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CFH Training Plan 07/09/2015 – 13/09/2015

Posted 6th September 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 8 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats


Eat like you give a F**K

What should I eat? I want to …<insert goal here> … What supplements can I take to help me? The answer to these questions is typically not the answer most people want to hear. If your not willing to make changes and listen to the experts, then don’t ask the questions. There is no such thing as a magic pill.

If you don’t have the quality and the quantity of your calories right, don’t even bother thinking about the macros, the timing of your food or what supplements you should be taking.

Order of importance:

1. High quality real whole foods (no processed crap)

2. Calories

3. Macros

4. Timing

Here is the order of importance and you cannot simply jump to step 3 and 4 without doing step 1 and 2. Not eating the correct food or having the calories right will have a much higher impact on your body composition and performance than not having the macros and timing right.

Step 1. Eating real whole food – this is what our bodies are designed to survive on. Fizzy drinks, processed carbs, alcohol, sweets, and all the artificial flavourings and preservatives will make you fat and impact your health and performance. You will never out train a shitty diet or your bulls**t excuses. If a personal training client comes to me for weight loss I will not train them unless they eliminate immunologically reactive foods (IgG food sensativity test) from their diet as the affect on body composition and quality of life for overweight people is huge. If your not willing to remove certain foods from you diet than your never going to be lean.

Step 2. Get the calorie intake right – if you want to get leaner you need to be eating the correct amount of calories. “A calorie is not a calorie” and to some extent this is right, all calories may not be equal. You can not simply eat chocolate and drink bullet proof coffee and expect to get lean. The cake and donut diet may help you hit your calories, but you will be missing essential micronutrients that are needed for health and performance. You can not jump to point 2 without implementing point number 1.

If you want to burn more body fat you need to create a calorie deficit, if you cut calories too low your gains will be halted and you will become “skinny fat”, neither a good look or a healthy one. Our bodies need a minimum amount of calories to maintain lean muscle mass and burn body fat. Eating below this minimal amount will put your body into a state of starvation. A starving body holds onto its body fat and burns lean muscle mass to slow down its metabolism. This is the worst thing you could do if your goal is to get lean. You want to go on a diet? How much food should you be eating? Its not good enough to cut calories and eat less, you need to know what the minimum amounts are.

You need to get your calorie balance right!

Step 3. Protein, Carbs (CHO) and Fats are the 3 macronutrients that make up the food stuff that we eat. The amount of each macro required depends on you body composition, your goals and your daily activity levels. Understanding which food belongs to which macro group and how these macros affect your body is the next step to improving you body composition and performance.

Personal training clients typically go home with a protein goal as the highest priority. After establishing the correct protein intake the balance of CHO is the next step. This can be a tricky one as the number of CHO required each day depends on how active someone is going to be on that day. The more you train the more you need.

Fats are also important, but we typically leave them to last because the other two are more important.

Step 4. Nutrition timing can improve the rate at which gains can be achieved. Although this is an important factor most of us never reach this point. The timing of meals and the timing of macros can make a impact on the end result.

“How do I build more muscle” – simple, eat more of the right foods. Add 500-1000cal per day to your intake.

“How do I get leaner” – eat less, or do more exercise! Cut 500cals per day, or increase your exercise.

“How much weight can I gain or lose per week?” How much weight do you have to lose? Anywhere between 0.5-1kg per week is a good rate of progress.

If you think being lean, or getting lean is a simple task you need to think again. It’s not a diet, its not a 5-day a week job, and its not something you can put on hold every time there is a wedding, birthday party or chance to eat cake and get drunk. Its a lifestyle choice and something you need to place a high value on. What do you value the most? You health, body composition and your performance, or you popularity at the party?


Strength Sensei: The rotating meat and nuts breakfast for optimal body composition. – When people ask me for the best single dietary tip for optimal leanness, energy and sustained mental focus, I invariably tell them to try the rotating meat and nuts breakfast. Clients ranging from NHL & NFL stars to corporate executives rave about the increased mental acuity and focused energy they derive from adopting this food combination. When I work with clients, it is the first meal I get them to change. I get them to start on a Saturday, so that they come up with more excuses than a pregnant Catholic nun for why they could not do it.

Mercola: You Are What Your Microbes Eat – While it’s long been said that “you are what you eat,” a more accurate description might be “you are what your microbes eat.” There are more bacteria and other microorganisms in your body than there are human cells, and your unique microbial community is constantly changing in response to your environment.

T-Nation: The Smart Lifters Guide to Rest Periods – “How Long Do I Rest Between Sets?” Coaches get that question all the time. And no, we didn’t forget to include rest periods in our workout programs. This can also alpy to how long you should take a break during your WOD?

