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Momentum Movement Nov-2015

Posted 6th November 2015 by Josh Schouten

October was a challenging month of movement and those who have persisted with the movements have seen steady improvements in hip mobility and basic upper body strength.  November will see a change in focus as we aim to work on shoulder mobility and basic lower body strength.  All of this will be difficult in the first couple of weeks and our aim will be to make small progression leading into weeks 3 and 4.  As always take your time with these movements and think about making them as perfect as possible.  If a movement looks smooth and controlled it should the performer can master his or her body.

If your interested in understanding how the body learn to move with control you should read the pervious post Muscle Memory or Long-term Potentiation?

Shoulder range of motion (ROM) can often be very limited due to hours sitting at a desk typing or using mobile devices.  Internal rotation of the shoulder, bad thoracic posture, overactive upper traps, weak mid and lower traps, tight/short lats and pec’s all impact the shoulder structure and healthy.  You come to the gym for 1 hour 3-6 times per week and you sit how long at a desk?  Sitting is killing your hips and technology is killing your shoulders.  One of the best ways to improve shoulder function is hanging:

Ido Portal 7min Hanging Challenge

Ido Portal hangining FAQ

— Locomotions —

Walking Lunges w/ high knees
Bent Arm bear
Twisting Monkey
Pencil Stick Jumps
Siderman Press-ups
Forward Bounds
Test the water (left/right)
Forward Rolls
Crawl (different hand positions)
Crawl (one foot must always be infront)
Crawl (only one hand can be on the ground)
Both hand must be on the ground before moving the feet

— Mobility & Strength —

Basic Shoulder ROM and stabilization Routine

Lateral External Rotation w/ Band – 10-15reps
Lateral Behind the Back Raises to 45deg 10-15 reps
Overhead Rotations Forward 10-15 + 10sec hol in stretch position
Overhead Rotations Backward 10-15 + 10sec hold in stretch position
Bilateral Overhead Straight Arm Press and Pulls 15 + 10sec hold
inward and outward for the T-spine posiion and the hands down position
Lateral circlies inward and outward 10-15 + 10sec hold
Reapet circles and inward outward with arms behind back and low

Mindline activation

:60 High Plank Holds (FLR)
:60 Side Plank Holds
:60 Reverse Plank Holds
:60 Hollow Body Hold
:60 Superman Hold

— Hang Work (7min total) / Hand Balance —

Active Hang – :60sec

– Use your thumbs to grip the bar
– Activly pull the scapular down
– Activly pull the rib cage down and maintian hollow
– Clean dismount
You need to be able to hold and active hang for :60sec before progressing

Passive Hang -: 30sec

– Use your thumbs to grip the bar
– Relax the shoulder and allow the scapular to rise
– Activly pull the rib cage down and maintian hollow

Crow Pose 4 x :30sec
Back to the wall Seated eg Raises 4 x 8-10

Active hang :60sec
Passive Hang : 30sec

Inverted Press on Floor 4 x 8-12
Wall Facing Handstand Holds 4 x :30sec

Active hang :60sec
Passive Hang : 30sec

Wall Walks to Floor Bridge 5 x 1rep
Hollow Body Holds 5 x :30

Rope Active hang :60sec
Dynamic Hang (active/passive) : 30sec

— Lower Body Strength —

Shrimp Squats 3x 8-12
Floor Kip Level 1: Candle Stick Rolls (hands overhead to bottom of squat) 3 x 8-12

Front Scale 3 x :30sec Hold
Back Scale 3 x :30sec Hold

Vertical Jumps 3 x 8-10
Superman Holds 5 x :30

Dynamic Hang (active/passive) : 60sec