CFH Training Plan 12/10/2015 – 18/10/2015
Week 13 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats
The introduction of the energy system training seems to have been a success. Lots of you hit the workouts with a steady consistent speed and worked super hard. Slowly we aim to educate you all a little more on the goals and structure of each workout. Remember that the best CrossFitters are the athletes who know how to pace each workout and not redline.
Maximum Aerobic Power (MAP) – be aware that the MAP workouts are designed to improve you aerobic fitness levels. The goal is to find a steady pace that you can continue working at for the set period of time. Just because you finish an exercise and there is only 20sec left on the clock, you MUST start the next exercise and continue to work. Failing to work for the period of time will not deliver the desired results. It’s critical that you select the correct weights and the correct scale of the movements to allow you to keep moving. There is rest between each piece of the workout and this is your time to recover.
The objective of these workouts is to be consistent and produce the same score every single round. A number of scores on the board last week were the total number of rounds and repetitions, and not the scores for each round. This week the goal is to record your scores for each round and compare the highest and the lowest scores. The best athletes are those with consistent scores.
Working Hard, or Hardly Working?
Energy system training is well researched in endurance sports i.e. running, swimming, cycling and rowing. If you run 400m flat out it would be easy to calculate the 80% effort, if it takes 01:10 to run 400m then 80% would be 01:24. Its also easy for athletes to correctly pace this effort when running 400m repeats
CrossFit on the other hand, is a mixed modal sport (gymnastics, weightlifting and monostructural activities), which makes it difficult to establish what 80% intensity really is. You need to learn how to work hard enough to push your fitness limits to new heights, but you also need to control the urge to go out too strong and then fail.
We have 4 weeks left of the current Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats phase. The new phase will be focused on the style of energy system training. We are planning to take you fitness to new heights.
Are there certain supplements that can improve you endurance performance in these workouts? The article of the week may help!
Article of the week: 8 Weeks Out: Conditioning Supplements That Really Work– Take a walk through any supplement store and you’ll no doubt be bombarded with endless products promising to boost everything from strength, power and muscle mass to testosterone. While some of these products may be helpful to certain athletes depending on their goals– at least the few that are actually supported by research– there’s one area of performance that supplements rarely do a good job of improving and that’s endurance, i.e. conditioning.
There is no doubt that the ability to maintain your explosive power from beginning to end, regardless of your sport or activity, is the key to performance and success. Conditioning has been called “the great equalizer,” and even though you won’t find hundreds of supplements claiming that they improve endurance, there are a few select products that can truly make a real difference in both training and competition.
Strength Sensei: Diagnoses and Solutions for the Special Digestive Concerns of Strength Trainers and other Athletes – Seekers of optimal body composition and peak physical performance are well aware of the importance of the role of great digestive health in supporting their goals.Certain symptoms tend to crop up regularly in this population, but fear not -there is plenty that can be done to ease symptoms in a meaningful way. Improvements in digestion translate into gains in health and sport.
MindBodyGreen: Pete Evans: Why Paleo Is Still Right For Me – I’ve been living the paleo way for just over four years and I can honestly say this lifestyle helps me feel more energized, focused, balanced, and productive with every month that passes. Your Chair Is Killing You. Here’s What You Need To Do To Stop It – You’ve heard it a million times: The hours we spend sitting in front of our computers, sitting in front of the TV and sitting just about everywhere else are adding up. We are sitting ourselves to death.
T-Nation: Stretching is Dead: A Better Method – Reduce chronic tightness and get bigger and stronger at the same time. Place an emphasis on slow, controlled movements that lengthen muscles under loading. Weighted eccentrics (negatives) lengthen contractile tissues. It’s called accentuated eccentrics and it’s the next big thing in the mobility game.
CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet
CrossFit Hackney Russian Squat Programme
MONDAY 12/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the snatch
+ 3 Tall Snatch
Help train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
PART A. 10min to establish best technical weight for today:
3-Position Snatch (mid-thigh knee, floor)
PART B. Every 30sec for 5min (10reps) perform:
Performance & Sport:
1 Full Snatch @ 80% of A.
Functional & Movement:
2 Hang Snatch, focus on technique
PART C. 6min E2MOM
5 Snatch Pull on Riser (10kg plates) – 105%, 110%, 115% of 1RM Snatch
** If mobility is limited do not pull from a rise.
PART D. Russian Squats: Week13: Day1 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
6 Rounds of: 2 Back Squat 20×0 @80%
5 Rounds of: 5 Back Squat 20×0 @70%
4 Rounds of: 8 Back Squat 30×0 @60%
PART D. MAP 3 (:90/:90) 12min:
4 Rounds of:
:90sec AMRAP @85% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 1:45):
5 Thrusters [P&S:50/35kg, F:40/30kg, M: DB Thrusters, technique]
5 Pull-ups [Scale: AKBS: F:20/16kg, M:Technique]
:90sec rest between rounds
WOD GOAL: Record individual rounds and reps for each :90sec effort, for example:
rnd1. 3.5, rnd2. 3.5, rnd3. 3.4, rnd4. 3.2
Your score is you highest round – your lowest round. The lower the score the better.
TUESDAY 13/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helps with aggressiveness, timing and accuracy in the jerk.
Bar and trunk begin in the same positions they will need to end up in the receiving position, the direct paths simplify the movement and the exercise can serve as a good teaching or remediation exercise for lifters who have trouble getting the bar behind the neck overhead when jerking from the front.
PART A. 10min to establish best technical weight for today:
Performance & Sport:
(2+1) Pause Push Jerk* + Split Jerk
Functional & Movement:
(2+1) Pause Push Jerk* + Push Jerk (no pause on this rep)
* Pause for 3sec in the dip of the push jerk
PART B. 8min E2MOM (4 rounds) of:
Performance & Sport:
[3-5] Push Press BNK @70% of push press (keep it light and fast)
Functional & Movement:
[5-7] Push Press (from the front)
PART C. MAP5 (33min)
In teams of 3:
P1: AMRAP->Rest->Rower->Rest x3
P2: Rower->Rest->AMRAP->Rest x3
P3: Rest->AMRAP->Rest->Rower x3
Every 3min athletes will move to the next PIECE (0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, 24:00, 27:00, 30:00)
3 Rounds of:
PIECE 1. 3 minute AMRAP @80% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 3:36) :
2 Muscle-ups [Scale: 4 Strict Pull-ups + 4 Strict Ring Dips, 8 Ring Rows + 8 Push-ups]
6 Burpee box jumps (20”)
45 DU
+ PIECE 2. Rest walk 3 minutes
+ PIECE 3. 3 minute
MAX Row @85% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 3:27)
+ PIECE 4. Rest walk 3 minutes
WOD GOAL: Record individual rounds and reps for each :90sec effort, for example:
rnd1. 2.8, Row: 720m / rnd2. 2.7, Row: 715m / rnd3.2.6, Row: 714m
Your score is you highest round – your lowest round. The lower the score the better.
WEDNESDAY 14/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the clean
+3 Tall Clean
Helps train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
PART A. 10min to establishbest technical weight for today:
3-Position Clean (mid-thigh knee, floor)
PART B. Every 30sec for 5min perform:
Performance & Sport:
1 Full Clean @80% of A.
Functional & Movement:
2 Hang Clean focus on Technique
C. 6min E2MOM
5 Clean Pull on Riser (10kg plate) – 105%, 110%, 115% of 1RM Clean
** If mobility is limited do not pull from a rise.
PART D. Russian Squats: Week13: Day3 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
6 Rounds of: 2 Front Squat 20×0 @80%
5 Rounds of: 5 Front Squat 20×0 @70%
4 Rounds of: 8 Front Squat 30×0 @60%
PART D. “Anaerobic Alactic Endurance”
P1 starts on: 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00
P2 starts on: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00, 13:00
P3 starts on: 2:00, 5:00, 8:00, 11:00, 14:00
15min E3MOM (5 rounds) @85% effort (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 1:09) :
6 Power Cleans – build each round (all 6reps MUST take less than :40sec)
:15sec Row Sprint
WOD GOAL: Record individual row distance for each round, for example:
rnd1. 95m, rnd2. 95m, rnd3. 90m, rnd4. 95m, rnd5. 90m
Your score is you highest round – your lowest round. The lower the score the better.