Dr Nibber: Magnesium Monumental for Athletic Performance! – Analyses of this group found that there was a direct relationship between magnesium intake and improved athletic markers such as jumping performance and strength tests (more magnesium leads to better outcomes). These findings were independent of total caloric intake or other dietary factors such as protein intake. As a note, the average intake of magnesium in these elite athletes was actually below the recommended daily allowance, a value set for the general population.

Fitness Mercola: 9 Body Hacks to Naturally Increase Testosterone – Beginning around age 30, a man’s testosterone levels begin to decline, and continue to do so as he ages, leading to symptoms such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, and difficulties with concentration and memory Dietary and exercise changes, particularly limiting sugar/fructose, eating healthy saturated fats and engaging in high-intensity exercises and strength training, can be very effective at boosting testosterone levels naturally
Other strategies to boost testosterone include optimizing your vitamin D levels and reducing stress

If we extrapolate these results, you can make the argument that all athletes should be supplementing with magnesium to improve their athletic performance.

CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

CrossFit Hackney Russian Squat Programme

MONDAY 07/09/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+3 Pressing Snatch Balance

Develop a sense of position for the snatch, and an active stretch.

+3 Scarecrow Snatch

Speed of the 3rd pull and turnover of the bar

+ 3 High Hang Snatch,

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar

+3 Hang Snatch, bar at knee cap

Develop better force production in the extension and more aggressiveness in the pull


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and B. Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each OHS

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

3-Position Snatch (high-hang, below the knee, floor)

PART B. 8min E2MOM (4 rounds) of:

3 Snatch High-pull, from the floor @ 45-55% of 1RM Deadlift

1. START: weight must be in the balls of the feet in the starting position. Set your snatch starting position tightly and initiate the lift by pushing with the legs against the floor

2. FIRST PULL: this is a controlled and deliberate pull, the aim is to get the bar in the right correct position for the second pull. Do not rip the bar off the floor.

3. SECOND PULL: Accelerate the bar upward aggressively with violent leg and hip extension, keeping the bar close to the body. The movement should be directly vertically with a focus on extending the body upward

4. The shoulders should be shrugged up somewhat after the completion of leg and hip extension.The arms are not engaged in the movement, but remain relaxed in extension.

5. The aggressiveness of the push against the ground should result in the lifter’s heels rising off the floor as the extension is completed.


PART C. Russian Squats: Week8: Day1 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

Establish 2RM Back Squat for the day


Establish 3RM Back Squat for the day


Establish 5RM Back Squat for the day


PART D. Work Capacity (12min cut-off)

In teams of 3, take it in turns to complete

4 rounds, each:

5 Deadlift [P:110/80kg, S:100/70kg, F:80/60kg, M:Technique]

150m Row sprint

As soon as P1 finishes the row, P2 starts a round. When P2 finishes, P3 starts. If your not working your resting.

Post total time to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Strength / Speed / Power / Fitness – This will be a 1:2 ratio of work and rest.. make sure you set yourself for the first rep of the deadlift and then aim to go unbroken in these repetitions. If your breaking the reps the weight is too heavy and you are not getting the point of this WOD. You have less a maximum of :60sec to finish a round, so there is not time for breaing up the work. The row should be MAX effort, do not hold back as you will have plenty of rest time in between rounds.

TUESDAY 08/09/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Push-Press, from front

Teaching dip and drive, heels should lift off the ground

+ 3 Tall Split Jerks

Helps with aggressiveness, timing, speed under the bar and accuracy in the jerk.

+ 3 Pause Jerks

Help train and reinforce the proper posture and balance in the dip for athletes who shift forward or collapse in the dip

+ 3 Split-Jerks to Knee

Teaching balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg.


PART A. 12min E2MOM (6 rounds) of:

1 Pause Jerk

+ 1 Split Jerks to Knee

+ 1 Split Jerk

PART B. 12min EMOM of:

Station 1: :30sec Eccentric Pull-up (1rep)

Station 2: :30sec Forarm supported handstand * [Scale: Wall Facing Handstand Holds]

– place a reebok step agains the wall on the highest setting

– walk up the wall until you forarms are resting agains the reebok step

– DO NOT KICK OFF THE WALL – focus on you hollow body position and pull your feet of the wall. Use your foramrs to push agains the box and control the balance.

Station 3: :30sec Back Body Line Drill (iso holds) with a stick + weight if you can


PART C. “Shoulders, Grip and Hands”

Buy In: 100 DU [Scale: 2:1 Single skips]

3 Rounds of:

5 TTB [Scale: K2E, Knee Raises, V-ups, Double-Crunch]

9 Pull-ups [Scale: Ring Rows]

12 Push-ups [Scale: Incline push-ups]

Cash Out 100 DU [Scale: 2:1 Single skips]

Post total time taken to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Strength / Stamina / Power / Agility / Speed – All out sprint on the one. Its all body weight movements and it should be short. Chalk you hands often and make sure you don’t tear them.

