Is your CrossFit coach a real coach, or are they just a motivator? Contrary to popular opinion, the role of a good coach is not to recognise and reward aptitude, any amature can hand out “carrots” for good execution. A good coach is there to help uncover the skills that you are lacking, to find your weaknesses and guide you on the path to improve them.
“Reward and punishment are the lowest form of education” Chuang Tzu (Chinese philosopher from the 4th century BC)
Yes, good coaches can inspire and motivate, but their first duty is a somewhat unpleasant one: “Here is the flaw in your performance. Let’s work on it.” A poor coach will often only help you strengthen your strengths. A good coach will help you identify the weaknesses and work to eliminate them. A good student would be wise to listen to a good coach.
In this sense, the English teacher, the CrossFit coach and the martial arts sensei are all doing essentially the same thing. “Your language, your movement, your skill set, lacks this particular quality. Here is an exercise to increase that quality that you are lacking.”
The teacher or coach is sometimes held as a friend, but this is not necessarily the best coaching practice. In fact, the coach is best thought of as a kind-hearted enemy. “You are weak here, here and here” the coach should say, pointing out the weak links in your armour. “You are slow in this movement, your mobility is poor, your strength is insufficient and you can’t do a pull-up to save your life.”
The problem with this “work your weakness” philosophy is that it’s both physically and psychologically demanding. We all love proficiency and mastery and we would all prefer to cling to the stuff we are good at. If we’re good at doing power cleans, we take pleasure in that process. It’s meditation, our outlet, and our fascination. Squat cleans on the other hand can feel like a chore to those who don’t like to squat, and this can have a totally different emotional impact on the student. If we are good at something we’ll take our pleasure there, if not we can easily slip into a unhappy mood and throw our toys like a 5year old at bedtime.
So therein lies the conundrum of being a good coach. If you want your students to improve, you’ve got to work on their weaknesses. It’s essential! But if you are too zealous, you’ll take away the one thing that sustains the process of making training a happy place. Coaches and students must find a common ground to find the flaws in certain skill sets and flog them good, while maintaining certain training pleasures. It’s a fine balancing act that can only work with everything in good proportions.
No matter our strengths and weaknesses we all need to work towards improving our capabilities. Everyone should find the coach that stands you up in front of your weaknesses and forces you to work on them. Listen to this coach and cherish their advice if you goal is to improve. Don’t let ego get in the way of learning something new, working on a weakness and daring to be different from the other sheep in the classroom.
Next week we will go over the role of a good student.
StrengthSensei Endurance vs. Conditioning – The biggest misconception in sports specific training – Conditioning is the ability to repeat a certain effort with minimal fatigue – Classic examples are team sports like Soccer, American Football, Basketball and Ice hockey. In those sports it is crucial to keep fatigue between the first and the last sprint (and all the others in between) as minimal as possible.
Poliquin Group: Ten No-Brainer Ways To Raise Your Metabolism – The cool thing is that by working out and planning your diet wisely, you can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 25 percent Blood sugar levels in response to foods are highly individual – Scientists have released new results underscoring the importance of a personalized diet, prepared based on complex factors such as your gut microbes and lifestyle. Surprisingly, the foods that raise blood sugar levels differ dramatically from person to person. Hate Mornings? 6 Small Changes That Will Fix Everything – The first few minutes of your morning are the most important of your day and can set the tone for positivity and productivity. Ideally, you have an app or clock that taps into your natural circadian rhythm and wakes you during your “best time” within a certain window. Japanese Research Exposes Statin Scam: People with High Cholesterol Live Longer – For many years I have told anyone who will listen that, if you have a high cholesterol level, you will live longer. Equally, if you have a low cholesterol level, you will die younger. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a fact. The older you become the more beneficial it is to have a high cholesterol level.
