
CrossFit Open 2015 – Test your fitness.

Josh Schouten | 18-02-2015
At Momentum Training we are all about working hard toward making ourselves just that little bit better. That time of year is here... The CrossFit games 2015 is here to test us.  Why does it matter and what do I care? I (Josh) might be known for the outrageous comments and laid back approach to coaching but when it comes... [Read more]

16/2/2015 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 15-02-2015
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : 3 x (25 m/y, 50 m/y, 100 m/y) recover 1:1 work/recover ratio Day 2: Bike - : 3 x (400m, 800m, 1M) recover 1:1 work/recover ratio Day 3: Run - : Repeat 200m, recover :30 until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -:  800m @ 70% Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat 800m, recover :30 until form/pace deteriorates... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 16/02/2015 – 22/02/2015

Josh Schouten
WEEK 7/12 COACHES COMMENT: Gone fishing in Australia.. be back in March... enjoy the weeks ahead =) RECOMMENDED WEEKLY READING: Why It’s Not All About the Weight You Are Lifting Load as technique allows and never hold a shitty position.  Quality repetitions performed at sub-maximal will lead to better GAINZ than shitty repetitions performed at close to maximal percentages.  This... [Read more]

Momentum Brunch @ Ozone Coffee Roasters 28th Feb 2015

Josh Schouten | 13-02-2015
Momentum Brunch @ Ozone Coffee Roasters  When: 28th Feb, 9am - 4pm Where: Leonard Street, Old Street - 12 mins on the 243. The crew at Ozone Coffee Roasters have opted to give us a set menu for £10 p/p. This will be offered between 9am-4pm on the 28th February at their Old Street location click here for the details. Please get down there... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 09/02/2015 – 15/02/2015

Josh Schouten | 08-02-2015
WEEK 6/12 COACHES COMMENT: Row, Row, Row you boat!!  This week is all about the rower!  How is your rowing mechanics and what do you know about "stroks per minute," "rowing intensity," and "split times?" Stroke Rate On a Concept2 rowing machine the number found in the bottom left corner on the main readout (pictured here) is the stroke rate.... [Read more]

Invest in your Health

Josh Schouten | 05-02-2015
Its not the first time I've posted a blog regarding blood tests.   I though it might be a good time to mention some of the tests availible to our members, as many of you are currently taking part in the Whole Life Challange.   A small group of the 2014 Momentum members attended a talk hosted by Gore BioScience regarding nutrition for... [Read more]

Heavy Met-con 4/02/2015

Josh Schouten | 03-02-2015
A little treat for those who love a Heavy Met-con class.  StreTch will filling in for Geoff this week - February 4th. 7:30pm - to deliver judgement day!  Rest up, eat well and try to have a good night sleep in preperation for: Warm-up Truster and Clean Tekkers (more…)