CFH Training Plan 01/06/2015 – 07/06/2015
Week 10 of 16 Juggernaut
Another week of the Juggernaut rolls on… As the intensity increases (the weight on the bar), the volume (number of repetitions) continues to drop. This week we will be performing 6 sets of 2,2,5,5,5, AMRAP. The weeks ahead are going to test your strength and bravery, and hopefully results in some solid improvements. The programme has shifted from a hypertrophy style to a central nervous system (CNS) style of training.
Much to the surprise of most , lifting heavy weights does not make you BIG (especially females: get article to read this week: Gilrs – Why bother lifting weight?). Hypertrophy (muscle growth) comes from lifting a weight many times and causing high levels of muscle damage. You may have noticed that in the first few weeks of Juggernaut you were sore and the DOMS were more painful than normal. The stress of high volume training causes the muscle to grow because of the muscle damage, but only if nutrition, sleep and stess management creates and environment for muscles to grow. Lifting heavy objects for lower number of repetitions trains’ intermuscular strength and the CNS. There is very little damage done to the muscles when lifting heavy weights for a low repetitions, the volume of work is low and hence the muscles don’t grow.
CNS training can be very taxing to the body and the mind; it can quickly take its toll on an athlete. When lifting heavy weights multiple times in the same week we will soon become fatigued. Your nutrition plays a huge role in your ability to recover from these heavy sessions. Carbohydrates (CHO) are the primary fuel for the brain and hence the CNS. Carbohydrate depletion can cause athletes to have tunnel vision, nausea, or even feel a little dizzy when lifting heavy. Low-carb diets can impact an athletes ability to recover from a session, not so much DOMS, its more of a tied feeling.
If your goals are to improve your strength over the coming weeks I suggest you start to pay more attention to your CHO intake. Over the coming weeks we will be performing 6+ heavy sets of compound movements and we should aim to be consuming between 3.3–4.4g of CHO per Kg of bodyweight on training days. On non-training days you can lower the CHO intake to be between 2.2g-3.3g per Kg of bodyweight.
If your goal is body composition focused you may want to consume a little less CHO than the strength athletes. This is an individual thing and the exact intake of CHO will depend on your total training volume (how many session per week, are they high volume met-con sessions, or moderate volume CrossFit session?). An increase in volume and/or an increase in heavy lifting will increase the requirement for CHO to fuel the machine. At a minimum you need to be getting 2.2g of CHO per Kg of bodyweight per day. If you start to feel low on energy and struggle to recover for training you may need to increase this amounts. Low-carb dieting for long periods of time can have health impacts if not monitored closely. Our digestive systems are a fragile ecosystem and starving them of CHO will impact your hormones, your energy, your CNS, and recovery from the stess of training. Low-carb diets can produce great body composition results in the short term, but can cause health impacts or weight gain in the future when you start eating normal again. Balancing macronutrients (protein, CHO and fats) is critical for optimal health and performance.
WOD GOALS: This week I’ve added some WOD GOALS to the WOD of the day. There is a method to the madness and the design of WODS…most of the time. So lets see if you can figure out the difference between each style of WOD and can you challange yourself to achieve the desired impact?
LOG YOUR SCORES: Far too often we finish up the workout and everyone rush’s off to their busy lives. Many of you are failing to write you scores on the whiteboard. This is a real shame, as the community of CrossFit is designed to help motivate each other and to pay some respect to those making improvements from week to week. It would be great if more people could write their final scores up.
CrossFit 1864: “Get your hands outside your shoulders” – for the health of your shoulders and for otimal performance athletes need to know the correct front rack “archetypal shape.”
CrossFit Hackney: My Deadlift Mantra – Stretch shares some of his deadlifting magic lifting dust. If you want to deadlift seriose weights safley your going to need to pay more attention to you deadlifting mantra. The deadlift is the queen of all exercises, but its also one of the most dangerous exercises if performed incorrectly. What is your deadlifting mantra?
Precision Nutrition: Working out when sick? – Everybody gets sick. But it’s tough to know what to do about it; do you exercise when sick or not? Is adding additional stress to the body going to make you recover faster? Will resting make you lose you gains?
JTSstrength: Squat Jumps to Maximise Athletic Power – Being jacked and strong is nice, but expressing strength fast and generating tons of power separates the contenders from the pretenders on the playing field and the platform. As children we learn to crawl, stand, walk, run and explore what our bodies are capable of…. then as adults we stop exploring?
Fuel Around Training: Chapter one: Protein – “How much protein should a CrossFitter eat if a CrossFitter should eat protein?” What is protien? What does it do? How much should you eat? When should you eat it?
