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CFH Training Plan 20/07/2015 – 26/07/2015

Posted 19th July 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 1 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats


Ding, Ding, Ding, Dong….  The personal best (PB) bell has been going crazy all week and social media comments regarding new personal records being set by so many of our members.  The 16-week Juggernaut phase has delivered some amazing results as some members have added a huge 10-30kg onto many of their big lifts.   Many of the members have expressed their positive feedback for the CrossFit Hackney programming.  Yes, we put the plan on the board and gave you all the numbers to work off, but you did all the hard work of getting to the gym and lifting the iron. For those of you who followed the programming and made the gainz, well done!

The new phase has now arrived and it’s now time to take this newfound strength and apply it in a meaningful manner.   The dawn of the Russian Squat Routine (RSR) has arrived and it will be accompanied by 16-weeks of speed and power training.  It’s time to get explosive and learn to move faster!

The first 8-weeks of this new phase will continue to build strength (a question of strength)  in both the front squat and the back squat.  We will also be spending a solid 8-weeks focusing on improving your Olympic lifting technique.  The objective of the first 8 weeks is TECHNIQUE, TECHNIQUE, TECHNIQUE!!   The weight on the bar is not important and the coaches will be keeping a sharp eye on all of you.  The rule is, Only increase weight if technique is perfect.

We will be introducing a lot of new Olympic lifting drills and exercises to help improve both the snatch and the clean & jerk.  It’s important that each of you take the time to learn these new movements.  The remaining 8-weeks of the programming will then take the new technical skills and apply them to the full lifts.  This is when you can start to add weight to the bar and chase down a new PB.  Be patient and remember that every successful lift is a positive step towards mastering the movement and every failed attempt is a step backwards.  Don’t chase weight, chase quality repetitions and solid progress.

RECOMMENDED WEEKLY READING: – Research Reveals the Importance of Your Microbiome for Optimal Health – Your body’s microbiome—colonies of various microbes that reside in your gut and elsewhere in and on your body—is as unique to you as your fingerprint, and can be rapidly altered based on factors such as diet, lifestyle, and exposure to toxins and antibiotics.

GMB – How To Get Flexible Fast (yes it’s really possible – and safe) – If you cannot actively attain a position you’d like, then you need to find a way to get to that range of motion.” If you have poor form in a handstand because your arms don’t fully raise above your head, then you need to stretch. If you have trouble getting down on the floor because you’re too tight, then you need to stretch.

Poliquin Group – Does Cardio Make you Fat? – The following ten rules will answer this question and help you to experience all of those good things that can come out of exercise: a perfect body composition, boundless energy, and a workout program you don’t need to stress about – 11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat – From missing out on sleep to genetic factors, there are plenty of reasons why your abdominal fat, which can be a predictor of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and some cancers, may be stubbornly sticking around

MindBodyGreen – Why I Tell My Patients To Eat Breakfast If They Want To Lose Weight – Studies have shown that eating a real breakfast can decrease hunger and cravings, improve cognition and reduce your risk for obesity and metabolic syndrome. After all, eating breakfast is more than just “breaking” your overnight “fast.” It also sets the tone for a day of making wise, healthy food choices.

CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

CrossFit HackneyRussian Squat Programme

MONDAY 20/07/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Snatch Push Press, from behind the neck

Warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists

+ 3 Overhead Squats, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Learning the correct receiving position 

+ 3 High Hang Snatch, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar 


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each OHS 

This is a 22min running, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

[5,4,3,2,1] High Hang Snatch* (3sec pause in bottom of each)

* Must perform from power position, do not take the bar down the thigh

-2min to set for part B-

PART B. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

5 Halting Snatch Pull (3sec pause @knee) @ 40-50% of 1RM Deadlift

“The halting snatch deadlift is primarily a tool to strengthen an athlete to allow him or her to be able to stay over the bar long enough during the pull of the snatch. It also helps reinforce position and balance earlier in the pull because it’s typically performed at a more controlled speed.”