Squat Mobility
5 Tall Muscle Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 High Hang Cleans
5 Mid-Hang Cleans
5 Strict Press
5 Push-Press (PP)
5 Power Jerks (PJk)
— PART A. [25min]—
PART A. Working in Pairs 10min EMOM of: 0:00-03:00 (3sets)
2 Pos Clean (hang, floor)
+ 1 PJk, build to 70% of Clean 04:00-09:00 (6sets)
1 Clean + 1 PJk @70% of Clean
– PART B. 5 Rounds:
[5,5,4,4,3] Pause FS 3311, @70-80% :90
PART A. Working in Pairs 10min EMOM 0:00-03:00 (3sets)
2 Pos Clean (high hand, hang)
+ 1 PJk, build to 70% of Clean 04:00-09:00 (6sets)
1 Hang Clean
+ 1 PJk @70% of Clean
– PART B. 4 Rounds:
[6,6,5,5] Pause FS 3111, @65-75%. :60
PART A. Working in Pairs 10min EMOM
2 High Hang Cleans
+1 Push-Press
– PART B. 4 Rounds:
[6,6,6,6] FS 4011, :60
— PART B. MAP1 [27]—
Work in Pairs YGIG :30/:30: 4 rounds each of (80-90% effort):
:30sec OHS (moderate) :30sec Rest
:30sec C2B Pull-ups :30sec Rest
– – Rest 5min-
– 4 Rounds of:
:30sec Wall Balls (WB) :30sec Rest
:30sec Pull-ups :30sec Rest
– -Rest 2min-
Tabata Sit-ups 4min (8 x :20/:10)
Work in pairs YGIG :30/:30 4 rounds each of (80-90% effort):
:30sec OHS (moderate) :30sec Rest
:30sec Pull-ups :30sec Rest
– – Rest 5min-
– 4 Rounds of:
:30sec WB :30sec Rest
:30sec RKBS (heavy) :30sec Rest
– -Rest 2min-
Tabata Sit-ups 4min (8 x :20/:10)
Work in pairs YGIG :30/:30 4 rounds each of (80-90% effort):
:30sec FS :30sec Rest
:30sec RKBS (moderate) :30sec Rest
– – Rest 5min-
– 4 Rounds of:
:30sec WB [Scale: Air Squats] :30sec Rest
:30sec Ring Rows :30sec Rest
– -Rest 2min-
Tabata Sit-ups 4min (8 x :20/:10)
TUESDAY 01/12/2015
2 Rounds of each:
10 Bench Press (empty bar, light dbs)
10 Scapular Push-ups
10 Scapular Pull-ups
— PART A. [30min]—
PART A. 20min E2MOM (5sets): min: 0,4,8,12,16: [3-6] Flat BB Bench, @30×0 @80-85% min 2,6,10,14,18: [3-6] Strict Pull-ups, @30×0 (weighted)
– -Immediately followed by…
– PART B. 8min EMOM (4sets): odd: [5-7] Ring Dips, EXPLOSIVE even: [5-7] Strict Chin-ups, EXPLOSIVE
PART A. 20min E2MOM (5sets): min: 0,4,8,12,16: [6-8] Flat BB Bench, @30×0 @60-70% min 2,6,10,14,18: [6-8] Strict Chin-ups, @30×0 (weighted)
– -Immediately followed by…
– PART B. 10min EMOM: odd: [5-7] Ring Press-ups, EXPLOSIVE even: [5-7] B/O BB Rows, 22×0
PART A. 20min E2MOM (5sets): min: 0,4,8,12,16: [8-10] Flat DB Bench, 30×0 min 2,6,10,14,18: [:20-:30sec] Eccentric pull-up or Chin-up
[8-10] BB Bent Over Rows* 30×0 * If unable to perform eccentric pull-up
– PART B. Anarobic Lactic Power Test
– PART C. Anarobic Lactic Endurance Test
– PART D. 10min EMOM of: odd: [5-7] P-Bar Push-ups, EXPLOSIVE even: [8-10] KB SDHP
— PART B. Anaerobic Power & Endurance [20min]—
PART C. Anaerobic Lactic Power #1: Burpee Repeat Test 4 Rounds of:
:40sec MAX Burpees to 6″ Target :20sec Rest
– – Rest Walk 5min-
– PART D. Anaerobic Lactic Endurance #1 For time
500m Row @90% Rest EXACTLY :90 seconds
500m Row @90%
PART B. Anaerobic Lactic Power #1: Row Repeat Test 4 Rounds of:
:30sec MAX Row distance :30sec rest
– – Rest Walk 5min-
– PART C. Anaerobic Lactic Endurance #1 For time
500m Row Rest EXACTLY :90 seconds
500m Row
WEDNESDAY 02/12/2015
2 Rounds of:
Bear Walk – length of gym
Walking Lunges – length of gym
Burpee Broad Jumps – length of gym
— PART A,B &C. [20min]—
PART A. 5 Rounds of:
[4,10,4,10,4] Back Squats 30×0, @80%,72.5%,82.5%,77.5%,85%, :90-120sec
– PART B. 5 Rounds of:
[6-8] BB Bent Over Row 2112, :90
– PART C. 3 Rounds of:
[18-20] Front Rack Walking Lunges (2xKB), 2010, :90
PART A. 4 Rounds of:
A. [7,10,7,10] Back Squats 3010, @75%,70%,80%,75%, :60sec
A2.[10-12] 1-Arm Standing B/O KB Row 2112, :90
– PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[18-20] Steps DB/KB Walking Lunges*, 2010, :90
*DB/KB are held by your sides, not a front rack
PART A. 3 Rounds of:
A. [12,10,12] Back Squats @3010, :60sec Start medium, go heavy, go heavier than the first set
A2. [10-12] 1-Arm Standing B/O KB Row @2112, 90
– PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[26-30] KB/DB Alternating Box Step-ups, :90sec
— PART B. MAP4 [20min] —
Coaches Notes: Athletes will use 2 different bars for the hang clean and the thruster.
