CFH Training Plan 02/11/2015 – 08/11/2015
Week 16 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats
Week 16 of the Olympic lifting and Russian Squat program is here. It is going to be a BIG week with squat judgment days (Monday and Saturday) – has your squat improved over the last 16 weeks? You will also get the chance to test your Olympic lifts this week, Monday is building to a MAX Snatch and Wednesday is building to a MAX clean.
Don’t stress if you are unable to hit your MAX numbers this week. Remember that building strength is a long slow journey that simply takes time. Strength is very dependent on sleep, nutrition, stress levels and your ability of your central nervous system and tissue to recover between training sessions. If you having a hard week at work, or you are not sleeping well (7+hr per night) you may struggle under the bar. Everyone has their strong days and their weak days, if the bar feels heavy from the start, it might be a sign that today is not your strong day; trust yourself to make the right call. Live to fight another day, it’s not worth breaking yourself over a max effort attempt that looks and feels like crap. Don’t be afraid to fail, at the end of the day the risk to reward ratio only makes sense if you are feeling strong and ready to work like hell to set a new record. Every quality reprtition is a positive steo in the right direction towards improving, every poor quality repetition is taking you further away from improveing you game (Muscle memory or long-term-potentiation)
Enjoy the week, best of luck with your lifting. Next week we will launch into the new Energy System Training Phase –Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level?
RECOMMENDED WEEKLY READING: Bacon cause cancer, sort of, but not really – IARC is an organization of scientists, not policy makers. It publishes monographs to identify hazards and sift them into five piles: group 1 (carcinogenic), group 2A (probably carcinogenic), group 2B (possibly carcinogenic), group 3 (not classifiable), and group 4 (probably not carcinogenic.) Group 1 includes processed meat, and also asbestos. Also alcohol (boo!) and sunlight (yup!).
Momentum-Training: Energy System Training Part-2: Energy Production and Expenditure – Contracting muscles get their energy (ATP) from the breakdown of glycogen stored in the muscles/liver, and glucose from the blood stream. There should be no surprise that your macronutrients play an important role here, as glucose come primarily from carbohydrates (CHO). Yes, in the new EST phase you have a license to eat more CHO’s. The energy from food (mainly CHO) is broken down and stored in the muscles and liver. A muscle contraction demands the release of energy from these cells to fuel movement. Now you know why exercise can help you burn calories, get ripped, loose fat, and build/maintain lean muscle mass.
Strength Sensei: Why Soy Milk Is a Con Job – Reason 1: It contains phytic acid, Reason 2: Soy contains oxalic acid, Reason 3: It is most likely coming from a GMO source, Reason 4: It is a feminizing agent, Reason 5: It disrupts the thyroid, Reason 6: Soy creates digestive issues, Reason 7: It contains too much manganese
GymnasticBodies: Ring Rows Build Bodyweight Strength for Rope Climbing – The bodyweight row is a deceptive exercise that many people mistakenly overlook, thus missing out on its potential benefits. Ring rows build the bodyweight strength necessary for rope climbing, and they help correct muscular imbalances and deficiencies that could lead to shoulder injuries. They are infinitely scalable to match or challenge your current level of strength, and they pay huge dividends in terms of grip strength as well. Given all these advantages, the answer is simple: you should include ring rows in your weekly gymnastics strength training routine. How stress affects your body: Our hard-wired stress response is designed to give us the quick burst of heightened alertness and energy needed to perform our best. But stress isn’t all good. When activated too long or too often, stress can damage virtually every part of our body. Sharon Horesh Bergquist gives us a look at what goes on inside our body when we are chronically stressed
T-Nation: The 4 Best Recovery Methods You’re Not Using – Instead of foam rolling before a workout, practice Self Myofascial Release (SMR) after your workout. Stop walking into the gym and squandering half an hour of your precious training time flopping around on a foam roller. How the hell has this practice become so popular.
CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet
CrossFit Hackney Russian Squat Programme
MONDAY 02/11/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the snatch
+ 3 Tall Snatch
Help train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
PART A. 12min EMOM Snatch (Sn)
0:00 – 04:00 Sn 65-70% x1
05:00 – 08:00 Sn 70-75% x1
09:00 – 12:00 Sn work to MAX
PART B. 8min E2MOM:
2 Snatch Pull – 100%, 105%, 110%, 90% of 1 RM Snatch
PART C. Russian Squats: Week16: Day1 (15min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
Find 2RM Front Squat for the day
Find 3RM Front Squat for the day
Find 5RM Front Squat for the day
PART D. “15min and 5 AMRAPS Later”
For total repetitions; 80-90% effort:
5min AMRAP Burpees to target
4min AMRAP Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft
3min AMRAP DU [Scale: 3:1 Singles]
2min AMRAP Muscle-Ups [Scale: 3 Strict Pull-ups + 3 Strict Dips = 1 MU, 6 Ring Rows + 6 Push-ups = 1 MU]
1min AMRAP Burpees to target
TUESDAY 03/11/2015
Technique Primer: (10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the clean
+3 Push Press
Warm up the elbows and shoulders for pressing
Develop better force production in the extension and more aggressiveness in the pull under due to the limited time and distance to accelerate and elevate the bar, and the limited movement down under the bar.
+3 Push Jerk
Train better and higher drive on the bar, balance in the dip and drive, a more precise vertical drive, a quicker transition between the drive and the movement down under the bar, and proper movement of the bar into position overhead, all of which will improve the split jerk.
+ 3 Tall Split Jerk
Helps with aggressiveness, timing and accuracy in the jerk.