CrossFit Hackney Downloads
CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet
CrossFit Hackney Juggernaut Spreadsheet
MONDAY 01/06/2015
15min to get through warm-up
Each person rows 200m
10 Air Squats
:30sec Hold Bottom Squat
Hip Mobility – coach choice
10 Strict Press, pause for 1sec at the top of each rep
5 Front Squats
5 Thrusters, pause 3sec with bar overhead, and pause 3 sec at the top of the front squat
Performance Tip: Pause at the top of each thruster repetition. A small pause at lockout will:
A. Allow the athlete to establish balance before starting the next repetition. Often athletes fall forward during thrusters and end up on their toes in the bottom of the squat.
B. At lockout the weight of the bar is resting on the skeletal system and not the muscular system. This gives the muscles a small rest between repetitions, allowing the athlete to do more unbroken repetitions
25min to complete A. and B.
A. 6 Rounds of: [2,2,5,5,5,AMRAP] Deadlift
65%,72.5%,77.5%x3,77.5% of working max
Straps allowed (Not a fan of alternate grip when deadlifts get heavy)
B. 5 Round of Wendler: [5,5,3,3, AMRAP] 45* Incline Bench
55%, 60%, 65%,75%,85%
45* Incline bench is not the same weight as flat bench press, its going to be 5-10% less
NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 3 reps
“Thruster Recovery”
In teams of 3, take it in turns to complete 5 rounds each of:
15min Team EMOM:
Cash in: 4UB Thrusters [P:70/50kg, S:60/45, F:50/35, M:technique]
Row MAX calories in the remainder of the minute.
Rest 2min
Post total team calories to whiteboard
WOD GOAL: :60sec BURNER, each athlete will work for 1min and then rest for 2min. The thruster weight MUST be a heavy unbroken 4 repetitions. The rower should be MAX effort as the athlete will get 2min rest after the row. :60sec as HARD and FAST as possible.
TUESDAY 02/06/2015
Wall Balls Tekkers
10 Air Squats
1o Front Squats with Wall Ball
10 Wall Balls with no Squat
10 Wall Balls (with squat)
:30 sec hollow dish hold on the floor
:30 sec superman hold on the floor
Pull-up Tekkers
10 Beat swings – feet stay togerther
3 x (3 beat swings + 1 kipping pull-up) – feet stay together & rememeber to push away from the rop of the pull-up
***for those who can do kipping pull-ups, do 1 round of max effort QUALITY kipping pull-ups
Everyone else”
Ring Row Tekkers – keep the shoulders blades back and down (don’t use your upper traps to row)
25min to complete A. and B.
A. 6 Rounds of: [2,2,5,5,5,AMRAP] Strict OHP
65%,72.5%,77.5%x3,77.5% of working max
3-4 Rounds of:
B1. [6-8] Dips on dip stations (weighted) 20×0, :60
[Scale: Eccentric Dips, Dips on boxes with feet on the ground]
B2. [3-5] Dead Hang STRICT explosive bodyweight Pull-ups*, :15
[Scale: [2-3] Eccentric Pull-ups 5000, [10-15] Kneeling Band Pull-downs]
* Aim to bounce (not kip) out of the bottom of the pull-up, pull as high as possible (working towards bar-muscle-ups). As you pull-up exhale.
B3. [12-15] Vertical Ring Rows, 20×0, :60
10min AMRAP:
1 minute of Pull-ups [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]
1 minute of Wall Balls
1 minute of Pull-ups [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]
2 minutes of Wall Balls
1 minute of Pull-ups [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]
3 minutes of Wall Balls
1 minute of Pull-ups [Scale: KBS F:20/16, M=Technique]
Post total reps, and heaviest weight to whiteboard
WOD GOAL: STRATEGY keep moving! Find a steady pace that allows you to keep moving. Break the pull-ups from the start into smaller more managable sets. How will you break the wall balls?
WEDNESDAY 03/06/2015
Burpee Tekkers
Step 1: With your feet together bend down and place your hands on the floor
Step 2: Jump back with feet together and take your chest to the floor… hand and elbow position?
Step 3: Press-up with your arms, but keep your hips on the floor – arching you back
Step 4: Snap your hips up into the air and jump your feet forward, outside you hands
Step 5: Stand up and jump, when landing the jump bring your feet back together
TTB Tekkers
Iso Holds
:20sec Hollow Dish Hold on the bar
:20sec Superman Hold on the bar
:20sec Tuck hold on the bar – tuck your knees into your chest and pull your heels towards you butt, and hold them there. This is the position you need to pass through on the way up and on the way down.