WEDNESDAY 09/09/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Clean long pull, bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Front Squat, 2sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position

+3 Scarecrow Cleans

Speed of the 3rd pull and turnover of the bar

+ 3 High Hang Clean, 2sec pause in the bottom of each squat

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar

+3 Hang Cleans, bar at knee cap

Develop better force production in the extension and more aggressiveness in the pull


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and B. Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each squat

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

3-Position Clean (high-hang, below the knee, floor)

PART B. 8min E2MOM (4 rounds) of:

3 Clean High-pull, from the floor @ 40-55% of 1RM Deadlift

1. START: weight must be in the balls of the feet in the starting position. Set your clean starting position tightly and initiate the lift by pushing with the legs against the floor

2. FIRST PULL: this is a controlled and deliberate pull, the aim is to get the bar in the right correct position for the second pull. Do not rip the bar off the floor.

3. SECOND PULL: Accelerate the bar upward aggressively with violent leg and hip extension, keeping the bar close to the body. The movement should be directly vertically with a focus on extending the body upward

4. The shoulders should be shrugged up somewhat after the completion of leg and hip extension.The arms are not engaged in the movement, but remain relaxed in extension.

5. The aggressiveness of the push against the ground should result in the lifter’s heels rising off the floor as the extension is completed.


PART C. 10min EMOM

1 Back Squats @85%

+ 2 Box Jumps for height

Total of 10 Back Squats and 20 Box Jumps


PART D. Work Capacity:

4 rounds

– Every 3 minutes, complete:

6 Power Cleans*** [P:80/55kg, S:70/45kg, F:60/35, M:Technique]

+ max reps Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft [Scale: height and weight as needed]

*Rest 60 seconds between rounds.

***Each round, the Power Cleans decreases by 1-rep. For example, round 2 will be a 5 Power Cleans + max wall balls, round 3 = 4 Power Cleans + max wall balls

Post the lowest number of total wall balls completed in a round to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Power / Speed/ Agility / Accuracy / Flexibility – You want to get the power cleans out of the way ASAP….. but then you need to get that wall ball moving. You need to keep the wall balls consistent as the lowest number completed in a 3min APRAP is you final score. Do not go allout in the first round and save some squat power for the last round.

THURSDAY 10/09/2015


PART A. Wrist warm-up

4-Way Wrist Stretch:

1. Fingers forward

2. Fingers to the side

3. Finger back

4. Back of hands on the floor

Wrist Strength/Mobility

Perform the following movements is a push-up position with knees on the floor:

1. Rocking Wrists – bend the arms as you rock back on your wrists

2. Wrist Push-ups – back of the hands on the floor

3. First Knuckle push-ups – Alternate by going up onto the left kuckle and then the right knuckle before going down on both

4. Finger tip push-ups – staying in the push-up position straighten you wrist by going up onto the fingers. Again do it one hand at a time.

PART B. Scapular Activation

Work in partners YGIG 3 rounds of:

10 Hangining Scapular circles


30min to complete:

PART C. 3 Rounds of (12min):

[4-10] Hands Rotation Ring Pull-ups /Jumping pull-ups 3sec eccentric / Partner Assisted Ring Pull-ups

start with palms facing you then rotate them away as you pull up to the rings

[4-10] Pause Ring Dips with External Lockout 22×2 / Dip on Dip Stations / Pause RIng Push-ups w/ external rotation

[3-5] Swing to L-Sit/Tuck 5sec holds on P-bars/KB


PART D. 3 Rounds of: (12min):

[8-10] Straight Inverted to Tuck Rolling Chin-ups / Inverted Tuck Roll to Chin / Jump to Inverted roll down to feet on floor

[8-10] Jumping Dips / :30-:45sec Ring Lockout Holds

[6-8] Jump to Shoulder Stand on P-bars


3 Rounds for quality, not for time:

5 Strict TTB

10 V-Ups

20 Windshield Wipers

FRIDAY 11/09/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the correct upper body mechanics of the turnover

+3 Pressing Snatch Balance

Develop a sense of position for the snatch, and an active stretch.

+ 3 Heaving Snatch Balance (practice lowering the bar behind the neck and catch it with soft knees)

Develops strength in the receiving position for the snatch with the elements of speed, timing and precision

+ 3 Snatch Balance

Develops strength in the receiving position for the snatch like the overhead squat, but also adds the elements of speed, timing and precision. It will help train proper footwork for the snatch, and help with confidence getting under heavy snatch weights.


