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CFH Training Plan 03/08/2015 – 09/08/2015

Posted 2nd August 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 3 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats


A number of members took up the offer to have their “hair mineral and toxic analysis” test done at the London BioLab.  It was interesting to see that the majority had low levels of magnesium, including myself (and I’ve been supplementing with magnesium for years).  In past courses/lectures I’ve attended, I’ve always hear that athletes (active people) need more magnesium than their sedentary counterparts, and maybe it should be no surprise that the active members at Momentum Training are running low. 

Magnesium is an essential element in the human biological systems and most athletes are likely deficient. Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral in cells after potassium, but the two ounces or so found in the typical human body is present not as metal but as magnesium ions.  Roughly one quarter of this magnesium is found in muscle tissue and three-fifths in bone; but less than 1% of it is found in blood serum, which is often used as the common indicator of magnesium status.  If you are going to use a blood test to determine your magnesium levels you need to be doing a red blood cell magnesium test. I’ve posted most of this information on the Momentum Blog before, essential nutrients for everyone.

Some studies suggest that 85% of the population is now deficient, which is very surprising because we all know that the majority of people leed a less active life than most of us. Further studies have suggested that even small shortfalls in magnesium intake can inhibit athletic performance. Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body, being required for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including those involved in the synthesis of fat (burning fat a fuel source), protein and nucleic acids, neurological activity, muscular contraction (makes you stronger) and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism.  Magnesium is important to athletes because it regulates heart rhythm, allows muscles to contract and relax properly, reduces blood pressure, and is necessary to produce ATP (the main source of energy in our cells) which must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active.   Magnesium has a calming effect on the body that is beneficial for sleep and lowering stress (cortisol levels).

Be aware that magnesium supplements based on amino acid chelates, such as Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium malate are much better tolerated by the digestive system and much more absorbable by the body than the other (cheap) forms of magnesium such as Magnesium oxide or Magnesium carbonate. Magnesium is best taken post-workout and/or before bed. Sedentary individuals need 600 mg a day and larger athletes in heavy training mode could do up to 2-3g per day.

Magnesium is well supplied in unrefined whole grain cereals, such as wholemeal bread, and also in green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, peas, beans and lentils (see table below). Fruit, meat and fish supply poor levels, as do refined foods.

The Magnesium Content Of Common Foods (per 100g)
Pumpkin seeds (roasted)
Brazil nuts
Sesame seeds
Peanuts (roasted, salted)
Rice (whole grain brown)
Wholemeal bread
Cooked beans
Potato (baked)
White bread
Yoghurt (plain, low fat)
Rice (white)
Source; USDA Nutrient Database


If you would like to get your levels tested or would like to take magnesium supplementation, please come and talk with the coaches at Momentum.


Article of the Week: Strength Sensei: New research just published this week in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, suggests that the recommendations for protein intake may be incorrect. – A protein intake higher than what is currently recommended has been widely endorsed by many experts. There is evidence that consuming a moderate amount of high-quality protein (25–35 grams) during each meal stimulates muscle protein synthesis, promotes muscle health, and plays a critical role in preserving lean body mass as we age. In addition, consuming moderate amounts of high-quality protein at each meal promotes weight loss in overweight and obese individuals.

Greenwood Weightlifting: Knuckles Pointing at the Floor – Speed under the bar is an important component in weightlifting performance. Vital to achieving this is your position at the top of the pull. One simple cue I use to ensure that a lifter finishes their pull and starts the descent under the bar correctly is to instruct them to keep their knuckles pointed at the floor throughout the pull

Catalyst Athletics: Fixing a Slow Turnover in the Snatch or Clean – The snatch requires perfectly controlled aggression—maximal effort channeled into a precise movement with perfect timing. Some lifters are naturally endowed with the kind of talent that allows them to very quickly develop impeccable and consistent technique; others struggle for years to refine their technique; still others finish their lifting careers unsatisfied. Hopefully this article will help prevent you from meeting such a fate.

GMB: How to Do a Strict Muscle-Up on Gymnastic Rings – Most of the problems people have with this skill involve improper form and lack of strength in the right places. In this tutorial, I’ll show you everything you need to know, from the correct grip to the important details of proper technique, and even the best way to structure your workout.

LiftRunBang: Why All Carbs Are Not Equal – Generally carbs that have a number of 55 or below are considered carbs that have less impact on raising blood sugar and insulin.  And as we know, part of getting leaner and building muscle is controlling and timing insulin release.

CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

CrossFit HackneyRussian Squat Programme

MONDAY 03/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Snatch Push Press, from behind the neck

Warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists

+ 3 Overhead Squats, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Learning the correct receiving position 

+ 3 High Hang Snatch, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar 


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each OHS 

This is a 22min running clock, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

[5,4,3,2,1] High Hang Snatch* (3sec pause in bottom of each)

* Must perform from power position, do not take the bar down the thigh


PART B. Russian Squats: Week3: Day1 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of:

 5 Back Squat 31×0 @ 80% of working max


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of:

8Back Squat 31×0 @ 70% of working max


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of:

11Back Squat 31×0 @60% of working max

PART C. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

5 Halting Snatch Deadlift (3sec pause @knee) @ 40-50% of 1RM Deadlift

“The halting snatch deadlift is primarily a tool to strengthen an athlete to allow him or her to be able to stay over the bar long enough during the pull of the snatch. It also helps reinforce position and balance earlier in the pull because it’s typically performed at a more controlled speed.”


PART D.  3 Rounds of:

50 Double-Unders [Scale: 100 Single Skips]

ME UB Wall Balls (no rest after DU) 9/7kg 10/9ft [Scale: height and weight as needed]

Rest :90sec between rounds

Post total number of Wall Balls to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Agility/Coordination/Speed/CV-Fitness/Stamina – This is a test of your metal toughness and ability to move straight from the DU to the Wall Balls. If you rest between the exercises you are failing the point of this WOD.  You get rest after the Wall Balls so get uncomfortable and push yourself to the limits

TUESDAY 04/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Push-Press, from front

Teaching dip and drive, heels should lift off the ground

+ 3 Split-Jerk Form Behind Neck, 3sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching overhead position and stability in the split stance 

+ 3 Press Behind Neck in Split Position

Improves the position, balance and strength of the split

+ 3  Jerk Balance, 3sec pause in the bottom of each

 Teaching better balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg. Secure and stabilize the bar overhead before recovering from the split into a standing position with the bar still overhead.


15min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute. 

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5rounds) of:

+1 Split Jerk behind neck (5 sec hold in split position)

+2 Split Jerk Balance (from front) (5 sec hold in split position)

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the split stance for 5sec

“The jerk balance is useful for teaching and practicing the proper movement of the body under the bar during the split jerk for athletes who have a habit of diving the head and chest through and leaving the hips behind the bar. It’s also helpful for teaching better balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg.  “

PART B. 8min EMOM of:

odd min: :30sec AMRAP Mixed Grip Chin-ups*/ 1rep Eccentric / Ring Rows

even min: :30sec Handstand Hold (facing wall)

* Change grip each set.



12min time cap.

20,15,12,9,6,3 HeSPU [Scale: Feet on box, P-bar Assisted HeSPU, Pike Push-up, Incline Push-up]

3,6,9,12,15,20 TTB [Scale: K2E, V-Ups, Double Crunch]

Post time take to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Coordination / Flexibility / Speed / Strength / Balance – Shoulders are going to feel the burn in this one.  Break the reps into manageable sizes from the start.  If you redline the shoulders in the early rounds you will suffer.

WEDNESDAY 05/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Clean long pull, bar does not touch the body

 Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Pause Front Squat, 2sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position

+ 3 Clean Sots Press

Mobility and strength exercise for the receiving position of the clean

+ 3 High Hang Clean, 2sec pause in the bottom of each squat

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and  B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each squat

This is a 22min running clock, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

[5,4,3,2,1] Clean from High Hang, (2sec pause in bottom of each)

* Must perform from power position, do not take the bar down the thigh

-then 2min rest, set the weight-

PART B. Russian Squats: Week2: Day3 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of:

2 Front Squat 31×0 @ 80%


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of: 

5 Front Squat 31×0 @ 70%


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of: 

8 Front Squat 31×0 @60%

PART C. 8min E2MOM  (4 rounds) of:

6 Tempo/ Pause Barbell RDL*, 32×0

*Recommend you use straps to hold the bar for this long @ 55-65% of 1RM Deadlift


12min Parter WOD YGIG Rounds:

5 Power Cleans (use 70% of 1RM Power Clean)

3 Muscle-Ups (bar or ring) [Scale: 3 Strict pull-ups + 3 strict Dips, 6 Ring Rows + 6 Push-ups] 

WOD GOAL: Strength/Power/Speed/Agility/Balance/Accuracy – Find a strategy and stick to a plan.  Its going to be a test of your fitness levels, grip, communication and team work.

