Heavy Metcon 03/08/2016
Jenna’s last week covering Geoff. Bring a buddy to get sweaty with.
Part A, 12 mins.
YGIG with a partner.
3 bench press (@bodyweight) + 5 strict dips
3 weighted strict pull ups + 5 strict TTB
Part B, 12 mins.
Work with a partner. While you row your partner completes the power cleans and then switch on the next minute.
Row at least 3000m total between you.
Min 1: Row Min 2: 1 power clean (@bodyweight)
Min 3: Row Min. 4: 3 power clean
Min 5: Row Min 6: 5 power clean
Min 7: Row Min 8: 7 power clean (can reduce the weight from here)
Min 9: Row Min 10: 9 power clean
Min 11: Row Min 12: 11 power clean
Part C, 12 mins (3 rounds).
YGIG with a partner. Complete the whole round before your partner goes.
60 secs assault bike
10 back squats (@bodyweight)
10 box jumps
Thanks for making this class awesome. It’s been a fun three weeks x