Working in teams of 3: 5 Rounds of Row Repeatability: 2min AMRAP @80-90% effort:
6 Hang Cleans (moderate)
12 Thrusters (light)
MAX Cal Row in remaining time (can you get same cals each round?) Rest 2min
– P1: 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 P2: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00, 13:00, 17:00 P3: 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00
5 Rounds of: 2min AMRAP @80-90% effort:
6 Deadlifts (moderate)
10 DB/KB Thrusters (light)
MAX Cal Row in remaining time Rest 2min
THURSDAY 03/12/2015
Shoulder Stabalisation Work and ROM work:
[10-15ea] Lateral External Rotation w/ Band
[10-15] Lateral Behind the Back Raises to 45deg
[10-15] Overhead Rotations Forward + 10sec hol in stretch position
[10-15] Overhead Rotations Backward + 10sec hold in stretch position
[10-15] Bilateral Overhead Straight Arm Press and Pulls + 10sec hold
[10-15] Inward and outward for the T-spine posiion and the hands down position
[10-15] Lateral circlies inward and outward + 10sec hold
[10-15] Reapet circles and inward outward with arms behind back and low
PART A. 3 rounds of:
[4-8] Strict Eccentric Ring Muscle-ups w/ feet on floor – start with eccentric dip lower until feet on floor – rotate the rings slowly into a false grip – bend knees and lower to straight arm position with palms turned out – slow on concentric and rotation of the rings into dip catching position – Jump to top position RTO
[6-12] Uneven Hand Press-up to 1-Arm Extension – working toward 1-arm press-up on p-bars
[8-10] Inverted Ring Row Sit-Backs
– PART B. 3 rounds of:
[5-7] P-Bars (5-10sec) Bridge Up Hold to (5-10sec) Tuck L-Sit
[6-12] RTO Ring TEMPO Push-up, 30×1
[6-12] Feet on Box Strict Hollow Body TEMPO Ring Rows, 31×0 – Full scapular retraction & protraction
Accumulate 3min FLR Hold
HARD: Rings
EASY: P-Bars
PART A. 3 rounds of:
[4-8] Strict Eccentric Ring Muscle-ups – start with eccentric dip – hold false grip – move slowly on through transition – slow on concentric – Jump to top position RTO
[10-12] Uneven Hand Press-up to 1-Arm Extension – working toward 1-arm press-up on p-bars
[5-10] Inverted Tuck Rows – hold false grip
– PART B. 3 rounds of:
[5-7] P-Bars (5-10sec) Bridge Up Hold to (5-10sec) L-Sit or Straddle
[6-12] RTO Ring TEMPO Push-up, 30×1 – HARD: Full external rotation – EASY: Pressing external rotation
[6-12] Strict Hollow Body Ring TEMPO Rows w/ Feet on Box, 31×0 – Full scapular retraction & protraction
Accumulate 3min FLR Hold
HARD: Rings
EASY: P-Bars
FRIDAY 04/12/2015
2 Rounds of:
5 Vertical jumps for height
5 Tall Muscle Cleans – SHRUG
5 High Hang Power Cleans – SHRUG some more
5 Mid-Hang Power Cleans – SHUG even more
5 Segmented Power Cleans (pause 3sec at knee)
— PART A. [20min] —
PART A. 10min to Build to:
1RM Power Clean
– PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[12-15] Strict Striaght Leg Toes to Bar, :60-:90sec
– * Stretch Hamstring between rounds
PART A. 10min to Build to:
1RM Power Clean
– PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[8-12] Strict Knees to Elbows* , :60sec
– * Scapluar must remain depressed throughout the entire movment. If you fatigue STOP, REST and REPEAT. Quality of quantity
PART A. 10min EMOM of:
3 High Hang Power Cleans
– PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[8-12] Strict Hangining Knee Raises *, :60sec
– * Scapluar must remain depressed throughout the entire movement. If you fatigue STOP, REST and REPEAT. Quality of quantity
— PART B. MAP4 [22min]—
COACH NOTE: 85% of A must be the weight on the bar. Athletes need to pace this one and understand that the this is not Grace. This is a CP-Battery test and pace is the name of the game.
