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Barbell Club – “The change is here”

Posted 29th February 2016 by Josh Schouten

Barbell Club “Body Composition” 

The new format Barbell Club begins on Monday 7th March. The focus will be body composition and strength endurance, combining upper and lower body to help you to get lean. Expect to still lift heavy – this is not a light metcon.

Please download the programme and try to plan the weight you are going to lift before you come to class. I (Jenna) can help you with this if needed. I’ve provided a few guidelines below that can be applied across the board. 


Monday ‘A’ Exercises

3 Sets

Deadlift. 15 reps. 30×0

Rest 60 secs

Bench. 15 reps. 30×0

Rest 60 secs

Aim to do the 15 reps unbroken. Each set will last between 45 and 60 seconds at tempo. The last few reps should really suck (but not at the expense of movement quality). Newer lifters should start at 60%. Put yourself in this group if you have less than a few solid years of consistent lifting with a professional programme – not something you’ve found on the internet and done in a globo gym. If you have the experience start at 70%.

This training requires specific rest periods. If it is 60 seconds it means an actual 60 seconds. Not your version of 60 seconds that starts after you’ve chatted to your mate. For this reason we will complete the main lifts together as a class to ensure that you are working at the required level to make progress.

If the class is full you will need to work in teams of 3 or 4. Please make yourself some friends over the next week to allow for a swift set up. (If you are new to the gym do still come and I can introduce you to a group :). Two people will be working while one/two are resting and you rotate around. The person resting should spot the bench press / squats etc.

The answers below cover the questions I have already been asked. If you are still unsure do feel free to see me at the gym and have a chat. It will be a friendly team environment. Come. Be awesome. Have fun.


Can I still attend Barbell twice per week? 

Yes. We will continue with one session being provided on Mondays and Tuesdays and a different session being provided on Fridays and Saturdays. Each programme will continue to run for four weeks. For those who have attended all of the first three sessions the fourth can be adapted to provide a deload. 

Can I still maintain muscle mass?

Yes. The time under tension will be set to achieve this.

Can I still come if I don’t want to get ‘too big’?

This will not happen unless you really want it to. I spent years doing bodybuilding training when I wanted to increase size. Every second of my day revolved around making sure I had the right amount of training, eating, sleeping, drinking, (crying, sweating, bleeding…). I wish it was as simple as lifting a few dumbbells now and then and waking up to look like a physique champ. It’s not. The type of body you build depends on your dedication to the cause. 

Will Barbell still include accessory work to help to prevent injury?

Yes, over the coming months we will continue with this. 

Do you do this type of training? 

Yes. It provided the happiest time in my training career and got me my best results 🙂

Print the program here: Phase 3