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CFH Training Plan 07/12/2015 – 13/12/2015

Posted 6th December 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 5 of 10 Energy System Training



coachtoldyouLast week we talked a little about the role of the coach, this week lets change the focus to the students.  The role of the CrossFit student is to firstly listen to their coaches and pay attention to instructions. As a student, your role is to diversify your experience, to stretch your capability across a broad range and appreciate the learning journey.  Traditionally, this is best done by the time-honored method of working on your weaknesses.”

There is a common phrase that’s says, “Choose the path of least resistance.”  Students often site this phrase to justify working smarter and not harder. But what if working smart actually means choosing the path of most resistance? When engaging in strength training of any kind, the student’s goal should be to work in a way to best maximize results and minimise the chance of injury.  This can be achieved if the correct program (CrossFit Hackney Competitor, Performance, Fitness) is followed. Are students willing to put in the hard work to make slow and steady progress, or are students living in the fast lane and trying to take shortcuts?

To continue to make progress, the student needs to recognise weaknesses and take advantage of coaches to devise drills and exercises to turn each weakness into strengths.  Students must be prepared to swallow their pride and dedicate time and effort to work on their weaknesses over a period of time – “Rome wasn’t build in a day.” Students who are not yet capable of strict pull-ups may see far more reward with barbell rows and far less chance of injury (the risk reward ratio).

So the burning question of the moment is “What’s your weakness?”  Are you trapped into thinking you can avoid certain elements of training and still achieve optimal results?  If you’re serious about developing a comprehensive fitness or skill set, you’ll want to start working your weaknesses.  You need to find the things you’re really bad at, and practice them until they become your strength.  If your flexibility is terrible you need to start working on it.   If your strong on cardio, work strength, or if you strong on strength work cardio. Go towards the points of most resistance, go towards your fear, go towards your instability, your errors and your ignorance.

Most of us do precisely the opposite, which is precisely the problem. The perils of specialisation are obvious in the way that our bodies respond to a limited training exposure.  Simply put, intensive movement specialisation is a recipe for tissue breakdown and injury. The over-use injury is best described as a specialisation injury.  Too much micro-trauma in one place ultimately leads to trouble.  A smart training program is a periodization cycle that switches between different training theories and methodologies.  A training cycle should last long enough to apply enough stress on the body for adaptation to occur, but then a new cycle should appear with a change in focus to allow variety, recovery and new adaption to take place.

If you’re a specialist in one aspect of training or a particular sport, it should be no surprise when some part of your body starts to break down.  Inflammation and pain are the price we pay for repeating a limited range of movements and training practices.  In fact, if you’re really dedicated at single sport or limited movements in the gym, you should plan on injury.  It’s only a matter of time.  The more refinement you develop, the deeper your physical rut and the greater the accumulation on stress on certain tissues.

In contrast we never hear much about diversification injuries. Students who play a variety of movements spread out their physical stress.  Micro-trauma gets a chance to heal when we practice across a broader spectrum. In the short term, diversity fails to develop the incredible powers of the specialist, but they also have a longer training career.  For these students, diversity wins in the end.

Place your trust in the programs created only by coaches with successful track records, and that way you know your hard work will help you progress in the right direction.  Hard work should be the mainstay of every training session and adequate rest between sessions is critical for success.  Once you step foot into the gym, the time has come to switch on your sympathetic nervous system and earn your gainz through sweat and effort.  This is precisely when you should choose the path of most resistance.  Once training is done its time to switch focus and allow the parasympathetic system to “rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed.”