Add the Momentum
Kipping Knees to Chest – keep the heels close to your butt as you bring knees to chest
Kipping toes to bar
– Superman snap to hollow
– Knees to chest, heels to butt
– Extend the legs and kick towards the bar
– Tuck by pulling your heels back to your butt
– Push your heels back towards the groud, superman position
Clean Drills
5 Hip Pwr Clean (high hang)
5 Front Squat
5 Mid-Hang Pwr Clean
5 Mid-Hang Sqt Clean
5 Clean Deadlift to just below knees with 2sec pause
A. 15min Clean Complex
Focus on making the first pull controlled and deliberate. Once the bar passes the knees accelerate!!
3min EMOM (3sets) –
1 Clean Deadlift to just below knees with two-second pause
+1 Power Clean (from below the knee)
+1 Front Squat
wk1-2:60-65% of clean
5min EMOM (5sets)
1 Clean Deadlift to just below knees with two-second pause
+1 Squat Clean (from below the knee)
wk1-2: 65-70% of clean
5min EMOM (5sets)
2 Squat Cleans
wk1-2:70-75% of clean
15min to Complete: 5 Rounds of
B1.Wendler [5,5,3,3, AMRAP] Pause Front Squats, 33×0
50%,55%,60% 65%,75%
– NO MISSED reps, a confident 3RM, Note: Percentage have been modified due to pause.
B2. [6-8] DB Squat Jumps @ 10% of 1RM Back Squat
Holding a DB in each hand, perform a 1/4 squat and then jump as high as you can. Aim to rebound and link the jumps together
“4×4 Strength”
4 Rounds of: (10min cut off)
4UB T&G Power Cleans (begin @ 60% of max power clean)
12 Burpees
Rest 1:1 add load to a maximal set
Post total time, and heaviest weight to whiteboard
WOD GOAL: Strength focus, whats the heaviest weight you can perform the 4UB cleans at?
THURSDAY 04/06/2015
2 Rounds of:
10 Inch Worms (arms and legs straight)
:30 sec Hollow Dish Holds – bottom rib down
15 Russian KBS – bottom rib down
Would you ever do an inchworm with bent elbows? The arms should be locked out so the pressure of the weight is supported by the skeletal system. With the arms bent your muscular system is supporting the weight. With arms bent overhead it can be a lot harder to maintain a healthy shoulder position and this can cause shoulder injury.
Should you have bent arms in a American Kettlebell Swing? There is more than one way to swing a kettlebell and the top level CrossFit Athletes are often seen swinging a kettlebell with bent arms. This style of KBS requires a lot of strength and strong shoulders, it can speed up the KBS but its costs a lot of energy to swing it this way. A straight arm KBS can be more energy efficient as the pendulum effect helps to generate force. It also places less stress on the shoulders as it is easier to maintain shoulder position through the swing due to constant tension in the chain.
:30sec FLR – butt tight and bottom rib down
15 American KBS with straight arms – bottom rib down
25min to complete A. and B.
A. 6 Rounds of: [2,2,5,5,5,AMRAP] Flat BB Bench
65%,72.5%,77.5%x3,77.5% of working max
B. Push-Up GAINZ – we are aiming to improve your push-ups over the next 4 weeks. The aim is to work with correct form. Use an inclince (weight plates, p-bars, box) if you can not do them on the floor. Make sure you challange yourself with the incline.
Everyone will perform 1 Round MAX EFFORT Push-ups
Male: If you can do more than 20 push-ups, do workout A.
Female: If you can do more 15, do workout A
Everyone else do workout B.
Workout A: 3 Rounds of:
A1. [8-10] Ring Press-up + Single Arm Ring Fly*
1 rep is to go down to the bottom of the ring push-up, laterally extend the right arm in a chest fly motion out and back, and then the left arm out and back and then completeing the press-up with full external lock-out.
A2. [8-10] 1-Arm KB/DB Row (knee on bench), 30×0
Workout B.
B1. 7min EMOM (0.5 x ME Push-ups)
B2. 7 Rounds of Partner YGIG:
10 Vertical Ring Rows
“Half Nate”
10min AMRAP
2 Muscle-ups [Scale: 6 Pull-ups + 6 Push-ups]
4 HeSPU (strict as many as possible)
8 RKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20,F:20/16,M:technique]
“Scaled Half Nate”
6 Pull-ups [Scale: Ring Rows]
6 Push-ups [Scale: Incline Push-ups]
4 Push-Press [S:50/40kg, F:40/30, M:technique]
8 RKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20,F:20/16,M:technique]
Post total rounds and reps to whiteboard
WOD GOAL: BURNER. Do your best to keep moving through this shoulder burner
FRIDAY 05/06/2015
Jumping Tekkers
10 Air Squats
10 Pencil stick jumps
5 Squat Jumps – throw the arms up
5 Lateral Squat Jumps – throw the arms up as you jump sideways
5 Box Jumps
6 Over the Box Jumps, turning on top of the box
6 Lateral Over the Box Jumps, stay low ontop of the box
25min to complete A. and B.
