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CFH Training Plan 25/05/2015 – 31/05/2015

Posted 24th May 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 9 of 16 Juggernaut


8 Weeks away from smashing your PR’s

BeBetterThanYourselfRested, recharged, and ready to see your strength gains go through the roof?  Its time to put your strength to the test and bring out the big boy weights!  The hypertrophy training over the last 2 months has prpared you for the strength training ahead, the correct periodization is critical if the gains are to continue.

If you do a strength phase first, then a hypertrophy phase at the end of the process, you’ll have lots of muscle, but you won’t be able to exert force as effectively as possible, since you’re used to doing sets of higher reps. However, if you do a hypertrophy phase (10’s wave and then an 8’s wave) and then follow that with a strength phase (5’s wave and a 3’s wave), you take the new muscle from the hypertrophy phase and make it stronger. The result is a more effective final product…. Super human strength!

With these training principles in place, we have now established the foundation of a raw powerlifting peaking programme.   After deloading in week 8, we are now ready to kick some butt.

We will be lifting heavier and heavier as we move from 5 to 3 rep range over the next 8 weeks. Thus, it’s all about getting into the gym and lifting HEAVY. Don’t blow your load and go overboard by missing attempts all the time, but do continue to push it. The aim is to start up to your heaviest weights and setting new PRs is the weeks ahead.  We we finish the Juggernaut programme your new found strengths will be tested in other ways…

Be brave, be smart and do your best.


JTS-strength: Scapular: Best Friend or Biggest  Enemy  of the Bench –

A stable, and properly positioned, scapula will create a solid platform that your humerus can move around. A scapula that is instable or poorly positioned will tear your shoulders up, and cause the perceived upper back weakness that causing your bench press to suck.  A great bench tips video:

 – bring your feet back under your hips

 – arch your lower back

 – squeeze your knees in

 – as you push up, push your elbows towards your feet

 – full extend your lock-out

Catalyst Athletics: Why Your Lifts Arent Getting Better and What to do about it? – You’ve picked up some bad habits.  Time to get bigger. Time to get stronger. You’ve started to believe your own bullshit. You aren’r doing the little things. Get back to the basics.  Get a coaching certificate and use it. Reevaluation.  Nagging injuries. Mindset.

Eat to Perform: Carbs Make you Awesome –

What? Carbs make me awesome? How was that possible? My taste buds knew that carbs were awesome, but weren’t carbs supposed to be a guilty pleasure incompatible with fitness and a lean body? Weren’t carbs waiting in a dark alley to take my virtue? I had been taught that carbs weren’t my friends.

When my nutrition consists of the right amount of carbs, and I lift, I feel like the Hulk! But in a good way, not in a green skin and funny hair kind of way.

Breaking Muscle: The 3 Most Common Deadlift Errors and How to Fix Them – Your standing too far away. You have not tension through your upper back. Your not taking tension out of the bar

GMB: 4 Movement Lessons from the Worlds Most Innovative Skater: Rodney Mullen – Once you (1) master the basics, (2) expose yourself to new environments, and (3) cultivate somatic intuition, you may find that innovation is almost instinctive and effortless.


CrossFit Hackney Downloads

CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

CrossFit Hackney Juggernaut Spreadsheet

MONDAY 25/05/2015


3 Rounds of:

:30sec Hollow Dish Holds

:30sec FLR (hold hollow position)

10 Chest and Thighs to the floor Push-ups [Scale: Incline Push-ups] (hold hollow position)

:30sec DU


25min to complete A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut Deadlift:

 [5,5,5,5,AMRAP]  @70% of working max

Straps and alternate grip are allowed

B. 5 Round of Wendler:

[5,5,5,5, AMRAP] 45* Incline Bench  60%,65%,70%,75%, 80%

Note:  45* Incline bench is not the same weight as flat bench press, its going to be 5-10% less

NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 5 reps


4 RFT:

15 AKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20, F:20/16,M:Technique]

15 Deficit push-ups [P&S: Hands on 20/15kg plates, F&M: Flat or Incline Push-ups]

30 DU [Scale: 90 Single Skips]

TUESDAY 26/05/2015


20 Air Squats

12 Burpees

15 Air Squats

10 Burpees

10 Air Squats

5 Burpees


25min to complete A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut Strict OHP

 [5,5,5,5,AMRAP]  @ 70% of working max

3-4 Rounds of:

B1. [6-8] Dips on dip stations (weighted) 20×0, :60

[Scale: Eccentric Dips, Dips on boxes with feet on the ground]

B2. [3-5] Dead Hang STRICT EXPLOSIVE BODYWEIGHT Pull-ups*, 22×0, :15

[Scale: [2-3] Eccentric Pull-ups 5000, [10-15] Kneeling Band Pull-downs]

* From a dead hang hollow position, perform an explosive pull-up, aim to pull as high as possible (working towards bar-muscle-ups). As you pull-up exhale.

