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CFH Training Plan 17/08/2015 – 23/08/2015

Posted 16th August 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 5 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats


How did you testing go in week 4 with you front and back squat testing?  From some the weights may have slightly increased from their estimations in week 1, and for many the “stupid tempo” (as some put it) had an impact of the end result.. No real surprise here, a pause in the bottom of the squat is designed to test your pure strength and eliminate the stretch shortening cycle (SSC) that many use to bounce out of the bottom of the squat.  We did this on purpose because bouncing increases the chance of injury, especially for those who have not done huge volumes of squats (I’m talking 2-3 years of solid lifting).

If your testing week has pushed you down a level on the spreadsheet you have choice to make.  You can listen to the spreadsheet and follow the programming, is doing more squats going to be bad thing over the next 4 weeks?  Lifing more weight and feelingmore badass is not always going to deliver the best result.  In the long run, its the weight we can move with good form/technique that is valuable.  Or you can decide to ignore the spreadsheet and stick to the level you have been following in week 1 (simple re-enter you PB’s into the testing week results).  Why would you do this?  Ask yourself one questions, “do you feel lucky punk?”….

Are you better at squatting heavy weights 85-95% of your 1RM, or are you better at doing more repetitions at 75-80%?  If you better at performing high repetitions at 75-80% then you should most likely start challenging yourself and lifting heavy weights more often.  If you struggle doing high repetitions with 75-80% on the bar you will get much better result from performing more repetitions at a lower weight.  What are you train for, what are you strengths and weaknesses, and what are you goals?

The recommendations above are typically for those who want to get stronger.  If your goal it to improve you body composition you are going to want to be performing more repetitions and doing more work.   Work = weight lifted x distance travelled x number of repetitions

If you have any questions please feel free to ask one of the coaches.


Article of the week: TabataTimes: You can Lift That Weight, But Should You – All of us (okay, many of us) want to get stronger, and in order to do so it’s definitely important to lift heavy (that’s how we increase strength); however, as counterintuitive as it may seem, in many cases we actually need to lift less (weight) in order to lift more.

When I say “lift less to lift more,” what I’m referring to is the training we do at our 60, 70, and 80 percentiles, because this is what makes up the bulk of our training and this is when and where we build our movement patterns.

Daily Bandha: Diaphragmatic (Belly) Breathing – In diaphragmatic breathing, you actively expand the abdomen during inhalation. The abdominal expansion occurs via the diaphragm contracting and pressing down on the abdominal contents. Chest expansion is kept at a minimum in this type of breathing. Exhalation is a relaxed process and occurs through the elastic recoil of the chest wall and lungs.

Catalyst Athletics: Real World Overhead Mobility for Weightlifting – The bottom line is this: do as much mobility work each day as you can stand, do it consistently for a long period of time, include exercises in your training that help create or maintain mobility and strengthen and stabilize the overhead position, and expect it to be a long, boring process.

JTS-Strength: Interview with CrossFit Superstar Mat Fraser – Interesting interview with Mat Fraser (CrossFit Games Athlete). The switch to CrossFit How he trains, what he eats! The snatch video is a must watch… BOOM

Strength Sensei: Bison Sweet Potato and Chilli – Quick, easy and healthy recipe for pre or post training.

CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

CrossFit Hackney Russian Squat Programme

MONDAY 17/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+3 Pressing Snatch Balance

Develop a sense of position for the snatch,  and an active stretch. 

+3 Scarecrow Snatch

Speed of the 3rd pull and turnover of the bar

+ 3 High Hang Snatch,

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar 

+3 Hang Snatch, bar at knee cap

Develop better force production in the extension and more aggressiveness in the pull 


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each OHS 

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

1 High Hang Snatch – bar in the power position

+2 Hang Snatch, bar at knee cap (2sec pause in the bottom)

PART B. 8min E2MOM (4 rounds) of:

[3-4] Hang Snatch High-pull, from the knee cap  @ 30-40% of 1RM Deadlift

1. START: weight must be in the balls of the feet in the hang position.

2. PULL: Accelerate the bar upward aggressively with violent leg and hip extension, keeping the bar close to the body.  The movement should be directly vertically with a focus on extending the body upward

3. SHRUG: The shoulders should be shrugged up somewhat after the completion of leg and hip extension.The arms are not engaged in the movement, but remain relaxed in extension.