THURSDAY 15/10/2015
Shoulder mobalisation (tie the band around the upright of the rig)
Perform all stretches on 1 arm before repeating on the other side:
Straight arm OH lat stretch, facing away from rig
Banded Triceps Stretch
Banded Bully Stretch
Straight arm Lat Stretch, facing toward the rig
3-4 Rounds of:
[4-6] L-Sit Ring Chin-ups – aim to pull from the shoulder blades first and then the arms [Scale: Eccentric Tuck/L-Sit hold + lower]
[2-3] P-bars Shoulder Stand Tuck Roll to L-Sit back to shoulder stand [Scale: 4-6 shoulder stands, then do 4-6 swing to tuck/L-sit]
[6-8] Sheena Dive Bomber Push-ups and back [Scale: BattleRam push-ups]
[ALAP] False Grip Hang from pull-up bar [Scale: feet on box supporting partial weight]
3-4 Rounds of:
[3-5] Ball-ups on pull-up bar [Scale: Partner Assisted]
[3-5] Inverted Pike to L-Sit Chin + lower [Scale: Inverted pike to tuck chin]
[3-8] Russiam Dips on Boxes [Scale: Russian Push-ups]
[8-12] P-bar L-Sit Scissors (straddle) [Scale: L-Sits :15sec, Tuck sits :15sec]
FRIDAY 16/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the snatch
Just like the press in snatch, the push jerk in snatch helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders. It also helps improve trunk stability strength, back extension strength (particularly mid and upper back), upper body overhead strength, balance in the receiving position, and accuracy in the overhead position
A. 10min E2MOM of:
Performance & Sport:
3 TnG Power Snatch @70% of Power Snatch
Functional & Movement:
[2-3] Hang Snatch focus on Technique
B. From the Rack 10min E2MOM of:
(5+1) Snatch Push Press + OHS – @70% of OHS or Snatch
PART C. MAP 6 (27min)
In Teams of 3: (5min work @85%, 3min rest) (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 5:45)
The goal is to get the EXACT same score every round for the AMRAP and the Row.
P1 starts on: 0:00, 8:00, 16:00
P2 starts on: 3:00, 11:00, 19:00
P3 starts on: 6:00, 14:00, 22:00
3min AMRAP:
5 Hang Power Snatch [P&S: 40/30kg, F: 35/25kg, M:Technique]
10 TTB [Sclae: K2E, Knee Raises, V-ups, Dbl Crunch]
2min Row MAX Distance @85%
WOD GOAL: Record individual rounds and reps for each :90sec effort, for example:
rnd1. 3.4, Row: 500m / rnd2. 3.3, Row: 490m / rnd3. 3.3, Row: 501m
Your score is you highest round – your lowest round. The lower the score the better.
SATURDAY 17/10/2015
Hip Mobility – Coach choice
PART A. Russian Squats: Week13: Day6 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
6 Rounds of: 3 Back Squat 20×0 @80%
5 Rounds of: 6 Back Squat 20×0 @70%
4 Rounds of: 10 Back Squat 30×0 @60%
PART B: 3 Rounds of:
B. [8-10] Lateral Russian Step-ups, 2010, :45
B2. [8-12] Strict V-ups, 21×0, :60
PART C: MAP 4 (25min)
PIECE 1. 3 Rounds (10min) of:
2min AMRAP of @90% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 2:12) :
5 Deadlifts [P:120/80kg, S:100/60kg, F:80/50kg, M:Technique]
5 Push-ups [Scale: Incline]
Rest walk 2min
– 5min Active rest: pack away deadlift bar-
PIECE 2. 3 Rounds (10min) of:
2min AMRAP of @80% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 3:24) :
200m Run*
ME AKBS in remaining time, must put KB down after every 10reps
Rest walk 2min
* Start outside the gym for each round
SUNDAY 18/10/2015
2 Rounds:
8-10 Push-ups – full Scapular protaction at the top of the press
10,10,10 Standing B/O Y,T,W’s
15min to complete:
A1. Flat Db Bench Press 4 x 8-10, 30×0, :60
A2. Standing B/O 1-Arm DB/KB Row* 4 x 810, 3020, :60
* Retract shoulderblade before bending the arm
MAP 7 (25min)
PIECE 1. 10min AMRAP @80% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 12:00) :
3 Strict C2B Pull-Ups [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows]
6 Burpees
9 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft [Scale: Height and weight as needed]
5min Rest walk
PIECE 2. 10min AMRAP @80% (Think of this as a pace you could maintain for 12:00) :
400m Run
5 Wall Walks [Scale: Feet on box, Inch Worms]
10 Air Squats