30min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A, B and C. Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

+2 Heaving Snatch Balance*

+1 Snatch Balance

Note: the feet do not move in the heaving snatch balance, they start and finish in the squat width

PART B. 10min Team EMOM of:

In teams of 2 Ever :30sec perform 1 Full Snatch @ best weight in A.

P1 will peform 1 Snatch EMOM :00

P2 will perform 1 Snatch EMOM :30

6min E2MOM (3 Rounds) of:

2 Halting Snatch Deadlift on Rise (Halt 3sec at the knee), standingon 15kg plates @80-100% of Snatch 1RM


PART C. Work Capacity:

3 rounds of (11min):

3min AMRAP of:

5 Overhead squat [P:60/40kg, S:50/35kg, F:40/25kg, M:Technique] [Scale: Front Squats]

7 Burpees

9 AKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20kg, F:20/16kg, M:Technique]

*Rest 1 minute between each 3 minute AMRAP, continue from where you left off

Post total number of rounds and repetitions to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Strength/ Balance / Coordination / Agility / Speed / Power – Keep a steady pace on this one and make sure you are ready to complete the OHS unbroken before you pick-up the bar. The burpees and KBS will quickly get the heart rate up and make the OHS difficult. Do you best to keep you heart rate and breathing under control.

SATURDAY 12/09/2015


Hip Mobility – Coach choice


PART A. Russian Squats: Week7: Day6 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

Establish 2RM Front Squat


Establish 3RM Front Squat


Establish 5RM Front Squat

PART B. 10min EMOM:

odd min: 10 Tuck Jumps – Jump as high as you can and pull your knees to your chest

even min: 5 Stationary Forward Bounds – From a standing start jump as far forward as you can with 1 jump. Turn around and see if you can jump back the same distance.


In teams of 3, who has the best AMRAP?

3 Rounds each of:

Station 1: AMRAP:

7 Thrusters 42.5/30kg

14 Ab-mat Sit-ups

Station 2: 400m Run

Station 3: Rest

P1 AMRAPS the couplet while P2 runs 400m and P3 gets a rest. When P2 returns from the run, P1 will run 400m while P3 works on the couplet and P2 rest. Continue working through the stations until all athletes have comlpeted 4 rounds.

Post the lowes number of rounds and repetitions completed in the rounds of the couplet

WOD GOAL: Stamina / CV-Fitness / Coordination / Speed – the fast you run the less time you give your competitor to post a good score on the couplet. You get rest after the run, so this better be an all out effort. The remainder of the stratergy in up to you on the couplet. Good Luck!

SUNDAY Momentum Movement 13/09/2015


Wrist mobility and Strength

Bear Walks to Spinderman

1. Bear Walk

2. Bent Knee and Arm Bear Walk

3. Spiderman Push-ups

4. Spiderman Walks

5. Lizard Walk

3 Rounds of:

Wrist push-ups (fist to back of hand)

level 1: Wall Wrist Walks on wall

level 2: Wall Wrist Walks with 45* Hollow lean agains the wall

level 3: Kneeling Wrist Walks

level 4: Wrist Walks

3 Rounds of:

First Knuckle Push-ups (knucle to palm)

level 1: First Knuckle Push-ups on wall

level 2: First Knuckle Push-ups with 45* Hollow lean agains the wall

level 3: Kneeling First Knuckle Push-ups

level 4: First Knuckle Push-ups


The aim is to work on your alignment for the handstand. You need to be able to complete the reuired sets and times before you can progress to the next level:

Level 1: Head Stand (3 x :60sec hold)

Level 2: Elbow Stand (3 x :60sec hold)

Level 3: Front Line Body Drill with weighted bar (5 x :30sec hold)

Level 4: Back Line Body Drill weighted (5 x :30sec hold)

Level 5: Handstand against the wall with tight hollow body (5 x :60sec)

Between each set perform:

[10-12] Pronated shoulder dislocates with stick, weighted

[10-12] Supinated shoulder dislocates with stick, weighted

Remember that mobility is not a maximal strength endeavor, but one of slow and steady progress. Do not be concerned if your range of motion is limited. As you train this over one or more programming blocks, your body will naturally adapt.


Below the Rings:

Partner Assisted Inverted Tuck to Back Leaver (3 set :30sec hold)

Level 1: Tuck

Level 2: Advanced Tuck

Level 3: Straddle

Level 4: Full Leaver

Partner Assisted Inverted Tuck to german hang (3-5 quality reps)

Hangining Tuck/L-Sit Holds (3x :10-15sec)

— PLAY —

Bent Arm Planche progressions