4. EXTENSION: The aggressiveness of the push against the ground should result in the lifter’s heels rising off the floor as the extension is completed.

The hang snatch pull can be used to focus on the final extension of the pull, to reduce the loading on the legs and back for recovery purposes, or for practice of positioning and balance.


PART C. Russian Squats: Week5: Day1 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of:

 2 Front Squat 3010 @ 80% of working max


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of:

5 Front Squat 3010 @ 70% of working max


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of: 

8 Front Squat 3010 @60%



Athletes choose the weight on the bar. The score is the total number of Thrusters performed x weight on the bar

10min EMOM of:

30 DU [Scale: 50 single skips]

5 Thruster  (Power output, how much weight can you move?)

Post total weight (number of thrusters performed x weight on the bar) to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: CV-Fitness/ Speed / Power / Strength / Coordination / Agility – Goal is to push the work at threshold pace. If you are breaking the thrusters, you should take weight off the bar.

TUESDAY 18/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Push-Press, from front

Teaching dip and drive, heels should lift off the ground

+ 3 Pause Jerk Drive

The jerk drive strengthens the dip position and trains the explosiveness of the transition and upward drive. If done correctly, it can also train and reinforce the proper balance and dip position for the jerk and strengthen the posture.

+ 3 Tall Split Jerks

Helps with aggressiveness, timing, speed under the bar and accuracy in the jerk.  

+ 3 Split-Jerks to Knee

Teaching balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg.


PART A. 12min E2MOM (6 rounds) of:

1 Pause Jerk Dip

+ 2 Split Jerks to Knee

PART B. 12min EMOM of:

Station 1: :30sec Halting Pull-ups (3sec pause in each position)

1. Chin over bar

2. Eccentric: Top of head touching the bar

3. Dead Hang

4. Concentric: Top of head touching the bar

[Scale: Eccentrics with halting posoitons, jump back to the top of the pull-up]

Station 2: :30sec Wall Facing Wall Runs [Scale: Wall Facing Handstand Holds]

Station 3: :30sec Front Line Body Drill (iso holds)


PART  C.  “Balls to the wall”.

Complete the following for time (12min cut-off):

10 rounds of:

10UB Wallball [P&S:9/7kg, F:7/5kg M: Technique]*

5 Weighted pull-up, holding Wall Ball between feet or legs

[Scale:For those that can not do weighted pull-ups

10 Rounds:

10UB Wall Balls*

15UB AKBS [S:24/16kg, F:20/12kg, M:Technique]

Post time take, or total rounds and reps to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Strength  / Speed  / Accuracy /  – Love a wall ball?  How about between you legs, while doing a pull-up.  Aim to complete 1 round a minute if you can.  Don’t let that ball touch the floor.  

WEDNESDAY 19/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Clean long pull, bar does not touch the body

 Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Front Squat, 2sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position

+3 Scarecrow Cleans

Speed of the 3rd pull and turnover of the bar

+ 3 High Hang Clean, 2sec pause in the bottom of each squat

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar

+3 Hang Cleans, bar at knee cap

Develop better force production in the extension and more aggressiveness in the pull 


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and  B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each squat

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

1 High Hang Clean – bar at power position

+2 Hang Clean, bar at knee cap (2sec pause in the bottom of each Clean

PART B. 8min E2MOM (4 rounds) of:

 3 Halting Clean Dadlifts (3sec pause mid-thigh and then back to the floor) @100-120% of 1RM Clean

1. START/PULL: We are not finishing the pull.  This is slimply the first pull to mid-thigh, pauseing for 3sec and then taking the bar back to the floor. KEEP THE WEIGHT FORWARD ON THE BALLS OF YOUR FEET  UNTIL THE BAR PASSES THE KNEES.