B3. [12-15] Vertical Ring Rows, 20×0, :60


10min AMRAP:

1 minute of pull-ups [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]

1 minute of burpees

1 minute of pull-ups  [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]

2 minutes of burpees

1 minute of pull-ups  [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]

3 minutes of burpees

1 minute of pull-ups  [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]


WEDNESDAY 27/05/2015


Clean Drills

5 Hip Pwr Clean (high hang)

5 Front Squat

5 Mid-Hang Pwr Clean

5 Mid-Hang Sqt Clean

5 Clean Deadlift to just below knees with 2sec pause


A. 15min Clean Complex 

Focus on making the first pull controlled and deliberate. Once the bar passes the knees accelerate!!

 3min EMOM  (3sets) –

1 Clean Deadlift to just below knees with two-second pause

+1 Power Clean (from below the knee)

+1 Front Squat

wk1-2:60-65% of clean

5min EMOM (5sets)

1 Clean Deadlift to just below knees with two-second pause

+1 Squat Clean (from below the knee)

wk1-2: 65-70% of clean

5min EMOM (5sets)

2 Squat Cleans

wk1-2:70-75% of clean

20min to Complete: 5 Rounds of 

B1.Wendler Pause Front Squats, 33×0, :90

[5,5,5,5,AMRAP] 33×0  50%,55%,60%,65%, 70%  

– NO MISSED reps, a confident 5RM, Note: Percentage have been modified due to isometric pause. 

B2. [6-8] DB Squat Jumps @ 10% of 1RM Back Squat

Holding a DB in each hand, perform a 1/4 squat and then jump as high as you can.  Aim to rebound and link the jumps together


4x 3-minute AMRAP of: 

2 Rounds of:

15 TTB [Scale: K2E, Hanging Knee Raises, V-ups, Sit-ups]

15 Box Jumps 24/20′ [Scale: Height as needed]

In the remaining time:

AMRAP Thrusters in the remaining time 40/30kg [Scale: weight as needed]

Score is the total number of thrusters performed

At the start of each 3min (0:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00) each athlete completes 2 rounds of 15 TTB and 15 BJ.  Then in the remainder of the 3min they perform AMRAP thrusters.  When the next 3min starts your back to the TTB.

THURSDAY 28/05/2015


2 Rounds of:

12 Banch Pull aparts – this is meant to be a light movement that you can do absolutely perfect

10 of each:

standing bent over Y’s, T’s &W’s*

If you have perfect movement (Y’s can get to 135deg, T’s are above 90deg, W’s are more than 120deg motion) you can use a light weight plate to challange the mvement


25min to complete A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut Flat Bench

 [5,5,5,5,AMRAP]  @ 70% of working max

B. Push-Up GAINZ – we are aiming to improve your push-ups over the next 4 weeks.  The aim is to work with correct form.  Use an inclince (weight plates, p-bars, box) if you can not do them on the floor.  Make sure you challange yourself with the incline.

Everyone will perform 1 Round MAX EFFORT Push-ups

Male: If you can do more than 20 push-ups, do workout A.

Female: If you can do more 15, do workout A

Everyone else do workout B.

Workout A: 3 Rounds of:

A1. [8-10] Ring Press-up + Single Arm Ring Fly*

1 rep is to go down to the bottom of the ring push-up, laterally extend the right arm in a chest fly motion out and back, and then the left arm out and back and then completeing the press-up with full external lock-out.

A2. [8-10] 1-Arm KB/DB Row (knee on bench), 30×0

Workout B.

B1. 7min EMOM (0.5 x ME Push-ups)


B2. 7 Rounds of Partner YGIG:

10 Vertical Ring Rows


15min EMOM:

EMOM aim to complete 1 full round every minute for 20minutes. If you fail to complete a round you must rest the next minute

5 Ring Dips [Scale: Dips on Boxes, Feet on ground]

10 Ring Rows

15 Air Squats

Coach’s note: Split the class in 2 groups and have 1/2 start on the minute and the other half start on the :30sec

FRIDAY 29/05/2015


Complete the following, take :30sec rest between each exercise:

:30sec Single Skips

:30sec Air Squats

:30sec Alternating 1 DU + 1 Skip

:30sec Wall Ball Front Squats

:30sec DU

:30sec Wall Balls


25min to complete A. and B.

