CFH Training Plan 19/10/2015 – 25/10/2015
Week 14 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats
The first rule for intelligent eating in the modern world – Part 1
I could talk all day about modern food, but lets be honest most of it has already been said. We know that it’s a smart idea to eat breakfast (countless studies show breakfast eaters are healthier, leaner and smarter than those who don’t eat breakfast) and consume lots vegetables and fruits. We also know it’s best to cut back on the consumption of trans-fats and the highly processed insulin-busting carbohydrates. Most of us know that diets are usually counter-productive and that food marketers will say absolutely anything to make us buy their foodstuff. There is little mystery left.
“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health” Hippocrates
How many of us stop and think about the lifecycle of the food we eat? Do you think about food, or nourishment? Look at it, sniff it, touch it, and sniff it again. What is it? Is it edible? Will it be tasty? Will it make my body happy or will it leave me feeling sick? Animals ask these questions every day; the answer is fundamental to their health and survival, just like they are to humans.
Is it Food?
For humans, if it smells and tastes good, we will eat it.. Making the call on edibility has been a fairly straightforward task throughout most of our existence. But now, as we “evolve,” we find ourselves playing a nutritional board game in which the identification of edible, healthful food has become an increasingly complex and difficult task. We are now faced with a bewildering array of chemicals and substances that may or may not be good for our bodies. Increasingly, the answer to the simple question; “Is it food?” is “I’m not sure.
This is something our grandparents didn’t have to worry about. Even the dullest child could recognise food. Today, the situation is far from simple. Are Pop-tarts foods? Is a Power-Bar food? Are breakfast cereals foods? What about all those other packaged items on our supermarket shelves? Our grandparents would be mystified with many of the products.
Pay attention to the food you eat, could see your grandparents of eating it? Is it food, or is it a modern food product?
Artical of the week: Artificial Sweeteners May Change Our Gut Bacteria in Dangerous Ways – Ingesting artificial sweeteners might lead to—of all things—obesity and related ailments such as diabetes: the sweeteners appear to change the population of intestinal bacteria that direct metabolism, the conversion of food to energy or stored fuel Using Probiotics for Healthy Traveling – When we travel, particularly overseas, we are at risk from a wide variety of microbes that our bodies are not normally exposed to. And, given that travel frequently can involve a change of time zones, lack of sleep, eating out a lot, air travel, and other stressors that we would not encounter in the familiar routine of home, our immune system is likely not firing on all cylinders during that time away either. 10 Fruits and Vegetables That Should Be in Your Diet – Fruits and veggies help boost the immune system, increase energy, keep us full, and protect us from disease and illness. We often understand the importance of adding more of these foods to our diets, but many of us still struggle to consume the recommended doses.
Suppversity: Resistance Training, Not Starving Yourself or “Cardio” is Key to Successful Fat (!) Loss — Metabolic Stress Appears to Determine Improvements in Body Composition & Health -It’s not the guy or gal who diets the hardest who will lose the largest amounts of body fat. In view of the fact that being “overfat” is also associated with being “undermuscled”, how you train can seriously impact your body composition, stop jogging and start lifting.
Strength Sensei: The 20+ Muscles You’re Forgetting & Why They Continue to Weaken – They also don’t wear orthotics, Nike 6.0’s, or high heels. Hunter-gatherers go barefoot, protect their feet with sandals, or wear a very thin fabric wrap. Babies are born barefoot, and usually don’t wear anything on their feet until Mom or Grandma takes them to OshKosh. In both cases, this means strong untainted feet that are used as designed. The weight is distributed on the 3 pads of the foot, with significant support from a solid arch. And the bones and muscles stay strong because they’re consistently loaded.
CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet
CrossFit Hackney Russian Squat Programme
MONDAY 19/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the snatch
+ 3 Tall Snatch
Help train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
PART A. 10min to establish best technical weight for today:
2-Position Snatch ( knee, floor)
PART B. Every :30sec for 5min (10reps) perform:
1 Full Snatch @ 100% of A.
OR (if still learnign the snatch)
1 Hang Snatch, focus on technique
PART D. Russian Squats: Week14: Day1 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
5 Rounds of: 2 Back Squat 20×0 @90% of working max
4 Rounds of: 5 Back Squat 20×0 @80% of working max
3 Rounds of: 8 Back Squat 30×0 @70% of working max
Complete 4 Rounds of:
E5MOM for time complete:
20 Burpees as fast as possible
15UB RKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20kg, F:20/16kg, M:Technique]
250m Row @80%
In teams of 3:
P1: 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00
P2: 1:00, 6:00, 11:00, 16:00
P3: 2:00, 7:00, 12:00, 17:00
WOD GOAL: Record the time take for each individual round. Your score is the slowest time – the fastest time. The lower the score the better, keep a steady pace that you can maintain for 4 rounds.
TUESDAY 20/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the clean
+3 Tall Clean
Helps train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
Warm up the elbows and shoulders for pressing
+3 Push Jerk
Train better and higher drive on the bar, balance in the dip and drive, a more precise vertical drive, a quicker transition between the drive and the movement down under the bar, and proper movement of the bar into position overhead, all of which will improve the split jerk.
+ 3 Tall Split Jerk
Helps with aggressiveness, timing and accuracy in the jerk.