2. PAUSE/HANG POSITION: The shins should be approximately vertical, the bar in light contact with the legs, and the shoulders slightly in front of the bar. The weight should be balanced slightly more toward the HEELS than the balls of the feet but with FULL FOOT contact on the floor.

PART C. Russian Squats: Week5: Day2 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of:

 2 Back Squat 3010 @ 85% of working max


8min E2MOM (4 Rounds) of:

5 Back Squat 3010 @ 75% of working max


9min E3MOM (3 Rounds) of: 

8 Back Squat 3010 @65%


PART D. “Over and Under the Bar”

For time:

80 Over the Bar Burpees

*Every odd minute (beginning at 1:00)

 2 Ground to Overhead [P:70/50kg, S:60/40kg, F:50/30kg, M:Technique]

WOD GOAL: Strength / Power / Speed/ Agility/ Balance/ Accuracy / CV-Fitness – This one is just going to SUCK.  You want to get the burpess done as fast as possible, but every 2 minutes you must get the bar overhead x2.  You may wish to stop :10-20sec before doing the GTOH to gather your breath and prepare.  Don’t sit there looking at the bar… pick it up!

THURSDAY 20/08/2015


Wrist warm-up

4-Way Wrist Stretch:

1. Fingers forward

2. Fingers to the side

3. Finger back

4. Back of hands on the floor

Wrist Strength/Mobility

Perform the following movements is a push-up position with knees on the floor:

1. Rocking Wrists – bend the arms as you rock back on your wrists

2. Wrist Push-ups – back of the hands on the floor

3. First Knuckle push-ups – Alternate by going up onto the left kuckle and then the right knuckle before going down on both

4. Finger tip push-ups – staying in the push-up position straighten you wrist by going up onto the fingers. Again do it one hand at a time.

Scapular Activation

Work in partners YGIG 3 rounds of:

10 Hangining Scapular circles


30min to complete:

3 Rounds of (12min):

[4-10] Hands Rotation Ring Pull-ups /Jumping pull-ups 3sec eccentric /  Partner Assisted Ring Pull-ups

start with palms facing you then rotate them away as you pull up to the rings

[4-10] Pause Ring Dips with External Lockout 22×2 / Dip on Dip Stations / Pause RIng Push-ups w/ external rotation

[3-5] Swing to L-Sit/Tuck 5sec holds on P-bars/KB


3 Rounds of:  (12min):

[8-10] Straight Inverted to Tuck Rolling Chin-ups / Inverted Tuck Roll to Chin / Jump to Inverted roll down to feet on floor

[8-10] Jumping Dips / :30-:45sec Ring Lockout Holds

[6-8] Jump to Shoulder Stand on P-bars



3 rounds, for qulity:

10  Turkish get up, 5R/5L (Medium weight)

WOD GOAL:  Strength / Flexibility / Coordination – this WOD is for quality and not for time.  Work on quality repetitions and correct form

FRIDAY 21/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the correct upper body mechanics of the turnover

+3 Pressing Snatch Balance

Develop a sense of position for the snatch,  and an active stretch. 

+ 3 Heaving Snatch Balance  (practice lowering the bar behind the neck and catch it with soft knees)

Develops strength in the receiving position for the snatch with the elements of speed, timing and precision 

+ 3 Snatch Sots Press

 Helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders


30min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A, B and C.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect.

10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

1 Snatch push press

+2 Heaving Snatch Balance*

* The feet do not move in the heaving snatch balance, they start and finish in the squat width

10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

1 Power Snatch

 + 2 Snatch from floor [Scale: Hang Snatch from the knee cap]

6min E2MOM (3 Rounds) of:

3 Halting Snatch Deadlift +  Snatch Pull from mid-thigh (pause 3sec at mid -thigh, finish with BIG SHRUG) @45-55% of 1RM Deadlift 

1 rep is deadlifting the bar from the floor, pausing at mid-thigh for 3 secounds and then finishing with a snatch pull from this position.  Drive straight up into tripple extension with relaxed arms and a BIG SHRUG.


