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London Box Battles – Round 3 – 2015

Posted 12th October 2015 by Josh Schouten


Round 3 Dates and Format

Round 3:  Paired boxes to host round one weekend in November

Format: This will be an individual competition for Group A, B and C athletes

Athletes: Maximum of 30 athletes from each box

Who V Who –


Battle Hosting Box Visiting Box(s)
Battle 1 CrossFit SE11 CrossFit Hammersmith
Battle 2 CrossFit City Road CrossFit 1971
Battle 3 CrossFit London CrossFit Evolving
Battle 4 CrossFit Central London CrossFit Bold
Battle 5 CrossFit Thames CrossFit Ivy
Battle 6 CrossFit Hackney Sunbury Performance CrossFit & CrossFit Vauxhall & Crossfit Gongfu
Battle 7 CrossFit Blackfriars CrossFit Perpetua

LBBR3 – 15.1 “Activated FRAN”

This WOD has been designed play to the strengths of the larger athletes and the small athletes.  Mass moves mass in the thruster, but the mass will be alittle harder to move in the bodyweight pull-up strength.  This may sway the final score.


Group A and B :

Group C : 

Part A. 6min to establish Part A. 6min to establish

2RM Thruster

+ Max unbroken set of Strict Pull-ups

Score = Thruster weight + (2x Number of Unbroken pull-ups)

example: 70kg Thruster and 15UB strict pull-ups = 70 + (2×15) = 100

Then take :60sec to set your weight for part B.

2RM Thruster

+ MAX chin over the bar hold

Score = Thruster weight + second of hold with chin over the bar

example: 50kg Thruster and :32sec above the bar = 50+32 = 82

*As soon as their chis is below the bar the rep is over.

Then take :60sec to set your weight for part B.

Part B. 7min cut-off Part B. 7min cut-off
Fran 21-15-9


Total time from Part A and B: 14:00

For every repetition missed + 1 sec.

Group A Fran 50/35kg
Group B Fran 40/30kg


Thruster 35/25kg

KBS 20/16kg

Total time from Part A and B: 14:00

For every repetition missed + 1 sec.


LBBR3 – 15.2 “Down & Back v2.0”

This WOD is very similar to the “Down and Back LBBR3 2014” workout.  A great mix of simple and effective CrossFit movements and a fair test of aerobic fitness.

10min time cap

Group A. Group B. Group C.
30 Box Jumps 24/20inch
20 Weight Plate GTOH  25/20
30 Burpees
20 TTB
30 Burpees
20 Weight Plate GTOH
30 Box Jumps
30 Box Jumps 24/20inch
20 Weight Plate GTOH  20/15
30 Burpees
20 TTB
30 Burpees
20 Weight Plate GTOH
30 Box Jumps
20 Box Jumps 24/20inch
10 Weight Plate GTOH  15/10
20 Burpees
10 Hanging Knee Raises
20 Burpees
10 Weight Plate GTOH
20 Box Jumps

If an athlete fails to complete the workout they will get :01sec added for every repetition that is missed.

Example if a Group B athlete completes 10rep of the second GTOH they will have 140reps.  The total reps in the workout are 180.  

Final score will be 180-140 =40.  10min + 40sec = 10:40



2 guys and 2 girls

Each athlete will complete 1 round of:

10 Deadlift  120/75kg

20 Cal Row

30 Wall Balls  9/7kg 10/9ft

This will be a simple realay event that will require all 4 athletes to complete 1 round of the required repetitions.  The battling boxes may choose the Rx weights and movement standards used in this WOD. 



Additional Scoring Check

After each event the overall scorecards need to be signed off by each box representative on the day.  No scorecards will be accepted after the event.   It is the responsibility of box representatives and individual athletes to make sure all scores are correctly recorded on the overall scorecards provided on the day.


Each competing athlete need to pay £10 to their affiliate.  The payment will be spent on post-comp food and drinks.

Its time to get to work in the box and focus on strength GAINZ and improving your CrossFit skills.  Best of luck to everyone competing in round 2



Whatever It Takes (WIT)  – These guys have an awesome store in London that is dedicated to CrossFit kit.  If you need some expert advice on the right lifting shoes, getting a custom skipping rope, or the latest UK CrossFit fashion, you need to drop into WIT.

Fresh Fitness Food (FFF) – are also getting on board to help cater for some of the events.  Do you know you daily macro requirements?  Do you know how to prep your daily food requirements for athletic performance, weight loss, or simply staying healthy?  FFF can make your life easy by supplying you with your daily meals. Paleo, Whole Life Challenge and non-Paleo options are available.  Check them out.

Science in Sport (SiS) – for all your workout nutrition needs.  The team from SiS are keen to make a splash in the UK CrossFit community and they are here to assist with CrossFitters nutritional needs.  Protein shakes, gels, and electrolytes are all on hand to help you perform at your best.  Check out and get a nice 40% discount:

We are always looking for event sponsors, if you would like to get involved please contact [email protected]