Part C. Russian Squats: Week1: Day1 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of:

 2 Back Squat 31×0 @ 80%


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of:

5 Back Squat 31×0 @ 70%


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of:

8 Back Squat 31×0 @60%


2 Rounds for time:

30 Goblet Walking Lunges [P:32/24, S:24/20, F:20/16, M:Technique]

20 TTB

30 RKBS  [P:32/24, S:24/20, F:20/16, M:Technique]

20 Diamond Press-ups (hands on KB)

Post time to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Strength/Coordination/Balance – Step-by-step you should break the repetition into manageable sets.  Don’t redline on this one and it should be a lunge in the park

TUESDAY 21/07/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Push-Press, from front

Teaching dip and drive, heels should lift off the ground

+ 3 Split-Jerk Form Behind Neck, 3sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching overhead position and stability in the split stance 

+ 3 Press Behind Neck in Split Position

Improves the position, balance and strength of the split

+ 3  Jerk Balance, 3sec pause in the bottom of each

 Teaching better balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg. Secure and stabilize the bar overhead before recovering from the split into a standing position with the bar still overhead.


13min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute. 

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5rounds) of:

+1 Split Jerk behind neck (5 sec hold in split position)

+2 Split Jerk Balance (from front) (5 sec hold in split position)

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the split stance for 5sec

“The jerk balance is useful for teaching and practicing the proper movement of the body under the bar during the split jerk for athletes who have a habit of diving the head and chest through and leaving the hips behind the bar. It’s also helpful for teaching better balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg.  “

PART B. 8min EMOM of:

odd min: :30sec AMRAP Chin-ups / 1rep Eccentric / Ring Rows

even min: :30 Weighted FLR Hold


PART C 15min WOD

4min EMOM of:

:30sec AMRAP Burpees to Target

– :60sec rest –

PART D. 10min AMRAP of: 

Increasing ladder:

5 Burpees

5 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

10 Burpees

10 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

15 Burpees

15 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

20 Burpees

20 Pull-ups  / Ring Rows

Post the total number of burpees performed in box parts

WOD GOAL: Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance / Stamina – Part C is about consisten reperition for all 4 sets  Once the heart rate is elevated can you keep working at a stead aerobic rate

WEDNESDAY 22/07/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Clean long pull, bar does not touch the body

 Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Pause Front Squat, 2sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position

+ 3 Clean Sots Press

Mobility and strength exercise for the receiving position of the clean

+ 3 High Hang Clean, 2sec pause in the bottom of each squat

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and  B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each squat

This is a 22min running, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

[5,4,3,2,1] Clean from High Hang, (2sec pause in bottom of each)

* Must perform from power position, do not take the bar down the thigh

-then 2min rest, set the weight-

PART B. 8min E2MOM  (4 rounds) of:

8 Tempo/ Pause Barbell RDL*, 32×0

*Recomend you use straps to hold the bar for this long @ 50-60% of 1RM Deadlift

PART C. Russian Squats: Week1: Day3 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of:

2 Front Squat 31×0 @ 80%


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of: 

5 Front Squat 31×0 @ 70%


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of: 

8 Front Squat 31×0 @60%


Partner WOD: 12min EMOM In pairs YGIG Rounds of:

“Partner The Chief”

3 Power Cleans [P:70/50kg, S:60/40kg, F:50/30kg, M:Technique]

6 Push-ups [Scale: Incline Push-ups]

9 Air Squats

Post total rounds.reps to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Strength/Power/Speed and Agility – As a pair can you successfully complete 12round  in 12min (work:rest :60/:60)?  Choose a weight that allows you to complete the cleans unbroken

THURSDAY 23/07/2015


Wrist Strength / Mobility:

10reps of each:

1. Finger Pulses

2. Palm Pulses

3. Side-to-Side Palm Rotations

4. Font Facing Elbow rotation

5. Side-to-Side Wrist STretch

6. Rear Facing Wrist Stretch Palms Down

7. Read Facing Wrist Stretch Palms Up

8. Rear Facing Elbow Rotations

9. Forward Facing Wrist Stretch

Plank Hold Variations

Keep elbows fully rotated in all movements. :30sec work, :30sec rest

1. FLR (leaning shoulders over fingers)

2. Reverse Grip FLR (fingers facing back)

3. FLR + Single leg mountain Climber (keep the hips down) – :30sec right leg and then :30sec left leg

Posterior Chain Flexibility

Spend some time stretching the hamstrings to help improve L-Sit, Assisted Inverted Press, and the V-up’s positions


