Movement variations/scales
Movement variations/scales
You will have noticed that within our programming we offer different exercise variations and we offer scales for some exercises, so why do we do this?
Movement variations
All exercises have variations – these can be as simple as a change in rep range, tempo, rest period, joint angle or the type of machine used. Being the interesting chaps we are we once listed 40 squat variations then we got bored. All these variations have a place and can be helpful to keep your body adapting and make working out a bit more interesting.
Scales of exercise
You can scale exercises back or forward to enable athletes at all levels to work on the same types of movement and progress safely and effectively through simple to more complex movements. Scaling in the wonderful world of CF is a hot topic. Some schools says do it RX’d or not at all and others say scale it back so you’re wrapped in a cotton wool bubble. The magic and progression has to be somewhere in the middle.
Scaling in WODs
The idea of scaling in WODs, apart from not breaking yourself, is to enable you to maintain a good pace. If you’re doing a 5 min WOD and spending 2 mins resting between each 3 reps because it’s so hard then the training effect may not be as anticipated. On the other hand, if you’re flying through with a scale that’s too easy, the same is true. Below we have listed some basic scales for key movements to help you in your progressions. Check it out, don’t be proud, gains and skills will be yours. There are – obviously – a lot more exercises and a lot more scaled movements you can practice – ask your coach if you’re after something specific.
Not convinced about the utility of scaling? Read this.
Press up
- Angled against wall
- Angled on 30inch box – 24 / 20
- P bar press ups
- Negatives – slow down
- Full press up
- Hand release press up
- Horizontal press up on rings
Box jump
- Step up down low box
- Low jump to plate step down
- Jump to low box step down
- Jump to box jump down
- Jump to high box and rebound back
Chest to bar pull up
- Ring rows
- Jumping pull up – negative
- Strict pull ups – controlled
- Kipping pull up
- Chest to bar pull up
- L sit chest to bar pull up
Toes to bar
- Tuck up
- V-up
- Knees above hips
- Toes above hips
- Knees to chest
- Knees to elbows
- Toes to bar
- Box – feet on floor
- Station / p-bars – eccentric
- Station / p-bars dip
- Rings – feet on floor
- Rings – eccentric
- Ring kipping dip
- Ring strict dip
OHS (over head squats)
- Goblet squats
- Back squat
- Front squats
- OHS with stick as form will allow
- OHS with bar
- OHS weighted
Deficit HSPU
- Handstand hold against the well, accumulate 15 to 20 seconds
- Pike press up
- Box pike press ups
- Ab – mat (reduced range of motion)
- Kipping HSPU
- Strict HSPU
- Deficit kipping HSPU (1.5 – 4.5″ deficit)
- Deficit strict HSPU (1.5 – 4.5″ deficit)
- Cossack squat
- Box step ups, 12 → 30” box
- Box step ups from side of the box, 12 → 30” box
- Pistol to a box, high → low
- Pistol w/ support (band or hold on to a rig)
- Pistol
GHD sit up
- GHD sit up hold @ parallel, accumulate 30 seconds
- GHD sit up to parallel
- GHD sit up
Ring muscle up
- Ring row + Ring dip (feet on ground) – 3 to 5 reps each
- Ring row + transition + ring dip (feet on ground) – 3 to 5 reps
- Jumping muscle up
- Eccentric Muscle ups
- Kipping muscle up
- Strict muscle up
Rope climb
- Seated rope pulls to standing
- Rope pull-ups (or towel pull ups), 2 – 3 x reps
- Rope climb ½ way up
- Legless rope climb ½ way up
- Rope climb w/ foot lock
- Legless rope climb up, w/ legs down
- Legless rope climb up + down
- Legless rope climb from seated
- L-sit legless rope climb
- Any of 5 to 7 above with a weighted vest