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Weapons 24/11/15 -27/11/15

Posted 23rd November 2015 by Geoff Stewart


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Tuesday 24/11/2015


Warm up

“10 mins with bands please – Shoulders n hips

“”warm up for snatches 10mins

A.Snatch Pulls.

B.Muscle Snatch.

C. Power Snatch.

D. Deep Power Snatch.

E. Snatch with a three second pause in the bottom position”””

Strength / olly

10 mins Daily max in snatch for singles.

Drop down to 90% and perform one snatch every minute for as long as possible. If you fail the lift you can try again if it’s within the one-minute window. 12 mins



HS/HSPU 15 mins

Negative defacite HSPU 6×1 increase depth each set rest as needed

3xMX Kipping HSPU 90 rest



Use 1 bar and 1 weight for the whole 16 mins please

Min 1-5 2xclean n press @ 65% (clean 1rpm)

Min 6-10 4x pwr cleans

Min 11-15 8xDL


4 rounds for time

50 DU

25 AKB 32/24


25 T2B


Accessory work

Spend 10 mins on a Foam Roller please


Friday 27/11/2015


Warm up

5 rounds

10 Walking lunges

5 press ups

10 goblet squats

5 pull ups


Strength / olly

A1 Deadlifts 6×3 3110 90

A2 BB Seated OH press 6×3 31×0 90




either wall or floor crabs do 10 mins to find best range and longest hold please


15 mins

3xME strict T2B

3xME kipping T2B



8 mins AMRAP

12 burpee to target

9 wall ball

6 GTOH 60/45″

rest 2 mins

6 mins AMRAP

8 burpee to target

6 wall ball

4 GTOH 60/45″

rest 2 mins

4 mins AMRAP

4 burpee to target

3 wall ball

2 GTOH 60/45″


Accessory work

GHD back ext  3×10 3112 as needed