A. 6 Rounds of: [2,2,5,5,5,AMRAP] Back Squat
65%,72.5%,77.5%x3,77.5% of working max
3 Rounds of:
B-1 [10-12ea leg] KB/DB Lateral Step-ups (mid-shin height), :60
B-2 [6-8] Nordic Raises, 30×0, :60
“I Can’t feel my legs”
4 Rounds of (16min):
:60sec Row for Calories
:60sec Over the Box Jumps 24/20′
:60sec KB Goblet Walking Lunges [P:32/24kg,S:24/20kg,F:20/16,M:Technique]
:60sec Rest
Post total reps+cals to whiteboard
WOD GOAL: STRATERGY, do you work for the full :60sec, or do you aim to work for :40sec and rest for :20sec? Play to your strengths!
SATURDAY 07/06/2015
Snatch Drills
5 Hip Pwr Snatch (high hang)
5 Drop Snatch
5 Mid-Hang Power Snatch
5 Scarecrow Snatch
5 Mid-Hang Snatch
A. 15min Snatch Complex
Focus on the finishing the pull and getting the bar into the hips and driving straight up
Performance and Sport:
3min EMOM (3sets)
1 Hip Pwr Snatch (high hang)
+1 Pwr Snatch
+1 Drop Snatch* @ 55-65% of Snatch
5min EMOM (5sets)
1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch
+1 Drop Snatch* @ 65-75% of Snatch
5min EMOM (5sets)
1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch
+1 Snatch @ 75%+ of Snatch
Don’t confuse the Drop Snatch with the Snatch Balance. The Drop Snatch has no dip-and-drive at the beginning.
Functional and Movement:
3min EMOM (3sets)
1 Hip Pwr Snatch (high hang)
+1 Pwr Snatch
+1 OHS
5min EMOM (5sets)
1 Mid-Hang Pwr Snatch
+1 OHS
5min EMOM (5sets)
1 Mid-Hang Squat Snatch
+1 OHS
20min 5 Round of :
B1.Wendler: [5,5,3,3, AMRAP] Snatch Grip Deadlift
55%, 60%, 65%,75%,85%
– NO MISSED reps, a confident AMRAP that has more than 5 reps
Straps and alternate grip are allowed
B2.[8-12] Strict Knees-to-Elbows, 30×1
5 RFT of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat [Scale: Front Squats] [P&S45/35kg, F:40/30, M:Technique]
WOD GOAL: SURVIVE! It’s a benchmark workout so give it your best shot!
SUNDAY Momentum Movement 08/06/2015
Locomotions and Hand Balancing
Wrist mobalisation – read more here
– Forward/Backwards
– Sidways – working on jump overs
Fogger Jump and turn
– turn 90* at the start, hand placement is important
– turn 180* turn
Frogger spin (Corta Capim Spin)
– go onto the balls of you feet
– transition the weight to one leg and then use you hands to spin you 90*
– try to do this without using your hands
– try to do this with on leg our straigh (cc)
Frogger Rebound
– Bend the arms slightly, as you press up with the arms you kick you legs our straight and land back in the squat
Frogger Kick to Tuck Handstand then Forward Roll out
Mobility: Prosterior chain mobility: Yoga Halasana (Plow Pose)
Backward rolls (scary movement)
** Always protect your head and neck**
Back Roll from squat
– start with your chin tucked and your hands placed in the “front rack” position
– repeat the above steps in the slow motion roll
Back Roll from standing
– from standing squat down and then repeat the steps above
Back roll, kick to handstand
– as you come out of the roll aim to kick the feet upwards and press into a handstand
In the remaining time repeat as many play with:
Frogger kick to tuck handstand on wall – focus on keeping the legs bent and kicking your butt up agains the wall. Remember to keep the arms locked out, never let the elbows bend. AS you get better at the movement, try not to slam yourself agains the wall. Can you kick-up into tuck handstand without touching the wall?
Toe-pull on wall in tuck position – after kicking up to a tuck handstand on the wall, try to pull your feet off the wall. Use your wrist strenth to do this, do not push of the wall with you feet. Aim to do 10 toe-pulls off the wall. After each rep you feet go back to the wall.
Bonus: Teddy Bear Roll