RECOMMENDED WEEKLY READING: Sugar, the good, bad, and the ugly! – Sugar can play in athletics and improving body composition – yep you read that right – IMPROVE body composition Using Knee Wraps For Squats Increases Wear And Tear In Your Knee Joint knee wraps alter how you move during a squat in such a way that you’re likely to cause more damage to your knee joints. All About Dips: How to Train Them Safely and Effectively – Gymnasts, bodybuilders, and CrossFitters all do dips on a regular basis, but each perform them with such wildly different technique that they might as well be separate exercises. On the other hand, some athletic trainers, physical therapists, and chiropractors might even recommend that you avoid dips in any way, shape, or form at all costs! With such a plethora of conflicting views out there regarding dips, it is time to sit down and set the record straight. Skinny fat is an oxymoron – Skinny fat refers to someone with unappreciable levels of muscle mass associated to a high percentage of body fat. Basically, not a great sales point for mating season… Here are four reasons why people achieve the skinny fat look. Hamstring Flexibility Guides – There are many ways to stretch the hamstrings or to touch your toes .  Improve you TTB, improve you burpees, improve your L-sit holds by lengthening you hamstrings.


CrossFit Hackney Energy System Training Log Book

MONDAY 07/12/2015

— GET WARM [10min]—

20 Hip Bridges
10 R-Leg Hip Bridges
10 L-Leg Hip Bridges
KB Goblet Squats

— PART A&B. [20min]—




PART A. 5 Rounds:
[6,6,6,6,6] Back Squats, 30X0, @70%, :90

PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[12-15ea] High Box Step-ups, 3010, :60
[10-12] Nordic Raises, 30×0, :60
PART A. 4 Rounds:
[8,8,8,8] Back Squats, 30X0, @65%, :90

PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[12-15ea] High Box Step-ups, 3010, :60
[10-15] BB Hip Bridge, 30×1, :60
PART A. 3 Rounds:
[12,12,12] Back Squats, 40X0, :60

PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[12-15ea] DB/KB FF Step-ups, 2111, :60
[15-20] BB Hip Bridge, 30×1, :60

— PART C. MAP1 [30min]—




Split the class into 3 groups. With a running clock athletes will switch between part 1, part 2 and part 3 on the 10minutes

PART 1 (0:00). Anaerobic Lactic Endurance #2
Row Vo2max TEST
2K Row

PART 2 (10:00). 7min EMOM of:
:30sec MAX RKBS (heavy)
:30sec Rest

PART 3 (20:00). 7min EMOM of:
:30sec MAX Wall Balls (heavy)
:30 Rest

TUESDAY 08/12/2015


2 Rounds of each:
5 Strict Press
5 Pause Dip and Stand
5 Push Press
5 Power Jerks
Jumping Tekkers

— PART A. [20min]—




PART A. 6 Rounds of:
[3,3,3,3,3,3] 3-Phase Jerk from Rack, :90 – 3reps = ( 1 Push-Press, + 1 Power-Jerk, +1 Split Jerk)
[2-3] Box Jump (tough height, not max)
PART A. 5 Rounds of:
[2+2] Push-Press + Push Jerk, :90
[2-3] Box Jump (tough height, not max)
PART A. 5 Rounds of:
[5-6] Push-Press, 3010, :90
[2-3] Box Jump (tough height, not max)

— PART B. Anaerobic Lactic Power [30min]—




Anaerobic Lactic Power #2
30min Concept2 Rower
Adjusted by bodyweight

Working in teams of 3:
P1: 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00
P2: 1:30, 7:30, 13:30, 19:30, 25:30
P3: 3:00, 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, 27:00
5 x :60sec all out lactic power test, record each interval distance.

– 5min Rest –

Within the 5min rest:
1 x 10m Handstand Walk
1 x :60sec Wall Facing Handstand Hold
rest :60
1 x :60sec FLR Hold on Rings
rest :120

WEDNESDAY 09/12/2015


2 Rounds of:
5 Deadlifts5 Tall Muscle Cleans5 Front Squats5 High-Hang Cleans5 Mid-Hang Cleans

— PART A,B &C. [20min]—




PART A. Every :90sec for 5 rounds:
6 Deadlift, 2010, @70%

PART B. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
4 Clean High Pulls, 65-70% of Clean

PART C. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
[1+1] Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat
PART A. Every :90sec for 5 rounds:
8 Deadlift, 3010, @65%