PART A. 16min EMOM Split Jerk ( SJk)
0:00 – 04:00 SJk 65% x1
05:00 – 08:00 SJk 70% x1
09:00 – 12:00 SJk 75% x1
13:00 -16:00 SJk work to MAX
PART B. 12min to find MAX Power Clean (PC) for the day
PART C. 15min MAP5 “Pick you feet up Repeatability “
3 Blocks of (15min):
3min Ladder:
3 Toes to Bar (TTB)
3 Box Jump, step down (BJSD)
-Rest 2minutes-
WEDNESDAY 04/11/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the clean
+3 Tall Clean
Helps train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover.
PART A. 16min EMOM Squat Clean (SC)
0:00 – 04:00 SC 65% x1
05:00 – 08:00 SC 70% x1
09:00 – 12:00 SC 75% x1
13:00 -16:00 SC work to MAX
PART B. 10min E2MOM:
2 Clean Pulls – 100%, 110%, 115%, 90% x2 of 1RM Clean
In Teams of 3 – 24min AMRAP of:
Take it in turns to complete round of:
5 Thruster [P:50/4kg0, S:45/35kg, F:40/30kg, M:Technique]
10 Deadlifts [P:100/75kg, S:90/65kg, F:80/55kg, M:Technique]
20/15 cal* Row
*Men = 20 cal row, Women = 15 cal row
THURSDAY 05/11/2015
Shoulder mobalisation (tie the band around the upright of the rig)
Perform all stretches on 1 arm before repeating on the other side:
Straight arm OH lat stretch, facing away from rig
Banded Triceps Stretch
Banded Bully Stretch
Straight arm Lat Stretch, facing toward the rig
3-4 Rounds of:
[4-6] L-Sit Ring Chin-ups – aim to pull from the shoulder blades first and then the arms [Scale: Eccentric Tuck/L-Sit hold + lower]
[2-3] P-bars Shoulder Stand Tuck Roll to L-Sit back to shoulder stand [Scale: 4-6 shoulder stands, then do 4-6 swing to tuck/L-sit]
[6-8] Sheena Dive Bomber Push-ups and back [Scale: BattleRam push-ups]
[ALAP] False Grip Hang from pull-up bar [Scale: feet on box supporting partial weight]
3-4 Rounds of:
[3-5] Ball-ups on pull-up bar [Scale: Partner Assisted]
[3-5] Inverted Pike to L-Sit Chin + lower [Scale: Inverted pike to tuck chin]
[3-8] Russiam Dips on Boxes [Scale: Russian Push-ups]
[8-12] P-bar L-Sit Scissors (straddle) [Scale: L-Sits :15sec, Tuck sits :15sec]
FRIDAY 06/11/2015
Technique Primer: (5-10min):
3 Rounds of:
Helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the snatch
Just like the press in snatch, the push jerk in snatch helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders. It also helps improve trunk stability strength, back extension strength (particularly mid and upper back), upper body overhead strength, balance in the receiving position, and accuracy in the overhead position
PART A. 16min EMOM Power Snatch (PSn)
0:00 – 04:00 PSn 65% x1
05:00 – 08:00 PSn 70% x1
09:00 – 12:00 PSn 75% x1
13:00 -16:00 PSn work to MAX
PART B. 12min EMOM Power Jerk (PJk)
0:00 – 04:00 PJk 65% x1
05:00 – 08:00 PJk 70% x1
09:00 – 12:00 PJk 75% x1
PART C. 20min “The Lat builder”
4 BOCKS of 80%,90%,95%,100% increasing effort (each 3min AMRAP should be be faster]
3min AMRAP of:
6 STOH [P:55/40kg, S:45/35kg, F:40/30kg,M:Technique]
12 KB Snatch (6L and 6R) [P:24/20kg, S:20/16kg, F:16/12kg, M:Technique]
24 DU [Scale: 3:1 Singles]
Rest 2min btwn BLOCKS
Start next 3min AMRAP where previous left off
SATURDAY 07/11/2015
Hip Mobility
Go over Back Squat spotting technique for everyone – EVERYONE will practive spotting each otehr for 1 set and a FAKE failed repetition.
PART A. Russian Squats: Week16: Day6 (18min to complete):
Performance & Sport:
Find 2RM Back Squat for the day
Find 3RM Back Squat for the day
Find 5RM Back Squat for the day
PART B: 3 Rounds of:
B. [8-10] Lateral Russian Step-ups, 2010, :45
B2. [8-12] V-ups, 21×0, :60
PART C: 20min AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
10 Pistol squats, alternating legs
15 Pull-ups
SUNDAY 08/11/2015
2 Rounds:
8-10 Push-ups – full Scapular protaction at the top of the press
10,10,10 Standing B/O Y,T,W’s
PART A. 16min to complete:
A. Flat Db Bench Press 4 x 6-8, 30×0, :60
A2. Standing B/O 1-Arm DB/KB Row* 4 x 6-8, 3020, :60
* Retract shoulderblade before bending the arm
PART B. 12min to complete
B. SLOW Ring Push-ups with external lockout 3 x 10-12, 3030, :60
B2. SLOW Ring Rows 3 x 10-12, 3030, :60
PART C. Working in groups of , each complete:
4 Rounds each of:
Row 250 Meters
2 x KB Farmer’s Walk x 100 Meters (end of the Action Mews and Back)
20 Heavy Wall Balls
Rest walk 2min between rounds
When P1 finishes the Row (example at 1:10) P2 will wait until the next full minute (2:00) before they start. P3 will then do the same.
Record time for each round.