Heavy Metcon 16/3/16
Death by Geoff
Warm up with partner UGIG
KB swings 2 > 20
Press ups 1 > 10
Working with a partner – get on the scales and establish your teams weight.
BB press / bike
Teams weight x 50= target bench weight
Choose a single weight for the bar and bench working in a UGIG format every time you break you do 15 Kcals on the aerodyne AFAP you finish when you have benched total team target bench weight.
Deadlift / Row
Teams weight x 100= target DL weight
Choose a single weight for the deadlift working in a UGIG format every time you break you do 15 Kcals on the Rower AFAP you finish when you have deadlifted total team target DL weight.
Geoff + Geoff = 200Kgx100=20000
/120kg on bar =167 reps