PART A. 10min to establish best technical weight for today:
(1+1) Pause Push-Jerk + Split Jerk
PART B. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:
2 TnG Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @75% of Power Clean
OR (if still learnign the Power Clean)
2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk
PART C. 18min E3MOM (6 Rounds) of:
6 STOH [P:55/40kg, S:45/35, F:40/30,M:Technique]
9 TTB [Scale: K2E, Knee Raises, V-ups, Dbl Crunch]
12 Box Jumps, Step-Down 24/20inch
WOD GOAL: Stead even pace and completing all repetition in the allocated time.
WEDNESDAY 21/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the clean
+3 Tall Clean
Helps train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
PART A. 10min to establishbest technical weight for today:
2-Position Clean (knee, floor)
PART B. Every 30sec for 5min perform:
1 Full Clean @100% of weight in A.
OR (if still learnign the Clean)
1 Hang Squat Clean
C. 6min E2MOM
4 Clean Pull on Riser (10kg plate) – 105%, 110%, 115% of 1RM Clean
** If mobility is limited do not pull from a rise.
PART D. Russian Squats: Week14: Day3 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
6 Rounds of: 4 Front Squat 20×0 @80% of working max
5 Rounds of: 7 Front Squat 20×0 @70% of working max
4 Rounds of: 10 Front Squat 30×0 @60% of working max
PART D. “Lactic Alternate C2B Fran”
For Time:
Performance & Sport:
21-15-9 C2B pull-ups [Sclae: Chin over bar]
9-15-21 Thrusters 42.5/30kg [Scale: weight as needed]
Function & Movement:
21-15-9 AKBS 20/16kg [Scale: weight and height as needed]
9-15-21 Thrusters 42.5/30kg [Scale: weight as needed]
WOD GOAL: Test of your ability to work hard and fast babay!
THURSDAY 22/10/2015
Shoulder mobalisation (tie the band around the upright of the rig)
Perform all stretches on 1 arm before repeating on the other side:
Straight arm OH lat stretch, facing away from rig
Banded Triceps Stretch
Banded Bully Stretch
Straight arm Lat Stretch, facing toward the rig
3-4 Rounds of:
[4-6] L-Sit Ring Chin-ups – aim to pull from the shoulder blades first and then the arms [Scale: Eccentric Tuck/L-Sit hold + lower]
[2-3] P-bars Shoulder Stand Tuck Roll to L-Sit back to shoulder stand [Scale: 4-6 shoulder stands, then do 4-6 swing to tuck/L-sit]
[6-8] Sheena Dive Bomber Push-ups and back [Scale: BattleRam push-ups]
[ALAP] False Grip Hang from pull-up bar [Scale: feet on box supporting partial weight]
3-4 Rounds of:
[3-5] Ball-ups on pull-up bar [Scale: Partner Assisted]
[3-5] Inverted Pike to L-Sit Chin + lower [Scale: Inverted pike to tuck chin]
[3-8] Russiam Dips on Boxes [Scale: Russian Push-ups]
[8-12] P-bar L-Sit Scissors (straddle) [Scale: L-Sits :15sec, Tuck sits :15sec]
FRIDAY 23/10/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the snatch
Just like the press in snatch, the push jerk in snatch helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders. It also helps improve trunk stability strength, back extension strength (particularly mid and upper back), upper body overhead strength, balance in the receiving position, and accuracy in the overhead position
A. 10min E2MOM of:
2 TnG Power Snatch @75% of Power Snatch
Or (if still learning the Power Snatch)
[2-3] Hang Snatch focus on Technique
B. From the Rack 10min E2MOM of:
(3+1) Snatch Push Press + OHS – @75% of OHS or Snatch
PART C. MAP5 (20min)
Complete 4 Rounds of:
3min AMRAP:
3 Deadlifts [P:120/80, S:100/70, F:80/55kg, M:Technique]
6 Push Ups [Scale: Incline]
9 Air Squat
2min rest between rounds
WOD GOAL: Record individual rounds and reps for each :90sec effort. Your score is you highest round – your lowest round. The lower the score the better.
SATURDAY 24/10/2015
Hip Mobility – Coach choice
PART A. Russian Squats: Week14: Day6 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
5 Rounds of: 2 Back Squat 20×0 @85% of working max
4 Rounds of: 5 Back Squat 20×0 @75% of working max
3 Rounds of: 8 Back Squat 30×0 @65% of working max
PART B: 3 Rounds of:
B. [8-10] Lateral Russian Step-ups, 2010, :45
B2. [8-12] Strict V-ups, 21×0, :60
In teams of 3:
Take it in turns to complete rounds of:
6 Front Squats [P:80/5kg5, S:65/45kg, F:55/35kg, M:Technique]
12 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft
300m Row
As soon as one person completes the Row the next persn starts.
SUNDAY 25/10/2015
2 Rounds:
8-10 Push-ups – full Scapular protaction at the top of the press
10,10,10 Standing B/O Y,T,W’s
15min to complete:
A1. Flat Db Bench Press 4 x 8-10, 30×0, :60
A2. Standing B/O 1-Arm DB/KB Row* 4 x 810, 3020, :60
* Retract shoulderblade before bending the arm
Every 6 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 Rounds) for times:
Run 400 Meters
21 AKBS [A weight you can do for 21UB reps]
15 Ring Rows
9 Push-ups
4 rounds (4min) of:
:40sec AMRAP Burpess to target
:20sec rest
Score is the lowest number of reps you get over the four rounds