PART B. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
4 Clean High Pulls, 65-70% of Clean

PART C. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
[1+1] Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat
PART A. Every :90sec for 5 rounds:
10 Deadlift, 3010

PART B. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
5 Hang Clean Shugs

PART C. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
[1+1] High Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat

— PART D. MAP1 [23min] —




5 Rounds (10min) of:
:30 TnG PC (moderate)
:30 Rest
:30 Ring Muscle-ups
:30 Rest

– Rest 3min –

5 Rounds (10min) of:
:30 Wall Balls (heavy)
:30 Rest
:30 HeSPU
:30 Rest
5 Rounds (10min) of:
:30 TnG PC (moderate)
:30 Rest
:30 Ring Dips [Scale: RIng Push-ups]
:30 Rest

– Rest 3min –

5 Rounds (10min) of:
:30 Wall Balls
:30 Rest
:30 Down Ups
:30 Rest
5 Rounds (10min) of:
:30 Deadlifts (moderate)
:30 Rest
:30 Push-ups [Scale: Incline]
:30 Rest

– Rest 3min –

5 Rounds (10min) of:
:30 Wall Balls
:30 Rest
:30 Down Ups
:30 Rest

THURSDAY 10/12/2015


Shoulder mobility 2 rounds of:
10 Front to Back pass through with stick, pronated grip
10 Back to Front pass theough with stick, supinated grip
10 Straight Arm Banded Pulldowns
In the second round bring the hands closer together.




PART A. 3 Rounds of:
[3-5] Partner Assisted Skin the Cat

PART B. Progressive Overload, 5 Rounds of:
[1,1,1,1,1] Eccentric Muscle-ups (progressive overload) – next time add 1 rep [2,1,1,1,1] then [2,2,1,1,1]…

PART C. 3 Rounds of:
[10-12] Inverted Press on Rings
[6-8] Inverted Tuck, False Grip Row to Chin-up

PART D. 3 Rounds of:
[10-12] P-Bar Jump to Side Straddle
[6-10] False Grip Arch Scapluar Retractions

PART E. 3 Rounds of: 
[15-20] Ring Support RTO, Knee Raises
[15-20] Ring Roll-outs
PART A. 3 Rounds of:
[3-5] Partner Assisted Skin the Cat

PART B. Progressive Overload, 5 Rounds of: 
[1,1,1,1,1] Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups OR [5,5,5,5,5] Jumping Eccentric Ring Pull-ups

PART C. 3 Rounds of:
[10-12] Inverted Press on P-Bars
[6-8] ?

PART D. 3 Rounds of:
[10-12] P-Bar Jump to Side Straddle (bent Knee)
[6-10] False Grip Arch Scapluar Retractions

PART E. 3 Rounds of: 
[15-20] Ring Support RTO, Knee Raises
[15-20] Ring Roll-outs

FRIDAY 11/12/2015


2 Rounds of:
5 Tall Muscle Snatch
5 Jumping Snatch Shrugs (from high hang)
5 Mid-Hang Power Snatch
5 OHS – hold the last rep for 10sec – note if you can not hold the bottom of the OHS position with an empty bar you MUST follow the “Fitness” program today.
3 Hang Snatch + OHS

— PART A, B&C. [20min] —




PART A. Every :90sec for 5 rounds:
5 Snatch Pulls @90-100% of Sn

PART B. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
4 Snatch High Pulls, @65-75% of Sn

PART C. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
[1+1] Hang Snatch + OHS
PART A. Every :90sec for 5 rounds:
5 Snatch Pulls @60-65% of Sn

PART B. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
5 Hang Snatch Shrugs  @70-80%

PART C. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
[1+1] Hang Snatch + OHS
PART A. Every :90sec for 5 rounds:
6 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

PART B. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
5 Hang Snatch Shrugs 

PART C. Every :90sec for 4 rounds:
3 High Hang Power Snatch

— PART D. MAP3 & Aeroboc Power Test [26min]—

COACH NOTE: The Competitor snatch bar and the deadlift bar are the same weight.




