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Heavy Metcon 27/07/2016

Posted 26th July 2016 by Jenna Fisher


Jenna standing in for Geoff again.

Just tested this. You can give yourself a fairly miserable time with it 🙂

3 rounds
60 secs clean and jerk (0.85x bodyweight)
60 secs front rack hold (as above) – can drop to top of deadlift hold after 30 secs
60 secs row
60 secs rest

4 mins rest

3 rounds
60 secs sled push (1.5x bw)
60 secs barbell walking lunges (0.85x bw)
60 secs barbell hold on back (as above)
60 secs rest

4 mins rest

3 rounds
60 secs bench press (0.85x bw)
60 secs strict pull ups/chin ups/ring row
60 secs run
60 secs rest

4 mins rest

4 rounds
60 secs assault bike (hold 80-90 RPM female / 90-100 RPM male)
60 secs rest