THURSDAY 06/08/2015


Wrist Strength / Mobility:

10reps of each:

1. Finger Pulses

2. Palm Pulses

3. Side-to-Side Palm Rotations

4. Font Facing Elbow rotation

5. Side-to-Side Wrist Stretch

6. Rear Facing Wrist Stretch Palms Down

7. Read Facing Wrist Stretch Palms Up

8. Rear Facing Elbow Rotations

9. Forward Facing Wrist Stretch

Plank Hold Variations

Keep elbows fully rotated in all movements. :30sec work, :30sec rest

1. FLR (leaning shoulders over fingers)

2. Reverse Grip FLR (fingers facing back)

3. FLR + Single leg mountain Climber (keep the hips down) – :30sec right leg and then :30sec left leg

Posterior Chain Flexibility

Spend some time stretching the hamstrings to help improve L-Sit, Assisted Inverted Press, and the V-up’s positions


30min to complete:

3 Rounds of (12min):

[6-10] Ring Pull-ups /Jumping pull-ups 3sec eccentric / Partner Assisted Ring Pull-ups

[8-10] Ring Row Sit Backs (neutral grip twisting to supinated grip)

[3-5] L-sit/Tuck 5sec holds on P-bars


3 Rounds of:  (12min):

:30-45sec Ring Lockout Support

[8-12] Assisted Inverted Press on p-bar, pike position, or single leg

[10-12] Battleram Push-ups on Dip Stations or / Plank Fwd and Back


Ab-Thursday (for quality)

3 Rounds of:

20 Hollow Rocks [Scale: Leaver length as required]

15 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

10 Ring Press-ups

Rest :90sec between rounds

WOD GOAL:  Strength/Stamina – this WOD is for quality and not for time.  Work on quality repetitions and feel you midline burn

FRIDAY 07/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the correct upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Snatch Push Press, from behind the neck

Warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists

+ 3 Overhead Squats, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position 

+ 3 Snatch Sots Press

 Helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A, B and C.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect.

This is a 22min running, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of:

3 Snatch Push-press, behind neck

+1  TEMPO Overhead Squat, 80×0  (8sec eccentric) [Scale: Elevate heels and perform OHS to a comfortable depth, stretch hips/calves between sets]

-2min to set before part B-

PART B. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of:

3 Snatch @ 60% of 1RM Snatch [Scale: Hang Snatch from below the knee / High Hang Snatch] 

-2min to set before part C-

PART C. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of: 

2 Snatch Segment pull* (1″off floor, knee, hip, finish with BIG SHRUG at the top and relaxed arms)

+ 1 Snatch shrug (snatch pull form the floor + BIG SHRUG with relaxed arms)

@45-65% of 1RM Deadlift

*pause 3sec at each point, + finish the pull with heels down


6-9-12-15-18reps for time of:

Box jump [P&S: 30/24inch, F:24/20inch, M: technique]

Deadlift [P:80/60kg, S:70/50kg. F:60/40kg, M: technique] 

Post time taken to Whiteboard

WOD GOAL:  Strength/ Stamina / Coordination / Agility / Speed / Power – Take your time with the deadlift and make sure you take the tension on the first repetition of each set.  For most the deadlift is not heavy, but thats no reason to have shitty form.  A steady speed on this one should see the best result as the box jumps are high!

SATURDAY 08/08/2015


20 Russian Baby Makers

10 ea leg x Crab position + internal / external hip rotation

10 x 90/90 switch (scale hands on the floor)

10 x 90/90 + hip pop (open the hips)

10 x Pigeon walks

10 x Squat w/ internal rotation

10 ea leg x Squat w/ increased internal rotation (take the knee to the opposite heel)


15min to complete:

PART A. Russian Squats: Week2: Day6

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of: 

2 Front Squat 31×0 @ 80% of working weight


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of: 

5 Front Squat 31×0 @ 70% of working weight


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of: 

8 Front Squat 31×0 @60% of working weight

PART B. 8min EMOM of: 

3 Box Jumps for height

*Increase height with each set


37min of rowing In teams of 3

With a running clock each member of the team will attempt to row 500m on the 2:30.  Each member has 2min to row the distance and then :30sec to change with their partners.

Performance and Sport

5 x 500m Row

Functional and Movement

5 x MAX distance in 2min

Post each interval time to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL:   Stamina / Endurance / CV-Fitness- Ply to your strengths and share the work load as much as possible.  If you are strong a TTB and your partner is strong at Wall Balls you should both play to your strengths.  The grip is going to be a challenge on the TTB and it would be wise to drop off the bar between sets. Good luck

SUNDAY Momentum Movement 09/08/2015


Dynamic Pigeon Stretch

Walking Pigeon

Air Squat + 90* internal rotations

Air Squat + 180* rotation

Cross Leg + External Rotation Squat  (take right knee to the front heel, then front toe, + increase rotation with torso twist)

Cross Leg + 180* rotation (spin into opposite cross leg squat)

Lateral Pistol Squat (side to side)

Lateral Pistol Twist to hip Flexor stretch


Head Stand Progressions

– :30sec Headstand Hold

– [5-6] Straddle to Head Stand

– [5-6] Pike to Head Stand

P-Bar Work

[6-8] P-Bars Swing to tuck hold [3-5sec]

[8-10] P-Bars Jump Bent Arm  Tuck Shoulder Stand

[10-12] Mountain Climbers on KB


[8-12] Candle Stick Rolls

[:30-:60sec] Hollow Hold

[8-12] Hanging Straight Leg Raises