PART 1. Aerobic Power #1
Four Minute O’Neill Fitness Test

– Rest 4min

PART 2. 6 Rounds (18min)
:90sec AMRAP of:
3 Power Snatch (moderate)
6 Deadlift (light)
MAX DU in Remaining Time
Rest :90
PART 1. Aerobic Power #1
Four Minute O’Neill Fitness Test

– Rest 4min –

PART 2. 6 Rounds (18min)
:90sec AMRAP of:
3 Power Snatch (moderate)
6 Deadlift (light)
MAX DU in Remaining Time
Rest :90
PART 1. 6 Rounds (18min)
:90sec AMRAP of:
3 Deadlift (moderate)
6 Burpees Over the Bar
9 Hangining Knee Raises [Scale: V-ups, Double Crucnh]
MAX DU [Scale: Single Skips] in Remaining Time
Rest :90

– Rest 4min

PART 2. Aerobic Power #1
Four Minute O’Neill Fitness Test

SATURDAY 12/12/2015


2 Rounds of:
12 Air Squats
10 RDL’s
8 Front Squats
6 Thrusters
4 Burpees Over the Bar

— PART A & B. [20min]—




PART A. 5 Rounds of:
[6,6,6,6,6] Front Squats, 30X0, @70%

PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[12-15] Strict TTB, :60
[8-10] BB RDL 3010, :60
PART A. 4 Rounds of:
{3.3.3} Cluster Front Squats*, 30X0, @70%, :90
* Perform 3 reps then rack the bar for 15sec, unrack and complete another 3reps and repeat for a total of 9reps.

PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[12-15] Knees to Elbows :60
[8-10] BB RDL 3010, :60
PART A. 4 Rounds of:
[5-6] Front Squats, 30X0, :60
[18-20] Alternating Sprinters Bridge, :60

PART B. 3 Rounds of:
[10-12] V-ups (Double Crunches) :60
[8-12] BB RDL 3010, :60

— MAP3. [32min]—




6 Rounds of: 2min AMRAP of:
7 Thrusters (moderate)
14 Over the Bar Burpees
MAX distance on AirFit Bike in remaining time, REPEATABILITY – 80-90% effort

-Rest 2min-

P1: 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00
P2: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00
P3: 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00
P4: 3:00, 7:00, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, 21:00

SUNDAY 13/12/2015


2 Rounds of:
10 Empty Bar 35* Bench Press
10 Ring Rows
10 Push-ups
8 Chin-ups / 1 Eccentric Chin-up

— GET STRONG [20min]—




PART A. 5 Rounds of:
[6,6,6,6,6] 35* Incline Bench, 30×0, @70-77% :90

PART B. 4 Rounds of:
[6-7] Supine Chin-ups, 20×0 (weighted), :60
[8-10] Ring Dips, EXPLOSIVE, :60
PART A. 4 Rounds of:
[8,8,8,8] 35* Incline Bench, 30×0, @65-70% :90

PART B. 4 Rounds of:
[3-5] Supine Chin-ups, 5010, :60
[8-10] RTO Ring Press-ups, EXPLOSIVE, :60
PART A. 3 Rounds of:
[12,12,12] 35* DB Incline Bench, 30×0, :90

PART B. 4 Rounds of:
[1-3] Eccentric Supine Chin-ups, 6000, :60
AMRAP P-Bar Push-ups, 3010, :60

— PART C.—

Coach Note: Take time to teach and practice KB Clean and Press and Snatch.




10min AMRAP of:
10 KB Snatch
10 Down Ups
10min AMRAP of:
5 R-Arm KB Clean and Press
5 L-Arm KB Clean and Press
10 Down Ups
10min AMRAP of:
5 R-Arm KB Clean and Press
5 L-Arm KB Clean and Press
10 Down Ups