 10 reps + 10sec hold each leg

2. Piriformus Stretch 10reps + 10sec hold each leg

3. Butterfly Adductor Stretch 10reps + press each knee down for 10sec

4. Frog Stretch on hands and knees 10reps on hands + 10reps on elbows + 10sec hold

5. Kneeling Lunge hip flexor stretch (bend and hold back leg if possible) 10reps + 10sec hold each leg

6. Travelling Butterflt Adductor Stretch 10reps

7. Squatting Internal Rotation 10reps each leg

8. Pidgen Stretch 10reps each leg


30min to complete both A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut:

[5,5,3,1 AMRAP] Back Squat 60%, 50%,60%,70%,75%,80%

3-4 Rounds of:

B1. [6-8] BB Romanian Deadlifts, 30×0

B2.[8-12]  Controlled High Box Step* 30×0

*Box as high as possible, slow and controlled eccentric and not pushing off the back leg.  The back toe should not touch the ground, just the heel.  Suggest no additional weight, we are looking for quality movement.


London Box Battles 15.2:

Buy in 100DU (group C = 100 Single skips)3

Rounds of:

10 Thrusters

10 C2B/Pull-ups/KBS A/B/C

Cash out 100 DU (group C = 100 Single skips)

MALE GROUP A/B/C Thruster:50/40/30kg, C2B/Chin Over Bar/ KBS 16kg

FEMALE GROUP A/B/C Thruster:35/25/15kg, C2B/Chin Over Bar/ KBS 12kg

SATURDAY 16/05/2015


Snatch Drills

5 Pressing Snatch

5 Power Snatch from power position

5 Power Snatch from mid-hang

5 Drop Snatch

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-hang Squat Snatch

5 Snatch High Pulls from mid-shin


30min to complete A. and B.

A. Snatch Complex

Performance and Sport:

1 Snatch High Pull

+2 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch

Functional and Movement:

1 Snatch High Pull

+1 Mid-Hang Snatch

+ 1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch  (If you catch in pwr position continue to perform the OHS)

Part A: 3min EMOM (3sets): 70-75% of Snatch

Part B: 6min E2-MOM (3sets): 75%-80% of Snatch

Part C: 6min E3-MOM (2sets): 80%+ of Snatch

B. 5 Round of Wendler:

[5,5,3,1,AMRAP] 2″ Podium Pause Deadlifts, 22×0 70,75,80,85,90%

– NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 1 reps

Note: New Wendler Max = Week 3 Weight x Reps x .0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM 


In pairs perform 12min AMRAP:

Each partner can only perform 1 rep at a time, its YGIG 1rep.

20 Deadlifts [P=100/70kg, S=90/60kg, F=80/50kg,M=load as technique allows]

30 Bar facing Burpees

40 Partner Wall Ball* 9/7kg 10/9ft

*P1 throws the ball at the target and P2 catches the ball.  Then P2 throws the ball and P1 catches it.

SUNDAY Movement Day 17/04/2015


Locomotions and Hand Balancing

A. 5 Levels of Quadrupedal Locomotion

Perform 2 Rounds of each level – the aim is to be MINDFUL about the movement and to take it slow. The desire to move better needs to be at the heart of everything we do in training.  This movement will help to warm-up the wrists for G.

2 Rounds of each:

level 1: Bear Walk 15-20m

Level 2: Bear Walk with bent knees (take right knee to left elbow and left knee to right elbow) 15-20m

Level 3: High Spiderman Crawl (Same as Level 2, but this time rotate the torso and twist the hips towards the touching knee and elbow)

Level 4: Push-up Spidermen Crawl (same as Level 3, but now add a push-up to the movement)

Level 5: Low Spiderman Crawl, stay as low to the ground as possible and crawl


PK Roll/ Safty Roll/ Break Fall Roll

Today we are going to start playing with rolling .  Number 1 goal is to take care of your neck.  Rolling requires coordination and is an excellent tool to further develop the vestibular system. For example, if you were in a situation where you needed to balance on something high, narrow and scary, you could very likely be under a lot of pressure and you could feel dizzy. Training the vestibular system further ensures that you are prepared for possible real world situations.  Rolling is an essential life skill and more people should learn how to roll as a safty procedure when falling over.  If you know how to roll you won’t break your neck, face, hip, wrist or arm.

Spend time playing with rolls on both sides, start al level 1 no matter how confident you are, get the basics right first:

B. Safty Forward Roll (protect your next and roll across your spine, not down it)

Level 1 – From kneeling – if the left leg is forward we are rolling on the left shoulder to the right hip. Think about threading your left arm between your right arm and right leg.

Level 2 – From the Squat –  placing your hands to one side in a dymond shape.  If the hands are placed to the left, you are rolling on your right shoulder.  Think of threading your right arm between your left arm and left leg

Level 3 – From Standing – all the above steps still apply.  See if you can roll back to standing

C. Safty Backward Roll  (protect your next and roll across your spine, not down it)

Level 1 – sitting on your butt, roll back onto your left/right shoulder.  If you roll to your right side, you bring your left foot up

Level 2 – sitting on your butt, roll onto your left/right shoulder. This time, if you roll onto your right shoulder, bring the right foot up.  It helpt to look at the right foot as you perform the roll

Level 3 – from sitting perform level 2, this time take it a little further. If you woll onto your right shoulder the right arm will be out to the side, you will need to place you left hand on the ground to brance so you can pop your head through the gap.

Level 4 –  once your comfortable with level 3 you can increase the momentum and roll all the way through.  If you brave you can try if from squatting or standing.


In the remaining time repeat as many rounds as possible:

D-1 15-20m Frogger Jumps (see video) – small jumps forward, working on hip mobility, wrist strength, balance and motor control

D-2 5-10 Frogger kick to tuck handstand on wallfocus on keeping the legs bent and kicking your butt up agains the wall.  Remember to keep the arms locked out, never let the elbows bend.  AS you get better at the movement, try not to slam yourself agains the wall. Can you kick-up into tuck handstand without touching the wall?

D-3 8-12 Ring Rollouts – maintain hollow position, aim to perform them on you feet, if you struggle drop to your knees

D-4 15-20 Hollow Rocks – scale leaver length as required