A. 5 Rounds of Juggernaut Back Squat

 [5,5,5,5,AMRAP]  @ 70% of working max

3 Rounds of:

B-1 [10-12] KB/DB Lateral Step-ups (mid-shin height), :60

B-2 [6-8] Nordic Raises, 30×0, :60


10min AMRAP:

1 minute of DU [Scale total singles divide 3]

1 minute of Wall Balls [P&S: 9/7kg, F: 9/6kg, M:Technique]

1 minute of DU

2 minutes of Wall Balls

1 minute of DU

3 minutes of Wall Balls

1 minute of DU

SATURDAY 30/05/2015


Snatch Drills

5 Hip Pwr Snatch (high hang)


5 Drop Snatch

5 Mid-Hang Power Snatch

5 Scarecrow Snatch

5 Mid-Hang Snatch


A. 15min Snatch Complex 

Focus on the finishing the pull and getting the bar into the hips and driving straight up

Performance and Sport:

3min EMOM  (3sets)

1 Hip Pwr Snatch (high hang)

+1 Pwr Snatch

+1 Drop Snatch* @ 55-65% of Snatch

5min EMOM  (5sets)

 1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch

+1 Drop Snatch* @ 65-75% of Snatch

5min EMOM  (5sets)

1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch

+1  Snatch @ 75%+ of Snatch

Don’t confuse the Drop Snatch with the Snatch Balance. The Drop Snatch has no dip-and-drive at the beginning.

Functional and Movement:

3min EMOM  (3sets)

1 Hip Pwr Snatch (high hang)

+1 Pwr Snatch

+1 OHS

5min EMOM  (5sets)

 1 Mid-Hang Pwr Snatch

+1 OHS

5min EMOM  (5sets)

1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch

+1  OHS

20min  5 Round of :

B1.Wendler: [5,5,5,5, AMRAP] Snatch Grip Deadlift 60%,65%,70%,75%, 80%

– NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 5 reps

Straps and alternate grip are allowed

B2.[8-12] Strict Knees-to-Elbows, 30×1



Cash in: Run 400m

3 Rounds of:

12 Deadlifts [P:50/30kg, S:45/35, F:40/30, M:Technique]

9 Hang Power Cleans [P:50/30kg, S:45/35, F:40/30, M:Technique]

6 Push-Press [P:50/30kg, S:45/35, F:40/30, M:Technique]

Cash out: Run 400m

SUNDAY Momentum Movement 31/04/2015


Locomotions and Hand Balancing

Wrist mobalisation – read more here

Fogger Round 1

– Front Squat position jump forward onto your hand

– With each jump we should travel forward

Forward Walking Frogger (hip flexibility and motor skills)

– Place the weight on the hands and to one side (left)

– Step forward with one leg (right)

– Then place the weight on the other hand (right)

– Step forward with the opposite leg (left)

Backwards Walking Frogger 

– reverse the above

Fogger Round 2 (hip mobility should have improved)

Fogger Jump and turn

– turn 90* at the start, hand placement is important

– tuen 180* turn


Forward rolls from bent arm and tuck handstand

Forward roll – tuck your chin

Forward roll with a pause form bent arm stand – rest knees on elbows and place head on the ground (tripod stand)

Forward roll from bent arm stand off 1 leg – the other leg is off the ground with the heel tucked behind your butt

Forward roll from bent arm stand – keep the elbows tucked in

Backward rolls  (scary movement)

** Always protect your head and neck**

Slow motion back roll

– sit on your butt with knees bent

– roll back by taking straight legs over your head

– at the same time place you hands palm down next to your ears

– tuck you chin in

– push away from the ground with you hands

* try to add momentum

Back Roll from squat

– start with your chin tucked and your hands placed in the “front rack” position

– repeat the above steps in the slow motion roll

Back Roll from standing

– from standing squat down and then repeat the steps above

Back roll, kick to handstand 

– as you come out of the roll aim to kick the feet upwards and press into a handstand


In the remaining time repeat as many play with:

Frogger kick to tuck handstand on wall – focus on keeping the legs bent and kicking your butt up agains the wall.  Remember to keep the arms locked out, never let the elbows bend.  AS you get better at the movement, try not to slam yourself agains the wall. Can you kick-up into tuck handstand without touching the wall?

Toe-pull on wall in tuck position – after kicking up to a tuck handstand on the wall, try to pull your feet off the wall.  Use your wrist strenth to do this, do not push of the wall with you feet.  Aim to do 10 toe-pulls off the wall. After each rep you feet go back to the wall.

10-15 Ring Rollouts – maintain hollow position, aim to perform them on you feet, if you struggle drop to your knees

:30sec Hollow Dish Holds – scale leaver length as required

Bonus: B-Boy break dancing