5 rounds (10min) of:

:45 ME HR Push-ups [Scale: Incline Box no HR]

:15 Rest

:45 ME Box Jump-Overs 24/20inch

:15 Rest

Post total number of rep to Whiteboard

WOD GOAL:  Strength/ Stamina / Coordination / Agility / Speed / Power – The box jump overs should be easy if you take you time and keep them at a steady pace.  The push-ups are going to be the show stoppers.  Break them up from the start and don’t blow you triceps and chest at the start.

SATURDAY 22/08/2015


 Hip Mobility – Coach choice


15,10,5 reps of

Goblet Squats



PART A. Russian Squats: Week5: Day6 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

12min E2MOM (6 Rounds) of:

 2 Front Squat 3010 @ 80% of working max


10min E2MOM (5 Rounds) of:

5 Front Squat 3010 @ 70% of working max


12min E3MOM (4 Rounds) of: 

8 Front Squat 3010 @60%

PART B. 10min EMOM:

odd min: 5 Vertical Depth Jumps – stand on a 20inch box and step of the box.  As soon as you hit the ground try to jump as high as you can.

even min: 5 Stationary Forward Bounds – From a standing start jump as far forward as you can with 1 jump.  Turn around and see if you can jump back the same distance.


“Partner Lift-Pull-Swing Chipper”

20min AMRAP of:

5 Deadlift [S&P: 100/70kg, F:80/50kg, M:Technique]


9 AKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20kg, F:20/16kg, M:Technique]

* Partners take it in turns to complete 1 full round.

Post each interval time to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL:   Stamina / Endurance / CV-Fitness / Accuracy / Power / Coordination 

SUNDAY Momentum Movement 23/08/2015


Wrist mobility and Strength

4-Way Wrist stretch

– fingers forward, to the side, back, back of hands

3 Rounds of:

Wrist push-ups (fist to back of hand)

level 1: Wall Wrist Walks on wall

level 2: Wall Wrist Walks with 45* Hollow lean agains the wall

level 3: Kneeling Wrist Walks

level 4: Wrist Walks

3 Rounds of:

First Knuckle Push-ups  (knucle to palm)

level 1: First Knuckle Push-ups on wall

level 2: First Knuckle Push-ups with 45* Hollow lean agains the wall

level 3: Kneeling First Knuckle Push-ups

level 4: First Knuckle Push-ups

Banded Shoulder flexibility:

– Faceing away from rig overhead stretch

– Banded straight arm lateral raises

– Banded Tricep stretch

– Banded bully stretch

– Banded Lat stretch


The aim is to work on your alignment for the handstand.  You need to be able to complete the reuired sets and times before you can progress to the next level:

Level 1: Head Stand (3 x :60sec hold)

Level 2: Elbow Stand  (3 x :60sec hold)

Level 3:  Front Line Body Drill with weighted bar  (5 x :30sec hold)

Level 4: Back Line Body Drill weighted (5 x :30sec hold)

Between each set perform:

[10-12] Pronated shoulder dislocates with stick, weighted

[10-12] Supinated shoulder dislocates with stick, weighted

Remember that mobility is not a maximal strength endeavor, but one of slow and steady progress. Do not be concerned if your range of motion is limited. As you train this over one or more programming blocks, your body will naturally adapt.


Below the Rings:

Inverted to Rolling Tuck Chin (3 sets of 8-10 controlled reps with chin over rings)

Inverted Tuck to Back Leaver (3 set :30sec hold in back leaver)

Inverted Tuck to german hang (5-6 quality reps)

Above the rings

Ring Support hold (3x :30-45sec in support with external rotation]

Ring Push-ups (3 sets of 8-10 reps with external lockout)

Jumping Ring Dips (3 sets of 8-10 controlled reps)

Strive Ring Dips (3 sets of 6-12reps with external lockout)