PART C. CP Battery Test: 8min AMRAP of:
Power Cleans @85% of A. load
– -Rest 5min-
– For time:
30 Wall Balls (WB)
20 Push up
30 KB DLHP (heavy)
20 Alt Box Step Up (total)
30 TTB
20 Air Squats
PART C. Fitness Chipper: 2 Rounds of:
30 Wall Balls
20 Push up
30 KB DLHP (heavy)
20 Alt Box Step Up (total)
30 TTB
20 Air Squats
– – Rest 5min between rounds-
SATURDAY 05/12/2015
2 Rounds of:
15 Band Pull Aparts
15 Scapular Push-ups
15 Push-up
15 Pulling prep (scapular pul-ups)
15 Ring Rows
— PART A & B. [20min]—
PART A. 4 Rounds of:
A. Seated BNK Strict Press [4,10,4,10,4] 3111, @80%,72.5%,82.5%,77.5%,85% :60-:90sec
– PART B. 4 Rounds of:
B. [3-5] Strict Pull-ups, 30×0 (weighted), :60-:90
PART A. 4 Rounds of:
A. [7,10,7,10] Seated OHP 3111,@75%,70%,80%,75%, :60sec
A2. [5-6] Strict Chin-ups, 2111, :90sec
PART A. 3 Rounds of:
A. [10-12] Seated DB OHP 3111, :60sec
A2. [15-30sec] Isometric Hold – Chin Over the Bar, :60
A2. [10-12] Ring Rows 3010, :60
— MAP3. [32min]—
5 Rounds of::90sec AMPRAP of:
3 Ring Muscle-ups
15 Wall Balls
MAX DU in remaining time Rest :90sec – Rest 5min
– 4 Rounds of: :90secAMPRAP of:
6 Ring Dips
6 Pull-ups
MAX Wall Balls Rest :90sec
5 Rounds of::90sec AMPRAP of:
6 Strict Pull-ups (any grip)
15 Wall Balls
MAX DU in remaining time Rest :90sec – Rest 5min
– 4 Rounds of: :90secAMPRAP of:
6 Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
MAX Wall Balls Rest :90sec
5 Rounds of::90sec AMPRAP of:
10 Ring Rows
15 Wall Balls
MAX DU [Scale: Single skips] Rest :90sec – Rest 5min
– 4 Rounds of: :90secAMPRAP of:
6 Push-ups [Scale: Incline]
10 RKBS (moderate)
MAX Wall Balls [Scale: Air Squats] Rest :90sec
SUNDAY 06/12/2015
2 Rounds of:
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 Tall Musle Snartch
5 High Hang Power Snatch
5 Mid-hang Power Snatch
5 Segmented Power Snatch, pause at knee 3sec
— PART A. [20min]—
16min EMOM of: 0:00-03:00 –2 Pos PSn (hang, floor) build to 70% of PSn 04:00-08:00 – 1 PSn @70% of PSn – Take this time to load up the bar – 10:00-15:00 – 2 Halting Sn DL (knee, finish the pull) @80-100% of Sn
16min EMOM of: 0:00-03:00 – 3 Pos PSn (high-hang, hang, floor) build to 65% of PSn 04:00-08:00– 2 Pos PSn (hang, floor) @65-70% of PSn – Take this time to load up the bar – 10:00-15:00 – 2 Halting Sn DL (knee, finish the pull) @80-100% of Sn
16min EMOM of: 0:00-03:00 –3 High Hang PSn 04:00-08:00 – 2 Pos PSn (high hang, mid-hang) – Take this time to load up the bar – 10:00-15:00 – 3 Sn DL
— MAP2 [30]—
4 Rounds (8min) of:
:30sec Hang Power Snatch (light)
:30sec DU Rest :60sec
– – Rest 5min-
0 4 Rounds (16min) of:
:30sec AKBS (heavy)
:30sec DU Rest :60sec
:30sec TTB
:30sec Walking Lunges Rest :60sec