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Weapons 10/11/15 – 13/11/15

Posted 9th November 2015 by Geoff Stewart

killer lego


Tuesdasy 10/11/2015


warm up

Wall squats 5

Gobet squat 5

air squat 10

alt lunges 20

stick OHS

10 x3 rounds

Strength / olly

A1 Back squats 6×3 31×0 75

A2 Pull ups 6×3 30×1 75



Rope climbing 15mins

B 6×2 assesnt



C 8x Rowing and lunging

Row 250mtrs then do 25 BB lunges @ 50% of best weigth from A

rest 1 mins between efforts



6 x 1 min rounds with 1 min rest between each round new exercise

5 burpees then

-ME press ups

-ME Pull ups

-ME air squats

Repeat (score each round please)


Accessory work

lying hamstring curls Frisbees)




warm up

“warm up for snatches 10mins

A .Snatch Pulls.

B. Muscle Snatch.

C. Power Snatch.

D. Deep Power Snatch.

E. Snatch with a three second pause in the bottom position”


Strength / olly

A work up to a 3rpm 3 position snatch – High, mid, floor 10mins

B Do 12 single snatches @A no more than 30seconds between efforts


MU scale and skill as needed

Every one does 10 baby MU slowly to work transitions. 15 mins

B1 MU 3xME rest as needed



Its Geoff’s birthday

4 set 9 reps @90%+

rest 2 mins after each complex

D1 power cleans

D2 pull ups

D3 Back squats

D4 push Jerk


10 mins AMRAP

6 over stick burpees (20in box)

8 T2B

16 DU


Accessory work

Scotty L sit program

Accumulate 280 seconds L sit