Heavy Metcon 21/9/16
Its all about the numbers..
Warm up like you mean it.
With a BB.
Muscle cleans x5
High clean pull x5
Power clean x5
Push press x5
Increase weight on the bar slowly until to a good weight then move to clean and press and build to a good heavy single approx. 70% 1rpm
Workout in pairs YGIG format
Power clean and press x1
Bike / rowing x2kcals
Power clean and press x2
Bike / rowing x4kcals
Power clean and press x3
Bike / rowing x6kcals
Contuntie to work up numbers format for 30mins
KB breathing 16mins
KB swing 30sec
Hold KB 30sec
KB squat 30sec
Hold KB 30sec
KB press 30sec
Hold KB 30sec
Kb thrusters 30sec
Hold KB 30sec