30min to complete:

3 Rounds of (12min):

[6-10] Ring Pull-ups /Jumping pull-ups 3sec eccentric / Partner Assisted Ring Pull-ups

[8-10] Ring Row Sit Backs (neutral grip twisting to supinated grip)

[3-5] L-sit/Tuck 5sec holds on P-bars


3 Rounds of:  (12min):

:30-45sec Ring Lockout Support

[8-12] Assisted Inverted Press on p-bar, pike position, or single leg

[10-12] Battleram Push-ups on Dip Stations or / Plank Fwd and Back


For Time:

V-up Annie



V-Ups (for quality) / Double Crunch / Abmat sit-ups

Post time to whiteboard

WOD GOAL:  Coordination/Flexibility/Agility – you will look forward to the DU in this one, be prepared for the abs DOMS to come.

FRIDAY 24/07/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the correct upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Snatch Push Press, from behind the neck

Warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists

+ 3 Overhead Squats, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position 

+ 3 Snatch Sots Press

 Helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A, B and C.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect.

This is a 22min running, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of:

3 Snatch Push-press, beheind neck

+1  TEMPO Overhead Squat, 80×0  (8sec eccentric) [Scale: Elevate heels and perform OHS to a comfortable depth, stretch hips/claves between sets]

-2min to set before part B-

PART B. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of:

3 Snatch @ 60% of 1RM Snatch [Scale: Hang Snatch from below the knee / High Hang Snatch] 

-2min to set befor part C-

PART C. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of: 

2 x (

1 Snatch Segment pull* (1″off floor, knee, hip, finish with BIG SHRUG at the top and relaxed arms)

+ 1 Snatch shrug (snatch pull form the floor + BIG SHRUG with relaxed arms)

@40-60% of 1RM Deadlift


*pause 3sec at each point, + finish the pull with heels down


7 RFT of:

9 Deadlifts [P:100/75kg, S:80/65kg, F:70/50, M:Technique]

15 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft [Scale: As needed]

21 DU [Scale: 63 Single skips]

Post time taken to Whiteboard

WOD GOAL:  STAMINA / ENDURANCE / SPEED – this one is a bag of suck.  Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, just do as much work as you can

SATURDAY 25/07/2015


20 Russian Baby Makers

10 ea leg x Crab position + internal / external hip rotation

10 x 90/90 switch (scale hands on the floor)

10 x 90/90 + hip pop (open the hips)

10 x Pigeon walks

10 x Squat w/ internal rotation

10 ea leg x Squat w/ increased internal rotation (take the knee to the opposite heel)


15min to complete:

PART A. Russian Squats: Week1: Day6

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of: 

3 Back Squat 31×0 @ 80%


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of: 

6 Back Squat 31×0 @ 70%


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of: 

9 Back Squat 31×0 @60%


PART B. 8min EMOM of: 

3 Box Jumps for height

*Increase height with each set

PART C. 4 rounds of:

Run 400m / Row 500m

20 RKB Swings [P:32/24kg, S:24/20, F:20/16, M: Technique]

Rest 2min between rounds

Post total burpee box jumps to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL:   SPEED / STAMINA / SPEED: The faster you can row 400m the less time you competition has to do burpees.  The flip side of this is the fact that you will be gassed before you start your burpees.  What are you going to do?

SUNDAY Momentum Movement 12/07/2015


Dynamic Pigeon Stretch

Walking Pigeon

Air Squat + 90* internal rotations

Air Squat + 180* rotation

Cross Leg + External Rotation Squat  (take read knee to the front heel, then front toe, + increase rotation with torso twist)

Cross Leg + 180* rotation (spin into opposite cross leg squat)

Lateral Pistol Squat (side to side)

Lateral Pistol Twist to hip Flexor stretch


3-4 Rounds of:

P-Bar Work

[6-8] P-Bars Swing to tuck hold [3-5sec]

[8-10] P-Bars Jump Bent Arm  Tuck Shoulder Stand

[10-12] Mountain Climbers on KB

Head Stand Progressions

– :30sec Head Stand Hold

– [5-6] Straddle to Head Stand

– [5-6] Pike to Head Stand


Candle Stick Rolls

Hollow Hold

Hanging Straight Leg Raises