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Crossfit training plan 19/9/2016-25/9/2016

Posted 18th September 2016 by Geoff Stewart


We are moving into week 1 of our intensification phase of training. Our training days are shifting around. We are looking to start pushing a bit more weight through this period which means we will be lowering the rep ranges and playing around with the overall volume of the sessions (this doesn’t mean you’ll be sitting around checking out your nails). As with the adaption phase you should have been tracking your numbers and %s and seeing some positive gains in your numbers as well as building some thresholds in those engines.

This week we are looking to hit some lower reps and some timed max efforts (ME) on our foundation lifts. You should have been tracking your weights so you can now begin to test and push those higher %s on your lifts. We are looking at introducing some old but gold CF movements into class including the pike press up and the 1legged squat (pistol) – work through your scales folks before you go mad for it. Our Olympic lifting sessions still have a good amount of volume and will test that power endurance. There are some simple complexes where you can increase your weight and test yourselves but always with an eye toward form over weight please, if you feel you’re muscling the bar, drop the weight and get the speed back. There are some juicy breathing days where you’ll need to think about your weight and your overall tempo and timing through the sessions – we are again looking for your consistency throughout. These WODs are varied, we want you working hard but not red lining. Hit it like you mean it guys.



Follow Techniques That Focus on Muscle Growth

A strong muscle is a bigger muscle. This is especially true for a natural lifter. You must be constantly overloading the muscle to get it to adapt and grow. Going into the gym without a plan, only doing metcons and never getting stronger, is a waste of your hard work. If you are using performance-enhancing drugs, you might be able to get away with it. If you are a natural lifter, you must use training techniques scientifically proven to get you stronger and build muscle at the same time.


Add a day for dynamic effort training at least once a week.

These movements must be prioritized to the beginning of the training session. To reap the full benefits of this type of training you must be fresh and able to give 100% effort every rep.

