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Heavy Met-con: 03-June-2015 – One for the Girls

Posted 1st June 2015 by Josh Schouten

Get Warm  Empty Barbell Complex

3 Rounds of:

10 Deadlifts

10 RLDs

10 Bent Over Rows

10 Upright Rows

10 Front Squats

10 OHP

10 Back Squats

Part A.  Menage et GRACE (12min time cap)

In teams of 3, YGIG format to complete:

90 Clean and Jerk (30each) 60/40kg+

* Take it in turns to do 1rep clean and jerk for 30reps each.








PART B. DIANE of Sorts (12min)

Teams of 2, athletes will take it in turns to work through as many repetitions as possible in 12min AMRAP:


HeSPU / Push-Press @ .65 x bodyweight

Deadlifts  100/70kg






PART C.  KELLY CAPACITY, minus the running

12minutes (8rounds):

:30sec Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft

:30sec Box Jumps 24/20′

:30sec Rest

Working in partners, :60sec of work and :30sec of rest.  P1 starts on the Wall Ball, P2 starts on the rest station.  







10min EMOM of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

For every round you miss you will do 10 Burpees at the end of the 10min.  3 Missed rounds = 30burpees



