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Heavy Metcon 10/8/16

Posted 9th August 2016 by Geoff Stewart

Massive shout out to our Jenna for rocking the fort over the last few weeks. Rumor on the streets is that she smashed you guys and the boys had to get comfortable with short shorts. Big thanks Jenna lots of shoes to fill. x


Warm up – 8 mins

KB squats 10

Press ups walk outs 5

KB swings 10

Ring rows 5


With a running clock E2MO2M

(8mins per station)

Back squats 5 BW+

Strict Pull ups 6

Deadlifts 5 1.5X BW

Strict Dips 6

EMOM 4mins per station

Heavy Goblet squats 10

Ring rows 10

Heavy KB swings 10

Press ups 10